annehuda posted on 11-11-2013 05:14 PM
see..? sbb aku andartu which also mean because I happen to be an unmarried late 20s WOMAN..?? can ...
The problem with all these male chauvinist, they think when girls not married by late 20s..... dah desperate, will crawl & beg them. Lepas 2 these MCP konon nak protect them.... choyyyy sangat
chauvinistic is too cliche of a word...don't kid yourself ladies... |
Loxlaxman posted on 11-11-2013 05:59 PM
"Anderiod" .... spesis anak dara tua yang asik marah-marah ala-ala datang bulan
Hahahaaa besa jumpa anderoid ker bro |
Loxlaxman posted on 11-11-2013 05:23 PM
Peninggg peningg cubelah korang explain feno andalusia ni pakai data saintifik sikit ....
Cer bro collect data kt tpt keje bro dulu....rasa ramai gak tu |
maaf...jika topic ini mengganggu dan membuatkan org lain terasa.. sy bg pihak mod disini... terpaksa menutup thread ini... sekian untuk makluman.. |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki