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Author: my-alja

kebenaran itu menyakitkan

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Post time 6-9-2007 02:57 PM | Show all posts
lagi menyakitkan kalau kita dapat tau kebenaran daripada org lain....
lagi menyedihkan kalau kita dah tau selama ini dia hidup dalam menipu kita...
memperguna2kan kiter.....

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Post time 6-9-2007 10:00 PM | Show all posts
Gentlemen, to me there is only one version of TRUTH. However in the context of this thread I believe it refers to something that is not pleasing, short of expectation.......but as in the words of aji, whose impact to one's emotion can be lessen through better understanding.

This give rise to another thing............How do people obtain better understanding. The answer is through KNOWLEDGE and KNOWLEDGE is TRUTH. I also maintain that TRUTH  will set you free......i.e. free from all perceptions and it culminates into total acceptance. There will no longer be pain.



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Post time 6-9-2007 10:41 PM | Show all posts
(Still on the 'pahit' thing) - To me most of the time manusia lupa bahawa pahit, manis - are from their perspectives.  I agree with u ajinomoto - that the prefereable istilah is 'tidak memahami'.  This is where the importance of understanding on the concept of HIKMAH in life.  Sesungguhnya setiap kejadian yang berlaku mempunyai hikmah tersendiri.  To us, ia mungkin pahit - but i'm very sure there must be lessons to learn dan Allah hanya menguji kita based on our capabilities.  History has proven it.  As a matter of fact - life offers so many things to be learned.



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Post time 7-9-2007 05:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hamizao at 6-9-2007 10:00 PM
Gentlemen, to me there is only one version of TRUTH. However in the context of this thread I believe it refers to something that is not pleasing, short of expectation.......but as in the words of ...

in real sense, knowledge is all about understanding, learning, put into practice, trial error, and this what i meant truth =reality

anybody can have any knowledge of anything, but as long it is residing somewhere, or maybe just an inborn idea or opinion, it is still VIRTUAL, almost real

that is why only knowledge that is learned, experienced, sensed or in short , in practice can be called Knowledge

i can make up a good recipe of some dish..never done by anyone..thru my knowledge, but this recipe must be proved, must become reality for it to be recognised as 'knowledge in the making of so and so'

u can think highly, far reaching the sun the moon the stars, but where are ur legs? are they standing firm on the ground???

anything that makes sense or non sense, which can be proved, realistically.....there is a rationale behind it, this is called the know how, the knowledge and it is true knowledge.

since we have TIME factor or time constraint , it is impossible to prove any 'idea',  this shortcome gives rise to doctor of philosophy. Eventhough it cannot yet be proven true or real, we 'assume' it is true (seems true)



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Post time 8-9-2007 03:57 PM | Show all posts
manusia perlukan kegembiraan dalam fantasi dengan mencipta khayalan... supaya mereka boleh mententeramkan diri daripada realiti dan kebenaran yang memedihkan..:flower:

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 Author| Post time 8-9-2007 04:42 PM | Show all posts
complicated!...truth=reality=perceive=ideas=whatever you may call it, is sumthing that very hard and bitter on oneself...

me ada sorang kawan, dia nie kedekut tahap gaban, menyusahkan kawan2 ...apakah realiti dia kedekut tu tak sama dgn kebenaran?..apakah kebenaran tu hanya ideas dr kawan2?....kenapa kawan2 perceive di dgn idea yg sama iaitu "kedekut".....jadi kebenaran kedekut tu telah disampaikan pd dia, dgn penuh kelat dia menelan...utk apa?...



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 Author| Post time 8-9-2007 04:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sinalegna at 8-9-2007 03:57 PM
manusia perlukan kegembiraan dalam fantasi dengan mencipta khayalan... supaya mereka boleh mententeramkan diri daripada realiti dan kebenaran yang memedihkan..:flower:

dan khayalan nie yg boleh membutakan mata sesorang dgn nilai2 manusia lain

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Post time 9-9-2007 10:37 AM | Show all posts
the more i met people,
the more i talked to people,
the more i realized that people are not made from the same stuff,
some are strong, confronting their problems directly,
some are not as strong, looking sideways unable to face reality,
but perhaps those are just different people with different methods,
trying to cope in their own ways to survive an ordeal...

to me, maybe not all truths need to be told,
truths yg will not help to solve anything,
truths yg will only worsen/jeopardize everything,
perhaps better to be considered well before disclosing ..

am not saying that truth is not important,
tapi mungkin those truths are regrettable mistakes,
or mungkin momentary weaknesses,
in which that person has no wish to repeat nor desire for..
sometimes there is no need to purposely bring up the past
to tamper with the future for no apparent reason,
unless if the truth will cause more complicated problems kemudian hari,
then the matter should be dealt with, effectively and immediately ..

[ Last edited by  Mansairaku at 26-9-2007 05:48 PM ]

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Post time 9-9-2007 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sinalegna at 8-9-2007 03:57 PM
manusia perlukan kegembiraan dalam fantasi dengan mencipta khayalan... supaya mereka boleh mententeramkan diri daripada realiti dan kebenaran yang memedihkan..:flower:

reminds me of someone yg lives in a bubble ..
if bubble tu pecah, people camni usually ada dua jenis:
1.  "what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger" - pahit kenyataan itu membuatkan that person tougher ..
2.  "bunga2 sudah tidak harum lagi, nafas2 hanya untuk tidak mati" - yg ni bahaya, everything goes spiralling down ..



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Post time 9-9-2007 11:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #31 Agul's post

hence the phrase?

            "there is a fine line between being frank and being rude.." :re:    (incorrect)

no wonder i felt something tak betul with the phrase ...
(correct):  there is a fine line between love and hate
(correct):  there is a difference between being frank and being rude

teruk giler my english, berterabur ....

[ Last edited by  Mansairaku at 26-9-2007 05:52 PM ]

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Post time 12-9-2007 02:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 my-alja's post

kebenaran itu memang menyakitkan..tetapi akan lebih memudaratkan kalau kita biarkan tanpa diungkaikn dengan kepastian...he he..fenin ker dgn ayat along nie?

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Post time 13-9-2007 10:53 PM | Show all posts
It's not the truth that hurts.

Truth never hurts.


Not a single time.

Ever since man is created.

We may tinks, or feel that iti is so.

But the truth is,

It has never hurts any one person.

Not you, not me, not others.



We may thinks, something, someone, or some event (which we regards as the truth) determine our feeling (of being hurt), but actually it's our reaction to those things that hurts us. The same thing can happen to two different person, and one person might feel one thing, while the other may have a completely different reaction.

If truth really hurts us, then everyone must be hurt when they get 'the truth'. Without exception. However this is not the case. same event, same situation, different reaction.

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Post time 15-9-2007 12:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #52 Agul's post

That's a clever interpretation, Agul. You are absolutely correct! If you know how to react in the positive way, truth doesn't hurt at all.

In my case I would always tell myself that so and so knows no better...... or there must be a good reason for that......i.e. there is always an explaination to everything......turn all situations into opportunities instead rather than sulk and sulk

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2007 06:14 AM | Show all posts

Reply #52 Agul's post

it depends on the situation... who tells u and ur state in mind when u get it

funny abt being human, some of us already get the ideas of being sooo "kedekut"..but when the word "kedekut" comes from others, they react differently?...why

i hv a fren, she is gud...but one thing that makes me "crazy" with her when she refuses to respon to any sms regardless of any day i asked her frankly, do you know how to punch ur keypad pad...just to say YES to my sms? ...and she was really angry

what is the truth?

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Post time 15-9-2007 01:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #53 hamizao's post

yes, hami...

It's always that we blame situation, people, ourselves, etc...

But actually we always have the choice, everytime. We can always choose how to feel in any situation. Outer circumstance never determine how we feel. It's our reaction to it that makes us feel good, or bad...

However, in the beginning, this maybe easier said than done. Sometime I forgot about this truth, something happens, I feel bad. then I remember what the truth is, and I change my feeling conciously. We really need to pay atention to our mind and heart. This maybe the hardest work in the world. If you're like me and most people, we really have to make it a habit, and then it will become automatic.

Of course some people are really addicted to the rollercoaster of emotion. They drive pleasure from being upset with anything.


What you do is really good.

Like us, everyone have issues. They may act hurtful to us but it does not necessarily mean that ithey act that wa because of us. They may have problems in their life. Those who speed and drive dangerously may do so because they got  a pregnant wife who need to go to the hospital. This might not be the truth but in the end, being mad about something lke this, ruining your day could only hurt yourself.

Is it any wonder that some people just arrive at work, all moody and gloomy. They complain and curse about everything on the way to work. The weather, the traffic jams, other driver...

Peoples always have issues, and most oof the time it might not be related to you at all.



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Post time 15-9-2007 01:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #54 my-alja's post

maybe sms cost too much?

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Post time 16-9-2007 05:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #49 Mansairaku's post

"what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger"

aku pilih yang ni... been there, done that....

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Post time 17-9-2007 01:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #57 sinalegna's post

....Just like near death experience. They seem to return a changed person.

Care to share your experience with us?

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Post time 17-9-2007 11:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #58 hamizao's post

Aku eksiden moto... pretty bad la, time tu nak gi amik lesen L.. aku bawak slow je pastu aku nak motong keta wira tu, salah aku gak tak bagi signal & tak tengok side mirror... maka keta naza citra merah yang lahanat tu pun terus memotong wira tu ngan haku haku skali ...

keta tu terlanggar tepi belakang moto kris bapak aku, aku lost control ar... juah gak aku terpelanting... siap golek-golek, adela dalam 50 meter from tempat kena langgar tu. moto kat tepi jalan belakang aku, aku dah jauh ke tengah jalan, depan sikit.. terbaring atas jalan.. koyak baju, seluar, selipar putus...darah tu wajib ar. pastu masa aku terbaring jap aku toleh kat belakang ader lori besar, time tu pun keta ngah banyak... aku ingatkan aku dah mati, rupanya pengsan pun tidak!:kant:

aku cepat2 bangun, kalau kau nak ikutkan sakit tu dah lama aku tergilis bawah lori... sib baik lori & keta sume tu sempat brek a few meters from tempat aku baring... aku dah tak pikir sangat sakit, blur hmy3: lagi lepas kena langgar... time tu aku nampak keta naza citra merah yang sial tu dah tiba traffic light depan.. langgar aku terus blah gitu je, bawak laju lak tu!:@  kalau panik memacam bleh jadik kan?
start aku tersa sakit je luka, baru aku gi kat moto angkat & sorong ke lorong kecemasan... aku tak kuat sebab tangan luka, pastu ade sorang mamat keta iswara tu tolong aku angkat moto, tanya aku camne leh jadi eksiden, orait tak, nak gi sepital ke..aku tak sempat nak thank dia, aku tgh menggigil aku diam je geleng kepala... aku kaku kajap kat tepi jalan tu, rasa nak nagis tapi aku tahan.. aku tak tipon parents pun. aku try start moto pastu gi driving school amik lesen tu...

dengan moto yang cam nak tanggal, seluar baju koyak, siku & lutut berdarah pedih ( ) tu aku sain form time amik lesen tu ngan menggigil. aku dok kejap kat luar tarik nafas, nengok moto & luka.. aku berdoa, tawkal pada tuhan. mto tu pun side mirror dia dah patah, dedua skali.

aku balik bawak slow je kat tepi.. handle moto tu cam nak tercabut, aku kena tengok blakang banyak kali sebeb side mirror dah tak guna.aku sampai gak rumah, aku tak tau nak cakap ape kat parents. aku diam je. bapak aku nengok moto dia geleng kepala, adik aku tengok aku diam dia rasa semacam, mak aku lak bising nampak luka.. dia tanyak nak gi sepiltal ke check aku kata sikit je.. aku tu tak la sakit sangat, trauma je. berminggu aku berkurung dalam umah... lesen L nyer pasal!:victory:

Sekali rasa dekat dengan mati would change your life forever! Tu citer aku la.. orang lain lagi teruk. tak mati pun! tu je yang kuatkan semangat aku. family sumer tak bagi support aku bwk moto... tapi tak serik, aku bawak gak pastu... takde restu tu yang tak sedap! Alhamdulillah aku luka, berparut, tak patah, lebam punggung je... pasni aku akan lebih careful, i've learned my lesson...



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Post time 18-9-2007 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Tengok cara kau deal dgn kebenaran tu jugak. Ada jugak manusia yg cuba bg kebenaran tp harapkan org yg dia bg kebenaran tu akan "malu" dgn statement kebenaran yg dia terima. Niat masa menyatakan kebenaran tu penting sbb niat yg tentukan samada pahit or tak sesuatu kebenaran tu.  Biasa, kalau kita nak tunjukkan kebenaran pd seseorang, kita mesti genuine, tak buat dengan rasa sakit hati or dengki then orang yg terima kebenaran tu pun tak lah sampai rasa pahit gila

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