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Author: Takki_Aniki


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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 15-8-2005 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by munna at 14-6-2005 01:37 PM
yg bukak thread ni org yg sama kat thread ssh kat soompi ke?......

^ Ye, saye.

Uik~ Naik balik thread ni. Sume dah rindu kat oppa ek? Hmm, dah nak dekat setahun dia masuk army. Ade lagi setahun.. Fighting!! ^^;

Alo, Kak Div!! :bgrin:


*Credits; tomo blog + gangsterio @ soompi + Takki_Aniki [reupload]


[ Last edited by Takki_Aniki at 15-8-2005 09:46 AM ]

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 15-8-2005 10:11 AM | Show all posts
Source: HL / haruna
from TSH

Chinese translated by CSH/cyingee (extracts)
English translated by TSH

Changes in Hallryu Top 4 Stars: SSH and RSW join top ranking

It is commonly known that Bae YoungJun, Lee ByungHun, Jang DongGun and WonBin are ranked the Hallyu Top Four Stars.

However, in an internet poll held between 5-13 Aug by Japanese Chosun entertainment session for "My favourite Korean actor", the highest votes go to BYJ, LBH, followed by Song Seung Heon and Ryu SiWon.

In a total of over 63,000 votes casted, in the first position is BYJ (26.9%), 2nd position LBH (17.3%), 3rd position Song Seung Heon (17%), 4th position RSW (13.5%), 5th position Kwon SangWoo (10%).

Worth mentioning is Song Seung Heon's high votes. Although SSH is yet to visit Japan and is currently serving army, but his votes had overtaken JDG and WB, and a marginal gap with 2nd position LBH.

This result reflects the increasing and strong support of SSH's fans since the telecast of Autumn Tale and Summer Scent.

Article; CLICK
Other credits; gangsterio @ soompi

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Post time 15-8-2005 12:30 PM | Show all posts
ramai yg rindu ngan ssh ni rupanya

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Post time 15-8-2005 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by munna at 15/8/05 12:30 PM
ramai yg rindu ngan ssh ni rupanya

aku pun da rindu ngan SSH nie... cpat ar 2006...

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Post time 16-8-2005 09:18 AM | Show all posts
rindu punya pasal hari ni  munna nak tgk movie make it big ngan he was gorgoeus utk kali yang banyak kali lah..

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Post time 17-8-2005 02:03 PM | Show all posts
finally div dah jumpa Sad Sonata punya photo album. semua tau kan yg SSH oppa was suppose to act in this series but due to 'the case', he was replaced by somebody else to act with KSW oppa.. anyway, eventhough SSH oppa did not acted in the series, the photo album that was released still contains his pics.. kat  S & M around RM34++.

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 18-8-2005 06:26 PM | Show all posts
Photo album? Around RM34++?? Ni gambar

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 18-8-2005 06:30 PM | Show all posts
Ack. Lupe nak ckp.. Takki replaced my first post of this thread to SSH's profile.

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Post time 18-8-2005 10:55 PM | Show all posts
Takki, though not really recent news and you've read this before... something for SSH thread. Kembali ke tempat asal, where it all started... nampaknya...:love:

Copied from CJW thread @, gratitude to  Beary Bear for translating & sharing the article with us.

Extracted from -

Source - Apple Daily Hong Kong

Chinese-English Translations by Beary Bear

Ever since the Korean Wave entered Japan last year, many Korean artistes became the favorites of older women in the country.  Many of them watch or follow dramas starring Korean stars.  

Recently, Japanese Chosun Ilbo organized a survey, asking neitzens to choose their "Favorite Korean Drama".  "Winter Sonata" starring Bae Yong-Jun and Choi Ji-Woo came out tops.  

Choi Ji-Woo's dramas occupied several top spots, including "Beautiful Days" at Number 2, and "Stairway to Heaven" at Number 4.  In addition, Lee Byung-Hun, Song Seung-Hun and Song Hye-Gyo each have three dramas in the Top 10 list.

Japanese Chosun Ilbo published the survey on their website last week, asking voters to choose their favorite Korean dramas.  It invited massive support, and within one week, 22000 voters cast their votes.

Korean Wave website introduces filming sites

The Top 10 dramas in the final list are well-known and classic dramas.  Clinching the Number 1 spot is "Winter Sonata" starring Bae Yong-Jun and Choi Ji-Woo with 27% of the votes.  

"Winter Sonata" set the craze for Korean dramas in Japan, NHK Television not only repeated the drama three times, it's late-night broadcast time slot also garnered double-digit viewership figures.   

So the drama deserves the first spot.

Coming in at a close second is "Beautiful Days"with 23% of the votes.  This drama propelled Lee Byung-Hun and Choi Ji-Woo's status and popularity in Japan. Even Ryu Si-Won, who does not enjoy immense popularity in Korea as he did before, is reaping the fruits of this drama's success.  Ryu has been nicknamed "Forever Prince" by the Japanese press, and his two singles released this year entered the Top 5 in the Oricon Charts.

Third is Bae Yong-Jun's other production, "Hotelier".

Other dramas in the Top 10 list include "Stairway to Heaven", "Lovers in Paris", "Summer Scent".  "Dae Jang-Geum" which was popular in Hong Kong managed a 7th spot in the rankings.

To ride on the Korean wave, the Korean National Tourism Organization, in collaboration with other companies have set up a website to introduce the Korean dramas.  Set in four languages including Korean, Japanese, Chinese and English, you can find the biodata and information of 68 Korean stars and 250 Korean dramas.  To learn more about Korea, please visit this website

Top 10 "Favorite Korean Dramas"

1. Winter Sonata - Bae Yong Jun, Choi Ji Woo (27.3%)
2. Beautiful Days- Lee Byung Hun, Choi Ji Woo (22.7%)
3. Hotelier - Bae Yong Jun, Song Yun Ah (12.7%)
4. Stairway to Heaven - Kwon Sang Woo, Choi Ji Woo (12.0%)
5. Lovers in Paris - Lee Dong Gun, Kim Jung Eun (7.2%)
6. Summer Scent - Song Seung Hun, Song Ye Jin (5.4%)
7. Dae Jang Geun - Ji Jin Hee, Lee Young Ae (4.7%)
8. Autumn in my Heart - Song Seung Hun, Song Hye Gyo (3.7%)
9. All In - Lee Byung Hun, Song Hye Gyo (3.2%)
10. Happy Together - Song Seung Hun, Lee Byung Hun, Jeon Ji Heon (1.1%)

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 19-8-2005 02:33 AM | Show all posts
katt unnie~!! Thanks a lot for dropping by. *huggles* :love:

I've seen the Top 10 Favourite.. Was quite surprised SS beat AIMH, because I've always prefer the latter. Hehe. Congrats sbb LBH nyer drama pun among the favourites!! :clap:

Psst. Sirih pulang ke gagang? Tsk, tsk. We'll see.

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Post time 19-8-2005 09:53 AM | Show all posts
itu bukan yg Japan photobook.. rasanya kalau yg japan photobook tu ada english translation kan??

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 21-8-2005 12:44 AM | Show all posts
^ Eh? Ade ke? Err.. macam takde je.. Tapi tak tau la plak sbb aritu drooling tgk gambar aje. Hehehehe.

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Post time 5-10-2005 12:12 AM | Show all posts

Takki & co ^^


Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.

Semoga diberkati dan dilindungi Allah selalu.


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Post time 6-10-2005 09:16 AM | Show all posts
wei..... dah tak lama je lagi nak masuk tahun 2006

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 29-10-2005 09:17 PM | Show all posts

Surat dari HwaCheon~ <3

SSH oppa balas surat yang fans dia hantar sempena 1 thn dia masuk army & dinaikkan pangkat jadi Koperal. :love:

Translation by &#24800;&#20140;&#9734;HK

Dear my beloved Honeylang family,

Hi. It's Song Seung Heon.

How are you today?

It's a year since I wrote to you.  
I am very very sorry not to have written to you more often.

I've been trying to find more proper word to start my letter.
Any other better word than "Hi"...
Which word can express my heart missing you, Honeylang,  so much?
I've been thinking over and over...wrote and erased..again and again...but
finally I chose "Hi" to start my letter.

When I expose myself to cold air in the morning these days,
it reminds me of the day of entrance to the army last year.
It seems a few days ago to me but, already,
one year has passed, really quickly, huh?

I have been very fine because all of you have been worrying
and concerning about me and praying for me.

As time goes by and I promoted to a higher rank,
I feel responsible more and more.
I now adapt myself to environment here and perform my duty successfully.
So don't worry about me anymore, and sleep at full length~&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;

A lot of things I can realize at the army.
It's hard to tell you everything but I want to tell you that
I am lucky to join the army even it's late.

So many precious memories I got here
can be great help for the rest of my life, I am sure.
If I didn't join the army, I never had chances to share
lives of ordinary young Korean men,
their dreams, loves and sorrows sometimes....
I could learn really a lot of things with them.

Of course during this period I have to be separated from you,
which is heartaching
but it was given to me as my share
and nobody can cover for me,
so I am trying to keep my composure and do my duty with sincerity.

And I know that God gave me a test to be a better person
so I am trying to have sincere religious life.

As meeting and longing go together, so when we meet again,
all this time will be compensated to us by bigger hope and delight,
which will be also our beautiful memory to share with.  

I hope your good health and happiness until then.
I really appreciate for your unconditional love everyday.

Dear all my fans including overseas fans,
I greatly appreciate for your love.

I am looking forward to meeting you soon.

I love you with all my heart......

25th Oct, 2005.
Song Seung Heon

Source; HoneyLang [] + Takki_Aniki (re-upload)


He doesn't forget to include his overseas fans.. Wah, terharu nyer~! <333333

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Post time 2-11-2005 04:19 PM | Show all posts
For everyone, especially Takki...


Harap maafkan segala yang saya tersilap cakap atau terkasar bahasa pada sesiapa pun & pada bila2 masa, kadang2 terlupa bila berforum... harap jangan simpan di dalam hati.

* image from, protect our corals *

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 21-11-2005 02:11 PM | Show all posts
To katt unnie dearest, Takki pun sama.. Mintak maaf banyak2. <333


Korang tau tak ade lagu Mandarin yg bertajuk I'm Not Song Seung Heon? Group yg nyanyi tu from Malaysia plak tu. Keke. Lirik dia cam lawak sikit tapi overall, okay lah.. :bg:

******* Posted by njs @ SSH Soompi Thread *******

&#25105;&#19981;&#26159;&#8230; &#23435;&#25215;&#23466; / I'm not... Song Seung Heon

lyrics by: &#37138;&#22283;&#27402; / composed by: &#40643;&#29801;&#29801; /
singer: &#38991;&#23416;&#36983;&#12289;&#24373;&#36215;&#25919; (new boys group from Malaysia... and from Stephanie Sun's production co)

You want me to look into your eyes and say "Salanghe" romantically

You grumble that our relationship lacks scenes in Korean drama

You want me to carry you on my back all day long and walk barefooted along the beach

You command me to only have Korean instant noodles everyday

&#25105;&#19981;&#26159; &#23435;&#25215;&#23466;
I'm not Song Seung Heon

I don't know about life-and-death pledge of love

I like to use simple words to express my craziness for you

&#25105;&#19981;&#26159; &#23435;&#25215;&#23466;
I'm not Song Seung Heon

Don't know how to create deep touching lifetime romance

&#25105;&#21482;&#33021;&#29992;&#20165;&#26377;&#21628;&#21560;&#25442;&#20320;&#24555;&#20048; &#27599;&#19968;&#22825;
I can only use my breath in return of your happiness everyday

&#20146;&#29233;&#30340;&#22899;&#23401; &#25105;&#19981;&#26159;&#20598;&#20687;&#27966;
My dear girl, I'm not the idol type

&#35201;&#26126;&#30333; &#23454;&#21147;&#27604;&#36739;&#21507;&#24471;&#24320;
Please understand that capability is more realistic and factual

&#25105;&#30340;&#29233; &#36731;&#26494;&#33258;&#22312;
My love is relaxed and easy going

&#35831;&#25226;&#24515;&#34109;&#24320; &#20320;&#20250;&#21457;&#25496;&#20854;&#23454;&#25105;&#20063;&#19981;&#36182;
Please open up your heart, you will find that I'm really not bad

Although there is no lonely beautiful winter scenery here

But I will give you the brightest summer ever

I will give my best to let you have the warmest care

I'll be by your side and the time limit is 10 thousand years

:dia: &#38991;&#23416;&#36983;&#12289;&#24373;&#36215;&#25919; - I'm Not.. Song Seung Heon

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Post time 11-12-2005 09:45 PM | Show all posts
[quote]pls spread d news!!!

Message Forwarded From kmm

Hi Sharine ,
This is good news for SSH fans in Malaysia
but it's very pity that you do not live in KL
but i wish that you can inform all fans who
live in KL to participate this event ..
I know someone here are from Malaysia
but i do not know which part they are from
and I think you might know...
Many thanks

from: SHP

Korea KBS TV to do special shooting in Malaysia, in conjunction with RFM988, invites you to &#39068;&#23398;&#36801;. &#24352;&#36215;&#25919; "I'm not Song Seung Heon" music album signing concert

&#39068;&#23398;&#36801; & &#24352;&#36215;&#25919; new album release for less than a month, their song titled "I'm not Song Seung Heon" attracted attention of SSH's fans in Asia. Under a special lead by SSH's fans, Korea KBS TV will make a special 3-day trip to Malaysia to shoot a music program and interview with the singers.

Inviting SSH's fans participation

The singers' recording company, in conjunction with Korea KBS TV and RFM988, is organising a signing concert cum SSH fans gathering on Sat, 17 Dec at 2.00pm in Kuala Lumpur, Cheras Leisure Mall (&#34121;&#36182;). All fans of &#39068;&#23398;&#36801;,&#24352;&#36215;&#25919; and SSH are welcome to attend. At the event, the singers will perform live as well as demonstrate the dance steps of the song "I'm not Song Seung Heon". Korea KBS TV will also convey wishes from SSH's fans in Malaysia to SSH (currently in army), to let him know of Malaysia fans' dedicated support for him. For details, please ring telephone 03-2148 8793.

Event: &#39068;&#23398;&#36801;.&#24352;&#36215;&#25919;

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Post time 11-12-2005 10:56 PM | Show all posts
dough, COOL...!!

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Post time 12-12-2005 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 21-11-2005 02:11 PM
To katt unnie dearest, Takki pun sama.. Mintak maaf banyak2. <333


Korang tau tak ade lagu Mandarin yg bertajuk I'm Not Song Seung Heon? Group yg nyanyi tu from Malays ...

macam best je lagu ni ....walaupun lirik dia kelakar

takde ke gambar group yg nyanyi lagu tu:cak::cak:

[ Last edited by munna at 12-12-2005 09:22 AM ]

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