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Author: dexa

Sejarah Beruas, Perak -

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Post time 14-6-2016 05:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dia cakap Pernah jumpa batu alas tiang Istana Gangga Negara
Mahakarma was believed to be the most famous ruler of Gangga Negara. The mystic prince was vividly described in the Hikayat SiMiskin. I personally found a pillar base of the palace in 1972 about 200 meters from the possible site of the palace but like the other mystic items, it disappeared from us the next day.This site was actually on the beach, you can still see the evidence of the former beach till today, but due to the serious silting of the Bruas River over a period of 1500 years, the location is now about 5 kms from the sea. In the 60's before the whole area was developed & destroyed by Gula Perak Plantation Bhd, the mystic environment could be strongly felt & nobody dared to venture to the location of the palace. The pool once used by the Gangga Negara's princess was visited by a number of local villagers during this period. This also the site of the greatest war between Gangga Negara & the invaders from India in 1400's.The remain of the blood from those former soldiers can still be seen until today stretching up to almost 16 kms continously.

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Post time 15-6-2016 08:34 AM | Show all posts
Wau....macam menarik je.....macam ade korelasi bila cross-check dgn cerita penemuan kolam puteri dalam novel Siri Bercakap Dengan Jin karya Tamar Jalis.
Betullah kalau nak dikatakan karya Tamar Jalis tu karya fiksyen...mungkin rekaan..dan mungkin juga ianya adalah diari catatan beliau bersama datuknya dalam mengembara Daerah di Negeri Perak ini.
Nampaknya hanya catatan Mat Saleh yg rajin menulis dan merekod sebagai sumber rujukan kita.

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Post time 30-9-2016 11:43 AM | Show all posts
alhamdulilah banyak membantu dalam usaha saya untuk mengkaji sejarah beruas..

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Post time 27-4-2017 03:08 PM | Show all posts
siapa tahu di mana lokasi makam Raja Beruas di Kampung Kota?

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Post time 4-5-2017 04:17 PM | Show all posts
SLAYZMARS replied at 30-9-2016 11:43 AM
alhamdulilah banyak membantu dalam usaha saya untuk mengkaji sejarah beruas..

ada fakta2 menarik dari hasil kajian ke? share2 la kalo ada

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