'commissioning' ni biasanya masa sesebuah projek yang dah siap di develop then nak start to run. Cthnya kalau katakanlah ada sebuah oil platform dah siap developed kat yard..then towed to offshore....dah siap installed kat offshore semer..tinggal masa nak run the plant je lagi...so masa nak run the plant tulah dipanggil commisioning. The starting point to run the production.
Decommissioning pulak vice versa la kot....maybe sebab crude oil kat situ dah abes...takde tinggal apa lagi dah...kene decommission la pulak. Tu semer adalah cth je.....aplikasi istilah tu sama gak kat tempat lain2. |
Reply #580 tajul186's post
kemaman supply base lah..huhu
Balas #580 tajul186\ catat
cekap technical services... |
Balas #581 kambeng_masam\ catat
thanks for the info...but still tak berapa nak paham...
abisla camnih.. |
Originally posted by impiansetaman at 7-1-2009 10:22 PM
utk keje offshore, pakai SPM paling senang!
tak caye? kebykkan vacant post dlm offshore biz hanyelah utk fitter, rigger, roustabout, helper, mechanic, electrician dan mcm2 lg post yg hanye me ...
hi..1st time nak post kat sini..
nak tanye.kalo kelulusan spvm..n sblm nih experience takde pun dlm bidang o&g nih.
ape post yg leh mintak ek?slalu i dgr semua nak experience jek.. |
Originally posted by tajul186 at 9-1-2009 03:42 PM
ko fresh grad ke ape?amik pe dulu?
company ni x silap aku kat area setiawangsa je,dekat dengan company aku.jauh gak la sebenarnye.
aku dah sthn stgh keje...but not in oil n gas sector...mase study dulu aku amik mekanikal...aku nak jump industry nih...
so experience wise aku mcm fresh grad la...tp goal aku nak jump sector nih sbb aku nak keje ngan bende2 yg berkaitan corrosion engineering...i'm in automotive sector currently...skrg nih aku rasa keje aku cam very stagnant...so tuh yg nak berubah angin....
[ Last edited by intanzh at 9-1-2009 04:01 PM ] |
Reply #584 intanzh's post
hehe..dgn kata lain...
cthnya macam ada kontraktor buat satu plant baru..dah siap semua..smpi peringkat commissioning dimana first stage sebelum start opreation...masa nihlah dieorg test segala menda sama ada leh run ke tak..cukup ke tak..bersih ke tak...masa nih kontrakter masih ade lagik..tp bila dah setel semua..br lah leh operasi...
kalo decommissioning lak..seblaiknya lah.. |
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Reply #587 intanzh's post
corrosion engineering byk keje ofis lah..sekali sekala je pegi offshore.at least tuh lah yg budak2 corrosion engineer kat company aku wat..but in general,engineer jarang sket pegi offshore..keje diorang x mcm technician yg 2 minggu offsore,2 minggu cuti.engineer dtg bile diperlukan aje and stay pun x berape lame..at most sminggu la..setahun ade la 4-5 kalije pegi offshore for most engineers.
tp kalau jd facilities engineer,ha yg ni mmg every month pegi offshore kot..kalau ade process upset yg susah nak troubleshoot,mmg diorang akan pegi la..kalau yearly platform shutdown pun slalunye facilities engineer mmg akan pegi platform utk QC platform shutdown.
itu kalau engineer yg keje dgn operator mcm petronas,exxon shell. tp kalau keje dgn servicing company mcm schlumberger,baker hughes,halliburton,sarku,dimension bid,FMC,carigali hess etc yg tu aku rs mcm akan selalu offshore.kawan2 aku field engineer utk schlumberger and baker hughes mmg 3 bulan naik rig,2 minggu cuti and naik lg 3 bulan rig. |
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Reply #585 itsuki81's post
boleh masuk training utk jd technician.petronas ngan exxon ade training centre die sendiri x salah.. |
Reply #557 kambeng_masam's post
aku background chemical engineering tp now a reservoir cum petroleum engineer..actually x selalu pun pegi offshore..aku rs reservoir antara yg kurang pegi offshore unless if something critical needs to be troubleshooted..
yg selalu pegi offshore is facilities engineer..actually kalau keje dgn operator,ko amik degree ape pun boleh masuk..facilities pun mcm2 different background ade..kawan2 aku yg facilities ade mechanical,ade electric electrical,ade chemical,yg automotive pun ade...x kesah ko degree ape janji ko bagus and willing to learn.. |
Balas #591 farfar\ catat
kalo gurl keje apa yg sesuai ngan oil n gas ni? utk yg ada eng. degree..
x larat tanam anggur da ni.. |
Balas #588 pressor\ catat
thanks...so this job sbnrnye apply pada plant yg baru nak run n nak tutup la ek??
So frequency kejenye xdela hectic sgt ek??or sebaliknyer... |
Balas #589 farfar\ catat
haaa...yes that's what i always heard about corrosion engineer...kwn aku ade keje kat shell miri as corrosion engineer...die pon jarang offshore die byk dok ofis n selalu pegi training... |
Reply #593 intanzh's post
hehe..sbnrnya ai menjawab yang commisioning tuh..tp ai taktau pun u nak keje apa..hehe..tak baca post2 yang lain ehehe...
if dont mind..citer lah.. |
Balas #595 pressor\ catat
yes betul la tuh...i'm refering to the commisioning eng. job...
tp seriously saya nak venture in corrosion engineering...currently still trying....
kalo x dpt gk...sy plan nak amik course dgn NACE and jd freelance inspection/corrosion engineer (tp ni last option la)...korang penah dgr x sesapa yg buat freelance job mcm ni?? |
Reply #596 intanzh's post
penah dgr...
kalo freelance mmg masyuk ah..tp kena byk2 shifted2..tu yang tak best..takde life..hehe
tp kalo u dah nampak future ngn what to do..go ahead...tp once step..jangan turn back..rugi.. |
Reply #592 white_ninja's post
semua sesuai..tp bergantung pd ape yg ko minat lah..kalau tahan lasak sket,join lah facilities..kalau nk pegi offshore tp x nak selalu reservoir/corrosion/drilling/metering/gas facilities byk la...pendek kata tepuk dada tanya ape ko nak.. |
Reply #594 intanzh's post
yup..tp merase la keje opis and also pegi offshore kan?honestly aku suke working style gini..x yah selalu pegi offshore,tp x la pulak duduk ofis memanjang...nk pegi offshore mmg la masyuk duit masuk berkepuk2 tp high risk.tambah2 pompuan..first time aku pegi,was the only girl on the platform.kene pulak time tuh platform kene evacuate pasal ade emergency shut down. the next day,makanan pun xde,makan biskut aje..pegi satellites,due to bad weather mmg satu hari x makan.aku serius salute technician yg buat keje2 berat dlm keadaan mcm tu..nk bukak well balik dgn downhole pressure sekuat alam bukan senang wey..nmpk remeh je tp aku yg try bukak pun dh rs mcm nak patah tgn..dh la handle valve pun xdak..platform lamee..
but at the end of the day,i think i had fun.worth the money la..the job itself is challenging and very interesting.upstream oil and gas is where the money is really.
tp yg paling penting,satisfaction.
good luck lah interview keje ko tu |
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