JE ('07~'10) - Hey!Say!JUMP, Johnny's Jrs [HSJ new single: p.99]
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Wahhhhh, tak keluar gak tuh .. habis ler thread ni aku kerja kan .. jgn mare yer .. DOve senpai
Balas #676 whitedove\ catat
kih kih baru nampak reply Dove senpai nih .. ok .. klu dah tepek nanti bagitau yer ..
arigatou gozai masu
Reply #682 im_comey's post
aik, bukan dah tepek ke kat thread KinKi Kids?
are..bru pasan ade thread hsj kt sini..
hsj ga suki desu~
yamada mo daisuki desu~
err...tumpang lalu dan tumpang tanye...
nape benang ni topic dier ade toma gaks..
walhal benang toma da ade??
sekadar bertanye....
Reply #685 ma3rd's post
ini ler benang asal, time Toma tak glamer lagi...
PV Mayonaka Shadow Boy released...
yamachan sugoi kakkoi~
Reply #687 ma3rd's post
erksssssssssssss........ yamachannnnnnnnnnnnn *faint*
dengan kadar segera me menelek YT kalo ade PV nyer
Mayonaka no Shadow Boy PV
Mayonaka no SHADOO BOOI
kocchi muite yo CHERRII
socchi jaa nai CHERRII
itsudemo negai wa todokanai
acchi kocchi ni CHERRII
docchi tsukazu CHERRII
namae wo yobarete yuremadou
mayonaka no KAUBOOI ni natte
kimi wo kimi wo ubaitai
sono egao mamoru tame ni
inochi kakete mo kamawanai
suki nanda CHERRII
uso ja nai CHERRII
omoi wa tsunotteiku bakari
chotto kite yo CHERRII
matteru kara CHERRII
tsurun to #eiru sono suhada
iya da yo furasetari
mujaki ni hito ni kobicha
amakute suppai toko
noko#e oite (SHADOU)
mayonaka no KAUBOOI ni natte
kimi ni kimi ni tsutaetai
moji kimi ga nozomu no nara
donna basho e mo tsureteiku
kocchi muite yo CHERRY
socchi jaa nai CHERRY
itsudemo negai wa todokanai
acchi kocchi ni CHERRII
docchi tsukazu CHERRII
namae wo yobarete yuremadou
dame da yo yasuuri shicha
jira#e shoubu shinakya
marukute makka na hoho
mottainai yo (SHADOU)
mayonaka no KAUBOOI ni natte
kimi wo kimi wo ubaitai
sono egao mamoru tame ni
inochi kakete mo kamawanai
mayonaka no KAUBOOI ni natte
kimi wo kimi wo ubaitai
sono egao mamoru tame ni
inochi kakete mo kamawanai
kizutsukezu ni ai#ai
kizutsukezu ni ai#ai
Midnight Shadow Boy
look over here, Cherry
not over there, Cherry
my wish never reaches you
over here and there, Cherry
it's unclear, Cherry
I call your name, shaken and puzzled
Becoming a midnight cowboy
You, I want to snatch you away
To protect that smile
I'd risk my life
I like you, Cherry
It's not a lie, Cherry
My feelings are just getting stronger
Come here for a bit, Cherry
'Cause I'll be waiting, Cherry
your skin, it's so smooth
I hate it when they touch you
You naively let people flirt with you.
leave that sweet and sour part of you behind
Becoming a midnight cowboy
You, I want to express to you
That, if you were to ask for it
I'd take you anywhere. (Shadow)
look over here, Cherry
not over there, Cherry
my wish never reaches you
over here and there, Cherry
it's unclear, Cherry
I call your name, shaken and puzzled
I can't just let you go
I'd be annoyed if I hadn't put up a fight
It'd be a waste of your round and bright red cheeks (Shadow)
Becoming a midnight cowboy
You, I want to snatch you away
To protect that smile
I'd risk my life
I like you, Cherry
It's not a lie, Cherry
My feelings are just getting stronger
Keito Okamoto
Chinen Yuri
Yamada Ryosuke
Yuto Nakajima
Arioka Daiki
Kota Yabu
Yuya Takaki
Kei Inoo
Hikaru Yaotome
[ Last edited by HideGulz at 13-10-2008 04:40 PM ]
Reply #688 HideGulz's post
kite ske single nih... mcm kesinambungan yama chan's solo, Asia No Yoru... mcm Asia no Yoru, lagu nih menunjukkan kekakkoiiness yama-chan... mmg dasatla HSJ, slalu dpt lagu best2... Arashi n NEWS sudah tewas... HSJ dh jd no.1 di hati mary n julie...
Yamachan ni bukan ke Yamada Ryosuke .. klu dia, aku pun suka gak .. heheh
hensem budak tuh , tunggu lagi 5 thn .. fuh
Reply #691 im_comey's post
hait, hait... yama-chan nih yamada ryosuke la... hehe... kite tunggu 3 thn lg jer... xnak ar tunggu 5 thn... asal lps sekolah jdla... haha... xyah tunggu pun takpe... hehe...
page mendap tetiba
Reply #694 HideGulz's post
haha... terkezut kot tb2 thread nih laju...
Mayonaka no Shadow Boy PV Screencaps
Wah, dlm screencaps tuh, Yamada chan betul2 nampak cam dah besar yerk .. cepat gak pembesarannyer .. ayat aku
satu je aku tak suka PV nih...
tak nampak sgt Yabu n Hikaru!