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Author: airahthislove

SUPER JUNIOR M ~ Super girl Promotion ~

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Post time 13-5-2008 05:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #700 jeanlouisfinch's post

best mr tgh layan nih *waloponxbrapephm*

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Post time 13-5-2008 05:37 PM | Show all posts
kejap je ke tapi best sbb masa die nk buffering tadi dia stop kat muke nampyeon ku kikiki hepinye

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Post time 13-5-2008 05:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #701 smaj's post

sorry la kengkawan ek.. tak dpt den nak nolong...
takpe la bkn 1st time korng tgk mende yg tak paham....
janji ade muker nampyeon cukup la...

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Post time 13-5-2008 05:54 PM | Show all posts
ko tgk mane eh?aku tgk dr td xde pon muke sesape sinih..tulisan je bnyk...huuu ade vis ke yg ku tertinggal utk click td?

dh dpt translate web ittew...tggu baw susun2 ayat die sket.. fighting baw!!!!

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Post time 13-5-2008 05:56 PM | Show all posts
jade tablet virtuos=kyu diorg translate name kyu ini~~

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Post time 13-5-2008 06:21 PM | Show all posts
Interviewer: Everybody is good, welcome to the Yahoo! honored guest interview room! Lets welcome all 7 members of Super Junior M!!

Super Junior-M: Hello, we are Super Junior-M~
Han Geng: Hello everyone.. we hope to interact with everyone today, but because of yesterday's matter(earthquake), we hope that everybody will make soe effort to help our unfortunate friends that were involved in the disaster, and that we shall go through this difficult time together,  and let us be more understanding, so that we could have a good stage next time around. (me blur kejap..i think after diorg dah tolong ngan disaster ni, diorg will perform a good show?)

Interviewer: Looks like all seven of you  to be very dignified! Did earthquake occur in the scene yesterday? How do you feel?
Han Geng: Right, while we were recording the program, we felt dizzy and a little ill, but then we saw the lights on ceilling were swinging, and someone told us its an earthquake. We were very afraid that time, and after we completed the program,  we went home and we saw on  news...the earthquake came without warning, and everybody was worried about it.

Interviewer: The three chinese members seem to have never experienced the earthquake but I want to know, does the other 4 korean members have such experience? (referring to the earthquake)
KyuHyun : I've never actually experienced an earthquake in Sound Korea before, it will be rare for South Korea to have earthquakes. It is estimated that earthquakes does not happen in China too often, and floods do occur at South Korea. This time I get to experience the earthquake in China, it was pretty serious while we saw news in the media. We hope we could help out in this situation.

Interviewer : Did you guys discuss on how to help the unfortunate ones?
Han Geng: We would like to contribute some effort, to donate some money, anything that we could do to help them, hopefully we will pull this through together,  our seven person's strengths is limited,we truly hoped that the audience and fans are willing to help the disaster victims with us to get through the difficult time together!

Interviewer: Do you think that with your profession(as a singer/performer) could you perform for the sake of disaster relief?? (tak tau la camane nak buat ayat ni..tapi maksudnyer rela ke diorg perform for charity...)
Han Geng:  Definitely.

Interviewer: Do you have friends living in the disaster area?
Han Geng: Yes, and I've called them a few moments ago, and I really hope they are in a save condition now.

Interviewer: Although many of us who does not have friends in Sichuan, they were all anxious and worried while reading the news too.
Han Geng: I looked that the website and I was very worried while reading the reports!

Interviewer: To our South Korean members, have you contacted your family members?
RyeoWook : After returning to the dormitory yesterday, I did called my parents and told them that we were alright and unhurt. Our parents were worried about the disaster that happened here. They were worried about the disaster victims here and hope that no matter what, they could contribute some effort to help the disaster victims.

Interviewer : And therefore we sould stay reunited to pull through this difficulty? Here therefore this period of time should keep on the land with the big village difficulty?
Han Geng: Yes, regardless of what nationality.. our South Korean members are also one of us, and we are all in this together.

Interviewer: In this age, we've all never experienced this before...
Han Geng: This is the first time for me.

Interviewer: Do you know what to go incase this kind of emergency situation occur again?
Henry: When I was still in the school, our teacher said to us, if has earthquake, we should stay in a corner.

Interviewer: In squatting the posture at the corner?
Henry: Yes, the best way, that is.

Interviewer: The quickest way too.
Henry: That is, if we were not able to escape.

Interviewer: Any other ways?
Han Geng: I would want to hide under the bed, the table, also to have the bathroom, but this is all incorrect.

Interviewer: Like an army? [wakakkakak sabo jer la....]
Han Geng: Its more dangerous like that! We should do as what Henry have said; squatting in corner and we should be in the outdoors.

Interviewer : We should run outdoors when we have the chance to.
Han Geng: Yes.

Interviewer: We think under the table, if may attain the water conveniently, or cotton-wadded quilt anything, may protect the forehead.
Han Geng: Actually I before was also such said that everybody thought was such, was actually very dangerous.
Henry: 90% more dangerous
Han Geng: Right.

Interviewer: How do you guys get to know the news?
Han Geng: Through online news.

Interviewer: How do you feel when you saw the news on tv?
Zhou Mi: As a Chinese member of SJM, alongside Henry and HanGeng, while we were doing our programs here in China, it was definitely heartbreaking when we heard the news about the earthquake. Although we were in Beijing, we saw how the earthquake destroy everything on the news. Losing your own home and friends are hard to bear with. I hope the we, the Super Junior M members can lend a helping hand, while hoping everyone would participate in helping the disaster victims. I really hope that everyone stays strong!

Interviewer: We should believe that we can certainly pull through these difficult times, don't we? Ok...(tell what do you think,)KyuHyun.
KyuHyun : While we were in a program yesterday, suddenly I felt dizzy and I did not know what was happening. I only knew it was an earthquake later on because I've never experienced this before. When I've returned to the dormitory, I went online and check on some Korean online network, I've found out how the serious the earthquake was, and it was shocking. Although I'm not Chinese, but this worries me, because I'm now in China, and it doesn't matter if I'm Korean, because China and South Korea are the closest countries, we definitely should find a way to help out these unfortunate Chinese citizens who have gone through such disaster.

Interviewer : Are you afraid when you experiencing the quake yesterday?
KyuHyun : I'm not afraid at first, but after somebody said the word 'earthquake', I thought we should end the program safely because there were fans and many people were around us. I was quite afraid at that moment, but I can't just run away because other SJM members were all filming the program, we should get done with the filming and then leave. I was afraid...

Interviewer: Were you guys having aftershock?
Han Geng: We also have friends(fans?) in Sichuan, and while watching out program while the quake happened, we all hoped that they were safe.

Interviewer: Let's listen to SiWon... could you tell us how do you feel?
SiWon : No matter what nationality, any age, when we come across this kinda of disaster, we feel sad. And we have 3 chinese members in SJM, they were possible even sadder than us, but we've been living with the Chinese members, and we're like brothers and we're a family. So no matter what, we will try our best to help out the disaster victims. I will pray for them!

Interviewer: You were worried about the disaster victims as if they were your own family members! And I saw HanGeng wrote about his feelings in his diary yesterday?
Han Geng: After I saw the evening news, I've written something in my blog, that is...I hope that everybody can contribute some help for the disaster victims. All 7 of us will definitely try our best to help out. During the previous snow disaster, I was not in China, and I could only help the victims through my friend. While I am in China right now, I hope I could encourage more people to help the disaster victims this time around. We should reunite and help the disaster victims.

Interviewer: Hopefully fans and audiences will reunite to help the disaster victims.
Han Geng: Yes, everybody please stay strong.

******* to be continued.....

p/s: rough translation only, might contain errors. PLEASE CREDIT IF TAKEN OUT. poyosssss sungguh ayat ni

[ Last edited by  bawberry at 13-5-2008 09:08 PM ]

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Post time 13-5-2008 06:22 PM | Show all posts

Interviewer: Being sad is not the most important thing right now. We shall stay strong, the strength is most important! Some words of encouragement from DongHae?
DongHae : Facing this kind of disaster are definitely difficult, and we have many SJM fans at Sichuan, we could have met our fans at Sichuan happily. We hope that they(fans and ppl in Sichuan) will stay optimistic and be strong. If they would ever need our help, we will definitely do our part in it. It doesn't matter what happens, we, SJM members will definitely help out, and do our best as we can.

Interviewer: When the situation has become better, can you go back there(disaster area) and give some words of encouragement so that they could do better?
Han Geng: I believe that all entertainers can do this.

Interviewer: Ok, Henry.. Any word of encouragement?
Henry: To everyone that has been affected by the earthquake, lets unite and stay strong. hwaiting!!!

Interviewer : RyeoWook? (asking for word of encouragement from Wookie...)
RyeoWook : Hwaiting, Sichuan friends! Although this was not the happiest of time, but in the future, we SJM members shall prepare and give more splendid performances for our fans. ^^

Interviewer: I would like to know, do you have any rituals before going on stage?
Han Geng: Yes.

Interviewer: What is it?
HanGeng : Its a secret..

Interviwer: Secret? I was about to ask you to show us the ritual....
HanGeng : Its a secret!

Interviwer: My request have been heartlessly rejected... (laughs) next question... Will there be any changes of your schedules in China?
Han Geng: Probably no big chances in our schedule... There still will be promotions and stuffs...but some programs will change, we could've cancelled this program today, but after having a 2nd thought.. Through this program, we could encourage more people to help the disaster victims. Our future scheduled activities might have minor changes, though...

Interviewer: Another question, do you have friends that have lost some family members in yesterday's disaster?
Han Geng: Yes. Please change to another topic?

Interviewer: HanGeng is a little sad.
Han Geng: It's because our other members might also have family members involved in the its better to not talk about this matter.

Interviewer: Good. I also have just emphasized that we are very sad, are very anxious, but we must be stronger in times like this?
Han Geng: Yes. Lets be stronger, and hopefully we pull through this ordeal, with hopes to become even stronger for the future. [applause]

Interviewer: Give a big clap to all of you! But...what will you all do if you were the victims of yesterday's disaster?
RyeoWook : These disasters should not occur again, but if this happens again, we shall quickly escape and spread the news as soon as possible so that others could escape too. However, we still need other's to help if we're in trouble...and if no help  is available, we shall escape the safest place possible... Let us pray that this disaster will never happen again!

Interviewer: RyeoWook's reply is very comprehensive, also has represented everybody's opinion! Likes his first few words very much, 揟hese disasters should not occur again!

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Post time 13-5-2008 06:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #706 bawberry's post

komawo baw....

walo klaka jugak bace posting ini, tp diorg mmg care bout each other....loves them~~~~hugs to kyu~~kekeke

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Post time 13-5-2008 06:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #704 jeanlouisfinch's post

me tgk kat link yg mu tepek tadik tu bkk2 je kluar cam media player pastu me klik kat situ........bkk2 je kuar muke Q muahahahaha mmg best giler ah dpt tgk muke nampyeon ku itew mmg hensem

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Post time 13-5-2008 06:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #709 smaj's post

waaaaaa~~~~ wae me xdpt tgk mane2 player? die tgh ckp ke, uri nampyeon tuh? *nangis lagi*

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Post time 13-5-2008 07:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #708 jeanlouisfinch's post

no prob kekekeke...tgk my mood later....kalo mood susun la balik.... wakakkakaka.... kelakar bebenor la translation asyik nak gelak jer all the way... the biggest joke.... biler 'interviewer' translated, dia kuar perkataan 'director'. puahahhahahahhahahahha

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Post time 13-5-2008 07:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #711 bawberry's post

nae....mase memule me bace td, igt director btol2...rupe2nye, translate from interviewer...

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Post time 13-5-2008 07:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #710 jeanlouisfinch's post

x de pun time tuh siwon yg tgh ckp tapi nmpk le muke abe Q sbb die dok sbelah siwon........mmg clearlah....seb bek mung gtau sempat gak me tgk muke nampyeon ku

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Post time 13-5-2008 07:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #713 smaj's post

kekeke pengorbanan yg sungguh besar aku bt arinih..walo xdpt tgk muke nampyeon, tp aku dh pass kat mu utk tgk~~~huuuu jeles!!!

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Post time 13-5-2008 07:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #714 jeanlouisfinch's post

x pela me dah tgkkan bagi pihak mung ngan rukia sempat kem salam lagi kat nampyeon kite itew *nimain2je* tapi mmg ensem r nampyeon kita tuh adoi klu korg dpt tgk mesti korg tau camne prasan ku ini *cewahayatxbleyblah*   x pela bkn rezeki mu jean tapi mntau rezeki mu ada diwaktu yg len *merujukkpdprojekygdirancangkankekeke*

[ Last edited by  smaj at 13-5-2008 07:45 PM ]

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Post time 13-5-2008 08:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #715 smaj's post

huuuu..komawo ats kem slm tuh..*aku tau nih memain je*huuu still sedeyh lg inh...mane la vid tuh disaat aku memerlukan die.. neway, aku phm perasaan ko tuh..aku yg tau nih pn dh hysterical jeles xdpt nk tgk, cub bygkan perasaan aku kalo dpt tgk plak.. nae, heharap utk projek kt tuh, aku bernasib baik plak

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Post time 13-5-2008 09:50 PM | Show all posts
saje nak tepek...
kalu dah ade mianhe..


tak tahan.. seksinyer... terkujat jap...   

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Post time 14-5-2008 01:32 AM | Show all posts
Finally..... i've done editing grammar utk article(Yahoo! LiveInterview) ke apa tah..not sure about the title..   phewh.....

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2008 01:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #718 bawberry's post

komawo for the translation

ayat kaler merah tu cam ayat perintah je bunyinya ekekekeke *juz kidding too *

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2008 01:44 AM | Show all posts
080511 Mango HiTV Super Junior M as Sumos & U

ni klip yg clear version derang dance U

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