Bagaimana tubuhan boleh mati pada waktu banjir sedangkan air banyak?
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pada pendapat i.. bukan disbbkan oleh oksigen, tapi kehilangan nutrien yg diserap oleh akar... bleh pakai ker pendapat nie? :stp: |
Originally posted by Muntz at 10-1-2004 05:18 AM:
pada pendapat i.. bukan disbbkan oleh oksigen, tapi kehilangan nutrien yg diserap oleh akar... bleh pakai ker pendapat nie? :stp:
muntz maksud awak ...........mineral tu..dah tiada atau melarut ker? |
Originally posted by RasaCinta at 9-1-2004 11:35 PM:
hypotonic term applies to animal systems only, and not to plant systems. ...
Itulah pasal saya kata saya ada belajar bio tapi tak berbakat. :cry:
Tapi saya rasa osmosis tu dan root tak dapat berrespirasi tu betul.:stp: |
Pokok tu "kekurangan air" disebabkan osmosis dan masa yang sama akar pulak "sesak nafas", nyawa-nyawa ikan lah katakan, tak dapat bernafas. Akhirnya mati dengan tragis. |
Originally posted by Asiafever at 11-1-2004 12:50 PM:
Pokok tu "kekurangan air" disebabkan osmosis dan masa yang sama akar pulak "sesak nafas", nyawa-nyawa ikan lah katakan, tak dapat bernafas. Akhirnya mati dengan tragis.
ha...betul tu asiafever pensyarah aku cakap walaupun banyak air tapi dia kekurangan air............... |
yeah.. betul jugak tu.... tapi aku rasa osmosis nie mmg penyebab utama lah... |
osmosis le punca utama dia .,,,,,,,aku rasa pun macam tu |
tu lar pasal... takder teori baru ker? boleh gak kalau nak tambah extra info.. |
saper yang ada kasi lah info lagi |
tu lar pasal... takder pun penerangan terbaru niehh.. |
RasaCinta wrote:
Oxygen does not dissolve well in waterlogged soils..
You are right.There is no proper diffusion of oxygen to root system when the soil is saturated with water.
And allow me to elucidate a little further.
Soils that are over saturated with water lacks aeration and this leads to oxygen deficiency.We call this condition hypoxia.Root cells require oxygen for its cellular activity.And this is the main reason why non-aquatic plants die in water-logged soils.
Another reason is that the chemistry of soil is changed as microorganisms in soil revert to anaerobic processes when oxygen levels deplete.Anaerobic activity produces toxins and this increases the toxicity level of the soil that kills the root cells and eventually the plant dies.
Also,some pathogenic microbes like fungi are unusually active during high levels of water saturation and this may also be another reason why certain plants die in water-logged soils.
[ Last edited by vixen on 16-1-2004 at 02:42 AM ] |
lelipan This user has been deleted
sebelum lipan nak jawap, ada beberapa soalan yang nak ditanya dulu, utk jelaskan persoalan yang ditanya..
1. tumbuhan yang mati tu tenggelam sepenuhnya ker, separuh jer ker??
2. term tumbuhan tu luas sangat..cuba spesifikkan sikit..tumbuhan yang macam mana..herbs ker??..apa ker??
kena paham soalan dulu, baru leh bagi jawapan..;););) |
lelipan This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Cooki3Munsta at 4-1-2004 09:51 AM:
Piring Sechi? aku gunakan ia sekarang untuk lihat kepadatan plankton.
macam mana lak leh guna secchi utk tengok kepadatan plankton, terangkan sikit leh tak??:stp::stp::stp: |
soalan ni secara umum kalau aku bagi secara mendalam takut nanti tak terjawab pulak.....bayang kan pada waktu banjir.....banyak pokok yang terlibat....... nanti kenat terang tiap2 pokok pulak..... |
Originally posted by hacker at 2004-1-18 12:29:
soalan ni secara umum kalau aku bagi secara mendalam takut nanti tak terjawab pulak.....bayang kan pada waktu banjir.....banyak pokok yang terlibat....... nanti kenat terang tiap2 pokok pulak.....
well dear Hacker..... it 's totally allright caused we will look at the principles that lie behind those phenomenon...we don't have to explain why cars like BMW , Merce / audi and the likes able to move i mean the engine etc kan? coz depa semau tu guna principle newton's 3rd law ( ini basic physic form 4-4 jer yek!!:bg walaupun in terms of innovation mmglah berbeza.. |
Originally posted by vixen at 16/1/2004 02:26 AM:
You are right.There is no proper diffusion of oxygen to root system when the soil is saturated with water.
And allow me to elucidate a little further.
Soils that are over saturated with water l ...
erm... i think, depend also on type of soil... |
lelipan This user has been deleted
kalau semua part tumbuhan tu tenggelam, tumbuhan tu lebih cepat mati sebab pertukaran gas/respirasi melalui daun tak dapat berlaku..
kalau macam pokok durian tu, walau pun daunnya tak tenggelam, tapi kandungan oksigen dalam tanah kurang sebab banjir, pokok tu mati juga..tapi amik masa lama sikit laa..
:re::re: |
lelipan info yang bagus ni.... aku pun tak tau sebelum ni |
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