kalah? sejak bila ko buktikan kewujudan tuhan, syurga & neraka?
Ha ha , ko dah terdesak dan dah malu.
Pulak dah , skg dah main 'abah' - 'abah' pulak. Dah lah ko ni 'mat slow' , bahasa arab pun tak tau. Sah dah kena kencing dgn orang yg bagi youtube video tersebut.
Lagi sekali aku tanya - mana ko dapat bukti yg Islam kata matahari kelilingi bumi? Ko ni berhujah dlm keadaan mabuk ke?
LOL , kan dah bagi 'the first cause argument' , hujah dari sudut sains dan logik ttg wujudnya tuhan.
Ko tak mampu pulak balas gunakan sains dan logik macamana tuhan tak wujud. Last2 retorik aje dari ko. Ini bukti yg ko ni tak berapa paham sains dan logik.
Dok harap retorik buat apa. Cuba hujah dgn bukti dan rujukan. LOL , ko pernah ke sekolah belajar sains atau sains terlampau susah utk minda ko yg terlampau sempit.
Kesian ..... macamana 'mat slow'?
tuhan tak wujud........ manusia yg cipta tuhan spt mana manusia cipta transformers
Saudi cleric becomes online laughing stock after telling student the sun rotates around the Earth as otherwise planes would not be able to fly
PUBLISHED: 17:57 GMT, 17 February 2015 | UPDATED: 20:18 GMT, 17 February 2015
A Saudi cleric has publicly claimed that the Earth is a static object which is orbited by the sun, adding that centuries of evidence to the contrary is little more than fabrication.
Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari is believed to have been speaking at a university lecture in the United Arab Emirates when a student asked him whether the Earth rotates or is stationary.
The Islamic scholar quickly replies 'stationary and does not move', before launching into a long-winded and confusing explanation that appears to the suggest that if the Earth was moving, airliners would never be able to reach their destination.
After telling the student that the Earth does not rotate, Sheikh al-Khaibari attempts to back up his argument with religious statements and quotes from other Islamic clerics.
Perhaps struggling to make his argument understood, the religious lecturer then attempts to use a visual aid to illustrate how difficult it would be for airliners to travel if the Earth is spinning.
Beginning his bizarre summary, Sheikh al-Khaibari 'First of all, where are we now? We go to Sharjah airport [in the United Arab Emirates] to travel to China by plane, clear?'
Bizarre moment Saudi cleric claims the sun rotates around Earth
Muslim women say Friday prayers outside the White House in Washington, Friday, Feb. 13, 2015, in the wake of the murder of three young North Carolina Muslims. The gathering was in memory of the Chapel Hill shooting victims, and to press federal authorities for a hate crime investigation. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Saudi Arabia condemns killing of US Muslims in Chapel Hill...
Holding a cup of water aloft, the cleric adds: 'Focus with me, this is Earth'.
Over the next 30 seconds, Sheikh al-Khaibari enters into a baffling explanation of his point of view, claiming that if the Earth truly was rotating, then airliners could just stop in the air and wait for the country to arrive beneath them, rather than waste time actually flying.
'China would be coming towards it,' he argues.
On the other hand, he said, if the Earth was moving in the opposite direction the plane would never be able to reach its destination because 'China is also rotating'.
Struggle: In an effort to make his argument understood, the religious lecturer attempts to explain that it would be difficult for airliners to travel around the world if the Earth was always spinning away from them
Struggle: In an effort to make his argument understood, the religious lecturer attempts to explain that it would be difficult for airliners to travel around the world if the Earth was always spinning away from them
On concluding his baffling explanation, Sheikh al-Khaibari went on to claim the NASA lunar mission was Hollywood fabrication and that humans have never been to the moon, according to Al Arabiya.
Video of the incident has inevitably proved a hit on social media, where users started an Arab-language hashtag that translates as #cleric_rejects_rotation_of_Earth.
One user pointed out that the footage first appeared February 15 - the 451th anniversary of Galileo Galilei's birth. Galileo was famously twice accused of heresy by the
Catholic Church after publicly supporting the Copernican theory that the Earth and other planets rotate around the sun.
While many are using the hashtag to mock Sheikh al-Khaibari's views, others said it should be turned into a way to educate young people about the universe .
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... .html#ixzz43JqSIdIT
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abah ko mabuk ketum
Tu pasal aku tanya - dah banyak kali , bukti macamana yg ko nak?
Kita hanya akan tempuh syurga / neraka lepas kiamat. Dah kiamat ke sekarang? Sains dah buktikan yg pada suatu masa , kiamat tetap akan jadi. Ia dipanggil 'big crunch'. Jadi apa yg diklaim oleh ugama skg sudah dibuktikan dgn sains. Kalau kita tinjau dari sudut 'probability' , kemungkinan besar ko salah.
Tapi yg lawaknya , ko asyik tanya soalan yg sama yg telah dijawab dan dihujah balas. In bukti yg ko dah kalah dan terlampau terdesak ..... 'mat slow' lah katakan.
LOL such a vague report. I copy paste bit part the report :
Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari claimed Earth is stationary and the sun rotates
Offered religious statements and clerical comments to back up his belief
Also launched into baffling explanation about airliners never being able to reach their destination if the earth was truly moving
Also claimed NASA moon landings are the stuff of Hollywood fabrication
Can you now show me where is the religious statement that the earth is stationary and the sun rotates?
Ha ha , can you now show me where in the Quran / Hadith that state of such.
Kan dah kata , ko ni 'mat slow'. Cari bukti dari sumber ..... dok harapkan apa orang cakap aje. Kalau betul dia cakap demikian , muslim lain pon dok gelak kat dia ... dari sumber berita sama :
Video of the incident has inevitably proved a hit on social media, where users started an Arab-language hashtag that translates as #cleric_rejects_rotation_of_Earth.
LOL , ini bukti / rujukan ko ..... apa orang cakap .... 'mat slow'... 'mat slow' ..... baca lah sikit buku sains
Ko klaim tuhan tak wujud .... mana bukti ko dari sudut sains dan logik?
Klaim manusia cipta tuhan adalah pemikiran dangkal tanpa bukti dan rujukkan. Orang kureng cerdik aje buat klaim tersebut
Banyak kali aku mintak ko buktikan tuhan tak wujud dari sudut sains dan logik. Susah sgt ke? LOL , ko tak paham apa yg ko hujah kot ..... ha ha .... macamana aku tak panggil ko tu 'mat slow'.
agama penuh pembohongan
dah tuhan tu tak wujud, apa lagi nak aku buktikan? ko nie mmg bodoh........
ko yg cakap tuhan wujud, ko laa kena BUKTI kan keWUJUDan tuhan
ko kata ada syurga & neraka, cuba ko pi mati utk buktikan
LOL , tu pasal aku nobatkan ko tu 'mat slow'
Apa yg sheikh tersebut tu kata dah terkeluar dari kepakaran dia dan dia tonjol kejahilan dia. Muslim lain pon dok gelak pada dia.
Tiba2 ko buat kesimpulan yg ugama penuh pembohongan. Ini kureng cerdik. Mana bukti dan rujukkan ko tu?
Aiyoyo .... 'mat slow' , cerdik sikit boleh tak?
Ko klaim tuhan tak wujud. Klaim dan fakta adalah dua benda yg berlainan. Ha ha , benda yg simple macam ni pun ko dah blur .... betul lah yg ko ni 'mat slow'.
Kalau ko klaim tuhan tak wujud , mana bukti ko tu. Kita dlm zaman sains & teknologi. Gunakan lah kaedah sains dan teknologi utk buktikan klaim ko tu.
Aiik!! Masih tanya lagi aku ttg bukti tuhan tu wujud? Kan dah bagi 'the first cause argument'. Ko paham ke apa yg ko baca? Kalo ko tak paham , pergi cari guru mana dan tanya. Tak pe , cakap aje ko ni 'mat slow' ..... apa2 yg ko baca pon ko tak paham. Ko kena org lain terangkan apa yg ko baca .... ha ha
Lagi sekali aku tanya - Bukti macamana yg ko nak? Saya ulang pos #46
Kita hanya akan tempuh syurga / neraka lepas kiamat. Dah kiamat ke sekarang? Sains dah buktikan yg pada suatu masa , kiamat tetap akan jadi. Ia dipanggil 'big crunch'. Jadi apa yg diklaim oleh ugama skg sudah dibuktikan dgn sains. Kalau kita tinjau dari sudut 'probability' , kemungkinan besar ko salah.
Nampak gaya , ko sendiri tak paham apa yg ko nak. Ini salah satu ciri 'mat slow' ..... sendiri pon tak tau apa dia nak .... ha ha
Lagi sekali aku tanya : Bukti macamana yg ko nak?
kata cikgu fizik...... macam ko buktikan sesuatu teori itu adalah benar?
dah tuhan sememangnya TAK WUJUD, apasal aku yg kena buktikan?
Kalau ko klaim tuhan tak wujud , mana bukti ko tu. Kita dlm zaman sains & teknologi. Gunakan lah kaedah sains dan teknologi utk buktikan klaim ko tu. lu tak habis mabuk lagi?
tuhan ko tu TAK WUJUD...... cuba ko buktikan keWUJUDan tuhan ko tu
Senang aje , bagi bukti dari sudut sains dan buat kesimpulan logik berdasarkan analisa bukti tersebut.
Soalan dia skg .... ooi .... 'mat slow' , bukti apa yg ko nak ttg syurga / neraka? Ko tak ada halatuju dgn hujah sendiri. Ini hujah orang mabuk ..... baru yam seng ka?
LOL , apa lah lu
Hanya klaim ko yg tuhan tak wujud. Ia bukan fakta. Ia adalah imaginasi kamu.
Ko yg buat klaim tersebut , ko kena buktikan. Apa pasal? Tak mampu buktikan klaim kamu?
Kalo macam tu , yg mabuk adalah kamu. LOL , klaim dan fakta pun ko dah blur ..... macamana aku tak panggil ko 'mat slow'?
Laaa , mintak lagi bukti ttg wujud nya tuhan? Ko dah makan ubat tahan khayal ko tu?
Kan dah bagi dlm thread ini - 'the first cause argument'. Cuba cerita sikit apa yg ko tak paham atau cari guru sains untuk terangkan kat ko.
Macamana ni tambi ..... memang sah yg ko ni 'mat slow'. Kalo tak paham sains , macamana ko nak berhujah ttg wujudnya sesuatu atau tidak?
Ha ha , ko tak mampu kan ..... tu pasal ko cuba pusing cakap skg. Tak jadi lah brader .... oops brader 'mat slow'. Kat sini pusing cakap , cakap berbelit ni akan makan diri ko balik.
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