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Author: syoksendiri

Beyonce "IA...SF" | 2nd DVD release! 'I AM...WORLD TOUR' 30 Nov!

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Post time 28-3-2010 02:03 AM | Show all posts
Biasalah jatuh2 tu. Manusia tak dpt lari daripada melakukan kesilapan... lagi2 benda camnie takleh nak jangka. Mcm Mariah Carey gak 2-3 tahun dulu penah nipslip kan? Dia pun tak sengaja jugak. So, takleh nak salahkan sesiapa.

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2010 02:25 PM | Show all posts
yang 1st pic tu bukan beyonce jatuh..

gambar itu time beyonce buat performance menari ala2 latin shakira style time last2 lagu 'baby boy' tu..macam kat the actual video..

bee hanya pernah jatuh SEKALI je yang teruk kat atas stage,masa turun tangga tu..lain2 tak pernah..huhuhu..

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Post time 28-3-2010 03:25 PM | Show all posts
40# batunilam4a

giler basi citer ko ni...dah berabad ....saje nak upkan balik atau nak menimbulkan kemarahan SS...hehehehehehe

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2010 04:16 PM | Show all posts

HAHAHAHA..!!! lawak gila..!

'single ladies' will be remember FOREVER and EVER..!

favourite artists korang tak boleh buat..! bowww cepat..!

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Post time 29-3-2010 09:52 PM | Show all posts
yang 1st pic tu bukan beyonce jatuh..

gambar itu time beyonce buat performance menari ala2 latin shakira style time last2 lagu 'baby boy' tu..macam kat the actual video..

bee hanya pernah jatu ...
syoksendiri Post at 28-3-2010 14:25

owh ye ke....

yg gambar kedua tu ape pulak...terberrak tepi pool ke...

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Post time 30-3-2010 12:21 AM | Show all posts

HAHAHAHA..!!! lawak gila..!

'single ladies' will be remember FOREVER and EVER..!

favourite artists korang tak boleh buat..! bowww cepat..!

syoksendiri Post at 28-3-2010 16:16


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 Author| Post time 4-4-2010 10:57 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 6-4-2010 03:23

omg saya lupa lak yang hari ni adalah 2 years anniversary of Jayoncé..! tepat tarikh ni 2 tahun lepas dorang kahwin..

steady je Bey & Jay kan..for your information, sebelum dorang kahwin, dorang dah bersama selama 7 tahun, sejak them..tak de kecoh2 or seek attention macam couple2 lain kat Hollywood..all private je, hanya focus on their music and talents..but dalam diam2 pun dorang 2 the richest couple in entertainment sejak 3 tahun lepas with over 130 million together..kalah semua couple lain..LOLL..memang powerful dorang dua..tak leh sentuh..not to mention their style together were just fabulous..! ehehe..saya suka sangat2 style dorang..memang royalty couple tul dorang ni..

tapi tak caya dorang dah bersama for almost 9 years now..terrer tul..mesti each other faithful even busy gila la kan..richest rapper dan richest woman in music industry together mesti la selalu tak de masa nak main romen sama2..dua2 busy dengan keje2 memasing..totally professional..bukan macam pompuan sorang tu, tukar2 laki..yang paling lama tahan adalah lelaki yang loser gila, hanya mainkan dia, dan gunakan duit dia..tengok sekarang laki tu dah gemuk makan semua duit dia..terus hidup senang..ahaha..dumb blonde betul.. of jay with bee can tell jay loves bey just as much as bey loves her husband..! nampak sincere sangat..

side note; as you can seen saya jarang update this thread nowadays..well thats because beyonce currently taking a break..dia dah cakap kat interview yang dia akan ambik break about 6 months, to do things that she always wanted to do, get inspired again; like mahirkan skill painting dia, merayap2 around the world tanpa gangguan, dan sebagainya la..tapi dia cakap gak yang dia mungkin akan masuk studio and la, mana leh tak masuk studio dalam masa 6 bulan..gila hapa..honey bee loves her job so much..tapi memang beyonce deserves sangat2 pun break ni..dia has been working non-stop for the past 12 years..! tak de slow down pun..dan tahun 2008-2009 sejak album 'ia sasha fierce' release tu dia tak de chance langsung nak break..nak kencing berak suma tak dapat..mesti ada je something dia buat even kita tak nampak dengan mata kasar..eiwah..hehe..tapi kalau ada any news/pics nanti saya akan update..



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Post time 8-4-2010 06:40 PM | Show all posts
Aku pon ada tengok dalam youtube video... diorang nie very discreet about their relationship. Jay-Z pun jenis yg taknak cerita apa2 pun pasal perkahwinan diorang. Beyonce pun sama. Last2 interviewer mesti tanya kawan2 diorang. Sbb tak puas hati kekdahnya.

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 Author| Post time 21-4-2010 11:21 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 22-4-2010 15:11

Beyonce and husband Jay-Z look casually stylish as they catch a departing flight out of LAX airport on Monday (April 19) in Los Angeles.

OMG apsal beyonce ni CUN sangat arr..! GERAM saya kat unta z dapat bee..! hes so lucky.! :@

saya SUKA the way bee dresses..its so classy looking..the hair, outfit, the glasses, the shoes, the chains..! semuanya kena all together..cantik bangat.!

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Post time 30-4-2010 06:40 PM | Show all posts
Rasanya diorang ada beromen tak?

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2010 05:45 AM | Show all posts
Beyoncé's "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" TOPS the 4 million mark!

Beyonce's "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" tops the 4 million mark in paid downloads in its 78th week. It's the 15th song to reach this plateau. Six of the 15 songs are by female.

Making Beyonce The First Black Female Artist in history to do so!


beyonce.. only she can do it right now..

breaking records and barriers left and right & open doors for a black women to go proud of this girl..everything she works for paid off..!


ps: btw mulai sekarang saya akan update balik this thread so get used to it..


"Telephone" by Lady Gaga featuring Beyonce tops the 2 million mark in paid downloads this week. It's the first all-female collaboration to reach this sales plateau in the digital era. Back in the old days of physical singles, two all-female collabos were certified by the RIAA for sales of 2 million copies: "No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)" by Barbra Streisand and Donna Summer and "The Boy Is Mine" by Brandy & Monica.

"it's the first all-female collaboration to reach this sales plateau in the digital era.."


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Post time 20-5-2010 10:51 PM | Show all posts
yayyy upkan balik thread ni...hehehe..

aku suka aku suka

syabass SS

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 Author| Post time 21-5-2010 01:08 AM | Show all posts
Beyonce on the set of C&W commercial ads..!

Beyoncé shoots campaign for C & A in New York

The passage of Beyoncé in Brazil paid off. Besides having recorded a video clip in the slums alongside Alicia Keys and five full concerts in major capitals of the country, the American diva left here with a signed contract to launch a clothing line exclusively for C & A Brazil. The microcoleção will be in stores starting in June, especially for Valentine's Day.

Beyoncé is locked in a studio in Queens, New York, recording the hype that will be broadcast in Brazil - a co-production and production agency DM9DDB JAVA2G. Who signs the video is the filmmaker Adria Petty, daughter of musician Tom Petty, and the styling is the Brazilian Flavia Lafer. As for the photos, shall be borne by Matt Jones, trendy fashion photographer.

The production is already closed doors and the team is restricted. The mood in the studio is the best and Beyoncé is very excited on the scene. In the movie, Beyoncé plays a diva of Broadway, with choreography created by the same author of "Single Ladies," Jaquel Knight, and inspired by the musical numbers by Bob Fosse.

omg beyonce ni unstoppable betul..hairan saya..tak leh duk diam..dia nak jugak buat sesuatu untuk her fans..i love her..gambar2 kat atas ni look so hot gila tak hingat..! cuba tengok body beyonce..perghhh meleleh air liur wangi saya ni tengok shape body bee yang melentuk gila tu, especially kat gambar yang 1st tu.. and beyonce buat pusing2 kat pic yang #4 tu..? omg..bestnya..

tak sabar saya nak tengok commercial ni..!!!

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Post time 21-5-2010 08:41 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Beta at 21-5-2010 08:43


suke version nie

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 Author| Post time 21-5-2010 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 21-5-2010 18:35

^thanks for posting..!

ni YouTube link pada siapa yang tak leh tengok kat atas punya..HALO 2nd alternate video version finally leaked..

i LOVE this one..walaupun simple macam yang 1st tapi saya rasa this one lebih creative dan mencurigakan..saya suka the back-and-forth contrast lighting concept between LIGHT vs DARK kat version 2 ni..tapi saya faham kenapa bee pilih yang 1st, sebab its more 'SAFE'..more peacefull,happyness dan romantic with LOVE..

actually kalau tengok balik dua dua version video ni..kita lebih paham..sekarang baru kita tahu yang boyfriend bee dalam original video tu memang actually dah mati..2nd version ni macam INTRO untuk version yang the 1st version, that guy is already dead, dan throughout the video, beyonce reliving her flashback memory, she was remembering the times that they spent together when he was alive..and then that guy is like an 'ANGEL', watching beyonce (like in the dance ballet scene, he was just watching her kat atas balcony tu), hes not really there, hes like a protector or somesort..

yang 2nd version ni pulak prelude..its kinda intruging..sorrow dicampurkan dengan LOVE..dia tunjuk kita macam mana boyfriend bee ni mati..kalau korang perhati betul2 ada part DUIT jatuh2 kat 2nd version ni, sekejap je, tapi it make sense..the guy probably robbed the bank or someone for beyonce, then the police on search for him, tu yang dia lari2 kat hutan..beyonce lak supposed to meet him somewhere to pick him up(hence with the car), bee was like a get-away chick, and on the way she reminiscing all the good memories stuff she had with him..then dia dah sampai, dan wonder what is going on sebab dia tak nampak her boyfriend tunggu for her..she walks around and sees her boyfriend laying dead kat hutan dan realizes its all already too late with her just standing there looking keliru dan terkejut..this version a bit more depressing dan dramatic..sebab tu bee tak nak agaknya dan dia pilih yang 1st..nak yang happier joyful radiant uplifting version sebab lebih fit the song..yang 2nd ni kiranya darker interpretation of the song..

please give a round of applaused to syoksendiri story interpretation please..

awww stop it guys going to make me cry now..

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Post time 21-5-2010 06:06 PM | Show all posts
Reply 55# syoksendiri

tu dia penjelasan jelas..dan buat pertama kali ade baca karangan saiko (SS) smpi hbis hahahaha

hope sweet dreams pon ade 2nd version

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Post time 24-5-2010 12:56 AM | Show all posts
aku prefer lagi 2nd version of Halo....Bey cantik tul dlm tu....anyway saje nak share gambo ni...kalu blom ada lagi SS gambo2 waktu Bee perform kat White House baru2 ni ngan band dia....aku ingtkan Bee ni cuti rehat bebetul..tapi duk buat keje gak...memang tak leh duk diam....aku rasa maybe org byk nak Bee keje n buat show sana sini...


bila tgk ni teringat setting kat I Am...Yours~Las Vegas nyer konsert......tapi video dia tak kuar lagi....huhuhuh

ni Bee n her band photo with obama n michelle

ni plak gambo Bee & Jay ngan will n jada pinket smith

nampak natural betul muka Bee....sweetttt!!!

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2010 01:44 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 24-5-2010 02:47

ni gambar latest sekali Beyonce & Jay semalam..omg i love bee punya shirt, cute gila..then saya suka sunglasses dia, dengan rambut keringting dia..!

pics of beyonce leaving restaurant kelmarin..kasut bee lawa gila..ala2 bumble-bee..LOLLL..

by the way gambar beyonce pose dengan Obama & Michelle tu betul2 buat saya proud..

ni adalah bukti yang Beyonce is ABOVE than anyone else in the music industry right now..shes better than the rest..i mean sapa yang dapat pose dengan PRESIDENT OF USA seriously..? especially lebih dari 3-4 kali..? only beyonce..and then sapa yang PERSONALLY dapat special invite dari President untuk perform..? x de sapa..

yang gambar ngan Will Smith & Jada tu pun buat saya much power..! two of the RICHEST COUPLES ever in one pic..gembira saya..kawan2 bee semua A+ list celebrities..bukan white trailer park trash..

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2010 02:14 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by syoksendiri at 30-5-2010 01:11

pics bee & jayz kat baseball game bulan May ni what bee wearing..

tanpa make up pun nampak cun dan natural..natural beauty..

also kat new york ada hal malam..LOL..rambut bee kelakar, tapi cute..haha..

C&W promo pics..tak sabar nak tengok yang high quality punya..!

body & shape bee ni sexy gila sehhh..! melentuk tul..!

new Dereon ad..! bee's hair is so the pose..


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Post time 24-5-2010 02:09 PM | Show all posts

SS...Bee pakai bodyguard baru ke..mana yg negro lonjong tu? dah kena pecat ke..hehehehe

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