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Author: eidazura

Macam mana nak tau DIA lah Mr or Mrs Right kite

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Post time 21-2-2008 11:30 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-2-2008 11:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #41 True-X's post

hey...salah 2....kalu x kan tau 2,btol lgi...but smpi bile2 yg 2 salah...    

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Post time 21-2-2008 11:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #42 ainis's post

nope.. u'll never know... let say.. korunk kawen for 20 yrs... happy ever after( kununnyer).. all these while.. dialah Mr/Mrs Rite.. then next day.. baru tau rupenyer dia ader affair ngan pompuan lain.....

aper yg leh korunk wat.. ialah aper yg korunk rase time tuh..follow ur instint  if he/she the best... just go on.... dan jaga perhubungan...

neeway ni pendapat seposen aku....

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Post time 21-2-2008 11:53 AM | Show all posts
ntah lah... maybe aku sensitif pada perkataan Mr/Mrs Rights... .. i believe it doesnt exist

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Post time 21-2-2008 12:01 PM | Show all posts
senang cite,jodoh pertemuan di tangan Tuhan....    

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Post time 21-2-2008 12:20 PM | Show all posts

eh u could be right you know

Originally posted by True-X at 21-2-2008 11:52 AM
nope.. u'll never know... let say.. korunk kawen for 20 yrs... happy ever after( kununnyer).. all these while.. dialah Mr/Mrs Rite.. then next day.. baru tau rupenyer dia ader affair ngan pompuan ...

my mom masa dia pi kelas agama pun usatzah di acakap lagu tu, You can never say fOR SURE he is meant for you, sebab ad faktor durability of the marriage 9 tempoh = like cerai berai tu ( nauzubillah0 atau pun salah seorang dah passed away. Sebab  tengok Pak LAh = adakah kita nak kata jodoh diadgn endon or Jeanne ( bunyi = Yan in french) so u see, u could be right.

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Post time 21-2-2008 12:21 PM | Show all posts

eh u could be right you know

Originally posted by True-X at 21-2-2008 11:52 AM nope.. u'll never know... let say.. korunk kawen for 20 yrs... happy ever after( kununnyer).. all these while.. dialah Mr/Mrs Rite.. then next day.. baru tau rupenyer dia ader affair ngan pompuan ...
my mom masa dia pi kelas agama pun usatzah di acakap lagu tu, You can never say fOR SURE he is meant for you, sebab ad faktor durability of the marriage 9 tempoh = like cerai berai tu ( nauzubillah0 atau pun salah seorang dah passed away. Sebab  tengok Pak LAh = adakah kita nak kata jodoh diadgn endon or Jeanne ( bunyi = Yan in french) so u see, u could be right.

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Post time 21-2-2008 12:47 PM | Show all posts
there is no mr or mrs right..huhuhu...

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Post time 21-2-2008 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chemist_UTM at 21-2-2008 08:39 AM

there's no mr right...nobody perfect..
kita terlalu sibukc ari mr right...cari kesempurnaan...sampai sumtimes kita tak sedar yg kita pun punya ketaksempurnaan...

for me..

i use the wor ...

alamak..jiwang ler pulak hana bila baca chem tulis nie..

tapi...yg pasti..ayat last tu palinggg betul...
dan..utk hana..
wp berjumpa byk kali..tempat yg sama..makan yg sama..tetap tak bosan..
haa..he's the one la..

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Post time 21-2-2008 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by True-X at 21-2-2008 11:52 AM
aper yg leh korunk wat.. ialah aper yg korunk rase time tuh..follow ur instint  if he/she the best... just go on.... dan jaga perhubungan...

ye..kalau suka..katakan suka time org lain..
kalau tak suka..jgn diam2 pastu buat spare part..keciann..

jaga perhubungan tu..
jgn salah sorang terasa boring..
bila salah sorang jadi boring tu bahaya tu..

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Post time 21-2-2008 08:59 PM | Show all posts
Macam mana kalau bukan ada seorang mr right, tapi ramai...

pilih satu jelah.

Macam mana pun berbalik kepada konsep kepercayaan kita lah.

Teringat cerita yang seseorang yang diminta pilih rumput yang tercantik. Dia balik dengan tangan kosong.

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2008 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 20-2-2008 23:59
Kalau nak tahu semua benda, agak mustahil sebab sesetengah perkara tu memang kita tak akan tahu.

Boleh tak kita tahu kita dah dapat apa yang kita nak, kalau kita tak tahu apa yang kita nak?


Salam...nie kire nak cari calon yg de kriteria yg kita nak yer???ermmm....pening2...

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Post time 22-2-2008 08:20 PM | Show all posts
Mr Right tu ibarat complementary agent...hehe
menjadi pelengkap ape yg tak lengkap dalam diri kite...

ada org...bile bercinta lupa pada orang lain...
dia akan pentingkan couple dia je...sbnrnye itu nafsu...

tp bile ko dah jumpa mr. right kan...
ko takkan lupa orang lain...
ko akan jadi lebih bertanggungjawab pada org lain...
jiwa ko akan jadi lembut...
ko akan jadi lebih confident dgn diri ko...
bile ko down cemana pun...ko takkan sedih gile2...
sbb ko tau...dia akan ada sama2 dgn ko...dia jadi tulang belakang ko
lagi satu...takde istilah boring...takde istilah ko nak break up dgn dia...
ko tak boleh nak imagine memenda tu sume bile ko dgn dia....
hehe panjang lagi kalau nak cukup laa hehehe

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Post time 22-2-2008 08:52 PM | Show all posts
talking about love...haaa aku baru tingat...aku penah terbaca satu article...pasal cemana lelaki dan perempuan ni boleh tertarik antara satu sama lain...
haaa ini dia punye url...
baca le...aku takleh nak paste sbb panjang sgt..
menarik...sbb ada fakta sains...,9171,1704672,00.html

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Post time 22-2-2008 09:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #54 tangent_talker's post

tangent i tried to search for it but fail to retrieve the exacr article
but what came out was


okay kah mmg ade theory yg nak kaitkan kenapa kita attach atau fond of a person = ada theory go for thsi this called the symmetrically of facial structures kat discovery tahn 1999.

i tak tahu wujud lagik tak.

oh jealousy is not a sign of you 'refalling in love ini Readers' digest cakap in the year 1960 + of course..but it 's just the sign of possession.


dear Tangent Talker = this is really off tangentdah ni....

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 22-2-2008 09:42 PM ]

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Post time 22-2-2008 10:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eidazura at 22-2-2008 01:37 PM

Salam...nie kire nak cari calon yg de kriteria yg kita nak yer???ermmm....pening2...

Ko nak calon tu macam mana?

Senaraikan aje lah. Tapi bukan bermaksud ke san-sini cari orang yang sama dengan list tu. Cuma bila kalau terjumpa, tahulah.
macam mana ko boleh tahu itu Mr. Right sedangkan Mr Right pun ko tak tau macam mana takrifan Mr right bagi ko...

Contohnya kalau ko suke lelaki kulit belang2 ko tulis lah ciri2 dia...
1. Kulit belang2...
2. .....
3. ....

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Post time 22-2-2008 11:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #55 mbhcsf's post

And about oedipus complex...

Ada seorang model tu cantik sangat. Lepas tu banyak la suitor dia.. Memang memilih dia ni... Last2 sekali di pilih seorang yang biasa2 je... Tak hensem, tak kaya pun. Sorg kawan dia pun pelik la kenapa. Bila dia tengok gambar lelaki tu, dan tengok album lama perempuan tu. Barulah dia perasan satu benda. TUnang perempuan tu dgn bapak pompuan tu hampir sama rupanya. Dari segi bentuk badan, wajah dan sebagainya.

Ini kes yang simple. Kadang2 features yang orang jarang perasan pun jadi penyebab jugak. Contoh panjang jari, pergerakan dsbgnya...

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2008 01:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 22-2-2008 22:55

Ko nak calon tu macam mana?

Senaraikan aje lah. Tapi bukan bermaksud ke san-sini cari orang yang sama dengan list tu. Cuma bila kalau terjumpa, tahulah.
macam mana ko boleh tahu itu Mr. R ...

Salam...bleh ke cam nie???member eida dulu...suka list2 kn kriteria mr right bile dia kawin tup2 lgsung hubby dia tu x de persamaan ngan mr right yg dia cari.Bile kitaorg tanya mcm mana lak bleh tertarik ngan hubby dia tu...dia jawab susah nak explain...mmg bukan taste dia mcm bile jumpa jer hubby dia dulu dia tibe2 jer tertarik sebab terasa perasaan something special kat hubby dia.Sbb tu dia x menolak wlupun lgsg x sama ngan ciri2 mr right dia....ermmm
ada ker u all terasa mcm nie gak ms mula2 nak bercinta ataupun berkahwin???

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 Author| Post time 23-2-2008 01:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 22-2-2008 23:01
And about oedipus complex...

Ada seorang model tu cantik sangat. Lepas tu banyak la suitor dia.. Memang memilih dia ni... Last2 sekali di pilih seorang yang biasa2 je... Tak hensem, tak kaya p ...

Ic...jd kekdg faktor ni pun bleh jadi yer???

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Post time 23-2-2008 09:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 22-2-2008 09:41 PM
tangent i tried to search for it but fail to retrieve the exacr article
but what came out was


okay kah mmg ade theory yg nak kaitkan kenapa kita atta ...

ye ke salah article ni?

- tapi adalah cerita pasal how love gone wrong...where birth control pills can mask a woman's ability to detect her mate's compability

hehe the fact that ppl attracted to each other by the lure of smell...
" The menstrual cycles of women living together often synchronize, something that is probably governed by scent. In the same way, men seem able to detect when women are ovulating - and thus more fertile - and wil behave more solicitously toward them during those times. Men and women respond to the scent of each other's MHC (Major Histocompatibility complex), part of the genetic makeup of the immune system and something that helps determine whether a fetus might conceive will be carried to term."

dlm article ni ada cerita cemana org bole tertarik...sgt2 antara satu sama lain

itu le kot yg dipanggil chemistry...mmg chemistry dlm badan kite sendiri yg akan tertarik pada pasangan kite and vice-versa...mungkin itu yg akan jadi mr/mrs right kite..

sebab tu...ada pepatah "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder".... ada org ckp A ni cantik...ada pulak ckp A ni tak cantik...
sebab attraction tu adalah menda yg subjective...
setiap manusia tu adalah unik...setiap manusia tu mempunyai komposisi kimia yang berbeza dlm tubuh memasing...

bile perempuan bertemu dgn 'mr right' nya....ada chemical reaction...ada spark..
ada tindak balas...
masa tu...cuma tuan punya badan saje yg boleh bagitau...
takkan ada persoalan lagi..."adakah dia itu Mr. Right?adakah dia akan bahagiakan aku?"
sbb tuan punya badan akan dpt jawapannye sendiri...

TAPI hehehe percayalah bahawa...jodoh kite dah ditentukan...cuma tunggu waktu saje...
mr/mrs right dah tertulis utk kita...tunggu dan doa...

p/s: mbhcsf...sorry le kalau jadi tangent talker lagi...  tatau kenapa tangan gatal je nak menaip dan merapu-rapu....

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