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Author: Truth.8

adakah ajaran islam mendorong muslim mati syahid?

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2014 10:13 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 14-9-2014 11:17 PM
No , I don't think it is a smart way of living rather it is a selfish way as you are only concerne ...
No , I don't think it is a smartway of living rather it is a selfish way as you are only concerned of yourself. Therefore you are another of those selfish person who just don't careabout others but a hypocrite who judge others thru his worldview.
Is not self fish rather work anddo a living…as normal human being. Many peoples do not  bother what happening to middle east becausethey are sick and tired seeing muslims behaving like barbarians by chopping offheads and etc…this totally insane and vengeance souls..

LOL , the arabs seek a malay to do 'evil'? Explain to me just how is it evil tofight against an oppressive regime? LOL , to you  arabs , malays ,indians and chinese could not be trusted. Why don't you just live in a cabesomewhere in the jungle. Its better isn't it.

Yes, the arabs   brain wash the Malays to flight in middleeast…why not targe mamak and Chinese muslims? Because this two ethnic noteasily brain wash…if the issue related to some problem in middle east…seek helpfrom oic or united nations….simple as that..

LOL , everywhere there is blood shed. The point here is that do you understandthe root cause? I can also say one of the main cause of the turmoil in the MidEast is due to the right wing christians in the USA who supports Israelunconditionally. LOL , you are just hypocrites. You talk about love and peacebut it you people who manufacture arms in an industrial scale. Take for example, the Jesus Rifle :

When youmuslims argued each other…u blame the USA and Israel  for your own mistake…this typically  cunning way to escape…
For thirty years the manufacturerroutinely embossed scriptual reference from the bible next to the sight's modeland serial number. The scriptural references typically referred to Jesus Christas the ultimate source of light.

Sorry I am talking about : adakah ajaran islam mendorong muslim mati syahid?Not about Jesus

Hmmm , the British nationals in Syria are mostly Indian / Pakistani and 'matsalleh' origins. Recently in the news , it is confirmed that a chinese nationalis also fighting in Syria. You are an ignorant 'katak bawah tempurung'. LOL ,brain wash ... can you explain what is brain wash?

Not proof no  talk…

LOL , now solat hajat is barbaric? Are you drunk? First you talk about solatHajat and now its barbaric. There is something wrong with you. How do you knowthat God did not give any blessing? These people were martyred , it isconsidered a blessing as they are brave enough to go against an oppressiveregime.

Blessing? You can brain washothers not me…I can differentiate the meaning of martyred and killingthemselves wrapping bomb themselves…

I don't think they died in any shameful manner. They died for their convictionand belief against an oppressor being the Assad regime. How do anyone know youdon't bribe people for your business? I am making a sweepig statement just likeyou. Somehow you don't like it when it happens to you

Assad regime or whatever…is theirinternal business…they don’t have right to ask the local Malaysian tointerfere  and comingn with  excuses flightingin name of brotherhood…even in Pakistan and any muslims country they flightamoung themselves …the so called brotherhood..
Of course its 2 different issues.However the bible glorify people who die for their religion. Have you forgottenthe story of Samson who committed suicide so that others may die with him.Samson in the bible is the first 'suicide bomber' in history. LOL , you don'tevenknow your own bible. It appears that you are brainwash in not knowing such.

You can create topic on thatabout Samson is suicide bomber …secondly don’t try 2 brain wash me…it won’t  work….I am not stupid…

World condemn what? Now you are into double standards aka hypocrisy? What aboutthe US / British soldiers who committed atrocities in Iraq / Afghanistan? Whatabout the US / British who volunteer for the IDf killing civilians in Gaza?What about the christians who volunteer for the Spanish Civil war? Do you knowwhat is terrorism?

We here to discuss about presentsituation not history…

Now you are willing to kill and accept the chance of being killed to protectyour mother or sister from being raped. What is the difference when a muslimgoes to protect another (whether it is Syria or whatever) from being killed orraped etc knowing fully well that they face a chance of being killed in theprocess? I don't see any difference except your hypocrisy.

Because is internal matters….goingto Syria is different things…conflict always happened in middle east …this dueto muslims themselves…greed, corruption and etc…so, why asking Malays to getinterfered???
No it is not. The arabs have been living well until the western powers decidedto get involved just because there is oil , meaning energy. Let me ask you ,your crusader in George 'God spoke to me' Bush state that the reason of theIraq invasion was due to weapons of mass descruction. Where are such weapons? Awhole country have been destroyed. Again , a christian causing all sorts ofproblems and lied about it. In the end its about stealing the oil.

It was Christian nations helping to find MH370  not arabs…the arabs ? go to Thailand and goto belly dancing club in arabs…u will find them there…they paint themselvesholy during day and when night …u can see in such places….

You failed in this topic


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 Author| Post time 15-9-2014 10:19 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 14-9-2014 11:33 PM
You in believing and arguing by referencing to it means that you believe it enough to propogate it ...
You in believing and arguing byreferencing to it means that you believe it enough to propogate it being yourargument. Therefore you are complicit to the lie. Meaning you are a liar. Don'tyou have the intelligence to check on what you read?
Either I believed  of not, it was in the link provided…is  your duty to proof the link is  wrong… maybe the author is right because hehas reason for writing such …so it is ur responsible to liase with the author tofind out…
When you copy and paste a link isnot liar…hope you understand the issue ok
The rest of your commentsconsider rubbished..hence I choose to ignore it..
Secondly you failed again


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Post time 15-9-2014 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-9-2014 10:13 AM
Is not self fish rather work anddo a living…as normal human being. Many peoples do not  bother what happening to middle east becausethey are sick and tired seeing muslims behaving like barbarians by chopping offheads and etc…this totally insane and vengeance souls..

If you are sick and tired of the mid east , why even comment about it? Beheading people gets to you? What about the women & children killed by missiles from drones and planes? You are in awe of the technology yes? Either way it is barbaric. You are not the only one working for a living.

Yes, the arabs   brain wash the Malays to flight in middleeast…why not targe mamak and Chinese muslims? Because this two ethnic noteasily brain wash…if the issue related to some problem in middle east…seek helpfrom oic or united nations….simple as that..

LOL , this is the silliest comment ever. Ethenic Indians like you are easily brainwashed like the Hindraf. Like I told yiou , you are ignorant. There are ethnic Chinese in Syria , just follow the news , which you have not. Arguing from ignorance again.

When youmuslims argued each other…u blame the USA and Israel  for your own mistake…this typically  cunning way to escape…

Why should the USA meddle in affairs of the Mid East? It is not even their country. Why the extablishment of the zionist state of Israel? Before that it was all peaceful. You don't know your history very well do you? Again , you are arguing from ignorance.

Sorry I am talking about : adakah ajaran islam mendorong muslim mati syahid?Not about Jesus

I am telling you that its the right wing Christians who are one of the source of this mess with your unconditional support for Israel and manufacture of arms in an industrial scale. In fact , these Christians believe that Jesus second coming is on the way with the establishment of Israel. Another brain washing as you put it. Do you understand what 'source of a problem' means?

Not proof no  talk…

Unlike you my argument is backed by evidence ... fighting-with-isis/ ... -iraq-william-hague

What say you?

Blessing? You can brain washothers not me…I can differentiate the meaning of martyred and killingthemselves wrapping bomb themselves…

LOL , like I said , what is the difference of a person strapping himself with a bomb and what Samson in the bible did? By your bible , such action is not wrong. If you don't know the bible verses , I will help you : Judges 16. Samson even prayed to the biblical God to help him die and kill others in the process. You don't know your bible , yes?

Assad regime or whatever…is theirinternal business…they don’t have right to ask the local Malaysian tointerfere  and comingn with  excuses flightingin name of brotherhood…even in Pakistan and any muslims country they flightamoung themselves …the so called brotherhood..

Ha ha , now you are trying to argue about internal business. Then you have no right to comment as its a muslim internal business.

ou can create topic on thatabout Samson is suicide bomber …secondly don’t try 2 brain wash me…it won’t  work….I am not stupid…

The selected passages from judges16:

28 Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.”
29 Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other,
30 Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.

Isn't the above passage support for 'suicide bombing' as your bible glorify such. Samson prayed to the biblical God some more. Why are you now saying that suicide bombing is wrong? Your bible support it and also support people who take revenge.

I think you are stupid as you don't even know that the bible support 'suicide bombing'.

We here to discuss about presentsituation not history…

People who forget history are doomed to repeat it over and over again. This is what we are seeing.

Because is internal matters….goingto Syria is different things…conflict always happened in middle east …this dueto muslims themselves…greed, corruption and etc…so, why asking Malays to getinterfered???

Internal matter? The point here is that you re willing to be killed to protect the persons you care about. It is the same concept. These people who go to Syria are the people who care about other muslims and willing to take the chance. Greed / corruption? What are you blabbering about?

It was Christian nations helping to find MH370  not arabs…the arabs ? go to Thailand and goto belly dancing club in arabs…u will find them there…they paint themselvesholy during day and when night …u can see in such places….

Now you run to MH370? Dey tamby , the MH370 disappeared in the vicinity of Australia and the US has her fleet at that area. It is a matter of simple logic on logistic demands that these nations help out. This is pure common sense.

LOL , you mean christians don't paint themselves holy and indulge in sins? What about the sexual abuse by the church clergy? LOL you are arguing from ignorance. These are the church leaders doing such stuff on little boys / girls and women. Yet you just turn a blind eye.


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Post time 15-9-2014 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-9-2014 10:19 AM
Either I believed  of not, it was in the link provided…is  your duty to proof the link is  wrong… maybe the author is right because hehas reason for writing such …so it is ur responsible to liase with the author tofind out…
When you copy and paste a link isnot liar…hope you understand the issue ok
The rest of your commentsconsider rubbished..hence I choose to ignore it..
Secondly you failed again

The responsibility to verify what you post is on you. Now you are trying to blame others for your failure and you being exposed a liar. You don't look good.

It is not my responsibility to liase with the author. It is your responsibility as you should have verified the information before referencing it. This in turn makes you a liar because you appealed to such lie.

In the end you are a hypocrite. Oops , you are a hypocritical liar.


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Post time 15-9-2014 12:13 PM | Show all posts

Aku nak tidur.. harap2 dapat mimpi bidadari...

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2014 12:44 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 15-9-2014 11:18 AM
If you are sick and tired of the mid east , why even comment about it? Beheading people gets to yo ...

mind sharing your verses where in bible endorsed sucide bombing???


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 Author| Post time 15-9-2014 12:44 PM | Show all posts
zamkumis posted on 15-9-2014 12:13 PM
Aku nak tidur.. harap2 dapat mimpi bidadari...

tak nak pergi ke syaria utk mati syahid ke ..supaya cepat dpt bidadari di syurga

Last edited by Truth.8 on 15-9-2014 12:48 PM


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Post time 15-9-2014 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-9-2014 12:44 PM
tak nak pergi ke syaria utk mati shyaid ke??

Aku nak mati syahid, tapi kat syria tu tak tahu mana satu group yang betul, IS nampak menyeleweng, Gov syria syiah.
Nak syahid kene betul caranya beb, kalau tidak nanti dapat mati tak syahid.


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 Author| Post time 15-9-2014 01:09 PM | Show all posts
zamkumis posted on 15-9-2014 12:51 PM
Aku nak mati syahid, tapi kat syria tu tak tahu mana satu group yang betul, IS nampak menyeleweng, ...

kalau dah menyeleweng....kasi tangkap orang2 ini lah...kasi oic campur tangan


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Post time 15-9-2014 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-9-2014 01:09 PM
kalau dah menyeleweng....kasi tangkap orang2 ini lah...kasi oic campur tangan

Di sana banyak propaganda..ada yang kata IS sebenarnya ditaja yahudi dan IS juga tak berperang dgn amerika, wartawan AS yang kene sembelih tu sebenarnya lakonan. IS juga membunuh org islam ASWJ. Kau ingat senang ke nak tangkap penjenayah2 ni.. kalau kucing boleh ler..


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Post time 15-9-2014 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-9-2014 12:44 PM
mind sharing your verses where in bible endorsed sucide bombing???

Read post #43


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 Author| Post time 15-9-2014 11:51 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 15-9-2014 06:11 PM
Read post #43

..the fact is those verses did not make sense...because where got bomb during that time???
i caught you lying again


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 Author| Post time 15-9-2014 11:53 PM | Show all posts
zamkumis posted on 15-9-2014 01:17 PM
Di sana banyak propaganda..ada yang kata IS sebenarnya ditaja yahudi dan IS juga tak berperang dgn ...

kadang2 i rasa benci dgn muslims sebab pandai mereka-reka cerita..seoleh-oleh muslims semua baik dan ini semua anggara barat...
jahat lah muslims ini.....pandai berlakon ..


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Post time 16-9-2014 10:12 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 15-9-2014 11:51 PM
..the fact is those verses did not make sense...because where got bomb during that time???
i caught you lying again

Aiyoyo tambi , such a simple concept yet you have problems in understanding. The concept of being a 'suicide bomber' is to kill as many as possible and in the process killing oneself. Nowadays a bomb is the device of choice as its blast kills indiscriminately.

This is similar to Samson killing about hundreds of people in the temple while killing himself in the process. Samson prayed to the biblical God that he may die while killing others. In modern terms , this is 'suicide bombing'. Your biblical God support such action as it is in the bible.

BTW , the world leader in suicide bombing is the LTTE or Tamil Tigers. The footsoldiers are ethnic Indians being Hindus whereas the top ranking persons are ethnic Indians but Christians , people like Prabhakran.


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 Author| Post time 16-9-2014 02:34 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 16-9-2014 10:12 AM
Aiyoyo tambi , such a simple concept yet you have problems in understanding. The concept of being  ...

IN islam they awlays project as they are in correct path...hence they wanted to convert the whole world into islamic state...

meaning " Good verses  Evil but ....IS ONE MAN BELEIVED VERSES ANOTHER MAN BELIEVED..

It consider pure evil  and babaric....

If you claimed the Bible promote suicide bombing ....Christians do not act such at present was muslims all the time...


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Post time 16-9-2014 10:07 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 16-9-2014 02:34 PM
IN islam they awlays project as they are in correct path...hence they wanted to convert the whole world into islamic state...

meaning " Good verses  Evil but ....IS ONE MAN BELEIVED VERSES ANOTHER MAN BELIEVED..

It consider pure evil  and babaric....

If you claimed the Bible promote suicide bombing ....Christians do not act such at present was muslims all the time...

It is a duty of muslims to clarify what is Islam but after that you are free to make up your mind. There is no compulsion in religion.

Whether Christians practice what , it is a separate issue. The bible in the action of Samson promotes 'suicide bombing'. You deny such means you deny the word of your God.

What will it be now?


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 Author| Post time 17-9-2014 09:49 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 16-9-2014 10:07 PM
It is a duty of muslims to clarify what is Islam but after that you are free to make up your mind. ...
It is a duty of muslims to clarify what is Islam but after that you are free to make up your mind. There is no compulsion in religion.

Whether Christians practice what , it is a separate issue. The bible in the action of Samson promotes 'suicide bombing'. You deny such means you deny the word of your God.

What will it be now?

You must understand the fact that from Abaraham , Moses and etc none of them took harsh by bombing rather God  intervene to destroy the sinful souls....
as for the Samson, it is only one incident but Christians not doing such act now....only if the land is taken by someone, by all mean it can create blood shed...


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Post time 17-9-2014 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Oi Truth.8 ... Do you proof-read your posts? Do you know how many grammar mistakes you have made?

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Post time 17-9-2014 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... says-005914290.html

The topic of doing jihad with the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis) has become popular of late, with Malaysian youths asking many questions about the group, says one of the country’s largest Muslim organisations.

Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) president Amidi Abdul Manan said the group has observed greater interest in the activities of Isis and the Middle East during their events, adding that the youths were well educated, came from homes which many would deem normal, with some having tertiary education.

Amidi’s caution comes as many on social media praised former Kedah PAS Youth information chief Lotfi Ariffin as a “martyr” on Sunday after he died from injuries sustained while fighting in Syria.

Among those who praised his “sacrifice” was PAS central committee member Nik Abduh Nik Aziz, the son of party spiritual leader Datuk Seri Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

Lotfi's death brings to four the number of Malaysians killed in Syria. The others who have been killed were Mohammad Fadhlan Mohammad Khir, 21; Zainan Harith, 52, who was also known as Abu Turob; and factory worker Ahmad Tarmimi Maliki, 26.

The Malaysian Insider had also reported last week that a family of four, including parents and their teenage children aged 18 and 14, were fighting alongside rebels in Syria.

What legal actions which will be taken IF and WHEN they return to Malaysia (assuming they will survive)?

This turn of event (as more and more Muslim Malaysians are going overseas to fight as terrorists) should put other non-Muslim races at a cautious state. Non-Muslims need to remember - once this terrorists return home and no actions is taken (assuming that the Government has no balls to take actions), what they could do is become a middle-men between the terrorist groups overseas and Malaysia. And since Malaysia have many contacts to other countries (in South-East Asia and the World), this links could serve as a path way for the terrorists to influence members of other countries.

Also, as more and more Malaysians are going there to join terrorist group ISIS, International Community need to think carefully whether or not they should continue have diplomatic contacts with Malaysian Government who does NOTHING to prevent its people from joining terrorists.

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2014 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 17-9-2014 11:09 AM
Oi Truth.8 ... Do you proof-read your posts? Do you know how many grammar mistakes you have made?

that because i study until form 3 with x gred...

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