cite ni kat US diawalkan ke 21 november kan, sbb Harry Potter pospon ke tahun dpn, so slot HP ni Twilight amik?
BTW, quite not good news for malaysian audience.. kat malaysia maybe tyg lambat cite ni iaitu Mac 2009, under distribution of Tayangan Unggul & Sony Pictures Releasing International..
wat? malaysia Mac 2009 baru kluar...
pegi s'pore tgk ah. time tu bila nak release on 12 Dec in USA - Singapore 25 Dec
Sekarang dah brought forward tak tahu lak Singapore release date will either change or stick to the earlier release date.
baru tau pasal this movie n tak baca lagi novel nya...but, i'm going to buy the novel and read it first...takpelah tak surprise pun.. tgh google pasal this movie terjumpa plak article, aku tepeks je lah...
Cover Story (
'Twilight': Inside the First Stephenie Meyer Movie
TWILIGHT'S CAST (From left) Rachelle Lefevre (who plays Victoria), Kristen Stewart (Bella), Robert Pattinson (Edward), Cam Gigandet (James), and Taylor Lautner (Jacob)
By Nicole Sperling Nicole Sperling
On a March day in Oregon, the sun's as bright as a California morning. That's great news for the locals, but it sucks if you're a vampire. For two weeks, Twilight, the $37 million film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's best-selling novel, has been shooting outside Portland
tharunye jumpa thread ni.......bad...tq..tq..atleast ada tmpat aku nk meroyan kt edward nih...
dulu aku penah bukak thread twilight ni kt adala satu forum tuh...xde pon org lyn aku..
aku jer yg gla post sorg2...syiok sorg jer...
btw...aku pun die hard fan of twilight....igtkan aku sorg jer yg angau kt edward nih...
aku dh bc sumer novel2 twilight ni trmasukla breaking dawn...the host pun dh bc...
smpaikan draft for midnight sun pun aku bc gak...
skang ni pon tgh xsabar nk tgu movie dia..
Originally posted by kalchi at 15-5-2008 09:11 PM
eiii..aku xtahan betol la tgk robert ni senyum..pengsan aku dibuatnye trailer tu bole kata 9 kali aku ulang..masa b4 dia angkut bella terbang tu..perghh..senyum dia..*dies*
aku pon sama..xbley igt senyum robert tuh....jtuh cnta gedebuk gedebak jadiknye...
hi bad...
xpe...xramai pon xpe...jumpa sorg dua yg senasib kena smpuk ngan vampire ni pun...dh kira ok..
anway...back about the movie...btul..arap2 the movie as good as the novel...
tp bc kt web stephenie meyer..dia pun happy ngan movie tu sbb xbyk lari dr apa yg dia imagine ms tulis cite ye la...may be dia biased..
tp dia ada tulis yg ms dia tgk some scenes of twilight movie...even she was melted bila tgk robert...
xsabar nk terjah panggung nie....hehe
Originally posted by Maxx at 12-10-2008 11:53 PM
aku boley bayangkan...filem nih mesti jadik kegemaran gadis2 sunti...hehheh...
kisah2 vampire nih macam banyak sgt dah...may be yg ni ade ada kelainan
no doubt..actually..gadis sunti/bwh umur ler yg rekemen aku suh aku bc buku ni..
dh bc terjebakla plak...
xpenah bc kisah2 vampire yg cannot say that this book is different or not than the others..
kalo nk kelainan may be u bley try baca THE HOST..dr penulis yg sama
ala2 science fiction..tapi best jugak...
Originally posted by kalchi at 15-5-2008 09:11 PM
eiii..aku xtahan betol la tgk robert ni senyum..pengsan aku dibuatnye trailer tu bole kata 9 kali aku ulang..masa b4 dia angkut bella terbang tu..perghh..senyum dia..*dies*
cold smile but ahhhhhhh
tertusuk siot