blum bekpes ker?
ciksurie Post at 14-6-2012 09:32 AM 
td de keje..
pastu terlepak sini...ekeke....
tu yg lapar...
ekeke |
takper tanya soklan sama pung..........sha nie mesti duk bekpes nasik kerabu  |
a ah
sme plak soklan riri ngn juju....ekeke
td de keje..
pastu terlepak sini...ekeke....
tu yg lapar...
ekeke{:mlb ...
yeepi_33 Post at 14-6-2012 09:33 
kang lapar..mesti carik makanan tue  |
Reply ain0345
baru nampak inin ari nie
ciksurie Post at 14-6-2012 09:29 
smpai opis lmbt.. jln jem gile2 kat jln duta td... ade eksiden kot.... huhu  |
betuiiiiii........kdg2 monconggg jerr..tp dia cuti seminggu xper...huhuhu{:mlbab ...
ungu_merah Post at 14-6-2012 09:34 
bos riri selalu gaks tepon time riri bercuti....wat hilang ingatan ader tepon sat time cuti  |
smpai opis lmbt.. jln jem gile2 kat jln duta td... ade eksiden kot.... huhu
ain0345 Post at 14-6-2012 09:37 
sini pung...kalu jem mesti xcident...takpung org tgh repair jalan  |
mengong tul la nubis nye tenet ni...buat org mrh je pepagi cenggini..nasib baik ada adk kecik ni... |
Reply 711# nubiste
jgn marah2...cool jea  |
pg 40?
errk.....name jauh sgt?
yeepi_33 Post at 14-6-2012 09:28 
huwaaaa nak main2 ngan pipi........... last2..... pc tata hanggggg...............
hampeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  |
baru lepas baca sambungan citer kucc...mr sirap bandung ...sweet sgt  |
Post Last Edit by ciksurie at 14-6-2012 10:09
pepagi tergelak baca berita nie 
After 115 Years Together, Tortoises Go Their Separate Ways

Sometimes, 115 years of togetherness is enough. Bibi and Poldi, two giant tortoises at the Austrian Zoo, are (slowly) going their separate ways after more than a century of companionship
The straw that broke the turtle's back came when Bibi (the female) began biting Poldi's shell. Whether turtle or human, gnawing on your partner's back is a sign that the relationship has hit a bumpy phase. Staff members of the Austrian zoo tried a variety of methods to re-light the flame of love, including aphrodisiacs, games, and couple's counseling. Alas, nothing worked.
Zoo director Helga Happ told the Austrian Times, "We get the feeling they can't stand the sight of each other anymore." Poldi has been moved to another enclosure, a rather big move. Poldi and Bibi had shared space for 36 years. Before that, they lived together in Switzerland.
We don't recommend biting your partner as a way to get back on the singles scene, but you have to hand it to Bibi for making a big change after 115 years. It's like she's coming out of her shell.
cedok kat CI
http://mforum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=657100&extra=page%3D1 |
baru pas bekpas |
tlepas pg kamat la pulak |
dah raser...mesti sha makan nasi kerabu  |
hahaha....pandai pun teka, tp ari ni spesel sket sb ada kwn bagi solok lada |
sedapnyerrrrrrrr..kiter makan nasi goreng lagi..gorengkan utk adik...alang2 tapau utk diri sendirik  |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara