Reply #683 tossee's post
tula aku pun naik seronok jugak, sbb aku takde tmpt lain lagi tmpt melepak selain dari CARI aviation nie jer... |
Originally posted by emmo at 1-11-2008 12:04 AM
tula aku pun naik seronok jugak, sbb aku takde tmpt lain lagi tmpt melepak selain dari CARI aviation nie jer...
Jgn risau emmo...kite akan gegarkan dunia sim nnt...:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: |
Reply #683 tossee's post
Tossee mcm ne nak guna AES tu???????? Aku tgk best gak guna AES tu tp x thu nak dpt kat ner... |
besar giler boobs tossee...haha! |
Reply #690 emmo's post
emmm indo nye bnyk da...tp yg airport detail(juanda,jkrta,) dlm list leh rujuk...depa nye airport detail...so kne la detail gak..then tunjuk sama aerosft member..tgk aproved kan...WIII-jakarta..chk dlm avsim...author=budi..
bincang2 ng die ke..leh die sumbang2 skil nyer ker..tp jakarta die mmg lawa n actual...
yg penting tunjuk progress kat aerosoft...kre mcm proposal..then diorang pertimbang kan..mybe..but atleast diorg tgk or notice klia ni..mybe ade die nye requirement ke..psl mcm aerobridge ke..truck2..leh gune texture KLAS/SKY CHEF/MH nye ramp ker...Dan JGN lupe VDGS..tny author yg buat airport EHAM(AVSIM) mybe die leh ajar buat VDGS ni...syok parking...alang2 nk buat..:victory: |
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Emmo..kalaau leh..try la minta AES yg klia ni xperlu credit nye(free)...susah budak2 nk beli credit nye...
kalau nk lg laku ko nye scenery..upload kat avsim...1 dunia org leh ambil...bru la kerja ko 1 dunia leh gune..x mo mcm tu ke? aku just bg cdgan..:re: |
Reply #693 alphalfa's post
good suggestions...
semalam aku dah contact Budi author WIII, mintak tips kt dier cmner nak assimilate klia3 dgn AES, hopefully dier dpt bg sdeket info...
secondly aku dah mula observe kat Aerosoft forum ttg topik nie, by now at least dpt jugak sdeket info ape yg dorg share kt sane, cume satu je, aku kena convince kat org2 Aerosoft ttg projek klia3 nie, in which the project must comply dgn dorg pnye models & design standard, anyway I'll dig deeply into with these requirements, then dorg mintak klia3 in complete package, sedangkan projek tu blum siap sepenuhnyer indeed that will not be the big issue, as sooner or later klia3 will get into its shapes...
EHAM tak silap aku is done by Arno Gerretsen, org kuat (founder) FSDeveloper.com sbnanya takde masalah kalu mintak tips kat dier, so far dier yg byk tunjuk bagi ajar kt FSD scenery forum...
pasal mintak AES credit free for WMKK, I guess masih terlalu awal utk kita nak buat demand, as more or less sudah tentu Aerosoft nak amik sdeket income dari dorg pnye product distributions... rite
FYI, what I can say rite now is, kalu siap nanti klia3 will not be available for download kat mane2 major FS sites, that is beyond my authority, sorry I can't elaborate more on that terserah nnt kat our klia3 project coordinator, tak lain tak bukan Mr. Tossee
somehow CARI member (FS simmers @ CARI/forumers) will get copy of pre-release klia3 distributions, dgn syarat rajin2 jer tampal screenies kt sini |
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tossee, tuh MH A320 lawa ler..:kiss:
nko nyer awan tu gune software ape?active sky ker... |
Reply #697 tossee's post
Tossee aku memerlukan ....Kira aku blh dpt la ni.hax3333. |
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