Muka orang muslims di sapu dengan bulu babi
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Originally posted by sherlyn at 2-10-2006 03:56 PM
Ever heard about this too.. so, kepada orang muslim especially ladies, be extra careful bila bercadang nak beli makeup brush..
I like to make my topic some extra ordinary like hot pepper so that members will find my topic something different from others.
btw, u been missing for long time. where hve u been? is that ur real pics in avatar?? |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2-10-2006 02:17 AM
bagi saya senang aja. pagi saya bangun ...terus mandi seluruh badan. lepas itu saya berdoa dan memberi pujian terhadap Tuah.
Mlm sebelum tidur, saya mandi lagi dan membaca Kitab Bible dan ...
Kami pun mandi gak pagi dan petang... namun mengambil wuduk ada keistimewaannya... semua anggota yang dibasuh adalah anggota aktif yang sentiasa bersentuh dengan kotoran... so sebab tu kita kena kerap membasuhnya... Macam yang awak cakap Tuhan bila nak jumpa nak jumpa nabi Musa dia nak Nabi Musa dalam keadaan bersih... so kami pun seperti yang awak cakapkan tu le... nak jumpa Tuhan kena le bersih... Saya gunakan ayat awak balik... so tak salahkan.... |
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T.8, wudhu' is not only about cleansing oneself. It's also about mentally preparing oneself for the solah. You don't just snap into the state of khusyu' in just a matter of second, there's so many goings on around you that you need some kind of 'warm up' period to help banish all the worldly thoughts and think about Allah...and in some ways, wudu' help you to achieve such state.
You can be clean and fresh after taking a shower, but nothing compares to the kind of mental readiness you're in after the ablution (after you've done the wudhu')...well that's how I feel anyway... |
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Originally posted by Truth.8 at 9/29/06 05:36
Lama juga saya mengetahui bahawa Berus Makeup (Makeup Brushes) yang di sapu di muka di perbuat dari bulu2 babi. Apa yg membuat saya mendedahkan hal ini sekarang? Sebab, hari ini saya menonton ranc ...
Hello Mr Truth
Dulu saya pernah tanya forumer perempuan di board Beauty & Fashion Tips macamana dia orang pilih brush makeup sebab dkt sini (tempat saya) memang dari bulu khinzir.
Tumpang lalu.
Kak Dar ni teringin juga nak beli brush ~ sebab dkt sini murah. Kalau beli dkt counter Lancome, satu brush utk muka hanya USD$30. Kalau pergi dkt walmart pulak ~ USD15-USD30 mcm mcm brush yang kita boleh beli. TAPI yang menjadi masalah buat kak DAR ialah, macamana nak tau brush tu bukan dari bulu khinzir? sebab rata rata brush yang kak Dar tengok ni datangnya dari CHINA. (Nak beli brush utk sapu kuih pun kak Dar takut - sanggup pakai brush plastik jer).
So pakar pakar .. any idea?
halamak.. ade jugak ke bulu mende tuh.. iskkk...
kalau kat sana tatau la mcm mana.. kalau kat sini, time beli elianto brush aritu, munie tanya brush ni pakai bulu apa, dorg jwb bulu haiwan la, tapi dorg ckp ada sijil pengesahan dr Jakim yg bulu tu halal.. Tapi munie tak mintak tgk lak sijil tu, sbb tak terpikir yg bulu tu leh dtg dr khinzir..
maybe ada cara tgk perbezaan antara brush bulu khinzir dgn bulu haiwan lain..
marilah kita sama2 selidiki.....
masa nak beli body shop nyr brush aritu..haz tanya dulu dari bulu aper...
sa tu cakap bukan dari bulu, it's synthetic...so selamat la..
memula was2 gak, kot2 derang guna bulu khinzir...kena samak lak muka kang..
elianto nye brush gune baby kuda nye bulu..ade die tampal kat situh.
nak tanya,saper pernah beli brush rom SaSa..aritu ada pegi n interested gak coz lembut n tak mahal sangat.diperbuat from bulu tupai n pony
Link: http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=210840
Abe Truth boleh lah berdakwah dkt cik adik cik adik manis di board makeup tu |
Originally posted by RedAlert at 3-10-2006 08:44 AM
T.8, wudhu' is not only about cleansing oneself. It's also about mentally preparing oneself for the solah. You don't just snap into the state of khusyu' in just a matter of second, there's so many goings on around you that you need some kind of 'warm up' period to help banish all the worldly thoughts and think about Allah...and in some ways, wudu' help you to achieve such state.
You can be clean and fresh after taking a shower, but nothing compares to the kind of mental readiness you're in after the ablution (after you've done the wudhu')...well that's how I feel anyway......
the end of the day, God see our heart and spritually connections with God & not so many repeating verses , moving finger up and down. |
Originally posted by DARSITA at 3-10-2006 09:10 AM
it's synthetic
beza bulu binatang dan synthetic amat lain. synthetic berkilau kalau pancaran lampu dan bulu binatang tidak.
satu cara lagi ialah bau. synthetic tidak bau tetapi bulu binatang ada bau sikit.
whatever it is, kalau dah bulu binatang samada dari babi atau binatang lain ....it consider like Caracas or bangkai. so it consider unclean to wear in our body nor touched it.
just like human wigs , it not supposed to wear it. |
the end of the day, God see our heart and spritually connections with God & not so many repeating verses , moving finger up and down.
Its obviuos that you reject Islam because you lazy to perform Solat.
You do not know about it, thus, you acting like you know. Its Pathetic! |
Originally posted by i212 at 3-10-2006 01:50 PM
Its obviuos that you reject Islam because you lazy to perform Solat.
You do not know about it, thus, you acting like you know. Its Pathetic!
do i hve to pray to God with vain repeating verses, moving head left and right like police traffic, bowing down like aladdin lamp and those things??
my prayer is simple, morning and at nite and with short prayer. |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 3-10-2006 01:24 PM
whatever it is, kalau dah bulu binatang samada dari babi atau binatang lain ....it consider like Caracas or bangkai. so it consider unclean to wear in our body nor touched it.
just like human wigs , it not supposed to wear it.
when you go out to see your clients, do you wear slipper ke kasut T8? Pakai kasut raba kah? LOL sebab you tak boleh pakai kasut kulit, haram! LOL |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2-10-2006 04:48 PM
I like to make my topic some extra ordinary like hot pepper so that members will find my topic something different from others.
btw, u been missing for long time. where hve u been? is that u ...
yeah.. been so busy with work lately.. |
Originally posted by sherlyn at 3-10-2006 04:47 PM
yeah.. been so busy with work lately..
Is that your pic btw?
- MENJ |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Originally posted by MENJ at 3-10-2006 05:55 PM
Is that your pic btw?
Looks like a teenager anyway.. |
Originally posted by samerosie at 3-10-2006 02:36 PM
when you go out to see your clients, do you wear slipper ke kasut T8? Pakai kasut raba kah? LOL sebab you tak boleh pakai kasut kulit, haram! LOL
i never wear anything that makes from dead animals skin or hair. snake skin. there many good quality shoes and most of it Jews made and believed they do not mix dead animals skin to make it like leather.
infact, i used to keep 'burung cenderawasih' bangkai but i already bury it becaue it against my teachings |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 3-10-2006 02:31 PM
do i hve to pray to God with vain repeating verses, moving head left and right like police traffic, bowing down like aladdin lamp and those things??
my prayer is simple, morning and at nit ...
Wow, by looking at the insults you've directed at another religion and also the level of intolerance you've shown towards people who don't share the same faith as you, I can see that you've been praying in vain. Your prayers have not made you become a better person T.8, well done... |
Originally posted by RedAlert at 3-10-2006 07:27 PM
Wow, by looking at the insults you've directed at another religion and also the level of intolerance you've shown towards people who don't share the same faith as you, I can see that you've been praying in vain. Your prayers have not made you become a better person T.8, well done...
i hve discuss this topic how to pray in earlier thread . Jesus told that dont be like hyporcrite when they pray repeat many verses, standing and etc |
Solat orang Islam adalah perlakuan bagi mengakui perakuan... Dengan perakuan... mudah... namun dengan perlakuan membukti kesungguhan bahawa dia lakukan ibadah itu hanya kerana Allah seperti yang Allah suruh. Itu lah perbezaan di antara orang Islam dengan orang bukan Islam. |
hmm, i donno that pig hair can be that long like the one on the brush. |
Originally posted by BeanDiesel at 4-10-2006 02:18 PM
hmm, i donno that pig hair can be that long like the one on the brush.
u can see the differences and the smell of it |
HOW LONG ACTUALLY PIG HAIR.? 1inch 2 inch? |
Originally posted by i212 at 4-10-2006 02:36 PM
u can go to any shop selling female accessoaries and see urself the brush make up |
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