salam...shika bru nk g interview dgn SPA (A29) nie..ade saper2 leh bg info??
nk tanyer..interview fully in english @ 50 english-50 melayu??
ade die tanyer ttg isu semasa?
shikamaru Post at 1-10-2009 15:03
tak berapa lama dulu wa ade attend interview tuk post A41...
nisbah english melayu die lebih kurang 90:10...
yg cakap melayu pun panel SPA je... Panel DCA fully english...
antara soalan yg wajib panel tanya ialah "kenapa nak jadik ppktu??"
ganbatte ne!! huhu |
me no taiko la bro.. i apologize if i did run your mood down.. but thats the ugly truth.. just take a peek at the passing rate.. roughly only 25%-40% manage to complete all the courses and get their licenses.. although the facts its gonna be quite hard.. it'll make us tougher and ready for the real job.. who knows ICAO might add-up things from FAA.. |
me no taiko la bro.. i apologize if i did run your mood down.. but thats the ugly truth.. just take a peek at the passing rate.. roughly only 25%-40% manage to complete all the courses and get their l ...
stador Post at 2-10-2009 10:17
eeeii..takutnyeee....60% akan fail.....abihla tak dpt jadi atc.....waaa....takuttttttnyeeee |
612# stador
Lets the past be just a history, do not look back and take a great pride of ourselves. WE can change the 40% to 100% and create the new history... |
mmm... so excited reading you guys posts..
but i not so lucky... just got the reserve candidate..
apa nk wat.. kena laa tgu kot2 ader panggil...
btw, td cal DCA.. tanya psal calon simpanan nie..
DCA takde list calon simpanan ni.. lau dorg nk dorg akan request kat SPA jer.. so SPA laa yg incharge bab nk panggil calon simpanan nie..
n DCA kata dorg x brani nk ckp samada calon simpanan ni akan di panggil.. ape2 kena tunggu 4.1.2010... tp lau nk ikut logik aku, patutnyer dorg dh tau brape yg akan lapor diri on that date base on surat 'terima' yg korg reply kan??? mmm.. confuse2...
any frenz over here yg tau psl procedure intake for calon simpanan ni?
and, tak silap td dia kata batch kali maybe dlm 80 org.. mmm.. hopefully ader la chance aku ekk.. |
587# marilyn_mansun
Ahahaha... Jahilnya diriku ini.. Sori2.. Ingatkan marilyn tu nama perempuan.. Raya mmg sebulan tapi cuti saya seminggu jek.. Da balik keje dah...
Anyway, to all my future colleagues, i wish the best for our new life, and feel free to add me on your ym: [email protected]
Hari ni saya cuti.... Nak pi jalan2 cari makan kat umbai... Best ke weh? |
mmm... so excited reading you guys posts..
but i not so lucky... just got the reserve candidate..
apa nk wat.. kena laa tgu kot2 ader panggil...
btw, td cal DCA.. tanya psal calon simpanan nie..
mizzie Post at 2-10-2009 11:26
insya Allah kalau ade rezeki..akan dipanggil...mana la tau ade org tarik diri last minit bila baca percentage rate 40% je yg lulus.... |
Post Last Edit by stador at 2-10-2009 13:03
612# stador
Lets the past be just a history, do not look back and take a great pride of ourselves. WE can change the 40% to 100% and create the new history...
AbangBoss Post at 2-10-2009 11:21
changing to 100% also need others to change as well .. why not we start with ourselves first.. if we want to change the past by forgetting all the statistical past but still repeating the past.. so how are we going to change the past we can't let go? |
changing to 100% also need others to change as well .. why not we start with ourselves first.. if we want to change the past by forgetting all the statistical past but still repeating the past.. ...
stador Post at 2-10-2009 11:35
yupp!! thats correct.. it's not easy to change someone.. |
changing to 100% also need others to change as well .. why not we start with ourselves first.. if we want to change the past by forgetting all the statistical past but still repeating the past.. ...
stador Post at 2-10-2009 11:35
ur right dude, WE have to learn from the previous statistical, do genba genbutsu and do not repeat the the past... let's go 100%! |
warghh..how on earth i can overlook this thread. *sigh* thank you so much semua. i will be join 4th january '10 nnti too. |
but then again.. its not that we're goin to register at sepang on 4th kan? on 4th lapor diri at DCA, do aku janji dpn ketua jabatan n fill in borang isytihar harta kot.. :-? yep..1 blok n campur2 uhuhu.. |
610# taru
actually tak banyak yg dia tanye..out of time la bro..nak solat jumaat..so no introducing myself sort of question..straight forward questions, why you wannna be an ATCO, then as usual the spa man provoke me with responsibilities as an ATCO, and few questions bout the airport things which i can't remember hehe . |
623# poie
word provoke itu.. haha.. biasa la tu from spa panel..their fav.. yg pasti keep cool n confident u'll be safe..insya Allah. |
but then again.. its not that we're goin to register at sepang on 4th kan? on 4th lapor diri at DCA, do aku janji dpn ketua jabatan n fill in borang isytihar harta kot.. :-? yep..1 blok n campur2 uhuh ...
jezzabelliqa Post at 2-10-2009 16:05
pergh, istihar harta!!
hmm, harta takde... hutang byk la kalu nak istihar... kuikuikui |
eeeii..takutnyeee....60% akan fail.....abihla tak dpt jadi atc.....waaa....takuttttttnyeeee
hahaha, ni bebetul takut ke or takut tp mau... |
Ada sesapa tau apa sebab / kenapa boleh gagal? |
625# taru
oppss silap laa.. hehe.. bkn isytihar harta.. but tapisan keselamatan.. |
587# marilyn_mansun
Ahahaha... Jahilnya diriku ini.. Sori2.. Ingatkan marilyn tu nama perempuan.. Raya mmg sebulan tapi cuti saya seminggu jek.. Da balik keje dah...
Anyway, to all my future ...
JaJa84 Post at 2-10-2009 11:28 jaja.. hehe.. kita pun igt marilyn ni pompuan.. rupanya laki.. silap la.. |
few words from our senior..
Sha: if rasa diri kejap nak kejap xnak,bttr jgn la
Sha: if ada plan nak duk ileks,nak balik raya,nak kawen awal,xble kene marah,xble duk jauh ngan mak..btr cr keje lain |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi