eeeww... imagine her having tossing salad breath

if you tak minat re BRF's black magic ritual & illuminati stuff, skip an hour & terus watch part 3 (Timeline to Murder), around 1:01:xx
lots of "he said she said" ttg bantuan kecemasan yg tiba (media kata on time, witnesses kata lambat) dan ttg ambulance journey (some articles kata less than an hour, this vid kata >1 hour). You'll see dlm vid ni the demo mcm mana accident ni terjadi, including the "undetectable" white fiat uno and the fact that mercedes tu penah dicuri & dijumpai kembali beberapa hari b4 accident.
Re PW & PH tu, I terpikir bende yg sama.. and I also wonder why both of them never fight for the truth, macam Mohamed Al Fayed yg keeps fighting to expose BRF.. both mcm pasrah aje, I guess mind-control does exist in BRF, and the brainwash does work in long-term
memang Megdusa benar2 akan pi ke Balmoral ke? QE is finally sending her to the Windsors' mind-control camp? 
acik2 LSA tak CSI habis habisan pasal ni.. nak tahu jugak sapa gerangan "Haji Bakhil" yg telah berjaya menggoda MM hingusan tu, entah entah dia pun dah sadaqallahul azim dah sekrg 
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nak marah ngan PH.. asyik2 racist bagai..sooo lame.. bini dia degil nak mampus, kita yg x setuju dgn dia dipanggil racist.. blah la  |
hahahahaha i baca yg ni jugak semalam, nak tunjuk archie pun kena dtg BP, christening pun QE tarak, kata harry cucu fav, kalau nak dtg sgt mesti suruh tukar tarikh kann 
muka meggot in her wedding dress reminds me or ursula, little mermaid in her human form...
tak jumpa plak gambar dia smirk tu.. sejibik sama dgn gambar nih.
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dani-rox replied at 31-7-2019 01:00 AM
eeeww... imagine her having tossing salad breath
jap nak bg gmbr glamer tossing salad

snazzydaisy replied at 31-7-2019 02:30 AM
memang Megdusa benar2 akan pi ke Balmoral ke? QE is finally sending her to the Windsors' mind-cont ...
haah sis..
kena la dia lari... or else.. hahaha ikut je la apa keluarga mertua suruh  |
snazzydaisy replied at 31-7-2019 02:28 AM
Part 1 and 2 of the vid (the first one hour) mmg focus on black magic, rituals & illuminati stuff. ...
I read somewhere mmg BRF ni keturunan Cleopatra, keturunan Mark Anthony.. dan dr susur gaur Namrud.. that is why dorg percaya group2 lizards bagai ni.. sebenarnya maybe sbb pahaman zmn2 firaun tu di bw for thousand years gitu masih diamalkan oleh mrk. We dont know gitu..
mmg byk amalan iluminati nie. they have 13 groups.. atas BRF tu ada group power kena panggil payseur ke apa.. Tahap gaban kosa kwl donia.. depa ni la yg ugut BRF to do something dan hantar meggot utk ugut pd asalnya.. cuma si meggot nie je yg buat perangai nak kawin dgn dimwit .
Kalau Diana dipilih utk jd sacrifice, sian dia.. Dah la darah raja dia lagi tebal dr Charles, tp sian la sbb ritual dorg, last2 dia jd mangsa..
nooooooo....... omg. tolong la. memang tak lepas peluang langsung nak peras duit royal abis-abisan. choiii.
p/s: welkam back kaka nour! 
Thank Yousss..
That’s not really her signature..So pretentious madafaka...her real signature tu yg Kat divorce paper dia Dgn Trevor..
Eh..not really..that’s their pr bs as usual..just ignore it...
judicata replied at 31-7-2019 09:34 AM
BFF dia serena tak menang wimbledon
tq ta.. salah satu Meghan Markle'a effect gitu hahahaha |
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