i hate the fact there is some things in life that we have to take it as it is...
like it is meant to be that way, and if we try to make it in our own interpretation, we will be in the wrong. so being in the wrong has always proven to be baaad..
u get wat i mean?
tapi trying to say black/white is not a colour is a new avenue to me... |
Reply #41 FreeMen's post
since tak der keje la sangat these days, apalah sangats kalau kite pikir2kan sejenak menak, kan? heheheheheh |
Reply #42 redsinner's post
new avenue, new things in life, new stuffs - fun as we go about doing it or thinking about it, kan kan kan? ;) |
Reply #45 FreeMen's post
life itself has been miserable for me; adding the q of is black or white for that matter, a color or not, I doubt it'll hurt me sangats pun... LOL! |
Reply #47 FreeMen's post
then it would just be a plain dull boring miserable life, right? might as well dah alang2 miserable tu, kite teruskan making it worse. besides, it could be turned into a fun-type of miserable where you ask questions and get many many maaaaaaany answers yang we use to help make our life LESS miserable - ade logicnye tak? Ade kan? ;) |
Reply #51 joeblack's post
Originally posted by bzzts at 4-12-2008 11:25 PM
Word Definition
melanic black; very dark
morel dark-coloured horse; blackish colour
nigricant of a blackish colour
nigrine black
piceous like pitch; inflammable; reddish black
sable black; dark; of a black colour in heraldry
atrous jet black
corbeau blackish green
... onyx, obsidian .... |
wookay! cekgu senilukis aku dulu pernah ckp yg hitam adn puteh ni sebenarnya bukan kaler. hanya sbg penambah kpd kaler2 laen utk jadi lebey terang ka atau lebey gelapp kaa |
Reply #55 sekngucing's post
giittuuu........ hehehehe... *tepok2 tangan...* |
Reply #27 lealaurielle's post
How about Mr White and Mr Green? |
Reply #57 hamizao's post
Errrrrrr - PAS? Err.... :eek: |
Then kenapa name someone Labu ke Kundur ke ek? |
Reply #59 hamizao's post
ok i THINK i see where u're goin with this - I THINK only arr... kalau salah, sorry nah... ;) hiks! |
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