[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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Duchess of Plagiarism strikes again!!!
Kali ni Smeg tiru Nelson Mandela's birthday initiative pulak... ZERO originality! 
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snazzydaisy replied at 5-8-2021 06:39 AM
Duchess of Plagiarism strikes again!!!
Kali ni Smeg tiru Nelson Mandela's birthday initiative pul ...
She is merchandizing ! |
snazzydaisy replied at 5-8-2021 06:47 AM
Meghan Markle on her 40th birthday, looking pretty as ever!
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Buku apa tu stack bebanyak??? Buku2 sheols yg tak terjual ke? Trying too hard sangat |
snazzydaisy replied at 5-8-2021 07:03 AM
Charles & Willam should have posted this instead... #justsaying
The royals are such a dissapointment at this moment. Can’t bear to pity them anymore. Both wales & cambridge pairs greeting her duch of sux is just to much, unless its a beginning to a bigger something |
Told ya! 
Buku2 sheols The Bench tu laaa, kantoi beli buku sendiri... 
ada byk stylish laptop holders yg available in de market, kenapa nak guna buku? Weird gila! 
yg kelakar, kenapa letak selimut Hermes tu kat situ? It doesn't need to be there, shallow merching, ketandusan idea kah? 
snazzydaisy replied at 5-8-2021 07:42 AM
yg kelakar, kenapa letak selimut Hermes tu kat situ? It doesn't need to be there, shallow merching ...
Yg iols perasan sblom ni sll sheols pakai necklace. Ni dah upgrade gi hermes. Sunshine sachs mmg ambik untung kat mekgan ni. Lubok duit! |
I dont trust the BRF anymore, diaorg lebih pentingkan good optic, their own wealth and their NWO agendas...
sampai AJM kita takkan tahu ttg the real truths about Archie & Lili, Meghan & Harry terus lepas bebas utk cerca BRF and they will (still) do nothing about it... if something goes wrong, their PR machine akan push William/Kate/Sophie/Edward out to do damage control, makin lama makin obvious kan!
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dia tak nampak bloated this time if compared to masa lepas bersalin Archie
SedihPedih replied at 5-8-2021 08:24 AM
dia tak nampak bloated this time if compared to masa lepas bersalin Archie
Pipi Smeg tu overfilled, muka dia nampak mcm hamster dah, lama2 nanti jadi mcm muka Chrissy Teigen.
Who wears wife-beater tank top with suede heels??? Mengarut je Smeg nye fashion sense 
And sheols braless kan? |
snazzydaisy replied at 5-8-2021 07:49 AM
I dont trust the BRF anymore, diaorg lebih pentingkan good optic, their own wealth and their NWO a ...
Obviously! Tak heran someday iols tersapot h&m since they are doing nothing, only hushes here and there suh org tepis h&m. Or perhaps its bcos they have no choice but to jump in the wagon sbb dah terlanjur recognize dedek kwaci tu dulu, hence, no turning back! Mongok le brf ni… |
snazzydaisy replied at 5-8-2021 06:47 AM
Meghan Markle on her 40th birthday, looking pretty as ever!
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Ketara sangat theyre stagimg this! Ni mesti keje pr mekgan. Terpelik pulak gbr tu x clear… they must have known ppl like to zoom into the royal’s picture |
maybe la kot tak pakai sb wife-beater dia mcm nipis and yet tak nampak bra-line. Maybe nk send message dia bf Lily kot
Chrissy Teigen tu dh tak lawa, nampak muka keras sb filler, smeg maybe akan jd gitu if she over do her filler too
apasal penampilannya kali ini macam mak hayam lorong jalanan yg gelap? . Kekonon nak jd calon presiden us..tpi perangai haukk |
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