Reply 679# tam99
iye le, Tam ...walopon ada facebook.., forum ttp dihidupkan...kenangan ni....mula2 jual UT, betapa kat sini..
kata org, tempat jatuh ttp dikenang, inikan pula tempat berpoya2..{:1_115:} |
Reply 680# gdah
dah received..nanti somebody akan buat appoinment dengan gdah.. |
jap nak tanya, klu keje gomen, masih lg skim kwsp. lg 1 1/2 or 2 thn br leh kuarkan duit utk tukar ke skim pencen. jd, blh ke nak invest epf dlm ut nih sekrg? klu nk invest, sok2 bila kuar duit epf jd camne plak? |
Reply 683# gdah
check ur inbox .. |
KWSP umum dividen 5.8 peratus
2011/02/20KUALA LUMPUR: Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) hari ini mengumumkan kadar dividen 5.8 peratus untuk ahlinya bagi tahun kewangan berakhir Disember 31, 2010, naik 15 mata asas, berbanding kadar 5.65 peratus yang dibayar pada 2009.
Ia adalah bayaran dividen tertinggi yang pernah dicapai dana persaraan itu iaitu sebanyak RM21.61 bilion, peningkatan 11.55 peratus berbanding bayaran dividen RM19.37 bilion pada 2009.
Pengerusi KWSP, Tan Sri Samsudin Osman dalam satu kenyataan hari ini, berkata pencapaian itu menggambarkan tahun yang memberangsangkan di mana pendapatan pelaburan kasar dana persaraan itu mencecah rekod tertinggi dalam sejarah sebanyak RM24.06 bilion.
Katanya, ia adalah peningkatan 39.76 peratus berbanding RM17.22 bilion pendapatan pelaburan kasar yang dicatatkan pada 2009.
"Pendapatan pelaburan memberangsangkan yang dicapai pada 2010 dijana terutamanya daripada prestasi pelaburan ekuiti. Suasana kewangan dan ekonomi yang bertambah baik menyediakan pasaran dengan kecairan mencukupi lalu membenarkan aktiviti pengambilan untung sepanjang tahun," katanya.
"Bayaran dividen ini diperoleh selepas ditolak elaun rugi terjejas bersih ke atas aset kewangan, perbelanjaan pelaburan, perbelanjaan operasi dan caj berkanun serta bayaran dividen pengeluaran," katanya.
Samsudin berkata, untuk bayaran dividen 2010, KWSP memerlukan RM3.73 bilion bagi membayar setiap satu peratus kadar dividen berikutan peningkatan dalam bilangan ahli.
Katanya, jumlah itu meningkat 8.67 peratus berbanding RM3.43 bilion yang dibayar untuk satu peratus kadar dividen pada 2009.
Beliau berkata, walaupun KWSP optimis bahawa momentum yang positif ini akan berterusan pada 2011, namun prospek untuk tahun ini akan terus bergantung kepada kekukuhan ekonomi domestik dan antarabangsa.
"Sebagai tabung persaraan, KWSP akan mengekalkan matlamat untuk melabur mengikut objektif strategiknya dan pada masa yang sama mengambil inisiatif pengurusan risiko yang ketat bagi menguruskan secara berkesan sebarang ketidak tentuan dan ancaman yang dihadapi," katanya.
Ahli boleh mendapatkan Penyata Kira-Kira KWSP untuk menyemak pengkreditan dividen 2010 melalui kiosk KWSP, kaunter atau i-Akaun mulai esok. - BERNAMA |
Reply 684# Madura1
explain kat sini je...bari manfaat pada org lain jugak untuk dishare..
btw, dah jadi scheme pencen nanti, biasanya once mereka buat clearance dgn EPF, EPF mereka boleh ditunaikan dan automatic, mereka boleh juga tunaikan di public mutual. |
Post Last Edit by jajan at 25-2-2011 09:40
boleh tolong kirakan tak..
aku ade pernah bincang dengan ajen p.mutual aku..dia kira aku akan mmg untung masuk P Mutual ni..tapi kertas kira2 yang dia explain tu dah kemana hala ntah
loan peribadi BSN RM40000 (bermula bulan 8 2010)
aku invest dlm PISSF pakai duit loan 25000
invest dalam PIST RM18000
PISSF aku nak buat long term. Invest bulan 8 2010
PISTF untuk belanja aku kawin nanti. Invest bulan 1 2011
so totally : RM 43000 kan
3000 aku topap duit aku je.
masa aku beli PISSF harganye rm 0.0027 sen something..
PIST RM0.002919 sen
aku cadang PISTF tu nak keluarkan tahun depan je..
so aku nak tanye, aku bayar pada bank RM495 untuk 10 tahun
tapi aku cadang nak tutup dalam masa 5 tahun..
agak2 korang berapa bersih aku bleh dapat lepas tutup hutang bank BSN tu.
separuh aku akan bayar kat bank ( 5 tahun ) katakan
separuh lagi aku nak pakai keuntungan dividen pelaburan dalam masa 5 tahun tu lagi..
so aku dah berjaya tutup dalam masa 5 tahun dari tempoh sebenar 10 tahun.
Korang agak2 aku boleh dapat berapa bersih ye? PISSF aku letak simpanan jangka panjang.
Market volatile, this week...
KL stock market likely to remain volatile
By Goh Thean EuPublished: 2011/02/28
Analysts say investors may decide to stay on the sidelines pending Bank Negara Malaysia's decision on the benchmark interest rate.
THE stock market is expected to remain volatile on concerns how the uprisings in North Africa and Middle East will pan out.
"The market may continue to slide this week, but we expect the impact to be cushioned by good news from corporate earnings as well as stabilisation of crude oil.
"Nevertheless, investors' eyes will be on Libya. They will be worried that a tightening of oil supplies will lead to higher prices that may cause inflation or affect economic growth," said an analyst.
Libya contributes about two per cent of the world's oil output.
Analysts also said investors may decide to stay on the sidelines pending Bank Negara Malaysia's decision on the benchmark interest rate.
The FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI fell below the 1,500 mark to close the week at 1,489.27. The total weekly volume increased to 8.58 billion shares worth RM10.4 billion from 7.1 billion shares worth RM7.64 billion last week.
According to Afffin Investment Bank head of retail research Dr Nazri Khan in a local wire report, a further slide in the market may not bebad news after all, as it offers bargain hunting opportunities for investors.
KLM Offers Daily Flights to Europe from Kuala Lumpur
"We believe further losses (ideally 8-10 per cent) will be healthy, given the fact that FBM KLCI has risen 92 per cent in a virtual straight line since March 2009," said Nazri.
Stocks that may be under the spotlight this week include Telekom Malaysia Bhd, CIMB Group Holdings Bhd, Century Logistics Holdings Bhd and DRB-HICOM Bhd.
On Friday, TM reported that its fourth quarter net profit more than doubled to RM400 million (from RM170 million in fourth quarter 2009)and its full year net profit almost doubled to RM1.2 billion, from RM643 million a year ago. CIMB's fourth quarter and full year net profit rose 9 per cent and 25 per cent to RM877 million and RM3.5 billion respectively.
On the same day, Century Logistics, via its subsidiary, announced that it acquired a piece of freehold land measuring approximately 65,340 sq ft for RM8.82 million while DRB-HICOM, which full year net profit almost doubled to RM400 million, said that its wholly-owned subsidiary Puspakom has entered into a concession agreement with the government to inspect and test motor vehicles.
Read more: KL stock market likely to remain volatile http://www.btimes.com.my/Current ... icle/#ixzz1FDGExeeD |
boleh tolong kirakan tak..
aku ade pernah bincang dengan ajen p.mutual aku..dia kira aku akan mmg ...
jajan Post at 25-2-2011 09:39 
kau tungu sapa2 boleh tolong..tapi my advise..Tak afdal, guna duit loan untuk buat pelaburan.. |
Star pon cakap dengan nada yang sama...
M'sian shares expected to be volatile this week
KUALA LUMPUR: SHARE prices on Bursa Malaysia are expected to be volatile this week as investors cast wary eye on unrest in West Asia, analysts said.
They said despite expectations of further pressure from the wobbly external developments, the local bourse may receive a boost from good corporate results released last week.
On Friday, heavyweight CIMB Bhd reported a 21.9% increase in pre-tax profit to RM4.647bil for the year 2010, on the back of higher revenue of RM11.811bil.
Telekom Malayia said its pre-tax profit rose 47.6% to RM1.36bil for 2010 while revenue increased to RM8.791bil.
A dealer said foreign funds were still around and the longer-term outlook was still bullish for local stocks.
Throughout the week, the market saw a wave of selling as investors adopted a cautious approach amid concerns over the unrest in West Asia and negative Wall Street performance.
On Friday, however, the market breadth was positively bullish on earnings results of blue-chips like Petronas Chemicals, Sime Darby and RHB Capital.
The FBM KLCI retreated slightly by 0.6 point to 1,489.27, after briefly moving into positive territory during the morning session.
On a weekly basis, FBM KLCI declined by 28.29 points from 1,517.56 the previous week.
The Finance Index lost 199.06 points to 13,521.58 from 13,720.64 the previous Friday.
The Industrial Index declined 89.95 points to 2,767.61 from 2,857.56 the week before and the Plantation Index declined 298.63 points to 7,581.38 from 7,880.01.
The Emas Index decreased to 10,226.16 from 10,508.58, FBM70 Index slipped to 10,907.76 from 11,442.27 and the FBM Ace Index eased to 4,204.82 from 4,455.59.
The total weekly volume increased to 8.584 billiion shares worth RM10.397bil from 7.092 billion shares worth RM7.638bil the previous week. Bernama |
Kenapa x digalakkan kirawang? Mcm rugi ke? Huhu.. |
Reply 691# jajan
Secara basicnya, UT adalah investment yang mempunyai risiko kadar return fluctuate. Sepatutnya consultants u dulu explain sebelom u buat investment.
apa2 pon, jumpa consultant u balik utk dapatkan pengiraan yang u tunjukkan diatas tu., |
Public Mutual win Best Overall Fund Group at The Edge-Lipper Malaysia Fund Awards PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Edge
Tuesday, 01 March 2011
KUALA LUMPUR: Public Mutual won nine of the 32 awards including the most prestigious “Best Overall Fund Group” award at the Edge-Lipper Malaysia Fund Awards for 2011 on Monday, Feb 28.
This is the 8th consecutive year Public Mutual has emerged as the biggest winner at the annual awards event.
Public Mutual’s chairman Tan Sri Dr Teh Hong Piow said he was proud of the fund management company’s outstanding achievement despite uncertainties in 2010.
“These awards reflect Public Mutual’s commitment in continuously delivering top value as well as meeting the diverse needs of our unitholders,” he said.
Public Fund won the Best Overall Fund Group over three years, Best Equity Asia-Pacific Fund Over Three Years, Best Equity Asia-Pacific Fund Over Three Years, Best Equity Malaysia Small and Mid Caps Fund Over Three Years, Best Equity Malaysia Small and Mid Caps Fund Over five Years, Best Equity Malaysia Small and Mid Caps Fund Over 10 Years, Best Bond Malaysian Ringgit Islamic Fund Over Five Years, Best Bond Malaysian Ringgit Fund Over 10 Years and Best Equity Malaysia Islamic Fund Over 10 Years. |
KL stocks lower in cautious trade
Published: 2011/03/11
Share prices on Bursa Malaysia ended easier yesterday with most indices slipping into negative territory in line with other regional markets.
Investors were cautious as regional stock markets fell after surprisingly weak Chinese trade data hit them, a dealer said.
At 5pm, the benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) fell 6.78 points or 0.45 per cent to 1,516.91, dragged down by losses in heavyweight counters such as MISC and BAT.
At the opening bell, the FBM KLCI was 0.84 points lower at 1,522.85 before moving between 1,515.32 and 1,524.12.
The dealer said profit-taking activities continued to hew the gains made over the last two days.
The Middle East crisis which sent oil prices surging as well as doubts whether China's copper demand would continue to boom, cast a shadow over trading sentiment, he said.
The Finance Index declined 29.75 points to 13,720.58, the Plantation Index dropped 22.54 points to 7,722.52 and the Industrial Index edged lower 31.95 points to 2,797.68.
The FTSE Bursa Malaysia Emas Index declined 40.16 points to 10,374.21, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia ACE Index slipped 31.48 points to 4,117.21 and the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Mid 70 Index was down 9.02 points to 11,047.65.
Turnover decreased to 1.09 billion shares worth RM1.56 billion from 1.50 billion shares worth RM2.24 billion yesterday with losers leading gainers 483 to 253 while 280 counters were unchanged.
Topping the actives were mostly lower liner stocks.
SAAG Consolidated delined half a sen to 9.5 sen, Sumatec-WA was up 17 sen to 17.5 sen, Petronas Dagangan-CB added 3.5 sen to 18.5 sen and Borneo Oil-WB added 5.5 sen to 39.5 sen.
Among blue-chip counters, Maybank lost a sen to RM8.80, CIMB declined three sen to RM8.12, Sime Darby decreased two sen to RM9.10 while Petronas Chemicals gained two sen to RM6.72.
The top loser of the day was BAT which lost RM1.40 to RM46.24.
Volume on the Main Market slipped to 885.97 million shares worth RM1.525 billion from 1.182 billion shares worth RM2.19 billion on Wednesday.
Warrants fell to 148.220 million units valued at RM27.35 million from 205.512 million units valued at RM40.547 million previously.
Turnover on the ACE Market declined to 53.932 million shares worth RM6.146 million from 104.282 million shares worth RM13.154 million recorded yesterday. - Bernama
Read more: KL stocks lower in cautious trade http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/shar11/Article/index_html#ixzz1GExBD5B2 |
Dividend growth challenge
By Rupinder Singh
Published: 2011/03/14
The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) will find it tough to consistently pay high dividends as uncertainty over the prospects of major economies could have a big bearing on open economies like Malaysia, economists said.
They expect the EPF dividend payment to ease to around 4 per cent to 5 per cent this year, from nearly 6 per cent in 2010.
Malaysia Rating Corp Bhd (MARC) chief economist Nor Zahidi Alias said as external trade and portfolio flows influence financial market performance, the Malaysian financial market could experience some knee-jerk reactions if risk aversion starts to escalate.
Nor Zahidi Alias said he would not be surprised if the present market correction continues in the next few months, especially when the overall sentiment is soured by the still struggling European economies and persistently high unemployment in the US.
"Such developments will no doubt have negative repercussions on Malaysia's external sector. Therefore, paying consistently high dividends will be challenging not only for the EPF, but also for other asset managers," he said.
Among the macro factors that will affect EPF's performance in 2011 are the country's gross domestic (GDP) growth, inflation, oil prices, interest rates and ringgit exchange rates.
"Based on the moderate gross domestic product (GDP) growth anticipated at between 5 per cent and 6 per cent this year, we expect EPF's dividend payout to also ease to the 5 per cent average level," RAM Holdings group chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng said.
Over the last 10 years, EPF's dividend payout ranged between 4.25 per cent and 5.8 per cent annually with an average of 5 per cent. The highest dividend rate ever paid was 8.5 per cent in 1983 and 1986.
Last year, EPF's top-of-the-range payout of 5.8 per cent corresponds to a strong rebound of the economy where the GDP expanded 7.2 per cent following a contraction of 1.7 per cent during the global financial turmoil in 2009.
EPF's major challenge, Yeah said, is to find investible instruments for the RM10 billion-RM12 billion net contributions that it will receive this year.
Besides that, he said, the pension fund would find it hard enhancing or rebalancing its portfolio towards safe and higher yielding asset classes to achieve the highest possible returns without compromising its mandate of capital preservation.
EPF is one of Asia's largest pension funds with a total asset of RM440.5 billion as at December 31 last year.
Allianz Life Insurance Malaysia Bhd chief investment officer Esther Ong estimates EPF dividend payout to be between 4 per cent and 5 per cent this term.
She said it may not be easy for EPF to sustain its performance this year unless some gains earned in better years previously are being used for distribution this year.
Ong believes that due to a more challenging macro environment, higher rates are expected for the bond portfolio.
"Meanwhile, we anticipate a more moderate return from equities given rising inflationary risks and the more moderate economic recovery path could result in lower earnings growth compared to last year," she noted.
In retrospect, equities were the largest contributor to the EPF's gross investment income in 2010, representing 45.45 per cent of its total gross investment income.
A total of RM10.94 billion was earned by EPF from equities last year, reflecting a significant 125.69 per cent increase from RM4.85 billion earned in 2009.
Read more: Dividend growth challenge http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/epf08/Article/index_html#ixzz1GXnijpzO
invest kat property lagik untung...........  |
acongg, ko kaw tim dgn orang EPF ...leh la bwk kua semua EPF ko(klu lum cukop tua la)...n invest kat property.. |
Maybank may revise downwards market outlook
Malayan Banking Bhd (1155) may revise downwards its FBM KLCI forecast for 2011 at 1,710 points if the oil price breaches US$150 per barrel.
Maybank Investment Bank Bhd chief executive officer Tengku Datuk Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz said it would monitor events in the regional market as well as in Japan and the Middle East.
"If oil price were to touch US$150, we would definitely have to revise the target downwards," Tengku Zafrul said after a briefing on Invest Malaysia 2011 in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
He said with the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, coupled with the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the sentiment is quite bad.
However, the bank remains positive about the market for now.
Tengku Zafrul said Maybank is still overweight on three sectors namely oil and gas, construction and property.
Read more: Maybank may revise downwards market outlook http://www.btimes.com.my/Current ... _html#ixzz1GiTtDdhW |
Bulls to stage breakout attempt
By Goh Thean Eu
Published: 2011/03/21
Trading on the Malaysian stock market early this week is poised to be brisk, as bulls attempt to break out from bear territory.
For the first time in weeks, global equties have had a slew of good news to cling on to, ranging from reports that the Group of Seven (G7) will intervene in the Yen, which Japan has managed to stabilise some of its nuclear reactors, the UN sanctioned action in Libya.
On the domestic front, investors' risk appetite may have gone up by a notch, following the reports that Sarawak state election will be called by as early as next month.
"The unexpected G7 intervention to weaken the yen, improved sentiment in the global equity markets as well as cut fears about Japan sinking into recession," said an analyst, adding that the move also minimised possibilities of unwinding of yen carry trades as funds could scramble to minimise losses from a stronger yen.
The Japanese yen has soared to a record high of 76.250 yen to the dollar after the country suffered one of the worst natural disasters since 1923, which has left more than 20,000 people dead or missing. The disaster also damaged several nuclear plants.
A stronger yen makes it more difficult for Japan's export-driven economy to recover by making Japanese goods more expensive on the world market.
As part of the effort to stabilise the currency, it was reported that more than US$25 billion (RM76 billion) was pumped in by the world's richest nations, in what is being described as the first such co-ordinated action in more than a decade.
The US Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan and the Bank of England have jointly intervened in the currency markets.
Ripples of the Friday's action by the G7 nations, helped push the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI to its first close above the psychological 1,500 level in six trading days.
The 30 stock benchmark index closed the week higher by about 0.7 per cent to 1,503.89, its highest weekly close in two weeks.
The ringgit closed at RM3.0530 against the US dollar on Friday, as opposed to Thursday's close of RM3.0535 against the greenback.
Improvements in the ringgit against the US currency coincided with an increase in foreign participation in the local equity market.
Last Friday, foreigners bought some RM425.67 million worth of stocks, against the RM343.41 million they spent in buying shares on Thursday.
As such, their participation in the market on Friday increased to 29.87 per cent from the 26.72 per cent, according to the information obtained from Bursa Malaysia.
Affin Investment Bank head of research Nazri Khan, in a recent news report, expects the index to hit as high as 1,520 this week, and added that those companies in the steel and timber sectors could be the main beneficiaries.
Glove makers may trade more actively due to weak rubber prices, while DRB Hicom Bhd, which saw the Employees Provident Fund buy more than four million of its shares last week, may trade more actively after the reports emerged that it has bid for Pos Malaysia Bhd.
Likewise, Scomi Group Bhd begins to come into focus after a weekend report suggested that it is the front runner in securing a US$782 million (RM2.38 billion) monorail contract in Brazil.
Read more: Bulls to stage breakout attempt http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/bellbell/Article/index_html#ixzz1HFT6SYUh |
kirawang check pm....pls |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi