[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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Post time 5-8-2021 05:46 PM
From the mobile phone
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belilies replied at 5-8-2021 12:33 AM
Mesti mekgan happy tengok PC addressed her as duchess!
Hamboihhh ... Birthday dia kaaa ..
Pelik tau .. dia dok hibernate x kuar2 .. ...muehehe |

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Post time 5-8-2021 06:19 PM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 5-8-2021 06:32 AM
Meghan muncul semula sempena her 40th birthday...
yiiiiiiiihhh meluat tgk, dan si Harry tu dah ke ...
Amende la dua ekor ni .....dah macam monyet kena belacan ....
Pesen apa la depa pakai ni ...x nampak royale lgsg |
Serial photoshopper! 
Edited by snazzydaisy at 7-8-2021 07:10 PM
yupp, they were definitely mocking someone...
A princess & a butterfly... 
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I rasa desas desus ttg their living arrangement tu betul lah... kenapa utk setiap zoom call, they always use the living room & mostly at the same spot kat depan fireplace yg kotor tak bercuci tu, sanggup move the furnitures sana sini. Montecito mansion tu ada room yg dah converted into office, kenapa tak guna aje space yg dah available tu.
The most ridiculous part was... Meghan using a DINING TABLE as her work desk in a LIVING ROOM!!! Tak ke bodoh namanya... 
Entah2 mmg betul diaorg tak duduk kat mansion tu, sewa living room tu bila perlu aje... paling tidak pun, diaorg duduk kat property tu but in the guest house, not in the main house... based on perangai Meghan yg suka menunjuk tu, kalau betul laa dia tinggal kat huge mansion, mesti dia dah decorate gila2 dan jemput Architectural Digest utk show-off mcm other Hollywood celebrities kan.
I rasa Meghan nak tiru the Kardashians but failed miserably... 
snazzydaisy replied at 7-8-2021 07:28 PM
I rasa desas desus ttg their living arrangement tu betul lah... kenapa utk setiap zoom call, they ...
Iols imejin hari kejadian mekgan buat iv ngan melissa tu si harry tu temankan sambil tunggu masa habis.. sambil tunggu tu main juggle dah tahap bosan dan takde function langsung! Harry ni pemalas, tu yg enjoice ikut kata mekgan. Yg mekgan freeride duchess of suxx ke sana ke mari evenmore than kate. Kate alone pun ppl still recognize her unlike si despret duchess tu |
adelea replied at 5-8-2021 05:46 PM
Hamboihhh ... Birthday dia kaaa ..
Pelik tau .. dia dok hibernate x kuar2 .. ...muehehe
Iols harap these wishes are just jabs to her before the big reveal - kalo betullah deyols nak londeh si mekgan tu. Gitoh iols berangan. Sheols kan despret sgt dipanggil duchess - more than harry guna title tu tau, perasan tak??? (Marah kejap iols hahahah)
Still wishing they are making fun of her before stripping off the title. Off with her head! Opps title! |
snazzydaisy replied at 7-8-2021 07:15 PM
A princess & a butterfly...
Cute nyaa Lottie.. mcm Prince William laaa |
snazzydaisy replied at 7-8-2021 07:28 PM
I rasa desas desus ttg their living arrangement tu betul lah... kenapa utk setiap zoom call, they ...
Tp Harry tahan tol dgn Megot kn? Ikot je telunjuk bini dia.. suami mithali gittew |
BRF agaknye kalo bertindak terus diam forever..x leh bgn bgn... By history tgk la royal deal with those yg akan gugat throne... Gila kan.. |
This is truly Meghan Markle! 
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Lady C patut spill de tea aje, Andy is evil! 
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Baby Betty ni lebih rare drpd any other rare species... 
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At least they tried... 
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