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Author: cecari

Apps Smartphone Paling Mahal oleh K'jaan Malaysia ? RM 1 Billion

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2013 10:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dino posted on 28-11-2013 10:20 AM
aku bkn nak backing gomen yg mmg kerap menipu nih.... tp 1 billion tu bkn refer pd apps tu semata. ...

Tu la sebab diberi link dn print screen agar boleh check sendiri apa yg dimaksudkan dgn tajuk sesuatu thread atau berita. Dia sebut ,sistem,.

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Post time 28-11-2013 10:33 AM | Show all posts
cecari posted on 28-11-2013 10:30 AM
Tu la sebab diberi link dn print screen agar boleh check sendiri apa yg dimaksudkan dgn tajuk sesu ...

                        Why spend a billion to replace a superb app                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        November 26, 2013                                                                                               
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FMT LETTER: From Dave Avran, via e-mail
It was announced today by Bukit Aman Logistics director Zulkifli Abdullah that the popular MyDistress smartphone app for Selangor residents will be replaced by SaveMe999 which will have nationwide coverage.
SaveME 999 was developed by the Communication and Multimedia Ministry through the Malaysian Emergency Response System (MERS 999). Zulkifli said SaveME999 will be recognised as the sole emergency channel linked to the police after it is released to the public.
There is, however, no date for when it will be launched for the public. SaveMe999, developed at a cost of almost RM1 billion and launched on Sept 9, is currently solely reserved for disabled persons, who need to register with their Welfare Department registration number. This is very distressing news indeed. What do we do in the meantime when there is no direct link to PDRM?
The current MERS999 emergency hotline is administered by Telekom and precious minutes are wasted by the operator’s vetting process before they decide to connect you to PDRM, Hospital, Bomba or National Defence, where the caller will again have to go through another verification process by giving name, identification number, address and nature of emergency.
Not exactly the experience we would want to have to go through when we are in a distraught and panicky state. Also of concern is the fact that MERS999 which cost RM801.55 million to develop, has been accused of many shortcomings.
The Auditor-General’s report 2012 audit findings revealed that the overall project management was particularly poor in contract compliance, contract administration, project monitoring, late execution on the development and installation of the MERS 999 system in 16 sites; and 34 sites were operated later than the timelines stipulated. The report also noted the continuous occurrence of drop calls.
Again according to the Auditor General’s Report 2012, MERS999 has a capital expenditure of RM596.25 million and an operating expenditure of RM205.3 million. The report found that approximately 32% of the total emergency calls to MERS999 went unanswered. According to the report, there were a total 23.6 million emergency calls from January to August last year. This works out to 32.4% or 7.6 million unanswered calls.
Even if only a minuscule 1% of these emergency calls were a life and death situation, the repercussions are truly alarming. If these allegations by the AG prove true, is Telekom really the kind of company we want operating our emergency call centre?
I was present at the launch of Pemandu’s United Against Crime Campaign at KLCC park on June 8, 2013 when Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said the police should look into having a dedicated emergency line direct to Bukit Aman to tackle crime situations faster.
I quote him verbatim: “Now it (emergency calls) is all in one and the operator will have to determine if the call goes to the police, bomba or the hospital. Precious minutes are wasted in this critical moment. Having a special line direct to Bukit Aman will enable the police to take immediate action.”
Why spend almost a billion ringgit of the rakyat’s money replacing something that works perfectly well? The MyDistress app which was launched in August 2011 is a mobile application that sends out a distress signal to the police when its user activates it, and has chalked up numerous success stories and even won the Malaysian government local and international recognition via the Asia Pacific Information and Communication Technology Alliance (APICTA) awards.
The writer is founder of Malaysians Against Rape, Assault & snatcH (MARAH)

artikel kat atas ni lg tepat klau nak bincang psl sistem tu keseluruhan...... org nak tahu details kan.. tak tahu plak myDistress tuh....



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Post time 28-11-2013 10:43 AM | Show all posts
harap maklum...1 bilion tu termasuk kos latihan, mentenen, tenaga pakar, dan alat2 ganti ...


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Post time 28-11-2013 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Biar betik
Typo kut

Tp kalau umno yg buat x mustahil

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2013 10:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dino posted on 28-11-2013 10:33 AM
Why spend a billion to replace a superb app                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        November  ...

Ok terima kasih. Jelas artikel tu. Bleh la nak hukum wajar atau tidak

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:00 AM | Show all posts
tau la kos makin meningkat tp pelik-2 belanjawan kerajaan mesia skrg ni yea..

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:07 AM | Show all posts
still. 1 billion tu melampau even for infra, hardware, training behind the app. kalau belasan juta logik la..

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:11 AM | Show all posts
1 billion Rupiah pun saya rasa mahal.

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
winamp05 posted on 28-11-2013 01:33 AM
kalau rakyat duduk diam buat apa rakyat lantik pemimpin. ko ni dah tersasar jauh dah ni. rakyat yg ...

speak here no use..i dare u challenge Tun Mahathir..the greatest...malays keep complain...tolong la ringankan tulang kerja..baru banyak duit...kerajaan buat apa semuanya salah...rakyat sndiri yg lantik itu kerajaan sndiri juga tau

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
cecari posted on 28-11-2013 10:49 AM
Ok terima kasih. Jelas artikel tu. Bleh la nak hukum wajar atau tidak

at least menda camni kena tempek.... sbb aku kdg2 menyampah gak yg dok share kat fb....misleading sgt.... benci2 umno tu klau dah salah tu no hal.... kite mmg berhak pertikai setiap sen duit pembayar cukai......


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Post time 28-11-2013 11:30 AM | Show all posts
aku kalau lobai kantoi tol ni bawak berita ibarat seorang fasik membawa berita, hendak lah disiasat terlebih dahulu...

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:35 AM | Show all posts
bangang.. stakat apps ni student U kat oversea ramai buat untuk suka2. senang je kekdahnye nak buat apps mobile ni.. mcm buat website.. hadoi.... jahanam,

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2013 12:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lkick2113 posted on 28-11-2013 11:30 AM
aku kalau lobai kantoi tol ni bawak berita ibarat seorang fasik membawa berita, hendak lah disiasat  ...

Baca link yg diberikanla lobai bahlol oi. Takkan yg tu nak kena ajar? Lobai aja ataih kepala tp bahlul x leh nak diajarm hehe

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Post time 28-11-2013 12:28 PM | Show all posts
gilerrr ahhhhhh!!!! instagram yg dah femes pn baru USD1billion.

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Post time 28-11-2013 12:35 PM | Show all posts
artificialster posted on 28-11-2013 11:35 AM
bangang.. stakat apps ni student U kat oversea ramai buat untuk suka2. senang je kekdahnye nak buat  ...

bukan apps je la.... whole system.... melampau la membohong klau 1 billion hanya utk apps...


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Post time 28-11-2013 12:37 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 posted on 28-11-2013 11:30 AM
aku kalau lobai kantoi tol ni bawak berita ibarat seorang fasik membawa berita, hendak lah disiasat  ...

Terima kasih kerana peringatan tentang firman Allah "kalau datang sifasik membawa berrita (termasuk yang kununnya ada lulusan jurusan ulamak dari Mrsir), bla bla bla bla....."

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Post time 28-11-2013 12:38 PM | Show all posts
mana tau nanti google or yahoo nk beli apps yg marveles ni..boleh untung berganda ganda ganda tuh...

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Post time 28-11-2013 12:39 PM | Show all posts
kasmela posted on 28-11-2013 02:13 AM
Ye ke niiii lobai tol?

Hang ni Kas.....mentang mentang lah lobai lulusan jurusan ulamak dari Mesir tuh pernah kantoi menipu kat thread tol dia tuh.......

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Post time 28-11-2013 01:17 PM | Show all posts
bf_mrsrezza posted on 28-11-2013 11:17 AM
speak here no use..i dare u challenge Tun Mahathir..the greatest...malays keep complain...tolong l ...

tak ada guna cakap dengan orang jenis ko. takkan faham.

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Post time 28-11-2013 01:20 PM | Show all posts
winamp05 posted on 28-11-2013 05:17 AM
tak ada guna cakap dengan orang jenis ko. takkan faham.

u just need to have some appreciation with the gomen la bhai...then u will understand bhai

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