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Author: Kilokahn

Waffen-SS (majoring in foreign volunteers)

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Post time 21-5-2006 09:59 AM | Show all posts
2 million or 6 is still a seven figure casualty toll....

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Post time 21-5-2006 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Bagaimanapun, sesuatu yang menghairankan sebaliknya terjadi. Hitler didapati masih mempunyai nilai toleransi yang tinggi dengan membenarkan penubuhan beberapa divisyen tentera beragama Islam di dalam kem atau menjadi sebahagian daripada bala tentera nazi Jerman.

There is animosity between the Muslim Bosnians/Croats and the Serbs. Hitler takes advantage of this situation. The Bosnians and Croats, together with Russians and Serb are Slavs - the very 'untermeschen' = sub-human=animal of Nazism. The Nazis however conveniently changed the Croats and Bosnians as descendants of Teutonic Knights.

Operasi Divisyen Hanzar mendapat perhatian IKAM kerana ia sesuatu yang sangat unik dan menakjubkan. Operasi tentera udara sukarela Croatia berjaya menembak jatuh hampir 300 kapal terbang tentera udara Rusia (komunis) sedangkan kapal terbang mereka yang dimusnahkan tentera udara Rusia kurang daripada 10 pesawat ketika Perang Dunia Kedua tercetus di Balkan.

I am amused that IKAM is fascinated by this 'findings' - the whole of Eastern Front, from Leningrad in the north to the Black Sea coast is a shooting gallery for the Luftwaffe and Axis air forces - not only in the Balkans. While the situation in general is reversed from 1944 onwards, Luftwaffe and its allies' experten pilots can still hold their own! The top 10 air aces of WW2 are all from Luftwaffe, each with more than 200 kills to his credit.

Namun IKAM mendapati apa yang lebih menarik ialah terdapat seorang tokoh Islam yang mampu menjalinkan hubungan baik dengan Hitler. Dia turut berperanan sebagai pemimpin Divisyen Hanzar.

Officers are still Germans! The imam is more like spiritual leader!

Divisyen Hanzar dihantar mengikuti latihan ketenteraan di Perancis sebaik sahaja penubuhannya. Ia mula beroperasi di Balkan pada Februari 1944. Divisyen ini beroperasi dengan jayanya menentang gerila komunis Partisan pimpinan Josip Broz Tito dan juga tentera Rusia.

From what I read, the anti-partisan units of the SS are the nastiest combat units in history. Handscar is one of them.

Walaupun jawatan Muftinya dilantik oleh kerajaan British yang ketika itu menjajah Palestin, namun Amin Al Husseini merupakan seorang yang sangat membela Islam. Beliau juga bertanggungjawab menyekat kemaraan dan kemasukan beramai-ramai Yahudi ke Eropah setelah kaum itu gagal di sekat memasuki wilayah Palestin.

Gagal sekat yahudi masuk Eropah setelah gagal sekat Yahudi masuk Palestin? Habis dari mana datang Yahudi nak masuk eropah? Asia??

Walaupun ada laman web yang memburuk-burukkan nama Amin Al Husseini kerana dituduh terlibat dalam pembunuhan orang Kristian di Balkan namun paparan gambar sepanjang hayat beliau jelas menunjukkan tokoh ini mampu menerokai hubungan antarabangsa yang cukup luar biasa terutama berjaya menjalinkan satu hubungan dengan Hitler.

Well, they did have common goal right?

Presiden IKAM, Norul Ridzuan Zakaria berkata, adalah satu isu yang sangat menarik apabila Hitler memberikan persetujuan untuk menubuhkan Divisyen Hanzar dan toleransinya terhadap kegiatan anggota divisyen berkenaan yang majoritinya terdiri daripada orang Islam.

As I said before, there is animosity btw the Balkan ethnics, and the Serbs are against the Germans, the others; pro-Germans. Raising a division from local recruits can help freeing a division of better quality SS or Wehrmacht troops to fight in Russia!

Menurut Norul Ridzuan, setiap batalion atau rejimen dalam Divisyen Hanzar akan dilengkapi seorang imam dan seorang guru agama yang bertugas untuk memastikan setiap anggota divisyen ini terus mengekalkan cara hidup sebagai muslim.

Of course...and the Christian units have their own chaplains!

[ Last edited by  alphawolf at 21-5-2006 10:24 AM ]

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Post time 21-5-2006 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ef/x at 21-5-2006 02:59 AM

I still can accept if you put your immature comment towards the bosnian or palestinian mufti.. why 2 biilions of muslims need to apologised to the jews ??? The irony is.... you said the 'German ...

right on bro!!! and yeah,he's just not worthy of a reply.

we tend to just ignore all the ignorant fools here..this guy is one of them.

just read all his posts and you'll see what i mean.

[ Last edited by  supergripen at 21-5-2006 10:49 AM ]

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Post time 21-5-2006 02:22 PM | Show all posts
There are two other Divisons manned by Croats/Balkan Muslims - the Skanderbeg Division (mostly Albanians) and the Kama division.

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Post time 21-5-2006 02:30 PM | Show all posts

T.q & noted !

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Post time 21-5-2006 10:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ef/x at 21-5-2006 02:59 AM
I still can accept if you put your immature comment towards the bosnian or palestinian mufti.. why 2 biilions of muslims need to apologised to the jews ??? The irony is.... you said the 'Germans', so isn't Adolf Hitler is a Christian ? oh...!! again when you christians going to apologised to the shintos? u guys drop atoms bomb in Nagasaki & Hiroshima....

U really piss me off Debmey... no need for name calling, u just aint worth it !!

First of all, there are no 2 billion Muslims in the world today.

Secondly, the Muslim world at large at that time did support Hitler in the holocaust of Jews.

Thirdly, the muslims in Europe and Al Huseini took the holocaust of Jews as a religious duty.

Finally, Hitler wasn't a Christian at all. He was an occult practitioner and her persecuted Christians and it was Christians who fought and destroyed him.

No muslims, not bisnian, not albanian, not arab, not even one apologised for the involvement in teh holovaust even though their fellow muslims committed it in the name of islam.
You can always turn a bl;ind eye to history all you want.

peace to you all

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Post time 21-5-2006 11:00 PM | Show all posts
now do you see what i mean?? diorang ni semua barua yahudi..cakap ikut sedap je.faham pun tak.jangan layan goblok goblok ni..

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Post time 22-5-2006 01:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 21-5-2006 10:32 PM

First of all, there are no 2 billion Muslims in the world today.

Secondly, the Muslim world at large at that time did support Hitler in the holocaust of Jews.

Thirdly, the muslims in Eu ...

So I guess the Jews now want revenge upon the hapless

1.Controlling their proxy  Superpower.......


In this paper, John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science and Stephen M.Walt of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government contend that the centerpiece of U.S. Middle East policy is its intimate relationship with Israel. The authors argue that although often justified as reflecting shared strategic interests or compelling moral imperatives, the U.S. commitment to Israel is due primarily to the activities of the 揑srael Lobby." This paper goes on to describe the various activities that pro-Israel groups have undertaken in order to shift U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction.

2 ..And  start invading and thus killing thousands of innocent women and children in the countries they want to control ( through the US proxy ) ..

Study puts Iraqi toll at 100,000

... actions in which  at least 100,000 muslims in Iraq alone have been killed (2003 war, not including those killed prior to invasion, ex: 1991 war,etc...also estimated to be in the thousands) and not including the thousands killed in other countries (Palestin, Afganistan, next Iran?) that leaves another...oh, maybe... 5.5  million muslim to go in order to avenge the  6 million  jews killed by the Nazis who were, so called,  totally  influenced and controlled (probably hypnotised ) by this one  muslim man.. which countries do you want them to  invade next and kill even more muslim, hmm? about if they came here??.....I'm sure you would be the first person here who would come to them with open arms....

...Know I fully understand the matter at large... thank you gekko for your enlightenment...

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Post time 22-5-2006 01:55 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 22-5-2006 08:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fibo at 22-5-2006 01:55

ekhmmm posting mcm ni boleh didelete atau kena potong credit ye......

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Post time 22-5-2006 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Sorry Mr. Moderator........:nerd:, sajer test berforum org baru..........

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Post time 22-5-2006 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by niceghost2005 at 19-5-2006 02:56 PM

Salute ATM & PDRM pun mcm British n American... ...

Nak ff: jap,salute PDRM aku tengok sama cam salute Bomba, Penjara dll pasukan keselamatan bukan tentera.

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Post time 22-5-2006 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Dutch-Lady at 21-5-2006 07:29 AM
ada yg punya informasi mengenai sukarelawan Indonesia dan Malaysia di Waffen-SS pd masa WW II

tak tau pun ader setahu aku Sukarelawan Dari Jepun , India, France

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Post time 22-5-2006 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 21-5-2006 10:32 PM

First of all, there are no 2 billion Muslims in the world today

If u wan'na do head count & get the exact figure.... go on, I've no objection :lol

Secondly, the Muslim world at large at that time did support Hitler in the holocaust of Jews.

So, what it got to do with me... I'am a simple today muslim living in Malaysia ? I was'nt born at that time ? Secondly, most of muslim world at that time under colonial (Christian) rules !! Thirdly, 99% today neo-nazi are christians... u can't find them in muslim, Hindu or Shinto country

Thirdly, the muslims in Europe and Al Huseini took the holocaust of Jews as a religious duty

How may European country at that time has muslim majority? the only white european muslim is the BOSNIAN MUSLIM & some Albanians & many of them are poor & don;t even care about politics or outside world and they represent just a tiny fraction of muslim community around the world ! <--- they even support the Nazis !

Finally, Hitler wasn't a Christian at all. He was an occult practitioner and her persecuted Christians and it was Christians who fought and destroyed him.

oh yeah.... rite ! ;)

Hitler leaving Church

Hitler leaves the Marine Church in Wilhelmshaven.

Hitler praying

Inscribed on the S.S. belt buckle: "God Is With Us."


Hitler signing his autograph for a Christian fan

Hitler wth Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, the papal nuncio in Berlin, 1935

On April 20, 1939, Archbishop Orsenigo celebrated Hitler's birthday. The celebrations, initiated by Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) became a tradition. Each April 20, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin was to send "warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the bishops and the dioceses in Germany" and added with "fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their altars."

The Concordat between the Vatican and the Nazis

Cardinal Secretary of State, Eugenio Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII) signs the Concordat between Nazi Germany and the Vatican at a formal ceremony in Rome on 20 July 1933. Nazi Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen sits at the left, Pacelli in the middle, and the Rudolf Buttmann sits at the right.

The Concordat effectively legitimized Hitler and the Nazi government to the eyes of Catholicism, Christianity, and the world.

Hitler Oath:

I swear by God,
this holy oath,
to the F黨rer of the German Reich and people.
Adolf Hitler...

Chaplain with a machine gun unit

Most wars are justified on religious grounds.

Of course if a soldier felt uneasy about slaughtering others, they could always turn to a chaplain who would then patiently explain to them that killing is allowed by God and about the righteous morality of war. He might then give a few Biblical examples of God ordained killings. And then he might tell them that Jesus will forgive them and send them to Heaven if they should happen to die.

Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler

One must not forget that Germany represented the most Christianized country in the world in the 1930s and 40s. Nazi Christian soldiers died as Protestants and Catholics and their grave markers testified to their religion.   

What Occult ?? The pictures speaks about Debmey  BS, Don't blame on islam if you know nothing about the religion.....

having friends from other religions or race may promotes better understanding eliminates streotyping or misunderstanding



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Post time 22-5-2006 11:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #54 ef/x's post

harap mods kasi tacang baik punya kat member kita ni...the best return aku pernah tengok untuk sasau si debs

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Post time 22-5-2006 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 22-5-2006 10:26

tak tau pun ader setahu aku Sukarelawan Dari Jepun , India, France

sukarelawan Jepun aku tak pernah dengar, dari India ada tapi lebih kepada tujuan propaganda dan jumlahnya pun tak ramai - tawanan Afrika Korps. Perancis? Depa ada satu divisyen - 33 Waffen-Grenadier Division der SS Charlemagne (Franzosische Nr.1)

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Post time 22-5-2006 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Put it this way...Hitler is a christian who believes/fascinated in the occult.....

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Post time 22-5-2006 11:37 AM | Show all posts
The majority of the German armed forces members are christians and are buried as such...however some of the SS troops who are so engrossed in this occult thing, have runic signs as their headstone.

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Post time 22-5-2006 11:42 AM | Show all posts
Forgot to add... Muslims also sacrifying their life during WW2, for example we have Lt. Adnan & his platoon who gallantly fought the japanese assault  in Singapore

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Post time 22-5-2006 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ef/x at 22-5-2006 11:42 AM
Forgot to add... Muslims also sacrifying their life during WW2, for example we have Lt. Adnan & his platoon who gallantly fought the japanese assault  in Singapore

congrats a sngle post,u have revealed what a lost soul the barua is.

i like the part where he should have more friends among other races to promote a better understanding of other people's race,religion and customs.

i bet Lt.Adnan's name wasn't even mentioned in their history books.maybe a small about 'creating' your own history..'altering' is more like it.

truly exposed,i'd like to see what he'll reply doubt somemore mumbo jumbo..

[ Last edited by  supergripen at 22-5-2006 12:18 PM ]

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