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Author: Debmey

Is Islam Hijacked By Terrorists?

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Post time 2-5-2006 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Barney would love the 2nd choice "Islam is twisted by Osama..".  From here, he will say that God is weak because God allowed Osama to change His religion. For him, since religion is part of God, then allowing part of god to be changed means god is weak. This is the language you speak, right, Barney ?

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 2-5-2006 11:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 2-5-2006 10:49 AM

yep, the hoax is all out.

Do you still remember the father of the boy shouting at the camera to stop shooting? Its a hoax gone bad for muslim liars.

There is no reason  to stage a hoax of daily occurances..  


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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 2-5-2006 11:24 AM | Show all posts

"On Thursday, there was shelling when the Israelis came, then it got worse so we went down into the shelter. (...) We learned on Friday that there had been a massacre. I went to my neighbours

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Post time 2-5-2006 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 2-5-2006 10:51 AM
That is abunch of crap from you greekgod. What is your point? I know Muslims claim the 9/11 was stages by CIA. That is Islamic bull****. Muslims believe such crap not the brainy ones. Do you know h ...

You say that is a crap and later you ask what is my point...

is it really muslim's claim? read it by yourself... you are blinded by your hatred, and cannot see things as good as it can show you...

get the video, which produced by americans themselves.. and the evidences showed... then come here and say those are craps..

and for debmey, Osama has outsmart you, isnt he? so, debmey just admitted how fool and idiotic he is... very inspiring.

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Post time 2-5-2006 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KENNKID at 2-5-2006 11:24 AM

"On Thursday, there was shelling when the Israelis came, then it got worse so we went down into the shelter. (...) We learned on Fr ...

KK, these fella here not only naive, but also ignorant... ah forgot, one with too many superior gods while the other one only accept those inpired information from corrupted book.

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Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Post time 2-5-2006 11:38 AM | Show all posts, have all the infos on 9-11

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Post time 2-5-2006 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 2-5-2006 10:51 AM
That is abunch of crap from you greekgod. What is your point? I know Muslims claim the 9/11 was stages by CIA. That is Islamic bull****. Muslims believe such crap not the brainy ones. Do you know h ...

oi stupid u know the WTC was insured (billions of US$) before the 'attack'? & hell, that video was made by the Americans themselves...not by some Muslims....

[ Last edited by  maxomeara at 2-5-2006 12:26 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 2-5-2006 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Why would the Americans want to sabotage themselves? Why go thru all the trouble?

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Post time 2-5-2006 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 2-5-2006 12:56 PM
Why would the Americans want to sabotage themselves? Why go thru all the trouble?

very ignorant...

it is like asking, "why singapore has opposition party?".

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 2-5-2006 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by greekgod at 2-5-2006 01:01 PM

very ignorant...

it is like asking, "why singapore has opposition party?".

hihihi...very nice comment GG - I like that.. ;)

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Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Post time 2-5-2006 01:44 PM | Show all posts




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Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Post time 2-5-2006 01:51 PM | Show all posts
Extracted from


Due to the use of massive amount of uranium munitions used by the US forces in the initial bombing and subsequently, massive amount of congenital deformities occur all over Afghanistan. The rate of various cancers has gone up significantly. Leukemia and esophageal cancers are very high among children. According to doctors at maternity and children hospitals in Kabul, the rate of various congenital deformities have increased by many folds since the US invasion. In fact, the magnitude of man made isotopes was established by the Uranium Medical Research Center after their investigators made to trips to Afghanistan and collected urine and soil samples. They established that the rate of man made isotopes was gone up 2000 times in some subjects located near the bombed areas.
Since uranium used in the weapons have a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the US forces ensured that generations of Afghans suffer from cancers and deformities. This is certainly not development. In fact, it is the biggest crime ever committed by anyone in the history of humanity.

Rape and Murder by the US forces
In the Bagrami area of Kabul, the US forces assaulted a small enclave of nomads. The US forces flew over this enclave and saw nomad women near their tents. They landed their helicopter and kidnapped these women by gunpoint. Subsequently, the US soldiers flew away with these women to some location, where these women are gang-raped. After these women were raped and died in the process, the soldiers flew them back to the community from where they were kidnapped. However, this time the helicopter did not land, instead, the women were thrown down from the helicopter. This is not unique for the US forces since they committed similar crimes in Vietnam. American forces are too much of cowards to have landed because they knew they would be shot in revenge.
Another incident occurred when a US helicopter spotted an old shepherd grazing his animals. The shepherd was 70 years old but this did not appear to matter to the US forces. The helicopter landed and raped the old man. His relatives told me that on the one hand we are furious about the crime committed by these beasts, but on the other hand we are curious "what kind of rotten people Americans are."
In another incident, a truck driver was driving his truck north from the Kabul, passing the US base in Bagram when the US patrol stopped him. In the passenger seat of the truck a young boy was sitting. This young man wanted to learn driving a truck, but tragically for him, the Americans noticed him and asked him to step out. The young man stepped out and the soldiers took him away from the truck and gang raped him. When the boy returned to the truck, he was crying and furious. Later that day, he committed suicide. This is another gift of the US's democracy.
In the American military base Bagram, north of Kabul, 15 translators while working for the US forces were gang raped by the very forces for which they worked. Although I have no sympathy for those that work for the US forces, however, no one should be subjected to such extreme cruelty. One of the translators said,
"Around 25 to 30 American soldiers enter the area where we were sleeping and started raping us. I was conscious until to the third soldier started raping me and then lost consciousness." (Hamid-translator for the US forces, June 2005)
In Badakhshan province, the US soldiers had taken forty (40) women and extracted their teeth for oral sex. One member of the parliament, who is a close supporter of Karzai, said:
"The issue of these women treated in such a miserable way was about to get some publicity, however, the US officials made sure that this does not happen." (Parliament member--I can not reveal his name)
In another incident, the US forces were searching local houses between JalaAbad and Kabul, when they entered and tried to search the house, they came across the woman of the house, since she was very beautiful, the soldiers decided to take her to the US base. The husband was not at home. When he returned from Peshawar, he went to get his wife. He told his wife,
"To me you are now my mother and sister, I can not touch you any more, but tell me if they have violated your dignity? 'They raped me by force, I was conscious for the first three men, then lost consciousness'." (The husband whose name I can not reveal his name. He joined Taliban afterward and I do not blame him.)
A young man committed suicide in the Laic-e-Mariam in KairKhana area after the Americans in an NGO raped his sister.
These are some of the very few examples of the many crimes committed by the US forces in Afghanistan, but unfortunately, the coward officials of the puppet regime call it reconstruction. To add insult to injury, the two American soldiers, who murdered two detainees at Bagram airbase, received only 2 and 3 months in jail for crime ruled homicide by the US medical examiners. The two detainees were beaten at their legs while hanging from the ceiling until their legs "pulverized". The term "pulverized" was used by the medical examiner to articulate the magnitude of the fatal injury and the inhumane way of murdering. When one of the victims asked for water, the soldier poured water over his face; subsequently, the poor man died.

This is American reconstruction of Afghanistan.

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Post time 2-5-2006 06:31 PM | Show all posts
Don't you know your own history?Those were committed by the Christians Moranite and Phalangist militia allies to Israeli.

Israel never had control over Phalangists. Elie Hobeika, who commited that massacres swtitched to Syrian side and lived til death in Beirut together with Hizballah.

You can deny all you want but can you  disapproves it ?

Burden of proof is on you. There is no single evidence for that nonsense.

Yes you are right but where do you find children and babies inside military compound?IDF had killed thousand of innocents children in their own homes,if that not terrorism than what is it?

No IDF did not kill any thousand. 96% of killed Palestinians are males.

According to UN resolution Israel must withdraw further so what happens with the agreement?

No, resolution says that withrdawal is part of peace process, when Arabs should terminate all claims and recognize Israel. Israel offered fully independent state to Palestinians in 2000, but Palestinians refused and openeded war.

Now tell me which came first -'Terrorism' or Occupation?

Terror existed a long before any "occupation" ... upation%20-%20Major

According to a reliable source, on the day of 911 - no Jew was found in the buildings. Not a single Jew. ... ms/victims_list.htm

Plenty of Jewish names. For example last two names in list Zukelman and Zucker are Jewish.

how do you justify this? and what is the implication of it? when it comes to your act, you say not a terrorism, bla bla bla.. when the palestinean fight ON THEIR VERY own land, you mark them as terrorist.

Very simple: bombing of police station or military airfields is NOT terrorism. Bomibg of schoolbus or pizzeria IS terrorism.

1. The mass murder of refugees in the camp of Sabra and Shatilla
2. Rachel Corrie was bulldozed to death, just answer YES or NO.
3. Apartheid wall - build in the palestinean land, ah yes, the are just settler....

1. Was commited by Lebanese Arabs guided by Syrian agent Eli Hobeka.
2. This terrrosist supporter was pushed by her buddies on bulldozer.
3. There is no single international law, that forbids building defence lines. I think that we should not build wall but instead tranfer Arabs back to Arabia. They broke covenant with us twise in 1994 and 2000.

the Oslo Treatise for nothing... when Palestinean build an airport right after the treaties, what did israel did? they BOMB the airport... that what you call territories and autonomy?

In 1994 Israel gave to Palestinians authonomy: 85% of Gaza and 40% of West Bank. In return they started blowing buses (before 1994 there was not suicide terrorism). In 2000 when terror calmed down a bit, Israel offered them a state. In return Palestinians opened a war, killing over 1000 Israelis.

Concerning airport - they never had any airport. And dont list books that you have never read. ;)

all the best,

[ Last edited by  Nick_Perelman at 2-5-2006 06:59 PM ]

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Post time 3-5-2006 01:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pirate.pete at 2-5-2006 08:36 AM

With all due respect ma'am, but that is utter nonsense! If it was true, then its purely coincidence. Stop believing in conspiracy theories and fairy tales. It is time to face the reality. You d ...

Another Singaporean talking rubbih here

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Post time 3-5-2006 02:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #73 Nick_Perelman's post

For your most information, i work in the aviation industry, and when you say:

Concerning airport - they never had any airport. And dont list books that you have never read.

Ah.. You say that Palestine doesnt have their airport, let us study this..... and see what had Israel done to that airport?
(i think you deny this to cover up how violent israeli are)

Read the UN Resolution...

Source: ... 612610!OpenDocument


Montreal, 13 March 2002 - The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) today adopted a resolution strongly condemning the destruction of the Gaza International Airport and its air navigation facilities.

The issue had been referred to the ICAO Council by the High-level, Ministerial Conference on Aviation Security held at the Organization's Headquarters, 19 and 20 February 2002, on the basis of a paper presented by Arab States Members of the Arab Civil Aviation Commission.

Following is the full text of the Resolution:

The Council,
Having considered the fact that Gaza International Airport facilities were destroyed by Israeli military forces on 4 December 2001 and 10 January 2002 so as to render the airport inoperable;

Having noted the facts presented and the views expressed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority;

Noting that such action is a violation of the principles enshrined in the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention, 1944);

Noting that such action is contrary to the principles of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation (Montreal Convention, 1971) and the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, Supplementary thereto (Montreal Protocol, 1988), which consider that unlawful acts of violence jeopardizing the safety of airports disturb the safe and orderly conduct of civil aviation for all States;

Considering that the occurrence of such acts is a matter of grave concern to the international community;

1. Strongly condemns all acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation, wherever, by whomsoever and for whatever reasons they are perpetrated;
2. Strongly condemns the destruction of Gaza International Airport and its air navigation facilities;
3. Reaffirms the important role of the International Civil Aviation Organization to facilitate the resolution of questions which may arise between Contracting States in relation to matters affecting the safe and orderly operation of international civil aviation throughout the world;
4. Urges Israel to fully comply with the aims and objectives of the Chicago Convention;
5. Strongly urges Israel to take the necessary measures to restore Gaza International Airport so as to allow its reopening as soon as possible;
6. Requests the President of the Council to attend to the implementation of this Resolution, in particular its preceding Clauses 3, 4 and 5, and to secure the full cooperation of the parties with respect to the application of the Chicago Convention and of the above-mentioned principles; and
7. Requests the Secretary General to inform all 187 Contracting States of this Resolution.


So, wanna claim that your story is true again? Sorry about that....

And why I list those books? To confirm all my stories are FACTs not like yours, all are crap...

I have debunked, and give FACT, HARD FACT for almost of your argument and I SURRENDERED FACT, ENOUGH FACT AND PROOVE TO PROOF MY POINT OF CASE.

[ Last edited by  greekgod at 3-5-2006 03:01 AM ]

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Post time 3-5-2006 03:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nick_Perelman at 2-5-2006 06:31 PM

Israel never had control over Phalangists. Elie Hobeika, who commited that massacres swtitched to Syrian side and lived til death in Beirut together with Hizballah.


You guys are quick to cover it up after the assasination.How impressive !!  

Burden of proof is on you. There is no single evidence for that nonsense.

You are yet to disapproves it

No IDF did not kill any thousand. 96% of killed Palestinians are males.

That doesnt surprise me at all ,you guys are child killers.  :nana::nana:

No, resolution says that withrdawal is part of peace process, when Arabs should terminate all claims and recognize Israel. Israel offered fully independent state to Palestinians in 2000, but Palestinians refused and openeded war.

Offer independent state with Jerusalem becoming the Palestinian capital?You must be joking   :cak:

Very simple: bombing of police station or military airfields is NOT terrorism. Bomibg of schoolbus or pizzeria IS terrorism.

Yes you are right Israel bombing homes,school buses,ambulances,schools and i can name many more barbaric acts commited by Israel.Therefore i'm accusing Israel of being terrorsit state.

3. There is no single international law, that forbids building defence lines. .

The fences are fines but the routes are not therefor the fences are indeed illegal

I think that we should not build wall but instead tranfer Arabs back to Arabia. They broke covenant with us twise in 1994 and 2000

Great you shouldn;t forget that Arab Israel were also in Israel military,you guys are ungrateful to  those poor Arabs who have risk their lives protecting you peoples.

In 1994 Israel gave to Palestinians authonomy: 85% of Gaza and 40% of West Bank. In return they started blowing buses (before 1994 there was not suicide terrorism). In 2000 when terror calmed down a bit, Israel offered them a state. In return Palestinians opened a war, killing over 1000 Israelis.

This is from much respectable sources

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Post time 3-5-2006 04:09 AM | Show all posts

Reply #76 wira_melayu's post

wira, dont forget.. he also says that palestinean doesnt have airport, all the while they (israel) blew that airport to dust...

so, on that account - denying something that is so large to be closed by the onion peels - i dont think i would be able to trust into nick_perelman arguments again...

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Post time 3-5-2006 07:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wira_melayu at 3-5-2006 03:57 AM

You guys are quick to cover it up after the assasination.How impressive !!  

He lived 18 years in Syria controlleed Beirut, together with Hizballah. Why Syrians did not arrest him and did not put to trial duirng 18 years????? Why Hizballah did not demand his arrest and trial during all that time??? Instead they made him a MINISTER!!!

You are yet to disapproves it

Prove that you are not a gay.

That doesnt surprise me at all ,you guys are child killer ...  

If Israel was killing children it would be 50/50. But in fact 96% og killed are males.

Offer independent state with Jerusalem becoming the Palestinian capital?

Yes. Israel offered it. But they opened a war. Reason is simple: Palestinians dont want a state, they want eternal fight to suck money from oil countries and EU.

Yes you are right Israel bombing homes,school buses,ambulances,schools and i can name many more barbaric acts commited by Israel.Therefore i'm accusing Israel of being terrorsit state.

Israel did not bomb any buses and schools. Hundreds of people were killed in Israeli buses during the intifada, no single was killed in Palestinian. Hundreds were killed in Israeli cafees and restouyrants, no single was killed in Palestinian.

The fences are fines but the routes are not therefor the fences are indeed illegal

Bring quote from the international law that forbids building fences.

Great you shouldn;t forget that Arab Israel were also in Israel military,you guys are ungrateful to  those poor Arabs who have risk their lives protecting you peoples.

I'm talking about Palestinian Arabs, not Israeli Arabs.

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2006 08:40 AM | Show all posts
From the exchanges on this thread, I see two things.

1. muslims go into denial and bigotry over muslim terrorism

2. muslim endorsing and defending muslim terrorists

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 3-5-2006 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 3-5-2006 08:40 AM
From the exchanges on this thread, I see two things.

1. muslims go into denial and bigotry over muslim terrorism

2. muslim endorsing and defending muslim terrorists

Terrorism is just a convenient term used by Israel and the west for any form of militancy that is not in their favour. The Russian (Soviet) and Chinese were at one time considered as the world's biggest terrorists when they were not friends of the west. Try calling Putin a terrorist or a decendant or protege of terrorism now and see...

[ Last edited by  KENNKID at 3-5-2006 08:52 AM ]

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