naiz, boleh tempek resepi kat thread ROTI nnt yea..
thank you.. |
674# dealova04
u tgk kat tesco mana BM brand tesco 199 ? u first nk guna eh? kalu dah penah guna, manual tu small matter lah ..sbb dia berfungsi mcm mixer jugak, cuma kita buh semua sekali bahan ...
adeknana Post at 9-2-2010 09:35 
tesco rawang |
677# shiina
tahan aje sbnrnya. Cuma BM yg batch hujung2 aje byk yg hantar repair... tu yg agaknya cosway tanak kuarkan lagi dah ...
saya guna dlm 2 tahun je kot ... selama sy preknen tahun lepas langsung tak usik pasal tade mood nk meroti... bila dah nk start bali, bulih la 3, 4 kali guna, pastu trus kong ... skarang nih tgh survey2 BM kat market |
683# adeknana
Maknanya baki BM cosway yang ada kat stokis sekarang nipun keluaran yang hujung2 lah kan?.. |
ada lg ke stok BM kt cosway?dh byk dealer gk tanya..semua dh xdde stok...
ada yg aku sambar brand tesco gak ni... |
676# naiz
Isshh3...nice kaya bun naiz...nampak gebu...
shiina Post at 9-2-2010 10:25 
terima kasih shiinaa... |
naiz, boleh tempek resepi kat thread ROTI nnt yea..
thank you..
Kacip_Fatimah Post at 9-2-2010 14:39 
ok kak kacip, nanti naiz tepek resepinyee.. |
678# shiina
Untuk buat roti ni saya guna function yg uli dan bakar terus. Ada 2 saiz loaf, 1.5lb dan 2lb. Kat gambar tu buat 1.5lb. |
689# ceri_merah
Oooo...i c... |
dh 3 kali try wt roti guna BM tesco..x jadi2...frusttttttt nyerr... |
dh 3 kali try wt roti guna BM tesco..x jadi2...frusttttttt nyerr...
dealova04 Post at 16-2-2010 11:08 PM 
teknik tak betul kot...anis nyer biras pun baru2 ni dia beli BM, brand kenwood (BM250)...dia try sampai 4 kali buat roti semuanya tak jadi, roti peroi, keras kematu dan tak sedap..resepi roti tu lak anis yg bagi kat dia..sampai call byk kali dia kat anis tapi hasilnya, anak2 dia siap cakap..baling ke singapura pun leh hancur... ...suami dia (abg ipor anis) makan roti tu terkulat2...so ahad lepas kitaorang balik kg, dia siap angkut bawak balik BM dia tu ke kampung...punya lah dia tak puashati roti dia tak jadi...then bila anis ajar step by step guna BM tu...ikut resepi yg dia buat sampai 4 kali x jadi tu...dan hasilnya...menjadik lak..gebus2 gitu..dan dia test simpan sampai semalam (buat roti tu hari ahad)...roti tu maintain lembut dan gebus lagi...jadi, teknik memainkan peranan jugak...walaupun guna BM... |
691# dealova04
oo u akhirnya beli gak eh brand tesco ...
mmg takde panduan langsung ke kat dlm kotak dia tu?
cuba u paste kan gambar BM u tu (+ inner pot)... agak2 sama tak pesen ngan brand yg lain. kalu sama bole le sama2 share cara dan kaedahnya ... |
haha rimbun, welcome to the club. sy punya BM gear patah. bunyi je grek grek grek tapi kat dlm tak pusing pun. waranty dah tamat tempoh. hantar ket member hubby, dia tgk, katanya nk baiki bole tap ...
adeknana Post at 18-2-2010 12:23 
warranty setahun je kan... huhu belum lg sampai setahun dah kiok. nasib beli pakai kupon. tak bebraloi langsung, baik beli kenwoodnyer,.. kalau yg 250 tuh bole dpt less than 500. tecit pon ok lg huh. adeknana ada try tanya cosway tak? bole tak kita hantar kat diorg untuk baiki agaknya |
696# rimbun
saya malas nk tanya pun, pasal warranty dah abes.
since u masih ada lagi warranty, why not hantar aje kat stokis... by right they should terima la kan...
kat posting atas dealova kata BM cap tesco rm199 tapi tade manual. pk², kalu nk tunggu kenwood lambat skit baru bole rembat ... kalu brand tesco nih ... bole dapat segera ... tapi kalu dia wat hal jugak mcm BM cosway?? rugi jugak ... hem... dilemma la plak heheh |
692# AnisSuraya
Apakata anis tolong tunjukkan step by step teknik dan cara buat roti guna BM tu...boleh tak?...kalau i ada BM pun...sure terkial2 nak guna...maklumlah...pertama kali nak guna BM... |
696# rimbun
saya malas nk tanya pun, pasal warranty dah abes.
since u masih ada lagi warranty, why not hantar aje kat stokis... by right they should terima la kan...
kat posting atas deal ...
adeknana Post at 18-2-2010 01:31 PM 
adeknana, ni anis jumpa kat satu blog...
The Aroma Of Homemade Bread
For the longest time I've wanted to get a breadmaker. Well, I finally got one. Tesco came out with their own brand and it only costs RM199. That's real cheap compared to other brands, and there's not much choice here in Malaysia.
So, how did my bread turn out? Take a look.
So far I've only done simple white bread. Turns out quite nice. I want to do whole wheat bread because it's healthier. Unfortunately stupid me bought the wrong thing when I went to the baking shop. I was suppose to get whole wheat flour, I got whole wheat instead. Anybody knows what I can do with whole wheat?
Just in case you're wondering how to make bread with a breadmaker, here's basically what you do: Throw in the ingredients in the recommended order (read the instruction manual). Mine says to put liquids first (water, oil, milk), then the dry stuff (flour, salt, sugar) and last of all, yeast on top. Press a few buttons to select the mode and color of crust. Then, press start. Walla! 3 hours later, you have nice, warm bread to eat.
I am going to enjoy my breadmaking the next few weeks. Anybody have a nice breadmaker recipe, please share.
sumber dari http://mamasbagoftricks.blogspot.com/ |
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Tunggu Dealova tepek BM yang dia beli brand tesco tu...adakah serupa mcm ini atau lain...
Tesco BM08 Bread Maker

Bread is one of the food items that can be very easily prepared. The famous company Tesco has introduced their new Tesco BM08 Bread Maker in the UK market. This bread maker helps you to make tasty breads in less time.
Product details
Tesco BM08 Bread Making Machine helps you to make breads with different loaf size. It includes a single program in it. This machine is a multi purpose machine that can be used also to make delicious cakes and jams as well. To see the progress of your work this unit has a see through window too. Approximate weight of the finished loaf size is 700g or 900g.
This bread maker does not have cool wall facility and does not have a programmable timer too.
The total time required for baking is 3:10 hours. The rapid baking time supported by the device is 1:58 hours and the baking time for wholemeal is 3:50 hours. Maximum capacity of this product is 600 grams. Space saving dimensions of this device is (H) 30cm x (W) 27cm x (D) 28cm. The weight of the machine is 7.1kg. |
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