hahhaa i xtau .. mak i boleh jumpa kot .. dia beli purse la, 2-3 jenis brg lagi .. hahaha .. nnti i tnye .. eh i dah google kan utk u
tgk sini
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oo..kt chowkit.. ok bile2 free nanti g survey.. eh u tgk x oh lady! retro mac ? i mcm berkenan color dia sbb aritu tarte x puas pakai sbb texture dia.. what do u think? @babydoll
whyyyy????!!! ini semua tidak adil!! ![](static/image/smiley/onion/down2.gif)
takpela,dah beli dah. hari ni akan deliver. tazabar neh! hhahah!
i lagi suka oh lady dari retro. oh lady tu cantik. retro tu mcm just another typical red color. if i were u, i akan amik oh lady ![](static/image/smiley/miluegg/love.jpg)
interesting! blh wat experiment neh. skrng i guna neutrogena lip balm utk moisture je.utk pakai lipstik, i guna too faced lip primer. blh la cuba cocoa butter stick pulak ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
eh,mcm mana u pakai lip primer tu? ok ke? liptik lekat sana sini lagi?
ok noted.. will get that color then.. hehe thanks
i choose oh lady too ![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif)
u nk tau x .. mase i tlg belikan cousin i kt online sephora, i lupa nk add to cart lip insurance tu .. then i p store. harga kt store rm79, padahal kt online rm69 .. trus i x jadi beli kt store & online pun huhu .. coz i nk dptkan free shipping,i xtau nak beli apa lg hahah
reviewwww sini nnti yeee hehhe
seriously?? tak payah la klo cmtu. tunggu kumpul bebanyak, baru u beli. ataupon u tunggu bulan 7, KVD keluar, u pegi swatch liptik dan u tgk ape lagi barang yg u nak.pstu balik umah,order online.wahahahahahha!! ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
tp i noticed, tak semua barang ada kt online kan? takpe, masih ada harapan. jgn risau. hahahah!!
u,nak tanya. too faced sweet peaches palette ada masuk tak kat sana?
u mean kt online sephora lg cheap than store? ok kene survey2 dulu next time.. btw will definitely get the oh lady soon.. bole match dengan baju raya.. hahaha
please review... in the meantime still looking for supplier yg ada ready stock ni.. nak abiskan dulu chanel loose powder i
orait bebeh! jgn risau..pasti i akan review disini ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
*benang liptik dah jadi benang semua barang mekap.hahaha!! tapi takpe,masih berkisah pasal liptik.cik puan tanah dah ilang. harap momod tak marah ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
rasa cm ada haritu kt store? kalau x salah laa .. kalau ada harga RM199 .. kt online x sume product ada ..
aah .. i tgh pening pilih eye brush kt morphe (beli dlm 3-4 btg) & of coz save sikit utk kvd akan datang ni .. hihi .. lambat pulak rasanyeee aiyoo
u beli morphe kat sephora ke,kat website diorang? i nak beli jugak,plus sigma brush. tp tunggu lps raya.
i nak cari brush utk pkai highlighter.smlm i tgk tutorial jeffree star.mcm lembut je berus morphe yg dia guna. tros i cm..must.get.it! hahah!
skrng i pakai fan brush utk highlighter.ok la jugak. tp klo dpt yg cm jefree pakai mcm lagi best ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif)
mmg betul la..one does not simply have enough makeup brush ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
suka compare harga store & online .. ada few item yg murah kt store, ade yg mahal .. vice versa .. ikutlah kerajinan anda .. hehe .. perasan bila new items/brand msuk sephora msia, kt online murah dr store.
u pegi ig amazinc.my .. dia tgh bukak order morphe .. dia tutup order 11 june ni .. tp dpt lepas raya laa ..
klu highlighter brush x silap i code dia M501 tapered ape tah nama nye
klu fan brush M310
try la real technique ..tu pun best jugak
wahhhh!! hebat betol u.bley ingat brush code.![](static/image/smiley/default/sign0191.gif)
i tak penah nak ingat brush code.ingat shape je. hahahah!! real technique ada kt kedai kt sini. blh la pegi usha.nt i usha jugak IG yg u ckp tu. manatau bley order skali.dpt lps raya pon boley.
real technique collab - pixiwoo
klu u p kedai, u perasan real technique by sam & nic chapman, tu link youtube yg i bagi kt atas ni ..
best sbb kebykan brush dia, multipurpose brush .. contoh, deluxe crease brush- boleh guna for buffer concealer.
i mula nk kumpul brush RT & morphe ni
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki