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Author: Sephiroth

Sephiroth's Little Corner ... 3rd one.

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Post time 23-11-2008 06:47 PM | Show all posts

hello all

nothing to say

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 Author| Post time 26-11-2008 08:42 AM | Show all posts
If you have nothing to say, then say nothing.

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Post time 30-11-2008 11:20 PM | Show all posts



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Post time 13-12-2008 07:44 PM | Show all posts

hello all

just looking around

dont have time yet

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 Author| Post time 15-12-2008 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Sunday, 14-12-2008

Went to watch "The Day the Earth Stood Still". I could probably be the only person in this forum to ever watch the original 1950 cult movie - "The Day the Earth Stood Still" back in the time when the movie was still black and white and the actresses didn't have to strip or do sex scenes to boost their ratings.

Well, the new movie does follow some of the original concept - Klaatu's name is still the same, so is the GORT (the giant robot). Even the shape of the robot is still same, except it look more "human-like" than the pervious robot. The ship changed though - from a flying saucer type to a sphere. I was expecting eyes to pop out somewhere but none there. But overall, it is a sweet reminder of the original movie. The special effects are to boost the movie, while in the original movie, there was very little special effect (only when comes to the robot) and it was more like a "drama-like" movie than a sci-fi.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the movie ... it is a good movie to watch, a reminder on how actions as a single species (human) is affecting the World and how, as an intelligence being, humans should take responsible and maturity to amend their ways.

PS : To all Aliens out there ... Don't land in US, they could shoot first and ask questions later.

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Post time 15-12-2008 06:51 PM | Show all posts
I watched Bolt ... the cartoon

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Post time 18-12-2008 03:49 AM | Show all posts
got meeting in kelang.... 15 till 19

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 Author| Post time 18-12-2008 09:23 AM | Show all posts
Go and watch "The Day the Earth Stood Still" - it is a good reminder how our actions is effecting the Planet, its diverse species and our own future.

Besides, you're too old to be watching cartoons.

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Post time 22-12-2008 03:03 AM | Show all posts
sometimes good cartoons r better 2 watch than rubbish films

i'll try 2 watch it on tuesday... maybe at klcc

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2008 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by <i>fleurzsa</i> at 22-12-2008 03:03 AM <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
sometimes good cartoons r better 2 watch than rubbish films<br />
<br />
i'll try 2 watch it on tuesday... maybe at klcc
<br />

"The Day the Earth Stood Still" is NOT a garbage movie.

It serves as a warning to Humans that their destructive ways WILL bring forth destructions on their own heads. Anyone who cannot see that, or refuse to see that are indeed blind and deserves no salvation.

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2008 08:27 AM | Show all posts
Currently - entertaining Sudirman's songs.   

It have been almost 15 years now since his untimely death ... his songs still so beautiful. Listening to :

1. Terasing
2. Aku penganggur
3. Malam ini
4. Bercanda di Persisiran pantai
5. Milik siapakah Gadis ini? (My personal favorite ... I think he may have wrote it for me ... )
6. Nilai Cintamu
7. Salam terakhir
8. Seri Langkat
9. Tak perlu diucapkan.

Most of this songs have special place in my heart. I think it is because Sudirman (like the late P. Ramlee) uses simple Bahasa Malaysia, imply best music to strenghten those words and thrust it right into the hearts of the listeners.

If people sit down and listen to his songs (like I always do), they will know that many of this songs revolves around incidents in daily life or in a person's life. Like Love, Separation, Hoping, Frustrations and such.

His songs are beautiful and I could always remember his smiling face.

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Post time 23-12-2008 03:23 PM | Show all posts
cannot watch it today... have 2 finish some works..

actually I never missed 2 watch keanu reeves

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Post time 23-12-2008 03:52 PM | Show all posts

Balas #751 Sephiroth\ catat

im thinking the same

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Post time 3-1-2009 12:49 AM | Show all posts
Already watched the film "The Day the Earth Stood Still". Good film n moral values... Reeves never disappointed me...


Watch The Spirit when u have time... I like the dialogues then...

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2009 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Watched "The Spirit" ... not bad. More toward Comic-style than a normal movie. Like Sin City and 300.

Anyway ... last week, I was driving to Sentosa, Klang to attend a funeral when I passed by Bukit Badak and came across this interesting signboard by the roadside. It stated "Thank you to the Government for reducing the Petrol Price" and I was like ...   "Why people are so stupid?"

What people don't understand is that ... it wasn't the Government which reduced the Oil price but they merely following the trend in the oil market. If they did not reduce the price when the World market price have been reduced, the people will get upset and they will question the Government over the profits. Furthermore, there are other companies like MOBIL, SHELL and such which will reduce the price if the World price reduced. So ... the Government have nothing to be thanked for.

Furthermore, I couldn't help wondering how many people - educated in modern educations could actually know this simple fact - that the World Oil Price changes according to the usage of individuals.

When the price kept increasing, it was because the people refused to change their ways. They still use cars and other vehicles despite of the high petrol price. But when it comes to a certain line where the money going out (for oil) was more than the benefict, the people were forced to change their ways. They started to use public transports, LRT and KTM commuter trains and some even car-pool. When this happens, the demand of the oil begins to reduce. And when demand reduced, so did the price.

Last week (end of December, 2008), there was an increasing in oil price a bit because people begins to use cars more often. And since the usages increase again, so will the demand and the price that follows.

So, bottomline here is - WE (the People) who determine the price of the oil. Which means, by making certain sacrifices in theway we live, we can all maintain the price of oil in a certain level. For example, I'm going to commute to work 5 days a week and use the car only on weekends. That way, I will reduce the usage of oil by at least half. You can do the similar methods yourself and keep the oil price check.

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Post time 6-1-2009 03:49 AM | Show all posts

Balas #755 Sephiroth\ catat

I dont think its stupid signboard...

Shell or other petrol station would not reduced the price without government notice

but they would increase the price without government notice

yup, I think people should have deep thinking how 2 prevent using unnecessary power or moneys

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2009 11:38 AM | Show all posts
It is stupid signboard. It shows that the people does not know, or lack of proper understanding in power of consumers and how consumers can shape the market.

The Government cannot do crap for the people when it comes on reducing the Oil price. The people expecting the Government to do something shows that the people here (especially in Malaysia) are too lazy to act on their own. They are educated in modern educations BUT they are too lazy to take actions which could decide how the situations around them work out for them.

Like I said, if one person starts to reduce his or her traveling trips to safe money used for oil, he or she can then influence a dozen others to do the same. Those dozens can influence thousand others to do the same and this could continue till the price will drop due to lack of demands. But what happening here is the opposite. People, especially those rich fellows expect the poor fellows to change their ways because the rich fellows still afford to drive in Limosines (and whine how they paying so much for fuel).

By right, if the politicians start to use public buses, taxis, LRT or Komuter or carpool among themselves, do you really think that could not take notice among the regular people to follow the suit? Those who calls themselves Leaders MUST take actions to change their own ways first before they could expect others to change. Something B.N incapable of doing, I know but let not get into that now.

Bottomline here is ... To make changes to happen, it is we (the people) who must make it happen first.

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Post time 9-1-2009 04:08 PM | Show all posts

hello all

I just back home from camping n realised I already not Hinduisme moderator anymore..

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 Author| Post time 14-1-2009 09:13 AM | Show all posts
For what purpose did you come here?

If you come as a Moderator, your duty is over and you may leave.

If you come as a friend, I don't see why you shouldn't continue to post here.

If you come as an enemy, I'm yet to be defeat by you.

So, whatever the purpose you may have for coming here, the choice is still yours. I could entertain you in any way you come.

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Post time 25-1-2009 04:59 PM | Show all posts
Back from second camping yesterday...

Maybe I came 2 this board before u did, sheph... years ago

So, dont tell me what 2 do or not 2 do here

A few weeks ago I show this board 2 an India friend.  I dont know if he interested or not...

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