hahaha amboi i kinda like your phrase/ frasa tu kelakar pulak ' refresh bab sabar'
mbhcsf Post at 4-4-2011 00:33
yes, sabar is a gift from God, so does forgiveness. people make mistakes and it's up to us to make peace with the God and our fellow brethren. So, I ask you, with humble heart and sincerity, would you forgive me for whatever wrong i've done to you? |
Reply 28# cozack
pernah |
Reply 41# obelisk
hmm...? u are not living in japan right? i forgive you but you are scarry. |
huhuhuh sungguh nak dapat sabar ni.. sama mcm ikhlas jugak... susah nak dapat ... huhuhuhu aku hanya manusia biasa..... kalau pun kita sabar.. ada je manusia yg akan cakap... boleh ke kita sabar dgn sikap si fulan si fulan....? huhuhu tapi setakat ni mmg aku ni yg tak sabar... huhuhuhu camno nak didik hati ni.... |
Topic sini pula pasal sabar, yang lagi satu pasal jodoh. Mana satu daaa, sabar menanti jodoh atau jodoh kena menanti dengan sabar….. |
Reply obelisk
hmm...? u are not living in japan right? i forgive you but you are scarry.
mbhcsf Post at 4-4-2011 14:44
people get scared of what they don't understand. perhaps if you know more about me that scarry thing will become seed, who knows... |
Post Last Edit by mbhcsf at 6-4-2011 19:00
Reply 46# obelisk
you know what ...to be honest , i bukan perasan ka apa tapi in the past you seemed to be 'stalking nme' everywhere and that 's pretty scarry ..and i guess you minat kat I kaaaa? may i ask , well if so ...thank you if not , that 's fine too. I deeply appreciate the given attention, and again thank you. so without beating around the bush may i know what is your age and who are you? the thing is my life is a bit well not a bit very actually busy at the moment ...and that's all...ya...verrrry verry busy. |
Reply 46# obelisk
by the by ..are u someone with the green eyes, trained in cambridge and ucl as well as harvard ...and well specialised in neurology? just asking hahahahahhhaahahhahahah |
budak dua orang ni karang aku lesing karang. |
Reply 49# ibnur
lesing dia laaa..dia kacau i dulu ...u ingat i tak takut kaa...takut woo owang stalking.. |
Satu topic yang indah sekali |
Reply 40# mbhcsf
if you mean anugerah is hadiah
i wouldnt said its kinda anugerah,
because semua org perlu ada sabar....bukan org2 tertentu saja...
but if you mean anugerah is precious, yess off course.....
haaa, lama tak bawak hadis nie, i like....
Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Sungguh ajaib perihal orang mukmin,sesungguhnya 'SEMUA' urusan mereka adalah kebaikan. Dan keadaan ini tidakada melainkan kepada orang yang beriman sahaja. Sekiranya berolehkurniaan dia akan bersyukur, maka jadilah kurniaan itu baik untuknya.Manakala apabila ditimpa musibah, dia bersabar. Maka jadilah musibahitu kebaikan untuknya." (Riwayat Muslim) |
Reply 52# ussopp
thank you yer awak ...cantik hadith tu ...saya suker ... |
Reply 52# ussopp
yup i meant the latter - a precious....thing Allah could bestow upon all humans really... |
sabar ni luas - kita sering sabitkan sabar dengan musibah yang agak kita susah ...tapi bila dilanda kesenangan juga kena sabar ....kan? |
Reply 53# mbhcsf
Alhamdulillah |
Reply 55# mbhcsf
haha, yes,
sabar, so we dont get too preoccupied....
sebab dlm sudut2 perspektif yg tertentu, kaya lebih besar musibahnya dari miskin.(dgn izin Allah) |
Reply 57# ussopp
yeah ...that's right ...hehe preoccupied...hmm...tak per sabar jer lah....it is okay ... |
Reply 58# mbhcsf
ayat 'sabar je lah', adalah typikal, klise, dan membosankan.
Reply 59# ussopp
besaq maknanya...hmm ada kalanya i well u know tertewas juga - banyak kala jugakla heheeheh sebab kekadang ada benda yag mmg u hilang sabaq habis kudrat nak sabaq lagi tau |
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