ni yg gune kamera mahal tu kan? simple sangat mv jjang!! suke time kamera tu tukar fokus smooth ni buat me tingat kt mv tell me goodbye r plak.. diorang shoot kt ne eh?mcm padang pasir jah rupenye
mak aih....terharu, nak nanges tgk mv Love Song. the mv certainly screams out EPIC!!!!!
tak sia-sia hari-hari nunggu depan lappy. worth it! the production team and BB are genius.
it is just beautiful! i was practically gawking high quality indeed. bukannya typical-idol-groups-dance-mv. just a one shot filming, with some degree of editing. great camera work. it defines WOW! simplicity is the best policy - black and white concept...really, really suits the song. their soothing moves and choreography...walopon tak synchronise, but it injected the humanity, simplicity and imperfection in the whole concept of the mv. their expressions...the quiet sadness, gawd...priceless! my Bigbang are now men, they're boys no more that's y i love Bigbang and YG. the best, indeed! curlast!!!!!!
Dear all, I just got reply from Halo Music. Please take note that THEY ARE NOT COMING TO MALAYSIA in JUL!! BIGBANG's event in MALAYSIA is NOT CONFIRMED at all! The "BIGBANG JULY" stated in the video is not an exact date that they're coming just that, there will be promo event on BIGBANG (launching of BIGBANG's Malaysia version album etc) So please dont confuse & convey wrongly about the message of the video ya ^^by Admin Migo