tak, yg pasal modem tu mmg dah tahu...tp yg aku musykil ni pasal rule dia yg baru issued dia state camni:
Q9. What happens if I lose the modem?
A replacement cost of up to RM900 (depending on modem type) will be chargeable should you lose the modem or return the modem in a damaged condition. You will be issued a replacement modem if you decide to continue with the service upon payment of the replacement cost.
mcm sebelum ni bukan ke kata modem adalah hak milik maxis...so kalo modem rosak ke ape, maxis akan replace ngan baru without any charges
kalo ikut statement/ rule yg baru (spt di atas Q9)...nk continue or discontinue within the 12 months period tu, kalo modem rosak kita kena charge pulak RM900 yg mana melebihi harge modem tu sendiri...apa kes?
at the end of the day kena pulangkan jugak... |
Reply #867 nanas69's post
aku raser... kalo modem tu rosak pergi complaint dulu kat maxis... then, baru terminate akaun...
modem maxis tu kalo jadi milik kite pun bukan boleh gune dengan ISP lain kan? contoh celcom...
aku rase macam nak try pakej streamyx+celcom wireless plak... celcom ok ke? laju ke? |
Reply #868 szerone9's post
rasa boleh kot.. kena ubah setting kat .. APN SETTING tu..
ntah la.. tak try lagi.. kalo ada kawan2 yg guna celcom tu try la.. |
Reply #869 Berekai's post
modem maxis yang gedabak tu takleh masuk simkad lain. maxis lock. aku dah try masuk sim celcom 3g dia tak detect. |
Reply #870 adie82's post
ye ker? tak bleh masuk gateway ubah APN setting? |
Reply #871 szerone9's post
macam mana nak ubah. simkad pun tak detek.
aku dah try tukar. masuk jer
dia keluar mesej suruh masukkan u-sim card.
try amik setting kat situ pun tak boleh.
kalau ada sesapa boleh heck firmware n unlock modem ni kan best!!! |
Reply #872 adie82's post
ye ke... memang tak patot maxis neh... serbiz blok torrent, coverage sekangkang kere... aiseh... |
yang ni reply aku antor kat forum.lowyat.net camner aku berjaya terminate sebis maxis:
Okay guys, I've made it clear with maxis. I'm no longer their broadband customer. FYI I still had 16 months to complete the contract but I don't have to pay anything but I lose 1 month + deposit totalling = RM 186.83 for the two months. I don't have a full guarantee that this method will work to others as mine came out very successful in termination process. Here are some of the tips and must be geniune:
1. Call maxis helpline at 1-800-20-2000. If your connecton is bad ask & force them to check whether your coverage is good or bad in your area you're using Maxis Broadband. Give the address and likely your home where you're staying. You must tell him/her that your coverage in the area is very poor. If you have a maxis 3G phone, this will be a bonus because you can test with the signal readings on the screen, 2.5 G is bad.
2. If they decline, call again within 2 hours time or the next day, ask for the same thing all over again. If they agree on your proposal of poor coverage, a case number will be given starting with C and numbers. A technician will be dispatched to your home.
4. When the technician arrived ask him to take both readings inside & out side your house:
Signal reading will divided into SR1 and SR2 (indoor & out door). Ask the technician what are the acceptable values for a good connection. he should be very helpful.
5. Then ask him to carry out speedtest from speedtest.net and izzi.com/speedtest. Save all results and repeat for certain time. Save a copy of the signal coverage from him. (hard copy)
6. Wait about 24 hours to 48 hours for the technician to file in his report to maxis. Then write a letter requesting termination of services. Send one copy as an email to MR **han and go to maxis at KLCC counter 17. Just say to them that you want to terminate the services. This should be very quick because if COVERAGE is the problem, no penalty will be imposed and termination process is successful. Thanx. |
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Reply #862 adie82's post
oh bagus aa gitu
baru tgk celcom nye broadband dah murah
just 99, plus free modem (can keep the modem)
tapi still kena kontrak 18 bulan...
memandangkan maxis cam hampeh jek
rasa cam nak terminate jek |
Balas #876 lady_nF\ catat
maxis nak sangat modem die balik... bagi jelah... :@ :@ |
aku nye bil maxis:
rm 68 + 17 = 85
17 hinggit tu dia cakap untuk perkhidmatan telefon.
macam mana nak elakkan dari bayar 17 hinggit tu? boleh ke? |
Reply #878 don_naza's post
ko kena terminate. pi kat maxis centre. tak pun ko try la call broadband centre. free je dari hotlink.
yang free telefon dervis tu sampai 6 bulan pertama jer. masuk bulan ke7 kena caj.
aku dulu masuk je bulan ke6 aku dah pi isi form nak terminate. |
Balas #879 adie82\ catat
isi form je ke? telepon kene pulang gak kan? bulan yg ke6 kene pegi maxis centre ke? mean macam lagi 2,3 hari nak genap 6 bulan kite langgan? |
Reply #880 szerone9's post
tak payah . dulu aku masa ujung bulan ke-5 aku dah pi isi. bawak sekali ngan telefon tu sebab sebelum tu aku call centre dia cakap kena bawak telefon.
lepas isi borang tu dia tak amik pun telefon tu. dia cakap kena pulangkan semasa terminate vroadband.. |
Originally posted by adie82 at 11-5-2008 01:45 AM
tak payah . dulu aku masa ujung bulan ke-5 aku dah pi isi. bawak sekali ngan telefon tu sebab sebelum tu aku call centre dia cakap kena bawak telefon.
lepas isi borang tu dia tak amik pun telefo ...
aku punya telepon xpulang2 lagi
padahal bulan2 bayo 68 hengget je
huhuhu........ |
Reply #882 faiz_ampang's post
ko dah terminate home voice kan
camner ko terminate? |
Beware of Maxis Broadband
First and foremost, haku nak mintak maaf kat mod sebab bukak thread baru neh although dah ada thread on Maxis Broadband. But Aku bukak jugak sebab nak highlight and share masalah haku kepada semua forummer yg pakai Maxis broadband.
Aku install Maxis broadband least year, awal bulan May. Service memang sucks giler, tp apa buleh buat, 18 months contract.
So when baru baru neh they announced there is no more minimum contract period, haku pon call customer service to check on a few things, especially on the RM200 handling fees yg di kenakan kepada customers yg terminate the service less than 12 months punya subscription.
Haku punyalah angin and terkejut when I was told that in the system it shows that my contract started on December 2007, and technically haku baru subscribe for 5 months. Not 1 customer service rep told me that, but 3 different persons confirmed the same.
Haku have all the proof of my subscription started May 2007 and not Dec 2007...the installation work order, and the hardcopy of the monthly bills. However, apa yg aku buleh conclude is:
- it's a genuine mistake...by a supposedly reputable company. Credibility depa hancus di mata haku...dah ler service macam siyal...benda macam neh pon tak buleh nak upkeep.
- tektik kotor nak charge customers RM200 handling fee by adjusting the contract date. Kalo sapa sapa yg tak sedar/naive, sia sia terkena tektik kotor neh...
Spread this news around... |
huk huk...aku pun gner maxisBB...memang *****....
lembap sey... |
betul maxisBB 5uck5!! aku rasa macam kena tipu je.
sejak aku guna maxisBB ni, aku tak tau dalam sehari
berapa kali aku mencarut..very bad habit.
ada apa apa lagi tak perkara 'hidden' tentang maxisBB ni?
care to share? |
baik pakaii digi EDGE mcm aku mmg lembap gila tapi takpelah sebab murah..tak de yuran tersembunyi
itu yang penting sebab perasaan tertipu takde..hikhikhik.. tapi kalau bersabar, dengar tahun ni DIGI
dPt lesen 3G mungkin bulan jun ni...
[ Last edited by zvicmorrow at 11-5-2008 04:32 AM ] |
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