Reply #1 seribulan's post
pd along...bilamana seseorang itu berbuat baik pd kita..tandanya satu hubungan akan bermula........n kita patut menghargainya... |
initrah This user has been deleted
kdg2 dgn hanya satu senyuman kita boleh menjalin persahabatan selamanya.............smile........... |
Reply #40 manakautau's post
Smiling is just show that you are not in an adverse situation. To me, it does not mean that I want to be friends nor enemy with the other person. Although it might indicate like I am more approachable, most of the time I smile at others as it's the civil thing to do......it takes less facial muscles to work it up.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 14-12-2007 11:43 PM ] |
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what goes around comes around (bad or good) ....i kinda believe that motto altho it hasn't been proven to me yet....even someone told me when 'it comes around' it might even get to you..it could be your family, friends or relatives..
over the years i have also learned to reserve my judgment on someone until i get to know that person better regardless of how they appear physically or how they behave in my presence. One can't be labeled just on a few moment's observation.
For me...unfortunately (i guess) i am friendly with everyone (even strangers) even to some points where i get myself in trouble while others benefit from it. I was raised that way (which makes it hard to even say "NO' to others).
for example...2 events last 2 weeks..
example 1...i was a gas station in Damansara, kinda in a rush..a chinese guy stopped me by the counter and asked me about a place which i am not familiar with. I could have said no..and just went on my way.....i told him to give a few minutes while i fill my tank and i will help him out....i did that and spent the next 10 minutes poring a map book in my car until i get what he needed...i don't know how that will come around back to me but i hope he's nice to others..
example 2: my car had a dent on the front bumper from an old minor mishap with a pole during puasa...went to IKEA carpark and a car reversed into me and hit the same spot...i was calm, walked out and checked my car....another minor dent/paint scratch in the same spot...they guy was very apologetic....he thought the old dent was his fault..you know what i did?....i shooked his hand and waved him away...and said "it's ok....it's a monday". the guy looked happy (well his car was ok). I could have asked him to pay for the damage (the old and new)...but didnt have the heart....later on only i realize that he broke my front light's bracket and it had to be adjusted....cost me 1 hour and $50 to fix the light.....the old dent is still there...gonna cost me $150 to get it smoothed out and painted...
example 3: a friend from outta town had an accident in the city over the weekend...wasn't his fault. had to extend his stay in KL for another 2 days...initially checked into the hotel but when he had to extend his stay, I offered accomodation for him and his wife...yesterday i skipped work the whole day so that i can help him get the polica report so that his car can be retrieved from the workshop...Drove him around KL the whole day yesterday....got his car around 7pm. He went back to his hometown last night...never felt abused at all...actually felt good helping people out especially if you can read the desperateness and despair in their faces....how can you say NO..
i think these days people aren't so friendly anymore....i mean....people don't help others no more cos they don't want to interrupt their daily routines/habits and don't want to be dragged into other people's problem...then again...put yourself in their shoes, then you'll curse and moan how they aren't any friendly people anymore around. We are becoming selfish.
I still find it hard to say No to others....(it's just how i am built)....sounds corny but i always refer myself as a 'candle that burns itself so that others get light and warmth'.. |
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Reply #44 aw76's post
Helping a stranger is a helpful or caring thing. As the saying goes...one good turn deserves another. I have been helped along the highway before by a stranger who was doing it becaused he had been helped before in the same manner. After that I thanked him and we went on our own ways. If he had been "friendly" he would have given me his call card so that I may call him and perhaps we could be friends after all. No he did not do it. He preferred to be anonymous I guess.
Then there was this incident 2 months ago where under the guise of being Muslim "brothers" these foreigners got into my brother's house. After having tea then the real story came out.........they were seeking "donations". There were other signs that were not convincing. To me this was an abuse of people's hospitality. Many housewives have been conned by such people and in their own country they treat their women as next to nothing.
So, you see, one has to be careful these days. Being helpful and civil ...yes, but we need to be careful when it comes to being friendly. |
[ Last edited by hamizao at 21-12-2007 01:08 AM ] |
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Allamak what is happening ni...............! |
Reply #46 hamizao's post
Penuh dgn kotak...
macam mana boleh ada benda tu? |
Reply #47 Agul's post
I got the kotaks when I click <reply> then <preview post>. Kalau terus <submit post> dengan tak melalui <preview post> ok tak ada kotak. Again bila <edit> 3 kali dapat 3 kotak........... |
yeah, it doesnt hurt 2b frenly..
but it does hurt when the others doesnt know the true meaning of frenliness & frenship..
adoiii.. boleh? |
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Islam ialah agama yang menganjurkan umatnya untuk senantiasa berbuat baik. Amalan dalam islam tidak hanya berupa ibadah seperti solat baik solat wajib mahupun solat suat, puasa, zakat danislan juga menggalakkan umatnya menjalin hubungan silaturahim. Menjalin silaturahim ialah salah satu cara mewujudkan ukhuwah islamiyah ( baca ukhuwah islamiyah insaniyah dan wathaniyah) dan dapat dilakukan dengan cara antaranya mengunjungi sanak keluarga dan saudara-mara.
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Friendly ni penting ya...contohnya kalau kta ade masalah dan kta x friendly,org akan teragak2 nak bantu...lepas tu kita xde kerugian ape pun klau friendly..sangat hairan sesetengah org nak senyum pun susah ya amat...tak nak say hi bila berselisih pun xpe..cukup senyum...dr situ tau kita ni friendly ke x... |
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Betul..cuma jgn terlebih friendly aje..lg2 dgn laki org n bini org.. |
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Pd I silaturahim refer pd hubungan insan kpd insan2 yg lain. Maksud lain adalah menjaga perhubungan antara sesama manusia tanpa mengira bangsa, agama, keturunan mahupun darjat....
Pada I kita x patut memusuhi atau memutuskan hubungan sesama insan biarpun perangai mereka sememangnya menjengkelkan...still bersilatulrahim dgn ikhlas, tp kena la berhemah.
Memusuhi sifat yg menyempitkan jiwa....manakala sentiasa berlapang dada membuka kpd ketenangan dan ketenteraman...... |
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Org yg suka memanjangkan silaturahim rezekinya murah dan panjang umur |
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Silaturahim ni benda yg sangat bagus.. kalau mak bapak Kita dah Mati, Kita pegi visit family dia org or org2 yg diorang syg, itu pun memanjangkan silaturahim utk diorang. Banyak pahala... |
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It doesnt hurt for a smile. Just smile ok jgn sombong. Senyum la balik bila org senyum tu tak mati pun. |
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“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!”
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ak bukan seorang yg mesra..sebab bg ak,setiap kali relationship terjalin, itu yg ak perlu jg..
And some people label ak as a loner..biarla..yg penting,bila ak berkawan, itula kawan sampai mati |
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