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Author: hhhhh


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Post time 22-4-2009 01:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #578 wbsJUE's post

me sedeyyy arini bzzzz gileeeerrrr..
yg paling sedey laptop wat hal...
kena bawa gi spital lagikkk...sampai tak leh bukak windowssss..golap jadinyer
habihhhhh ler sume fail2 gambo2 gif2 dn vid kesygan me ilangggggg

minsun poreberrrrrrrrrrrrr

komawo lagu tuh kaka Jue
lagu tuh pon peberet kiter jugakkk...bile lagu tuh main imagine cm kiter yg men piano

[ Last edited by  Ley at 22-4-2009 13:38 ]

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Post time 22-4-2009 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ley at 22-4-2009 13:29

LMH:tapi aku taknk merasa ngan ko nony
LEY/Jeu: oppaaaa..nony tu pasan sume die nk rase...
LMH:mmg nony cmm tuh kerrr..eeeee imagine yg bukan2
Ley/Jue:takper pedulikn ngan ...

LMH : ape laling2 ni??   

LMH : hny nony saje yg leh touch.......

*aku xyah wat dialog utk aku.....sume LMH oppa dh ckp....skian.... larikkkkkkkk

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Post time 22-4-2009 01:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ley at 22-4-2009 13:37
me sedeyyy arini bzzzz gileeeerrrr..
yg paling sedey laptop wat hal...
kena bawa gi spital lagikkk...sampai tak leh bukak windowssss..golap jadinyer
habihhhhh ler sume fa ...

uwaaaa..jongmalyo..mmg harus moyan pun nk naness utk mung gak..
me dpt rase ape yg mu rs maduss...uwaaaaaaaa.....

klu me ade pc kat umah, bleh je me bagi pe yg me ade kat mung...
walopun x byk yg me boleh la...minsun saje pun da mkn bape byk gig kat HD me tuh..

me pun bzzz...jom kite moyan mengenang nasib kite nih...MH/WB oppaaaa~~~~

mmg MINSUN poreber~~~

mu pun ske..mmg harus kite share 'rase' yg same...
lagu tu mmg bleh wat kite bangan pun..di awangan gitew~

[ Last edited by  wbsJUE at 22-4-2009 13:45 ]

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Post time 22-4-2009 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by anonymous5050 at 22-4-2009 13:39

LMH : ape laling2 ni??   

LMH : hny nony saje yg leh touch.......

*aku xyah wat dialog utk aku.....sume LMH oppa  ...

LMH:touchpad hokkay....xxxxxxxxxxxxx nony

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Post time 22-4-2009 01:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #583 wbsJUE's post

tu lerrrrr.....
sedeyyyy mmg sedeyyyyy...windu ngan WB/JP....golap dunia ku

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Post time 22-4-2009 01:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ley at 22-4-2009 13:44

LMH:touchpad hokkay....xxxxxxxxxxxxx nony

jue/ley: maja oppa..   harusss double triple fourple fifple XXXXXXXX nony itu~

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Post time 22-4-2009 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ley at 22-4-2009 13:46
tu lerrrrr.....
sedeyyyy mmg sedeyyyyy...windu ngan WB/JP....golap dunia ku

golap gulita donia ini tanpamu~~~*ade lagu camni x?*

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Post time 22-4-2009 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ley at 22-4-2009 13:37
me sedeyyy arini bzzzz gileeeerrrr..
yg paling sedey laptop wat hal...
kena bawa gi spital lagikkk...sampai tak leh bukak windowssss..golap jadinyer
habihhhhh ler sume fa ...

kalo format abis la ilang sume fail2 ko tuh...rugi woo

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Post time 22-4-2009 01:56 PM | Show all posts
wowowowowowowowowowo...................ape kess sume nangisss je ni?? banjir wo...banjir......

harusss aku berenang2 msuk umh ni........


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Post time 22-4-2009 02:01 PM | Show all posts
malam tadi kan baru perasan.....lagu instrumental tuh mcm lagu goong

apesal la dorang guna yg sama :@ :@

dah mcm tgk goong lak :@ :@


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Post time 22-4-2009 02:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #590 Jelita's post

a'ah.......ade mse tu kaka ewikk tepek vid goong S itu....

xtgk pn goong S itu......... harusss tidak ketahuan........

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Post time 22-4-2009 02:18 PM | Show all posts

Balas #591 anonymous5050\ catat

goong s tak sedap pun...kayu jek se7en tuh berlakon (ayooo...mahu kena hempuk ngan fans dia nih   )

lagu dari GOONG le....bkn GOONG dua2 pun ada lagu tuh


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Post time 22-4-2009 02:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #592 Jelita's post

goong S pn ade

yg kaka ewikk tepek tu goong S.....

yg kt goong pn ade ye?? kekekekek...tgk cite tu, tp xigt lak...dh lme kn....

tp klu BOF.......harusss igttt je smpi bile!!! MINSUN POREBER!!!

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Post time 22-4-2009 02:34 PM | Show all posts
cop2!! kaka Jel....lgu instrumental yg cm sedih2 tu kan??? tp rsenye yg tula...btul la....kt goong S pn ade...

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2009 02:47 PM | Show all posts

Lee Min Ho Etude House & Pepsi Nex CF in Avi Format


Mediafire Link

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Post time 22-4-2009 02:55 PM | Show all posts
pempuan yg dgn dia kat CF etude house tuh ada berlakon dalam goong s

dari dulu tak baper suka kat dia :@

nak ngan JANDI gakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

*tiba2 jek

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2009 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Jelita at 22-4-2009 14:55
pempuan yg dgn dia kat CF etude house tuh ada berlakon dalam goong s

dari dulu tak baper suka kat dia :@

nak ngan JANDI gakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

*tiba2 jek

Aku sokong ko.  Klu dorang  ambik GHS dlm Etude house CF ni kan bagus.
Beruntung betul Park Shin HYe ni.   Lepas ni dia akan bergabung ngan KHJ pulak dlm satu CF.  Lupa lak nama  CF tu.

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2009 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Allure magazine, May 2009  LMH article

#1 When they heard about meeting him 90% of my neighboring girls
were curious of his real character, not his looks. "Check this out whether he has
prince complex like Gu Jun Pyo!" "I wanna know his real I.Q."  "His walking style,
speaking tone, sitting posture, his eyes when he looks at his girl. Everything."
All these are due to his perfect action unbelievable as a new actor. In the drama
Lee Min Ho was Gu Jun Pyo himself. Suddenly I began to realize this drama
<Boys over Flowers> that made LMH's today can be shackles to actor LMH.
So I wanted to ask him of "letting Jun Pyo go" when I see LMH.

#2 LMH wore gorgeous pink jacket and white pants at the shooting place.
Instead the unique 'curly Gu Jun Pyo hairstyle' had disappeared, but changed new hairstyle
of slight volume, thinned out naturally as any other guy. "No more 'Gu Jun Pyo hair'".
Minho doesn't like GJP style." Said Sung Ji An, the chief-stylist in charge of LMH's hair and
make up. Then to my question of which style LMH prefers, he answered 'Everything
that's not GJP'. When I talked with chief SJA, passing by LMH greeted with his eyes, with
unique smile. Is it his tall height? His little bent walking style looked like my younger brother.
I didn't ask other questions because he was busy on his way to shoot next cut.

#3 The shooting started and LMH got an okay sign straight out without NG from the
photographer with perfect understanding of Etude shooting concept. He was not distracted
in front of the camera but during his intermission LMH played with his stylist who handed
out his coats, muched snacks like a brat. I couldn't find GJP anymore on his face.
Seeing his cute look of eating snacks I approached to talk to him.

ALLURE You like snacks!

MINHO Haha!(laughing with embarrassment) I like eating snacks usually. I am used to
eating these on the shooting place because I don't have enough time to eat main food.

ALLURE  Now I see your comfortable looks, I wonder whether you used to be GJP or not.
MINHO Junpyo has gone now! <BOF> was a special drama for me, but I want to show
my peculiar aspects.

ALLURE  Were you leaving the fabulous GJP really?  How's your feeling about standing
high as the most stunning guy in Korea?

MINHO  My feelings are as good as it gets. During the filming of <BOF> I have never
known my popularity because I couldn't have time to web-surf. Am I really awesome?
I am really burdened. I don't dress nice in my ordinary life.  But I feel burden of
people's eyes on me.  So I care for my outfit when I go outside my house.

ALLURE  You are thinner than I thought now I see you face to face.  After <BOF> you must
have lost your weight.  How do you manage your health?

MINHO  I eat everything good for my health. My fans sent me nutrituous foods like
goat extract, balloon flower extract when they saw my weight loss.

ALLURE  After <BOF> the most drastic change is getting many love calls from
many brands like this?  How's your feeling of being the Etude model?  What's the
big change?

MINHO  Um.. Is it the big change that I can shoot with another girl(Park Shin Hye),
not Jan Di, and not F4?  Haha!  Just joking. As I became a cosmetics brand model,
I care for my skin. My skin care step is seven including eye cream which I rarely used.

While we were talking, the surrouding place became noisy.  The Etude model
PSH appeared to shoot the next scene with LMH.  As the shooting began, LMH got tense
look on his face while talking comfortably.  He got quick makeup correction and stood
in front of the camera. This time it's not ad of product promotion but a pure love
confession concept. Thus LMH looked at PSH with deep affection as of his look at '
Geum Jan Di'.  Among the people looking at the location site, especially among ladies
who are over 10 years older than him exclaimed sighs. "He is so cute in real."  "His face
is small?"  "Look at his neck line!  Isn't it sexy?"

#4  It's a pity but I didn't have time to talk with LMH again.  Days became gloomy
as shooting came to end. LMH didn't stand the cold, strong wind and hid in a warm place
of 'Petit France' pension during intermission.
As I said I have met him, my friends wondered how he looked like GJP in his real life.
These curiosity grew bigger due to the news after the Etude CF shooting. He would try
another unusual change in new CF. In a certain CF LMH was on the topic of homme
fatal style with smokie eye makeup.  Maybe this change is his intended action.  Actually
he was out of GJP's image when I met him at the Etude CF  I cheer for his
rather drastic change and endless effort to change as a fan who had met him.  But I want
him not to erase the memories of what people loved in the beginning no matter what
he chooses. People have started to engrave the name LEE MIN HO in their heart

the end.
translated by minspell, dc gal

Credit :Minspell of gall.dcinside

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Post time 22-4-2009 03:13 PM | Show all posts

Balas #597 hhhhh\ catat

coca cola



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Post time 22-4-2009 03:19 PM | Show all posts
kaka Jel & hhhhh

xde sape je yg layak buat CF ke drama ke ape2 ke dgn LMH melainkn GHS......xde sape....xde sape...


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