MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted
Hey, there's a filmmaking seminar on this year's June
It's called 'Action Cut Film Seminar'
To be held at Sunway University College from 15 to 17 July...
More details here...
The price is about RM 2200 - RM1250
And ages above 18 years old...
I cannot go is because I'm still under the age and I don't have enough money to spend on it.
If you guys got a chance to go, sharelah experience -nyo |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted
Originally posted by cocklea at 2/6/2005 08:26 PM:
i read that one too. He said "When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, 'no, I went to films.'" - IMDB. Tular, film school nih mengarut2 betul fees dia. Tisch at NYU USD25k ...

AHA, That's the exact lines that Tarantino said -nyo! |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

Anyway, I did try learning by films...
I've been watching films here and there, from Era's 1920's till now...
Still searching more for more experience...
Collecting movies the illegal way (Download them), There's no way I could afford the legal way (Buying Original Ma...) |
that because he's Tarantino, he's genius so he can adapt style from the films he watched into his films..
movie is the end product of's not an easy task to put your story into a film..i want to learn that process formally...
tarantino and rodriguez are just one of the lucky bunch, even they're learn about the proper way of filmmaking after they hit the hollywood.. |
aku ingat lagi time post script kat satu filmmaking board...kene gelak tak hengat nyer sebab tak ikut format scriptwriting...diaorg suruh aku re-write balik ikut format..
terpaksa la belajar camane nak tulis script ikut format...submit...kene gelak lagi sebab screenplay macam buku text..diaorg suruh simplified kan...belajar balik camne nak tulis screenplay...
so kesimpulannya..nak buat film takleh ikut feel sgt...kene ade step by step procedure gak...script satu hal, lepas tu nak kene buat treatment lagi...macam2 beb..aku pun pening |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted
Originally posted by king_kong at 2/6/2005 09:29 PM:
aku ingat lagi time post script kat satu filmmaking board...kene gelak tak hengat nyer sebab tak ikut format scriptwriting...diaorg suruh aku re-write balik ikut format..
terpaksa la belajar cam ...

Well did you, write in dialogue format or different than they expect -nyo? |
aku ada satu script nih, aku tulis baru2 nih. Ni kira script aku yg pertama lah nih, echeh. Nih aku post kat sini, kasi korang tengok, kasi comment lah. Citer mengerapu jer, saje2 tulis. Memula aku ingat nak submit ni ke Shortcut competition tuh, tapi takut lar Amir Muhammad gelak guling2 baca (bukan sebab bagus, tapi sebab teruk giler), baik takyah. Yelar, kita tak tau expectation org camne tul tak. Script nih 7 pages jer, kira cam short. Korang jangan lah kutuk lelebih ye:
p/s: script ni dalam PDF format. |
buat ikut sukati aku...ngan script macam cerpen..takde head master scene, external master scene pun takde,...term ikut suka aku jer...dialog tak center..macam2 laa... |
Originally posted by cocklea at 2005-6-2 09:36 PM:
aku ada satu script nih, aku tulis baru2 nih. Ni kira script aku yg pertama lah nih, echeh. Nih aku post kat sini, kasi korang tengok, kasi comment lah. Citer mengerapu jer, saje2 tulis. Memula aku ...
aku ade bukak thread screenwriting ngan scriptwriting kat board Writer's room tapi takde sambutan..just aku ngan mogi2 jer...sedih...hehe...but aku try bace...aku pun ade a few scripts dalam collection aku |
lor ye ker, jap aku check out. M'sia memerlukan budding filmmaker cam kiter ni (cheh, perasannyer). Kalo tak mangkok yg bergelar Professor tuh menambah rosakkan industry perfileman malaysia. |
ko check la kat page belakang2...agak dah lama tak update..last sekali aku ngan mogi2 pi buat script star wars version sendiri hehehehehe |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted
Originally posted by cocklea at 2/6/2005 09:36 PM:
aku ada satu script nih, aku tulis baru2 nih. Ni kira script aku yg pertama lah nih, echeh. Nih aku post kat sini, kasi korang tengok, kasi comment lah. Citer mengerapu jer, saje2 tulis. Memula aku ...

I've read your script, here's my review...
The format is correct and good...
You managed to create good sense of dialogue, I sense quotable ones...
The flow of the story isn't good enough...
I like the potrayal of the main character but I don't like how others are potrayed and the ending goes...
Anyway, your script is quite good but may not enough the give the 'UMPH' like I expect.... |
aku tak baca lagi, nanti2 la aku baca..takpe cocklea..first script aku lagi macam sial... |
Originally posted by MogiMogiMonster at 2-6-2005 09:56 PM:

I've read your script, here's my review...
The format is correct and good...
You managed to create good sense of dialogue, I sense quotable ones...
Th ...
TQ for the comment. Memang aku pon tak puas hati gak ngan script tu. Thinking bout repairing it later, especially the part when Sin Ting storm out the airplane cockpit and the carpark, a little bit too sudden IMHO. Maybe i shouldve add something there. And i shouldve open more story on the side characters. |
hi cocklea, aku dah baca skrip ko tuh, frankly speaking, it got too many plot holes, karekter sin ting tak berkembang, readers tak tau whether he's a chinese or other race(since his parent were referred to as mr. and mrs fellows)..lepas tu ko biar audien tertanye2...what's sin ting deal with psp tu?..kenapa he's so connected to that psp?..must be something right?...the story got good surprise element coz when i read it i always wanna know why sin ting so attached to his psp...its like ade something at that psp...but in the end u let readers tertanya2..that's not good...anyway..its a good story and can be better if u modified it a little...:bgrin: |
Hye Cocklea....anta skrip kat email si AMir la....boleh dia komen skalik.....jgn risau nyer....Amir ni cool perabis orgnya.......
anyway seronok tahu ada segelintir yg menghargai rancangan mcm shortcut nie....ramai2 yg ada ASTRO hanya nak tengok program realiti hiburan semata2.......
Bukanke kita dah gantung thread ni sejak awal lagi....camna ko leh missed hantar skrip tu mogi ?
n goodluck utk King Kong...... |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

I accidently miss sending or I intentionally not to send the script -nyo... |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

Saya tengah siapkan scipt dua tiga dalam komputer, tiuba-tiba komputer terstuck, gua restart...
LEPAS TU, lupa nak save! HABIS typing-yping yang dibuat semalam -nyo |
Originally posted by king_kong at 3-6-2005 06:10 PM:
hi cocklea, aku dah baca skrip ko tuh, frankly speaking, it got too many plot holes, karekter sin ting tak berkembang, readers tak tau whether he's a chinese or other race(since his parent were ref ...
Thanx for the input. Memang ala2 rushed gitu aku nyer script tuh rasanyer. Yelah, 7 pages, first plak buat. Tu story merapu2. Nak repair banyak jugak tempat tuh. Anyway, aku skang dah halfway thru "Accidentally In Love". Syiok jugak menulis nih, kalo idea tuh tengah mencurah, nak stop tu rasa rugi sangat. Aku skarang dalam proses yg boleh dikata "draft" lah kot, untuk aku nyer next project (rasa cam screenwirter professional plak aku nih :bgrin yg bertajuk Love, Power, Massacre. Aku tanak spoil dulu lah storyline dia, tapi ala2 penuh dengan kisah cinta terlarang dan ada bunuh2, hehehehe.
GAIA, thanx for the sokongan moral. Memang teringin nak send kat dia, aku repair dulu. Harap2 dia cool lar. Ko penah jumpa dia kan? |
Originally posted by cocklea at 5-6-2005 17:58:
GAIA, thanx for the sokongan moral. Memang teringin nak send kat dia, aku repair dulu. Harap2 dia cool lar. Ko penah jumpa dia kan? ...
adalah 2 kali...kali kedua sembang2 sambil makan kat mamaks.....Ok apa dia ni.....selamba dan kelakar.........dan nampak cam ramai gak muda-mudi yg buat shorts member ngan dia.....boleh blaja-blaja skit.....ko ada email dia ? boleh terus hantar script kat situ...... |
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