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Author: Hana_Hirokawa


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Post time 11-10-2009 11:10 AM | Show all posts
sbnrnye cemerlang tak cemerlang tak tumpu pade mase first debut tu..
kalo time debut je best..pastu hampeh..nak wat camne kan..

cthnye 2pm..dieorg time debut, org tak brape nak pndg pun..lame2 ...
sukebintang Post at 11-10-2009 11:07

ye ye betol!sokong2.hehe,,tp lagi untung kalo first debut da trus naek.nnt xyah nkbersaing sangat.

erm aku nk tnye,kara,after skool,and mane2 la girl band yg baru tumbuh neh..naek x?aku rase 4 minutes lagi naek dr dorg dlm ramai2 neh kan??

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Post time 11-10-2009 11:11 AM | Show all posts
aah.kt ostel pn ade wireless.(harap2 laju la {:2_72:})
leh aku donlot mlm2 bgun2 da siap.hehee...(xblaja la aku )

perghh noona no mo yeppa kaki buli?cane nk kate yeppo neh??hehhee
bottle_boy Post at 11-10-2009 11:09

yeppo la kot..tanye yg lebih pakar

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Post time 11-10-2009 11:13 AM | Show all posts
yeppo la kot..tanye yg lebih pakar
sukebintang Post at 11-10-2009 11:11

kt AC neh noona2 nye sume expertise...

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Post time 11-10-2009 11:22 AM | Show all posts
ye ye betol!sokong2.hehe,,tp lagi untung kalo first debut da trus naek.nnt xyah nkbersaing sangat.

erm aku nk tnye,kara,after skool,and mane2 la girl band yg baru tumbuh neh..naek x?aku rase 4  ...
bottle_boy Post at 11-10-2009 11:10

slalunye kalo first debut dah naik..tu pun slalunye sbb dieorg dtg dr company yg besar2

actually KARA dah lame..rasenye dr  taun 2007 baru skrg dieorg betul2 naik..

afterschool pun debut dlm awal taun syg gak AS tu..dieorg tu best la jgk..aku suke je lagu2 tu la..naseb group idol ni mmg bergantung dkt syarikat msg2..kalo syrkt tu mmg bersungguh nak naikkan dieorg..mesti promosi kuat..kkdg tu finance prob..kite pu tak tau la kan..

untungnye 4minute ni..first..sbb hyuna jgk la..sbb die ex-WG..time kat WG pun die dh byk die nak muncul semule..tu yg semue dok tunggu..lagi 1..lagu dieorg best..tu yg lagi boleh naik..

lgpun yg aku dok prasan..dieorg ni nak kate kan tiap2 ari ade je event kat mane2..tu yg dieorg makin org knal kot

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Post time 11-10-2009 11:41 AM | Show all posts
slalunye kalo first debut dah naik..tu pun slalunye sbb dieorg dtg dr company yg besar2

actually KARA dah lame..rasenye dr  taun 2007 baru skrg dieorg betul2 naik..

afterschool pun  ...
sukebintang Post at 11-10-2009 11:22

ooh yeke...4minutes neh dr JYP kan??JYP ngn SM kan syrikat yg gempak kt korea.artis2 yg aku minat pn most dr 2 company neh..

oh KARA da lame ke?xtau la tuh la,most band2 neh dance2 labeh kurang jek.kdg2 yg x best pn ade

4minutes mmg layak di kenali sbb dorg mmg gempak.album jek da best.hehehe..
apsal hyuna di kua kan dr WG ek?

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:06 PM | Show all posts
ooh yeke...4minutes neh dr JYP kan??JYP ngn SM kan syrikat yg gempak kt korea.artis2 yg aku minat pn most dr 2 company neh..

oh KARA da lame ke?xtau la tuh la,most band2 neh dance2 lab ...
bottle_boy Post at 11-10-2009 11:41

4minute from CUBE ENTERTAINMENT..ade kaitan la jgk ngan JYP..CUBE slalu amik JYP nye trainer..

4minute ni pun makin ramai suke sbb album dieorg tuh..dieorg ni mmg sgt lucky jgkla..

hyuna kuar sbb time tu die ade health problem..die ade masalah ngan perut die..
time kat WG tu die tak pandai nak jage diri lagi..pastu slalu skit je..pastu tu yg parents die suh kuar..

so..skrg nih die dh ok kot..and maybe die lebih berhati2...arap2 die tak sakit lagi la lps ni

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:07 PM | Show all posts
some more pics

credit: as tagged

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:17 PM | Show all posts
4minute from CUBE ENTERTAINMENT..ade kaitan la jgk ngan JYP..CUBE slalu amik JYP nye trainer..

4minute ni pun makin ramai suke sbb album dieorg tuh..dieorg ni mmg sgt lucky jgkla..
sukebintang Post at 11-10-2009 12:06

lah CUBE ke aku igt kan dorg neh adek bradik 2 am ngn 2 pm...

oh sakit perot? xpela,dorg sukses pe skg en? dc da pn lepas smlm.xsaba nk tggu HD nye.nk tgk full sbb rmi yg best mlm td..

kwn aku sorg neh blaja kt korea xtnye die ag die g ke x.kalo ak msti aku g..hehee.,bli yg seat mahal pn xpe.hehee

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:24 PM | Show all posts
lah CUBE ke aku igt kan dorg neh adek bradik 2 am ngn 2 pm...

oh sakit perot? xpela,dorg sukses pe skg en? dc da pn lepas smlm.xsaba nk tggu HD nye.nk tgk full sbb rmi ...
bottle_boy Post at 11-10-2009 12:17

aku pun tak sabo nak tunggu nak tgk dieorgnye full best je dieorg..

sbnrnye aku riso gak ngan dieorg la kan..dgn tempat tu dipenuhi fan2 dr group lain..group2 lain pun siap ade tmpt tuk fan msg2..dieorg takde dr fancam..alhamdulillah la jgk..dieorg mendpt smbutan
tak sabo nak tgk..dgn baju dieorg yg lawa tu...

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:27 PM | Show all posts
aku pun tak sabo nak tunggu nak tgk dieorgnye full best je dieorg..

sbnrnye aku riso gak ngan dieorg la kan..dgn tempat tu dipenuhi fan2 dr group lain..group2 lain pun siap ad ...
sukebintang Post at 11-10-2009 12:24

hehee..mesti la best..hyuna kan ade..hehehe

oh dorg xde?dorg nye fan x rmi ag ke?fanclub msti ade kan.ehhee..

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:31 PM | Show all posts
hehee..mesti la best..hyuna kan ade..hehehe

oh dorg xde?dorg nye fan x rmi ag ke?fanclub msti ade kan.ehhee..
bottle_boy Post at 11-10-2009 12:27

mestila ade..ramai ke tak pi tu tak tau..

group lain kan fan dieorg duk berkumpul..sbb mmg dh ditetpkan..mcm tmpt tuk fan suju,snsd,ygfamily..

dieorg ni rase nye fan dieorg bersepah kot duduk

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:34 PM | Show all posts
mestila ade..ramai ke tak pi tu tak tau..

group lain kan fan dieorg duk berkumpul..sbb mmg dh ditetpkan..mcm tmpt tuk fan suju,snsd,ygfamily..

dieorg ni rase nye fan dieorg bersepah kot dudu ...
sukebintang Post at 11-10-2009 12:31

oh yeke..xpe la...dorg baru ag,.rleks jek..lame2 meningkat la kan..hhee

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:35 PM | Show all posts
oh yeke..xpe la...dorg baru ag,.rleks jek..lame2 meningkat la kan..hhee
bottle_boy Post at 11-10-2009 12:34

tu la..lgpun dr CUBE dieorg je yg wat show..

harap2 kalo dieorg kuar album seterusnye..album tu best la

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:48 PM | Show all posts
tu la..lgpun dr CUBE dieorg je yg wat show..

harap2 kalo dieorg kuar album seterusnye..album tu best la
sukebintang Post at 11-10-2009 12:35

agpn korea neh suke debut dlm mase yg singkat2 jek..
5 bulan ptu kua ag,,ptu 6-7 bulan kua ag,tuh yg best,.music dorg non stop...

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:50 PM | Show all posts
agpn korea neh suke debut dlm mase yg singkat2 jek..
5 bulan ptu kua ag,,ptu 6-7 bulan kua ag,tuh yg best,.music dorg non stop...
bottle_boy Post at 11-10-2009 12:48

sbb dieorg tak nak ilang fan

4minute ni tak taula..dgr2 nak pi jepunkalo jadi la kan..arap2 dieorg succes la kat situ:pompom::pompom:

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Post time 11-10-2009 12:51 PM | Show all posts
4Minute is popular in China?

4Minute was featured as one of the top 8 girl groups in the K-Popscene,in the September issue of a Chinese Magazine called "K-DramaAttack".

I can't really make out all the words on the photos because they're not very clear, except two parts
In the box beside Gayoon:
Company: JYP's sister company, CUBE
No. of members: 5
Representative work: Hot Issue

The line on Jiyoon's photo:
A fashionable style that is closer to the common folks
(as in their style is very unique and trendy, but easy for fans to follow)

Incase you're wondering what this magazine is all about, it was publishedby a renowned company. The function of this magazine is to introduceall the currently "in" stuff of S.Korea, for instance, K-Pop stars,entertainment news, fashion, movies to Chinese youngsters. It is calledthe "Guide to Korean Wave" as it provides readers with the fastest newsand occurrences in S.Korea. The readers are mostly teenagers and youngadults in their early 20s.

Source of photos: 4minCN

The one above is the "news" part. Those below would be the "info" part.

Becauseof this magazine, I thought of trying my luck at digging out more stuffabout 4Minute in China, just to have a rough idea of their popularitythere. I would say that the results are pretty amazing. I'll rank myfindings in accordance to how much they have pleased me.


4Minute's Hot Issue wasvoted #7 on an online poll made by Chinese netizens who want to findout what are the songs that would always make people feel better whenfeeling down after listening to them. I guess a song promoting onegoism can surely revive your confidence, right?! 4Minute rocks!


Hot Issue, Muzik, I Won't Give and What A Girl Wantsare used on this popular online language-learning site to help thestudents learn Korean! The students would listen to the songs and readthe lyrics, and do whatever with it so that they can learn the languagein a fun manner. This site also teaches English, French and Japanese,so they have a firm root[both in terms of student population andcompany]. Also, the good thing is that students like them!


CrazyChinese 4nia spotted! Well, actually not quite crazy, but this person,when posting a video on 4Minute, called them the "globally hot" group.He may be just wishing them well, but this caused a lot of fuss fromother netizens, especially antis.

"Woah, what a outrageous person, you really dare to write ANYTHING,eh?"
"What? Global?"
"Fortunately you only wrote about the globe(earth) and not the whole universe, or I'll haunt you down(I'm an alien)"

"He is just wishing them well, what is the problem?"
"That's a careless mistake, no big deal, right?"


Iwas so pleased by the Chinese fans/supporters. They really composedthemselves well as the civilised batch, who do not bash on otherartists, but rather reason it out with the antis when they talk rotabout 4Minute. Some of the comments they've left around the place seemsmall but can really mean a great deal of stuff.

Just wanna share some little comments left by netizens when 4Minute just made their debut.

"Hmm...not bad, they're all after 90-ers...indirectly telling me that I'm old T_T"
"After 90-ers are all so pretty...and their songs are good!"
"So young, how can...."

After For Muzik was out.
"Nice songs.."
"Really nice. Let's don't talk about the other stuff."
"Some people say they copy? What crap!"
"Please support them a lot! This is their special capability...for making autotunes so awesome."

Sources: Various places that I can't remember
Compilation: [email protected]


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Post time 11-10-2009 04:53 PM | Show all posts
4MINUTE - MUZIK(Remix Ver.)(Oct 11, 2009)

credit monmonsnow2yt

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Post time 11-10-2009 07:56 PM | Show all posts
Dream Concert 2009 - Intro(Oct 11, 2009)

ni kalo botol tgk mesti die suke ni..sbb awek die yuri tu berinteraksi sikit ngan 4minute

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Post time 11-10-2009 07:57 PM | Show all posts
717# airahthislove

thanks airah...

best la dieorg nye intro

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Post time 11-10-2009 11:00 PM | Show all posts
seriusly aku mmg x dpt nak catch up per dah pasal dorg nih.. sorry la korunk.. bz gegiler..

aper2hal pun aku stay support 4minit nih.. hehehe!!

kebin!!! hwaiting!!
Botol.... lenkali tengok dlu sebelum tanya... kan dah kena sound ngan akak kebin..

thanks fot the video DC tuh.. dah jumper link sesaper leh share erk?

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