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Berilah Salam Walaupun Pada Kanak-kanak
عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَرَّ عَلَى غِلْمَانٍ فَسَلَّمَ عَلَيْهِم
Daripada Anas bin Malik RA bahawa Rasulullah SAW pernah bertemu dengan beberapa orang anak kecil, lalu baginda memberi salam kepada mereka. (Sahih Muslim No: 4031) Status: Hadis Sahih
1.Rasulullah SAW mengajar kita berakhlak mulia walau dengan sesiapapun
2.Antara akhlak mulia ialah mengucapkan salam apabila bertemu dengan orang Islam.
3.Rasulullah SAW memberi salam walaupun kepada kanak-kanak kecil
Ayuh miliki sifat rendah hati dan menghormati orang lain walaupun kanak-kanak kecil.
13hb Julai 2023.
24hb Zulhijjah 1444H
tari replied at 13-7-2023 02:38 PM
dah tgk. tq
bujang atau dah berkeluarga
Dah kawin tp bini org China. Tua > 10 thn dr dia. Ade daughter srg umur 3 thn rsnya |
tari replied at 13-7-2023 02:41 PM
ai pulak org gomen coti jumaat sabtu
tp ai coti sabtu ahad
Iols keje part-time, pastu sambung keje amal.. ahad mmg kena rehat.. iols takde masa sgt nak main2.. takat tgk netflix apa jahh.. |
tari replied at 13-7-2023 02:44 PM
ok la kan
x semak dgn perang bendera
Masa dun iols prn, iols takde.. so mmg tak dpt undi..
Next time je la.. |
ala semua tumentaliti kita je
mcm mira ni sama
sana sakit sini sakit
tapi kalau dapat berjimba
semua sihat
mra pn x tahu dia duk mana
mmg x muncul2 dr lepas undi aritu
ni nk undi balik
ada je la nnti tu
in sya Allah x de risau2 sgt dh kan
memandangkan mira amik anta dia keje
cuma kekdg tu dia nakgi sendiri
bila mira bising
dia start moto terus jalan
mira lam dh x on ekon tari
rasa sejuk lain mcm dh skg kalau on ekon mlm
siang ok lagi
mmg rugi pn
malu la kalau org tegur kan
kalau diri sendiri tegur x pe 
amiraira replied at 13-7-2023 11:23 PM
ala semua tumentaliti kita je
mcm mira ni sama
sana sakit sini sakit
Iols seriyes mmg badan sakit2.. iols siap kena pi urut2 nak kena betulkan tulang blakang.. dolu2 iols terjatuh kat tangga LRT.. so sejak tu mmg ada sakit blakang.. now dah makin kertu, makin menjadi sakitnya.. |
Salam Jumaat, selamat pagi |
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You start dying slowly ;
if you do not travel,
if you do not read,
If you do not listen to the sounds of life,
If you do not appreciate yourself.
You start dying slowly :
When you kill your self-esteem,
When you do not let others help you.
You start dying slowly ;
If you become a slave of your habits,
Walking everyday on the same paths…
If you do not change your routine,
If you do not wear different colours
Or you do not speak to those you don’t know.
You start dying slowly :
If you avoid to feel passion
And their turbulent emotions;
Those which make your eyes glisten
And your heart beat fast.
You start dying slowly :
If you do not risk what is safe for the uncertain
If you do not go after a dream
If you do not allow yourself
At least once in your lifetime
To run away from sensible advice
Don't let yourself die slowly
Do not forget to be happy!
~ Pablo Neruda
Chilean poet who was awarded the Nobe Prize for Literature in 1971 |
mira sakit jugak kalau bagn tiap pagi
tapi lepas mandi selalu lega sikit
x tahu nak kata angin ke apa
tapi mmg tangkap tulang belakang jugak
tapi x pernah jatuh jugak sebelum ni
ata mungkin masa skola mira aktif sukan kan
faktor usia pn ya jugak ni
ghalibboy replied at 14-7-2023 07:15 AM
Salam Jumaat, selamat pagi
Mana ni? Canteknya.. |
ghalibboy replied at 14-7-2023 05:55 PM
You start dying slowly ;
if you do not travel,
The poem is written by Martha Medieros.
Fake Pablo Neruda Poem Spreads on Internet
By Ana Mendoza
MADRID — The poem “Muere lentamente” (Dying Slowly), mistakenly attributed to Pablo Neruda, has been circulating for years on the Internet with no one able to stop it from snowballing, to the point that many in Spain have received the verses online as a New Year’s greeting.
The poem has been widely circulated on the Web by those looking to please or provide inspiration for 2009. The problem is that the Chilean poet never wrote it, the Pablo Neruda Foundation told Efe.
That verse and others have been circulating on the Web for some time now and “we don’t know who attributed them to Neruda, but the Neruda buffs we have consulted know nothing about them,” foundation librarian Adriana Valenzuela said.
But “Muere Lentamente” is not the only “fake Neruda” that cybernauts are coming across. Valenzuela said that the author of “Canto General” (Lyrics in General) is also said to have written the poems “Queda Prohibido” (It’s Forbidden), whose real author is apparently the Spanish writer and jounalist Alfredo Cuervo, and “Nunca Te Quejes” (Never Complain), whose creator is unknown.
This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, as Fernando Saez, executive director of the foundation, told Efe, that someone “attributes to a famous poet things he never wrote and whose real author is unknown. It happened with a well-known text attributed to Borges about life’s wonders, which not even at his most ironic would he have endured and even less, have written.”
But however notorious the case of the supposed Borges poem “Instantes” that Maria Kodama, the writer’s widow, says is by American author Nadine Stair, even more famous was the apocryphal work attributed to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, “La Marioneta” (The Puppet), with which the Colombian Nobel laureate for literature was supposed to have bid his friends goodbye after learning that he had cancer.
“What can kill me is the shame that some people actually believe I could have written something so vulgar,” Garcia Marquez said.
“Muere Lentamente” is the work of Brazilian writer Martha Medeiros, author of numerous books and reporter for the Porto Alegre newspaper Zero Hora, the Neruda Foundation told Efe.
Tired of people believing that the Chilean poet wrote the poem, she got in touch with the Neruda Foundation to establish her own authorship, giving as evidence how largely the verses coincide with her work in Portuguese “A Morte Devagar” (To Death Slowly), published in the year 2000 on All Souls Day eve.
In a statement to Efe, Medeiros admits she has no idea how the poem began circulating on the Internet, although it doesn’t surprise her since many of her verses are on the Web “as if they were by other authors. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about it,” she said.
The 47-year-old Brazilian poet and novelist deeply admires Neruda and says she is a fan of his poems, but prefers that “everybody’s work be recognized.” She loses no sleep over such matters, however, and said that she has “enough of a sense of humor to laugh at all this.”
The foundation agrees with Medeiros that little can be done to stop the false attribution from snowballing on the Web, because if one googles “Muere Lentamente” associated with Neruda, 19,100 links appear. |
amiraira replied at 14-7-2023 06:28 PM
mira sakit jugak kalau bagn tiap pagi
tapi lepas mandi selalu lega sikit
x tahu nak kata angin ke ...
Iols jenis tak aktif.. now paha pun dah jadi mcm saiz anak gajah..
Blakang iols mmg sakit.. hat ni dari jaman skolah mmg mcm ni.. lepaih jatuh tu, lagi teyuk.. |
x buat pemeriksaan doc ke
boleh buat physio kan
ni smlm tolong ank berniaga bunga
angkat air yg botol mineral besar tu
adoiii tangkap pinggang lak
nampak sgt dh x leh buat kerja berat dh
semuanya sakit
tolak lagi  |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara