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Author: LuCkY-sTaR

Melaka ada International Airport?

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Post time 6-2-2010 12:02 PM | Show all posts
sebenarnya pembesaran airport ni adalah pasal nak panjangkan runway airport utk boleh tampung pesawat yg lebih besar utk kargo pasal CTRM ada kat sana... tu lubuk buat duit dgn kontrak nilai bilion2 USD dgn Boing, Airbus...

dah panjangkan bolehlah pesawat sampai class B737 landing... so naikkan taraf sekali terminal .. jadikan international airport... so bukanlah projek gajah putih ok...



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Post time 6-2-2010 12:58 PM | Show all posts
melaka eye - dah terbukti hutang berlambak2 sampai terpaksa hentikan operasi
monorail - suruh Ali Rustam sendiri pi naik dgn structure yg senget ni la
pusat astronomi - dah tak cukup pen ...
cmf_herrhughie Post at 6-2-2010 10:46

Penjelasan ko lansung tak convincing. Semua tu tuduhan, tanpa fakta yg kukuh. Pigidah. Lu pergi tolong MPPP kasi bersihkan illegal hawker yer. Pastu sambung forum balik.

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Post time 6-2-2010 01:35 PM | Show all posts
20# Muntz

kan.. byk tempat lagi yg lebih afdal airport kena upgrade
Airport Tawau cthnya selalu tak ada air, tapi flight selalu ramai orang
yg Melaka ni memang aku betul2 tak paham
sampai na ...
LuCkY-sTaR Post at 5-2-2010 22:29
tahun lepas saya gi ke tawau & saya rasa spatutnya ia kena install aircon kat luar (tempat check in luggage dsb) & tandas kena bersih skit... lebih elok klu tempat tuh jadi international airport drp melaka... melaka & n9 & selangor tak patut ada airport sbb semua pasti nak pakai klia/ lcct..

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Post time 6-2-2010 01:39 PM | Show all posts
emm bila ko cakap pasai airport ni buat aku teringat yg negeri kedah ni pun nak buat airport baru kat area padang serai kulim(dlm perancangan) rasa x logik pula sbb sini pengangkutan awam pun susah... ...
jojo67 Post at 5-2-2010 22:58
kulim pon nak ada airport?? nape saya tak tau?? kulim dekat je ngan penang & wat ape nak ade airport?? nanti takkan meke akan promise wat airport kat sbg prai klu menang pru kat penang??

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Post time 6-2-2010 01:46 PM | Show all posts
haha..jgn main2...n.9 pun nak airport dan juga perlis...tapi x dpt....yg perlis tu baru nk airborne 2 minit dah masuk ruang negara thailand...hehehe...yg melaka tu kire okla psl mmg ade flight dari indon for their health tourism purpose, ade flying school dan ade CTRM....aku keje dlm dca aku tau le.....dan international airport kene ade ICQ...

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Post time 6-2-2010 01:47 PM | Show all posts
kulim pon nak ada airport?? nape saya tak tau?? kulim dekat je ngan penang & wat ape nak ade airport?? nanti takkan meke akan promise wat airport kat sbg prai klu menang pru kat penang??
kaikaibaby Post at 6-2-2010 13:39

patutnya kulim tak ada airport, tapi dekat alor setar ada 1 airport baru...tak byk penumpang juga...purely utk domestic usage

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Post time 6-2-2010 01:54 PM | Show all posts
20# Muntz

kan.. byk tempat lagi yg lebih afdal airport kena upgrade
Airport Tawau cthnya selalu tak ada air, tapi flight selalu ramai orang
yg Melaka ni memang aku betul2 tak paham
sampai na ...
LuCkY-sTaR Post at 5-2-2010 22:29

Betul tu. Aku amik contoh jugak, LCCT KK. Ya Allah... awal pagi mmg dedat giler kat situ. Jgn kata nak parking, nak lalu situ pun payah. Bodo aper siapa punya idea buat LCCT nie. Tapi bila aku tengok KKIA T1, punyalah cantik, besar... tapi orgnya tak ramai. Parking pulak luas seluas mata memandang. Skarang pun dah bukak extension sebelah tu. Membazir betul. Tak tau yg mana satu prioriti mana satu tak diorang nie.

Kalau kat Sarawak pulak, airport yg hampir atau lebih mencapai kapasiti maksimum skarang ialah Kuching International Airport & Bintulu Airport. Pernah skali, aku amik flight dari KL ke Bintulu. Masuk jer ruangan imigresen tu, bukan main lagi ramai org berpadat2 mcm pelarian berebut amik makanan dari UNESCO. Aku tak pernah tengok scene mcm tu kat airport2 lain. Kat Kuching Airport skarang pulak, AA terpaksa pakai A380 punya boarding gate pasal boarding gate utk low cost airlines dah full semua. Boarding gates utk lowcost airlines tu takyah cakap lar... kerusi mmg asyik penuh jer. Mcm takder usaha utk tambah kerusi kat situ sampai2 ada yg duduk atas lantai jer. International Airport tu okay.. bukannya LCCT.

Kem Pengangkutan nie mmg tak tau nak prioritize mana satu lebih penting. Tolonglah, tengok2kan kemudahan airport kat Sabah & Sarawak nie.

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Post time 6-2-2010 02:16 PM | Show all posts
47# Muntz

Sebenarnya perkara ini terpulang kepaa ketua2 negeri, rajin mohon dapat la,walau pun tak fully justified.

Kota Bahru dah lama minta panjangkan runway supaya senang syarikat penerbangan membuat penerbangangan terus dari KBR ke JED. Kalau nak fikir, memang justified sebab memang ramai jemaah dari pantai timur dan juga boleh tarik jemaah dari selatan thai sebab dari thailand tak ada penerbangan ke JED. Pernah dulu nak ke JED ,kena stop kat Hatyai ambil penumpang dari sana yg nak mengerjakan haji.

Kalau kat sarawak I agree kalau besarkan terminal KCH and MYY or BTU, sebab airport2 ni pintu masuk ke sarawak. Dan sekarang ni mode of transportation dah mula beralih dari pengangkutan darat ke pengangutan udara kerana jimat masa dan lebih convinient. Nak naik taraf ke international airport terpulang kepada kebijaksanaan menteri pelancungan tarik penerbangan dari luar negara masuk. Kena consider banyak benda seperti CIQ, airport services, ATC etc etc.

  Having said that, Melaka as an international airport? boleh tu memang boleh tapi defeat the purpose of having super duper KLIA. Even sekarang ni pun asyik lengang jer, tak macam international airport yg lain2.

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Post time 6-2-2010 04:52 PM | Show all posts
Dirtiest Hotels - Asia
(based on TripAdvisor traveler reviews)

* 1. Phi Phi Don Chukit Resort, Ko Phi Phi Don, Thailand
* 2. Raj Residency, Chennai (Madras), India
* 3. Goldkist Beach Resort, Singapore, Singapore
* 4. Mahkota Hotel Melaka, Melaka, Malaysia
* 5. Centaur Hotel, IGI Airport, New Delhi, India
* 6. Tatami Hampton Hotel, Hong Kong, China
* 7. Pearl of the Pacific Boracay Resort & Spa, Boracay, Philippines
* 8. First Hotel Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
* 9. Seri Costa Hotel-Resort, Melaka, Malaysia
* 10. Royal Peacock Hotel, Singapore, Singapore


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Post time 6-2-2010 04:59 PM | Show all posts
Malacca govt eyeing Ferris wheel if it is for the taking

MALACCA: The Eye on Malaysia, the country’s largest Ferris wheel, willcease operations indefinitely pending the outcome of a legal suitbrought against its operators by a foreign company.

The 60m-high Ferris wheel was closed at about 9.30am yesterday whenlawyers and receivers of Fitraco NV arrived to enforce a Nov 26injunction granted by the High Court against the operators - MST AdSuria Sdn Bhd and Eye On Malaysia Sdn Bhd (EOM).

End of its run: Lawyers for Fitraco Cheah Soo Chuan (second fromright), Leonard Yeoh (right) and receiver’s representative ArulGunendran (foreground) taking custody of the Ferris wheel yesterday

A bus loaded with tourists and several other visitors were caughtby surprise when they were informed by security guards that the Ferriswheel was closed. It is learnt that several hundred tourists who hadmade prior bookings would also be affected by the closure.

Fitraco, a leisure equipment leasing company based in Belgium,initiated legal proceedings against MST Ad Suria on Sept 15, last yearto take over the Ferris wheel after it failed to repay the loan, saidto be in the tune of RM17mil in mid-May 2009.

MST Ad Suria, through EOM, had entered into a joint-venture projectwith the Malacca state government’s subsidiary Kumpulan Melaka Bhd(KMB) for the Ferris wheel to be placed at a theme park to be developedon a 1.6ha site in Kota Laksamana two years ago.

A court injunction was given to Fitraco to enter the site and gain custody of the Ferris wheel.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said the state wasnot the sole operator of the Ferris wheel but was only involved in ajoint-venture to develop a theme park.

“The state is not involved in the legal tussle as it is MST Ad Suria that failed to secure a bank loan to repay Fitraco.

“We hope the matter can be resolved as soon as possible as the closurewould mean a loss in the number of tourists to the state,” he saidafter launching the Melaka Integrated Surveillance System hereyesterday.

He added that the state would be willing to bid for the Ferris wheel if the Belgian company auctioned it.

He urged EOM to make the necessary arrangements for their affected workers and alternative plans for the cancelled bookings.

It is learnt that the Ferris wheel has chalked up ticket sales of some RM5mil since it was launched here in October 2008.

Some RM30mil was said to have been spent to bring the giant Ferriswheel to Malaysia where it was first sited at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa,Kuala Lumpur in conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year 2007.

It was subequently relocated to Malacca.

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Post time 6-2-2010 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Firefly pull out from mkz-sin route
MALACCA: After spending RM131.5mil to upgrade the Malacca International Airport (MIA), the state government had to stomach the disappointing news that two major low-cost carriers are not interested to fly there.

Firefly, a subsidiary of Malaysian Airline System, pulled out at the last minute, while AirAsia only showed lukewarm interest in using the airport as one of its main destination.

A disappointed Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said he had received a letter from Firefly noting they have scrapped plans to fly to Singapore from Malacca.

“Firefly claimed it had insufficient bookings and that we did not help to promote the routes.

“It added that we did not give any incentives to them.

“They even requested the state to pay RM75 for each of the unsold seats, but this impossible,” he told reporters after launching the 6th MATTA fair at Dataran Pahlawan here yesterday.

As for the claim of insufficient bookings, Mohd Ali said the state government had checked at the website earlier and it showed flight from Malacca to Singapore was fully booked.

However, subsequent check on Firefly’s official website showed the Malacca-Singapore routes had been removed.

At present only 1,476m of the airport runway is operational as work to further extend the runway to 2,200m under a RM60mil project is ongoing

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Post time 6-2-2010 05:22 PM | Show all posts
like the pusat astrology, bila tiada pengunjung, terus cheap sale harap menarik pelancong...

**tahukah anda, penang international airport mempunyai airport tax yg paling mahal di malaysia? (suatu tanda federal government nak halang pelancong datang penang)

Turun Kadar Cukai Penumpang LTAM, Batu Berendam

AYER KEROH, 26 Ogos - Kerajaan negeri mengemukakan beberapa perkara untuk pertimbangan Kerajaan Persekutuan, antaranya meminta supaya Kementerian Pengangkutan dan Malaysia Airport Berhad (MAB), dapat menurunkan kadar cukai penumpang yang menggunakan Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Melaka (LTAM), di Batu Berendam di sini.

Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam berkata, perkara terbabit telah dikemukakannya kepada Perdana Menteri yang juga Menteri Kewangan, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, pada Majlis Mesyuarat Kewangan Negara, kelmarin.

"Pada majlis mesyuarat itu, saya telah kemukakan beberapa perkara untuk pertimbangan Datuk Seri Najib, termasuk pertimbangan menurunkan kadar cukai penumpang di LTAM. Kini, penumpang domestik mahupun penumpang luar negara yang menggunakan lapangan terbang ini, dikenakan cukai RM51 .

"Sehubungan itu, saya telah membuat permohonan supaya dikurangkan kepada RM9 sebagaimana yang diminta oleh syarikat penerbangan tambang murah Air Asia dan jika MAB tidak mampu, saya juga telah mengemukakan permohonan supaya Kerajaan Persekutuan melalui Kementerian Pengangkutan menyerahkan pengurusan LTAM kepada kerajaan negeri untuk diuruskan bersama dengan Air Asia," katanya kepada media di kediaman rasminya, Seri Bendahara di sini kelmarin.

Menurut beliau, pihak Air Asia juga telah menyatakan kesanggupan mereka bagi menguruskan LTAM bersama kerajaan negeri.

"Saya fikir elok MAB menjuruskan kepada volume kerana LTAM boleh menerima 1.5 juta penumpang setahun dan kalau dikalikan dengan RM9, dah dapat RM13.5 juta, mampulah untuk membayar gaji kakitangan dan sebagainya," katanya.

Mohd Ali juga menjelaskan, Perdana Menteri menyatakan bahawa perkara yang dikemukakan itu akan dimasukkan pada Majlis Menyuarat Kewangan Negara yang akan datang.

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Post time 6-2-2010 05:24 PM | Show all posts
lapangan terbang yg merugikan duit rakyat--kena bagi incentive..kenapa buat perancangan mcm ini?

Incentives for Malacca airport
Friday November 13, 2009

MALACCA: The Transport Ministry has agreed to provide the Malacca International Airport with several incentives to help spur its usage by air carriers, including considering granting AirAsia rights to six destinations in Indonesia.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said the state hoped to see several low-cost carriers establish operations at the airport which would be officially opened by the Prime Minister on Jan 15.

Mohd Ali said he received a letter from Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat yesterday.

“He said the airport will enjoy benefits under the Government’s incentive schemes to promote tourism in Malaysia,” he told reporters during a break at the State Legislative Assembly here yesterday.

This includes a RM25 incentive for each incoming passenger for the first 12 months for new airlines flying to new routes or increasing flight frequency.

Another benefit is the RM10 to RM15 incentive for each incoming passenger after the period, depending on the performances of the air carriers.

Also included is a deferment of landing charges for three years and six-month rent-free office space for those setting up operations at the airport.

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Post time 6-2-2010 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Dirtiest Hotels - Asia
(based on TripAdvisor traveler reviews)

* 1. Phi Phi Don Chukit Resort, Ko Phi Phi Don, Thailand
* 2. Raj Residency, Chennai (Madras), India
* 3. Goldkist Beach Resort, Si ...
cmf_herrhughie Post at 6-2-2010 16:52

Apa kene mengena article dengan fitnah ko? Penah pegi ini 2 hotel? Ko ader 4 fitnah, n ko prove 1 saje which is Airport. Statement paper pasal EOM tu, operation KL yg fail top pay, bukan M'cca operation.

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Post time 6-2-2010 05:27 PM | Show all posts
Rajin ko study melaka, taknak tepek article2 yg bagus2 ke? Wakakaka

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Post time 6-2-2010 05:31 PM | Show all posts
like the pusat astrology, bila tiada pengunjung, terus cheap sale harap menarik pelancong...

**tahukah anda, penang international airport mempunyai airport tax yg paling mahal di malaysia? (suatu t ...
cmf_herrhughie Post at 6-2-2010 17:22

Kepala statement pasal pleneterium Melaka, tapi takde proof, tepek pulak statement airport. Dasar manipulator. Pathetic. Kalau betul Penang Airport paling tinggi,  u accuce govt anaktiri penang, bagitau la media. Bukan kutuk usaha negeri lain. Aiyhhhh, lu jaga hal lu sendiri je laaa weyyy!!!!

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Post time 6-2-2010 05:32 PM | Show all posts
yes, mr engineer cannot deny the news but trying to avoid the facts the 2 major airline refuse to fly at bvt berendam...also incentive needed to subsidy, also lower down the airport tax...

so pittyful and wasting ppl's money..

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Post time 6-2-2010 05:34 PM | Show all posts
MALACCA: The Malacca Government has been asked to formulate strategies to promote the new Malacca International Airport as the main gateway for visitors from neighbouring countries and to optimise its ...
LuCkY-sTaR Post at 5-2-2010 13:08

Aku baru tau Melaka ada international airport. Jadi, kalau MAS, FF &  AirAsia disuruh operate kat sana, apa akan jadi pd KLIA & LCCT yg tak jauh dr Melaka tu?

soalan kau ini sgt bimbo dan tak perlu...
it's like tanya soalan kenapa perlu a few airlines operate utk route yg sama gitu

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Post time 6-2-2010 05:37 PM | Show all posts
AirAsia Targets Two Million Passenger To India By 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 26 (Bernama) -- Budget carrier AirAsia, which will start services to five more Indian cities starting April, has targeted two million passengers to India by 2011, its group chief executive officer Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes on Tuesday.

"We are proud to position Kuala Lumpur as the gateway to India and at the same time it is India's gateway to Asean," Fernandes said after the launch of the new services by Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.

The airline will start daily flights to New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai in the second and third quarters of this year.

It will fly from Penang to Chennai on April 28 and from Kuala Lumpur to Mumbai (May 6), Chennai (May 17), Bangalore (May 20), Hyderabad (July 20) and New Delhi (August 4).

Ong said with the new routes, Air Asia and and its long-haul carrier Air Asia X would be able to leverage on the fast economic growth of India.

"I hope that AirAsia and AirAsia X will continue to go forward and open up even more destinations in India and across the world to give Malaysians the oppportunity to visit new places and more importantly providing Malaysia's companies and businesses an avenue to go into new markets and explore new economic opportunities," he said.

The flights to India will become more important as Malaysia has longstanding relations to India that are expected to improve further after the recent visit by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to India, Ong said.

"Both Malaysia and India have agreed for the contentious problem of visas to be reviewed thoroughly in order not to be an impediment to bona fide tourists," he said, adding that in 2009, the total number of tourists from India to Malaysia was 589,838.

Ong said AirAsia had carried 237,367 passengers to the four India cities of Trichy, Kochi, Trivandrum and Kolkata, the first cities it flew to.

"In this regard, the government will continue to facilitate the industry in its efforts to achieve its vision," he said.

Sales for the new routes have started from as low as RM199 for bookings from Jan 27 to 31 to travel between April 28 and Oct 30 this year.


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Post time 6-2-2010 05:37 PM | Show all posts
drpd abis duit buat projek airpot kat melaka ni baik duit tu buat sekolah2 yg x cukup kat sbh swk...

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