Hmmm....good good, Cassano bukan sahaja guna org untuk break the law , tapi dia sendiri pun dah guna silencer dan bunuh the guy who killed his mom, kan?
so , kalau ikut fact ini - memang ada alasan kukuh untuk sabitan, semua kesalahan dia.
Kalau dia sampai upah Luca jaga Cha Young - meaning dia sagat sangat perlukan plan yang tak boleh ada seorang pun yg khianat. dan dia pun takkan let Cha Young fight Babel alone.
Mayat tu - ada dua scenes - satu mayat yg Choi Aerobic tu cakap - u think you'd take me for a fool? sama ada Mr Cho atau Wusang , sebab dalam trailer tu Mr Cho kena tangkap , kan?
mayat kedua - if mayat ni bukan mayat 1 di atas = Cha Young menangis - takkan Cha Young menangis pada org yg dia tak kenal -sama ada Wuang CEO yg selalunya baik dengan Cha Young tu atau Cassano.... takkan Cha Young pulak kan tiberszz tak ada ribut petir nak tangisi Mr Cho?
itu tak masuk akal..
tapi kalau Ceo Wusang tu logik juga - Sebab HAn Seok dan Aerobic Choi tu tahu yg he is starting to flip.
Tapi yes i suka theory di atas yg konsisten dengan episode 16 = recalled that when he was about to kill his mommy killer - Cassano has called up Mr An - who has sent him the details / identity of the murderer, right ?
an d think about what he said to Mr An - i need you to detect something , for later
i think masa ni dia dah devise a plan dah ...
yes i rasa theory ni catchy - sebab Mr An sama ada nak menyokong Cassano dari aspek procedural - aspek immigration and civil law atau ape ape... adakah Cassano ada dilindungi sebab he is by law an Italian? so deportation tu yes plausible
cume....bye bye ballon tu nak sorookan dia kat - aaah lokasi riverside gunung ganang tu lah kot - kan kita nampak Cassano kat satu rumah kan...
ntahlah...dah pening
tapi issues yg belum selesai
* Gold beneath the nanyak temple
*Guillotibe file
* then relationship - to be off Korea or not ...
Post time 21-4-2021 11:38 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Vincenzo production plans to finish the last filming this week, april 23. as for the ending, it was issued to prevent leakage. the script was also delayed bcs the PD & writer is struggling over the ending.
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Post time 21-4-2021 03:06 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by mrsjones at 21-4-2021 03:07 PM
mbhcsf replied at 20-4-2021 02:04 PM
Mrs Jones, citer comedy seram Jang Nara you may be would want to watch
Sell your haunted hous ...
aikkk, terus genre serammm.. kalau comedy ok la kan..
ni i masuk list. skrg tgh demam dgn bang vin, hihii
dah tgk rupa ex-wife dia, cantik n pandai jgk sbb grad uni sejong... tp mungkin x compatible kot diaorg ni, tu psl boleh cerai..
i still sedih dgn epi16, patutnya vin dah boleh ngaku dia tu anak mak dia lg2 lps mak dia citer bila dia terigt yg masa dia panggil anak dia ju hyeong aaaa... tu kan nama betul dia, ishhhh scene yg diaorg jln2 kat luar..
Mr Queen you dah tengok ke belum ye?
I nyer pendapat pulak, deoa team Cassano, ni belajar dari mr queen, sebab ep 17 ke 18, Mr Queen tu cliff hanger yg mendebarkan taw, kalau tak silap i, that was the episode, of which the two characters Queen and Byeong Im ( Na in Woo ) tu bumped with that sida sida drug addict tu, ketika tu viewers dok - depa dok speculate sapa..sapa akan mati etc ...
so masa tu team Mr Qeen dah sebar gegambar set so , ada lah smart alec pi anayse gambar and gambar set dan lokasi so depa dapat agak la...
i think sebab tu dalam Cassano ni- BTS dikeluarkan sikit sikit terkawal...sebba depa tahu yang fans boleh cari analyse ni hmm sophisticated semua hahaha, hahaha.
so I think - kali ni sewajarnya depa kena think really hard sebab depa dah letak Vincenzo benchmarking yg hmmm okay macam ni.
so...kena lah rasa ta puas hati sebab ending tu depa kena jagala....
pada i
happy ending okay pun tak pe.
tapii lebih suka satisfying endings...kire i dah happy lah kalau writers and directors dah pening2 dah, tu laaa....
tapi kalau ade season 2 pun okay
Mr Queen team akan memutuskan untuk melakukan season2 or not pada december ni, dan akan dimaklumkan.
well dah pandai sangat team Cassano ni buat plotwist , now....
i pun pening macam mana ending modes depa
sama ada
nak tyoing the loose ends as in circle
atau nak epiogue ke
yes about their personal marital crisis, well....kitatak tahu kan, nampak di luar memang bagai pinang dibelah 78 pun but once you get to live with the spouse that you might not really know her entire belief, attitudes, expectation on things memang agak sukar mencapai harmoni for what i know ada incompatibility dari aspek expectation family bonding antara SHK and SJK family. SHY was waised by a single mom family - so profilewise dia terasuh cara berfikir kendiri, cara buat keputusan atau think independently secara bebas, tapi SJK family, depa nyer dynamics ni lain , u could tell yg depa ni close knit family ni - je instagram yg masa kat set Vincenzo , ade je kak Joongki melawat lawat kawasan set, dengan niece and nephews & ade pun JKi dukung budak2 tu ada fatherly figure. i
ni may be punca - ni pun i click on the youtube, tapi as u know lah ...speculations.
Cara SHY bawa diri, layan family SJK and the expectation as a lady in law dalam adat keluarga JKI tu yg menjadi punca katanyalah , laa tapi macam ni kena selesaikan semasa kenal kenal dulu , hmm but after 2 years then voila crisis. so itulah tu
.sian juga taw, Hye Kyo tapi dia pun ada sungut yg dia dah loss independent - i think minah ni jenis free spiritted lady, tak suka macam ada restrictions kekangan expectation kebebasan pada i inipetanda wanita ni wasn't ready nak commit lagi ni - she was pressured kot time tu from many and any directions and forms kan? dedua ade pressure , i know fans menggila ketika depa berlakon descendant of the sun - ...ada dia cakap dalam Elle ke ape ke a few month ago. Ada gambar dia posing bunga bunga menarik sangat
The ada satu fight di mana ada one of them said things yg agak tak sepatutnya so....well ...i think depa tak bebetulkenal so salah dedualah, maan boleh kata sorang je betul kan...
dia memang lawa dari Cha Young. tapi pada I ...eloklah separated pun sebab she wasn't happy and Joong Ki yg deak dia sign divorce paper tu cecepat .katanyalah.
so depa kenal pun agak cepat...pada i ...baik jadi CLOY tu , take their time bebetul.
cuma pada I , bagsulah Joong Ki lani more mature as in not to reveal who is his or will be his next gf ...eloklah
i x uka pengai peminat k drama yg melebih lebih sampai hal SJK and SHY pun depa bawa ke drama ni - bezakan lah hal personalis personal , kita just be professional lah kan about it , tengok insta agak tak keen u know dengan fans dok melalak SJK and SHY ni togeter lah apalah , especially after epi 14 tu , ya ALLAH, the fans macam ni taksub i tak suka.
u just enjoty their performance sudahlah who cares apa depa sapa, depa just being the actor je pun.
Post time 21-4-2021 09:18 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 21-4-2021 07:43 PM
Oh Sejong is good uni yee...
yes about their personal marital crisis, well....kitatak tahu kan, ...
gila seram jadi pelakon kdrama ni.. takkan kena ada cinta lokasi setiap kali berlakon.. gila ke apa..?
what if hero-heroin tu dah kawen masing2, huru hara kot rumahtangga..
peminat kdrama ni agak2 la kan.. i mmg culture shock sikit on this part..
yg pelakon2nya tak yah la layan ketaksuban peminat.. ckp je lah they are drinking buddies, abis citer..
pd hal romance antara vin dgn cha young mmg subtle je kan, tp terus fans sakan lps epi14 tu..
penuh dlm ig n yt...
i mean i pun suka la jgk jln citer yg best tp romance tu subtle n not cringey.. but to a point praying they get together in real life mmg tak laa..
so macam tu la ehh lebih kurang citer sjk dgn ex wife dia? ye la kalau lain2 personaliti mmg susah la.. dah la work hours lama, bila nk ada masa utk spend time adjusting to each other.
i x pernah tgk drama dots n cloy ni tp bila dgr hero-heroin berdating/kawen sbb pressure peminat, horror jgk i dgr..
simpati i pd pelakon2 kdrama, hikss
Post time 21-4-2021 09:27 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
eijact replied at 21-4-2021 07:31 AM
This theory somewhat make sense..DAEBAK her mind..
sedih laa kalau teori mr nam tu betul, dia dah la admin staff yg byk menolong.. ishh gunting dlm lipatan sgt..
maybe mr cho n prosecutor jung kenakan vin pastu yg han seo n ceo wusang pulak masuk team vin.. sbb dah tak tahan dgn team psycopath hanseok n zumba choi cos wusang aint no contract killing agency aight..?!
itulah i suspect, sebab masa tupun Joong ki baru lepas dari military training dia yg 2 tahun tu, I guess,depa ingat depa ready lah tu kot. But , bila menikah dok tinggal bersamam baru dia tahu expectation unmet or clashes...hmm...itulah.
bila tengok you tube u akan tengok set set fanatics yg suka dok latch on the relationship between the two ni, macam paksa wish depa berbaik.
Sampai satu tahap SHY kena bagi hints lepas ep 14 tu dengan tunjuk dia betulkan, modify kot certain scripts dalam we are breaking up.
ada gambar tunjuk tajuk drama dalam naskah script tu.
so u know...this is immature form of meminati and in fact way too far off, unhealthy, sebab tak boleh bezakan yg mana you cross the boundary and not. this is in fact an obsessional thought.
Post time 22-4-2021 08:59 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 21-4-2021 11:35 PM
Hmm? Mrs Jones?
Theory Mr Nam tu tang part mane , dia kata apa?
i tak dpt tempek ss tweet bdk ni so i copy paste ehh..
I never had doubt on Nam Joo Sung (Mr. Nam). But i found quiet a lot of suspicious scenes of Mr. Nam since he met Choi Myung Hee (CMH). So let’s start dive in from the episode where they met.
[Ep 5]
- When CMH went to visit chacenzo, he met Mr. Nam first.
- On the same episode, he was suddenly having a blind date after three years.
I’ve seen many people talk about this, there’s a possibility that his date was CMH or maybe someone that work for CMH.
If that theory was true, let’s assume that maybe because it’s happened in just a span of 1 or 2 days, so CMH still didn’t get any information from that date, since this scene was like aha moment for CMH that vincenzo is the one who threatened her.
[Ep 6]
Babel lost on the 1st trial. Maybe that was when she feel like need to used mr. Nam again?
After that we got this scene. Suddenly, mr. Nam date wants to see him again . And chayoung called him wizard "()". By the way, it’s the same hangul with her crystal ball “( )” haha
We got this scene where Chacenzo and mr. Nam held a meeting with victim’s family for 2nd trial. And they were talking about the possibility of Babel will provoke the victim’s family.
Suddenly after Babo reveals party (lol) CMH changed her plan to provoke the victim's family.
And that's really happened Coincidence?
The 2nd trial is begin, but Mr. Nam is nowhere to be seen. So why is he not there?
From these facts, many people will suspicious with mr. Nam, he might be the mole and work for CMH after the blind dates.
[Ep 7]
But then we knew that mr. Nam was helping vincenzo to get head of babel reasearch team’s phone.
Surprisingly, CMH’s didn't look that surprised about that phone. It’s also possible she knew about this plan bcs after that we got this shot where she’s mumbling something to the judge.—
If she really knew about this plan, maybe she thought this was not that threatening for babel because the judge was on babel side and they can easily burn the evidence.
After that, chacenzo bring another surprise witness. That’s when CMH furious.
Flashback scene, there’s this scene where chacenzo is planning something, and guess what?
Yes, mr. Nam was nowhere to be seen again. Why?
Anyway, babel lost again yay!
This fact can break the assumption (Of mr.Nam didn't knew about other surprise witness).
Mr. Nam said that he was the one who prepared all the files.
So he must be knew about all of chacenzo’s plans, including another Dr. Gil's wife.
But again, another suspicious scene appear, rewatch 55:10- 55:29 & take a closer look on mr. Nam facial expression.
Is it just me or his gesture looks suspicious here? Is he knew and involved in CMH plan?
If he was worried, why he was nowhere to be seen? (Again)—
Not even after vincenzo released chayoung, not even at yeong ho's mom birthday party, not even at the police station.
[Ep 8]
Everything about tae ho plan was perfect and nothing bothers me about mr. Nam until the tragedy at opera house. Tae ho's mom made an apparance on the signing ceremony.
Apparently CMH was the one who asked tae ho’s mom to lead the ceremony. By this far, mr. Nam is the perfect candidate for us to think that he is the mole all this time & tell CMH most of the chacenzo’s plan.
So was it another coincidence? Or was it just a pure CMH’s plan?
Oh and p.s. mr. Nam was (again) not there when chacenzo talk about using enemy biggest fear to take a heartless revenge
And he was nowhere to be seen to at
the ceremony. Why didn't he come???Almost everyone was there. He's taking a big part on tae ho plan tho
[Ep 9]
*deep sigh*
Lot of things happened in ep 9.
- We got this scene when mr. Nam suddenly changed the restaurant.
-And please rewatch the scene where mr. Nam suddenly left the hug, i mean why did he do that? This was weird, as if he guilty about something.
And apparently there are some people followed chacenzo from the restaurant, and then break in to chayoung house. Another coincidence? idk anymore
Okay so now how did Mr. Nam knew Dr. Gil is under protection of the prosecution?
First let’s just assume that he has many resources.
After that chayoung got phone call from Prosecutor Jung In-Guk (JIG), i don’t want to overanalyze everything but mr. Nam said “i knew you could do it”. What was his plan?
Post time 22-4-2021 09:10 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
#Vincenzo Theories
Chacenzo met Prosecutor JIG, and jungwoo knew about this. How? There are 2 probability,
1. Because main topic of this thread is Mr. Nam, it could be him who told ‘CMH’ or someone from babel about this and pass this info to jungwoo.
2. Someone from babel is keeping eye on the prosecutor ever since Dr. Gil threaten jungwoo with 30 millions dollar.
Which one is more rational? Both of option are possible.
The following day, Mr. Nam was the one who got message from the victim’s family that they’re going on a trip.
In the same time, prosecutor JIG asked chayoung to operate the sting operation to make Dr. Gil spill who is babo.
And unfortunately, the night they run the operation, Dr. Gil was killed.
Like how babel knew about this plan??? The timing was just fit with their plan.
Unfortunately, the ending of this episode was really sad. The victim’s family was killed on their way to Jindo. But again, how they knew about this? The fact that mr. Nam is the one who got the message from victim’s family bothering me. I really hope he was not involved.
And again, mr. Nam is not with chacenzo. Why did he stay at the safe house instead of tagging along with chacenzo? let’s say he stayed bcs he need to take care of things that happened at the safe house.
But why didn’t he meet chacenzo at the police station or jipuragi after that?
He was the one who got the message that the 4 went on a trip tho.. that means they’re pretty close aren’t they..
[Ep 10]
Okay so we now at ep 10. If we look at ep 10, looks like CMH don’t know about the victim’s family. But we also didn't get her close up expression for this scene.
Nothing really bothers me until this.
Mr. Nam is guarding in front of vincenzo’s door.
After that suddenly junwoo asked chayoung to meet.
Like how did he knew she was there, just a feeling? Lmao
After that vincenzo ask mr. Nam to help him to make a video stream to lure the killers.
How did junwoo knew about this right away? He even watched it before chayoung arrived (i thought he was near geumga plaza?) It takes quiet some times to record and upload the video right..
Um.. i forget which episode when mr. Nam and jungwoo meet and talk? I can’t think of any. Anyway, why did he called mr. Jang first when the one he close to is chayoung lmao
I though that was all.
Nothing really bothers me from mr. Nam scenes on ep 11-12.
I was so ready to let go of my suspiciousness on Mr. Nam,
I thought all of this was just a coincidence and i overanalyze everything since nothing really sus on ep 11-12.
This particular line from preview ep 13 bothers me. CMH talking with Jang Han Seok (JHS) about the hidden tons of gold. (15 tons of gold)
Like where TH she got this information? Pretty sure only vincenzo, mr. Cho ,and recently chayoung and mr. Nam who knew the detail about this for now
It's just a preview, anyway
☆ I personally don't want to mr. Nam betrayed chacenzo, their chemistry, this trio was everything.
But i can't pretend to not notice that indeed some of mr. Nam scenes are really sus, like the timing was inline with what happened next on babel's side.
☆ We also can't ignore the fact that he always didn't show up on some important scenes.
Is there a reason for that? Or it just simply because he's a supporting character?
☆ He was always late to know about something important like the golds, mr. An's identity etc.
IF there'll be a scene on ep 13 where babel knew about mr. An identity..... then we'll talk about it later
Oh and don't forget last week we got this quote;
"To find a true friend is like finding a treasure. - Vincenzo Cassano
Post time 23-4-2021 09:10 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Vincenzo' Mafia Song Joong-ki, full-fledged villain referee... Will Ok Taek-yeon destroy the Tower of Babel?
On the 23rd, the TVN Saturday drama'Vinsenjo' (director Kim Hee-won, playbook Park Jae-beom, planning studio dragon, production Logos Film) captured the appearance of Dark Hero and Villain who entered the final confrontation on the 23rd. The new edition of Vincenzo (played by Song Joong-ki) and Jeon Yeo-bin (played by Cha-young Hong) to destroy the'Tower of Babel' by Joon-woo Jang (played by Taek-yeon Ok) stimulates curiosity.
Vincenzo and Hong Cha-young, who opened the'Guillotine File' containing various corruptions of the Korean government and the prosecution, launched an onslaught against the villains. Joon-woo Jang and Myung-hee Choi (played by Kim Yeo-jin), who were in crisis, caught Vincenzo's weakness and launched a counterattack. Eventually, Vincenzo's mother, Oh Gyeong-ja (Yun Bok-in), died in their tactics, and Vincenzo collapsed before his mother's death. The blackened Vincenzo went to the criminal and punished him with bloody retribution. Then, he appeared in front of the villains who were in charge of the murder and pointed at the guns. Vincenzo's cold and empty eyes exploded a sense of tension.
The production crew of'Vincenzo' said, “In this week's broadcast, other characters related to the Guillotine file appear. Please watch what variables will arise in the war between Dark Heroes and Villains trying to kill each other.”