Originally posted by cajAzhari at 20-12-2008 08:59 AM
oo...yayy,rukia ngan momoko ad.....xdela,berite gembire psl comeback diorg xde org respon pn....berite gembire tuhhhhh..........
aku pong nak tgk gak comeback tuh....bgusla ko tepek2..aku mmg rajin nengok nyew
ske tgk diorg nih..cute2..n sweet...
Taeng also just appeared on WGM. She gave KangIn the mission card.
And some random things Taengoo revealed about herself on ChinChin yesterday
* She has three best friends (other than the members)
* She cannot drink milk(lactose intolerant?) That's why she mentioned that she likes soy milk before...
*Seohyun jokes with her and sometimes calls her GooTaeng. Seohyun wouldsay "TaengGooTaengGooTaeng, GooTaeng unnie, go stand in that gootaeng!"because gootaeng is a funny way of saying goosuk(corner).
x sure dh penah tepek ker belum. tp mcm confirm belum jer!! aku kidnap dr soompi ^^
Rumored Mini-album .. talk about hotness to the extreme. Mini-lollipops, jeans, and skates.
Mannnnnnnn. Apparently these pictures are posted all over Seoul atm and they're leading to SNSD's comeback.
Jan 2nd is supposed to be when the teaser comes out soooo look forward to it.
credit: on the posters + soshified.com for the upload
pergh, masing2 mmg nmpk shexy giler even just pakai bj yg simple, t's putih & jeans!!
New posters of Girls Generation were spotted all over Seoul this weekend. Their management company, SM announcedthat posters of the various 9 members will be plastered in separateareas on bus stops (above) and anywhere else they can find a free spotaround Kangnam station, Myongdong and Jongro (all high traffic areasfor their target market).
Girls Generation performed at MBC抯 揝how! Music Central