Truth.8 posted on 28-10-2013 01:34 PM
God created logic and reason for peoples to THINK...not blaming HIS words
God created logic and reason for peoples to THINK...not blaming HIS words
Yes, I agree with you. The errors in Bible were all due to mistakes done by previous people, and obviously not by you! That being said, if you still want to believe on a book that contains errors, I still respect your decision!
Logic and reason tell me that errors lead to confusion and according to the Bible itself, God is not the author of confusion.
1 Corinthians 14:33 (KJV)
for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as it is in all churches of the saints.
peoples can says anything they want ...why not muslims scholar like Salman rusdie says quran is satanic least my Bible was not label beings satanic book...
Do you happen to know why Salman Rushdie said what he said. On what evidential basis did he say that? Remember: prove all things, hold fast to that which is true. As Biblical follower, I believe you have prove his saying for you to believe in it. Do you mind to share it with me? Let us have a proper, rational and reasonable discussion over this matter.
mashimaru83 posted on 28-10-2013 03:41 PM
Yes, I agree with you. The errors in Bible were all due to mistakes done by previous people, and o ...
Yes, I agree with you. The errors in Bible were all due to mistakes done by previous people, and obviously not by you! That being said, if you still want to believed on a book that contains errors, I still respect your decision!
Logic and reason tell me that errors lead to confusion and according to the Bible itself, God is not the author of confusion.
i do not view it has error because the Bible explained in different way . like i said you only listend to one sided which mostly from anti christian website and another nonsense from deedat combat kits rather seeking Bible scholar
Do you happen to know why Salman Rushdie said what he said. On what evidential basis did he say that? Remember: prove all things, hold fast to that which is true. As Biblical follower, I believe you have prove his saying for you to believe in it. Do you mind to share it with me? Let us have a proper, rational and reasonable discussion over this matter.
what kind of proof u need? if u talking about salman rushdie which he claimed the quran is satanic verses...well here is the link.....if the author is wrong, please proof to me .....thanks
Truth.8 posted on 28-10-2013 06:49 PM
i do not view it has error because the Bible explained in different way . like i said you only l ...
i do not view it has error because the Bible explained in different way . like i said you only listend to one sided which mostly from anti christian website and another nonsense from deedat combat kits rather seeking Bible scholar
I don't think it's a one sided as stated by you. Evidentially, the Bible itself has been revised by the Christian scholars since the beginning, not by other people and like I said earlier, revision happen because of the existing errors. Now, let me post a pro-Christian website regarding the errors in the Bible:
Yes, our Bible translations do have errors—let me tell you about them. But as you can see, less than 1% of them are meaningful and those errors don’t affect the major teachings of the Christian faith. In fact, there are a thousand times more manuscripts of the Bible than the most documented Greco-Roman historian by Suetonius. So, if we’re going to be skeptical about ancient books, we should be a thousand times more skeptical of the Greco-Roman histories. The Bible is, in fact, incredibly reliable.
The errors in the Bible are acknowledged by them. That being said, I still respect your belief if you still want to choose the Bible.
what kind of proof u need? if u talking about salman rushdie which he claimed the quran is satanic verses...well here is the link.....if the author is wrong, please proof to me .....thanks
Satanic verses issue have been addressed by the Islamic scholars few times. Watch the response from bro Shabir Ally:
Truth.8 posted on 28-10-2013 12:26 PM
the problem with many peoples now a days they will pin point on something which I think not ju ...
the problem with many peoples now a days they will pin point on something which I think not justify because, in order to study the Bible, one should not study by their own .....either they can get someone in expert or Bible scholar to study....the end of the day...are we sincere in enough or just want to find fault as long we won???
This method should also be applied to other religion INCLUDING ISLAM.
Have you referred to any Islamic scholars? As far as I remember, you have yet to reply to any of the basic explanations about Islam given to any of your questions.
btw I can help you to meet up with scholars of Islam (though these people will humbly deny being a scholar). would you care to meet these people and ask them questions about Islam?
mashimaru83 posted on 28-10-2013 11:32 PM
I don't think it's a one sided as stated by you. Evidentially, the Bible itself has been revised b ...
I don't think it's a one sided as stated by you. Evidentially, the Bible itself has been revised by the Christian scholars since the beginning, not by other people and like I said earlier, revision happen because of the existing errors. Now, let me post a pro-Christian website regarding the errors in the Bible:
if you want to pin point on the error, u can find lot of error in the quran itself....the local goverment already blocked faithfreedom for exposing quran error...why need blocked such when muslims think is truth???
anyway here another:
Yes, our Bible translations do have errors—let me tell you about them. But as you can see, less than 1% of them are meaningful and those errors don’t affect the major teachings of the Christian faith. In fact, there are a thousand times more manuscripts of the Bible than the most documented Greco-Roman historian by Suetonius. So, if we’re going to be skeptical about ancient books, we should be a thousand times more skeptical of the Greco-Roman histories. The Bible is, in fact, incredibly reliable.
if Bible has errors, why Muslims keep on saying that Muhammad mentioned in Bible??? did not it sound talking double tounge??
The errors in the Bible are acknowledged by them. That being said, I still respect your belief if you still want to choose the Bible.
same goes to quran are acknowledged by author and many ex muslims. that being said, i still respect your belief if you still want to choose the quran..
as for me I believed Bible is pure word of GOD
Since muslims did not get the holy spirit . you muslims do not understand ...but anyone mocked Holy spirit will be cursed...that what deedat did by mocking the Holy spirit...he was totally paralysed
here is proof:
Satanic verses issue have been addressed by the Islamic scholars few times. Watch the response from bro Shabir Ally:
well, he might have his own assumption but the author who was born muslim and now freethinker did bring good proof that quran is satanic verses..
gunblade712 posted on 29-10-2013 02:24 AM
This method should also be applied to other religion INCLUDING ISLAM.
Have you referred to ...
This method should also be applied to other religion INCLUDING ISLAM.
Have you referred to any Islamic scholars? As far as I remember, you have yet to reply to any of the basic explanations about Islam given to any of your questions.
since when i did not reply your explanations??? maybe you failed to understand my writing...and keep on asking for an answer ...because of that i have avoided it.
btw I can help you to meet up with scholars of Islam (though these people will humbly deny being a scholar). would you care to meet these people and ask them questions about Islam?
ask this scholar to leads those muslims have many 'cabang' who flighting amoung themselves before asking me to see them...and those mualaf who being left without proper guidance when they silently left islam...dont you think better than asking me to see your scholar? common sense
Truth.8 posted on 28-10-2013 12:32 PM
agama kamu banyak cabang sehingga ada yg bunuh dan bakar, sunni dan banyak lagi ...
Yang kamu sebut banyak cabang tu PENGANUT agama Islam bukannya agama Islam. Agama Islam tetap satu.. tak ada bercabang-cabang.. hanya berpandu kepada Al-Quran sedangkan hadis tu untuk menjelaskan kandungan al-Quran secara terperinci.
Masa Nabi Muhammad saw hidup pun baginda telah mengatakan bahawa umatnya akan berpecah belah menjadi 73 kumpulan dan hanya satu sahaja yang benar. Itu berlaku kerana Allah mahu beri ujian kepada manusia. Jika Allah mahu boleh saja dia jadikan semua manusia bersatu beriman kepada Allah. Tak ada Islam, tak ada kristian, tak ada budha dan tak ada agama-agama lain. Oleh itu manusia kenalah buat pilihan untuk memilih satu yang benar dari banyak yang salah.
Truth.8 posted on 29-10-2013 09:49 AM
since when i did not reply your explanations??? maybe you failed to understand my writing...and ...
since when i did not reply your explanations??? maybe you failed to understand my writing...and keep on asking for an answer ...because of that i have avoided it.
there are tonnes of proves, showing that you denied the explanation given by Muslims, but I can predict that you will say 'oh that is not on this thread'.. but then, you ABANDONED the thread that demands you to ADMIT to have READ the explanation.
I believe the reader can see what kind of a person Truth.8 is.
btw you didn't even REPLIED to the explanations.
ask this scholar to leads those muslims have many 'cabang' who flighting amoung themselves before asking me to see them...and those mualaf who being left without proper guidance when they silently left islam...dont you think better than asking me to see your scholar? common sense
why don't you want to ask them yourself? I thought you say :
the problem with many peoples now a days they will pin point on something which I think not justify because, in order to study the Bible, one should not study by their own .....either they can get someone in expert or Bible scholar to study....the end of the day...are we sincere in enough or just want to find fault as long we won???
Are you sincere in pursuing the truth about Islam or are you just wanting to find faults as long as you 'won' (not sure about your definition of winning, though)??
IF you are sincere, you should have no problem meeting the scholars of Islam and ask them yourself. That way, you can see and hear for yourself. this is COMMON SENSE...
Truth.8 posted on 29-10-2013 11:07 AM
memang lah penganut islam yg sembayang mcm kamu dan percaya quran tapi cabang2 pula...sempuran ke ...
Agama Islam memang dah sempurna tak seperti Kristian sebab Allah sendiri tak akui kesempurnaan agama Kristian sepertimana yang Allah akui pada agama Islam. Maka jika ORANG Islam buat salah maka jangan pulak kamu nak salahkan AGAMA Islam sebab banyak sebab mereka boleh menjadi salah di antaranya mereka tertipu dengan syaitan.. sedang orang yang jadi penolong Syaitan ni ramai berbanding dari bilangan orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah.
Non-denominational Muslims are Muslims who do not restrict their religious affiliation to any particular branch of Islam.
The Ibadi is a sect that dates back to the early days of Islam and is a branch of kharijite. Unlike most Kharijite groups, Ibadism does not regard sinful Muslims as unbelievers.
Truth.8 posted on 29-10-2013 01:03 PM
show me rather than ur lenghty words
Menurut kamu, nak belajar Kristianiti mesti belajar dari paderi (yang diiktiraf).
Jadi, kenapa kamu tak mahu jumpa dgn scholar of Islam yang diiktiraf? Kenapa double-standard? kalau kamu memang jujur mahu belajar, mesti kamu akan seronok bila dapat jumpa dgn scholar of Islam.
Kamu mahu jumpa scholar of Islam ke, atau tidak mahu? Simple question je ni...
gunblade712 posted on 29-10-2013 03:45 PM
Menurut kamu, nak belajar Kristianiti mesti belajar dari paderi (yang diiktiraf).
Jadi, kenapa ...
Menurut kamu, nak belajar Kristianiti mesti belajar dari paderi (yang diiktiraf).
Jadi, kenapa kamu tak mahu jumpa dgn scholar of Islam yang diiktiraf? Kenapa double-standard? kalau kamu memang jujur mahu belajar, mesti kamu akan seronok bila dapat jumpa dgn scholar of Islam.
Kamu mahu jumpa scholar of Islam ke, atau tidak mahu? Simple question je ni..
tak tahu lah....aku kalau nampak Buddhist ok jer....Kristians ok jer...tapi islam ini aku rasa macam was2 sikit lah...
walaupun ada kebaikan di luaran....kita belum tahu lagi sama ada ia nya benar2 dari Pencipta...