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Author: intan

Antara Mimpi dan Realiti + dejavu (merged with wisteria)

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Post time 12-10-2006 01:49 PM | Show all posts
from Wiki...

A dream is the experience of envisioned images, voices, or other sensations during sleep. Dreams often portray events which are impossible or unlikely in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer, (although some people have reported lucid dreaming, breaking the suspension of disbelief and realizing they are dreaming梑eing sometimes even capable of changing the oneiric reality around them and controlling various aspects of the dream). Many people report experiencing strong emotions while dreaming, and frightening or upsetting dreams are referred to as nightmares. The scientific discipline of dream research is oneirology.

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Post time 17-10-2006 10:34 PM | Show all posts
Sebenarnya aku dah lama tak baca thread ni tapi sebab ada poster pm aku tanya pasal LD jadi aku nak masukkan sikit apa yang aku tulis tu kat sini.

LD ada dua jenis, satu kita kawal perjalan mimpi tu, satu lagi kita sedar kita bermimpi tapi kita tak buat apa2 utk kawal mimpi kita.

Petua dia dalam kehidupan seharian kita kena sentiasa dalam keadaan betul2 sedar. bnyak orang pergi kerja, balik kerja, semua benda dia buat dalam keadaan separa automatik ( atau separa tidur ). Kita nak supaya setiap benda yang kita lakukan samaada dari sekecil2 perbuatan seperti memulas tombol pintu, meletakkan kunci di atas meja ataupun melakukan "presentation" yang penting di depan "client" semuanya dilakukan dalam keadaan yang sangat sedar ( atau "ultra alert" ).

Nanti kesedaran yang optimum tu akan teralih ke alam mimpi. Barulah kita boleh mengawal mimpi kita.

ironinya kalau nak sedar dalam keadaan bermimpi pertama sekali kena betul2 "bangun tidur" dalam kehidupan seharian. Sebab tu orang yang sentiasa hanyut, jalan pun asyik jatuh longkang, kuat berkhayal susah nak alami LD ni.

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Post time 17-10-2006 10:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #62 Agul's post

Nice info Agul. I wanted to ask you about your LD experience and it's nice that you share it with us here.

I will try to be ultra alert after this. Hehe..

Many thanks!

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2006 08:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 17-10-2006 10:34 PM
Sebenarnya aku dah lama tak baca thread ni tapi sebab ada poster pm aku tanya pasal LD jadi aku nak masukkan sikit apa yang aku tulis tu kat sini.

Thanks agul.
bagus info nih
rasa macam nak try lah juga

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Post time 20-11-2006 11:44 AM | Show all posts

deja vu

salam .. i don't know if this topic pernah dibincangkan di sini or not ... just nak ajak u ols discuss kat sini about de javu .. the scientific view of it .. is it happens dari feeeling atau thinking?  or is it satu phenomenon or what .. lets!

i start with something i carik kat wikipedia la eh????

For other uses, see D?? vu (disambiguation).
The term "d?? vu" (French for "already seen", also called paramnesia) describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously. The term was created by a French psychic researcher, ?ile Boirac (1851?1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques (The Future of Psychic Sciences), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate French concentrator at the University of Chicago. The experience of d?? vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eerieness", "strangeness", or "weirdness". The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience "genuinely happened" in the past.

The experience of d?? vu seems to be very common; in formal studies 70% or more of the population report having experienced it at least once. References to the experience of d?? vu are also found in literature of the past, indicating it is not a new phenomenon. While it has been extremely difficult to invoke the d?? vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies, recently researchers have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis.[1]

atau dengan kata lain ..deja vu adalah satu kilasan/keadaan di mana kita akan merasakan sesuatu peristiwa itu pernah kita lalui sebelumnya ...

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Post time 22-11-2006 08:09 AM | Show all posts
wisteria...ur thread is merged here...

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Post time 22-11-2006 09:03 AM | Show all posts
thanx seribulan ...

but just nak share this one ... i selalu mimpi about this one town .. beberapa kali .. masa tu i dalam my teen years la .. sekolah menengah gitu but since i went to the town beberapa kali dalam mimpi (beberapa mimpi yg berlainan) so i remember that town very well .. the layouts , the atmosphere n what not ... n recently .. i went to that town .. it is in bangsar ...

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Post time 25-11-2006 10:23 PM | Show all posts
i believe that  reality is the product of a human's mind. And the mind is always under the influence of a human's emotion. And the most important of emotion is called desire.

A desire could be weak or it could be strong. A strong desire is much like a laser beam, all energy is being concentrated into single powerful beam. A focus (concentrated effort) will eventually bring forth a reality (manifestation).

But desire alone is aint enough, we need ability.Willingness and ability construed as demand in economic's state of affairs.

Any strong desire that has been influencing human's mind will manifest its reality in the form of dream (in the beginning), this is particular ture when we take a peek into the world of children.

A strong desire is the first step in bringing forth any reality or dream into any human life dramas. It would be wise for us to fully understand what constitute 'a strong desire' in our state of consciousness.

Usually most of us, while in the state of joy over our 'success' in any undertaking will invariably uttered 'It is like a dream, I never think of it, I never expected to reach up to this point' , while we are in a state of euphoria. It merely meant that our focus in life has been denying outside influences while we unconsciously ( a trained state of consciousness , compared to untrained state of consciousness that possesd by children)  programming ourselves to success.

Each of us is programmed into success, that is why Mr Edward De Bono said 'every human bein is a genius'. It means  the POTENTIAL. It is our mind that brings fortune or misfortune into our life, initiated by strong desire.

I think, therefore I am.

Borrowing from that classic term, I think therefore I dream.

Desire is the unconscious form of thinking, compared say to planning of which is the conscious form of thinking.

Every second in human life there is a thinking process happening and it could be either conscious or unconscious. The same principle applied to that in every human life there could be a possibility or impossibility as to reality or dream, success or failiure.



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Post time 7-12-2006 10:53 AM | Show all posts
ermm.. ikut teori carl jung

mimpi nih pemikiran bawah sedar

dlm mimpi, apa2 yg kita angan2kan kenkadang menjadi sedangkan dlm keadaan realiti belum tentu jadi :cak:
lagi satu, opah sara kata, makna mimpi selalunya terbalik
katakan le kita kaya dlm mimpi... makna sebaliknya ???? :cak:

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Post time 9-12-2006 03:50 AM | Show all posts
ni xperience aku....baru je ari tu....

mlm tu aku mimpi lecturer aku bg suruh wat projek....
aku ingat sgt semua benda dlm mimpi.dr masa dia umumkan dlm kelas...masa dia pass paper tajuk projek....dan bila dia ckp "sori la sy lambat bg projek nie. baru siapkan mlm td"...dlm mimpi tu aku t'kejut abis la....subjek2 lain semua dah abis cuma tinggal nak present je lg...pastu dia bg keja dekat2 final...

bila aku dah bgn tido t'pikir jgk. tp aku anggap mimpi je. lgpun takde apa2 yg leh wat aku ingat kat kelas dia sampai t'mimpi-mimpi tu. kebetulan pagi tu kelas 1st kelas dia. masa gi kelas siap gelak2 dgn kwn crita pasal mimpi tu. tp aku tak sangka semua yg aku mimpi tu betul2 jadi kenyataan dlm kelas ari tu. sebijik! cuma takde dialog dia yg kat atas tu je lah. apa yg dia ckp lain2 dlmn kelas tu semua sama.

aku mmg seram abis masa mula2 sedar semua tu. yelah, baru je bgn tido dr mimpi yg sama. siap cubit sendiri nak check mimpi ke realiti...
sampai ari ni aku takleh lupa....

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Post time 9-12-2006 01:47 PM | Show all posts
deja vu tak semestinya based on mimpi
bende tu memang betul betul jadi sebelum ni

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Post time 25-12-2006 01:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MACD at 29-9-2006 09:07

Apa yg saya baca ialah mengingati mimpi kita adalah syarat penting utk mencapai lucid dream.

Lucid dream ni adalah satu state di mana u sedar bahawa u sedang bermimpi. Jadi dalam mimpi tu u be ...

mimpi dlm sdar..ina pernah jugak control bila dah bangun tido..dah tak boleh ingat langsung..knp yer?
confius jugak...spatutnya bila dah handle sesuatu mimpi tuh..kita berkeupayaan utk tau...

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Post time 25-12-2006 01:10 AM | Show all posts
skang ina cm sdar biler ina akan ingat mimpi..bila nak mandi..masuk toilet..ataupon tgh mandi..timetuh..apa yg mimpi smlm..akan kluar cm screen tv..terkaku kejap..ader jugak pas bangun terus ingat..
ina still ingat conversation lam mimpi tuh..sungguh utk kaitkn di dunia realiti blum boleh..mungkin akan terjadi..mungkin tidak..terserah takdir..

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Post time 27-12-2006 07:05 PM | Show all posts
mmmmm selalu nye aku xpasti la cane tp yg aku tau kalo aku mimpi kadang memg mende tu jadi blk kt aku secara realiti...bile aku kene cam tu aku slalu tnye...aku cam penah lalui tp kt mane ek? itu la persoalan yg selalu bermain kt minda aku at last br aku sedar aku penah mimpi...

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