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Author: Truth.8

Heaven and Hell . can Muslims explain

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 14-10-2006 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-10-2006 03:58 PM

ok, u can call me whatever u want but i need to know what is alam is this so that many non muslims can learn ur alam and heaven and hell.


Ur lies are obvious here.. Ex Muslim konon.. Kalau kata ex Hindu, boleh la percaya coz u mmg ada ciri ciri penganut Hindu..

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Post time 14-10-2006 04:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #41 SilentKiller's post

aku rasa tak payah laa layan si Truth.8 nie..dia saje nak main2 jer..kalau betul dia pernah islam dulu takkan la tak tau lgsg pasal nie semua..nonsense betul..

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2006 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by putri22 at 14-10-2006 03:59 PM
alam barzah semasa kita dlm kubur after kiamat we are berhimpun for menimbang amalan kita semasa di, after that the people will be selected go to heaven or hell..

so, it mean in alam barzah peoples are dead until resurrection (kebangkitan) and will be gathered whatever humans does in earth and later they journey to heaven and hell according to their deeds?

am i rite??

so, while in alam barzah, this souls in state of dead not knowing what is happening around them until resurrection. rite??

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2006 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SilentKiller at 14-10-2006 04:02 PM

Ur lies are obvious here.. Ex Muslim konon.. Kalau kata ex Hindu, boleh la percaya coz u mmg ada ciri ciri penganut Hindu..

kindly keep to the topic than talking crap here.


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Post time 14-10-2006 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-10-2006 03:49 PM
my English lagi bad but i don't care because i hve confident. confident is most important in our life to achieve goal in our life. like myself, nobody know that i am srp education background because all my friends think i am  degree holder . i hve own house and car and well to do. why, i am confiendt myself.

be what u are than u can be winner.

back to question, so alam barzah is day of reunion in a fields where all souls meet up? rite?

no offence...
but now, i know why u're behaving like this in this forum...

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2006 04:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by juwaini at 14-10-2006 04:07 PM

no offence...
but now, i know why u're behaving like this in this forum...

...the good news, i can still read and write so that cunning spirit cannot fool me by saying "i am angel Gabriel" recite in name of ........

u got my point

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Post time 14-10-2006 04:12 PM | Show all posts
for the sake of discussion, let me tell you that i don't care how is heaven and how is hell...
i've already learn some of the description of heaven, but i don't think that u can understand it yourself..
people talk about bidadari in heaven, etc...
but that's what human want..
food, we've got it in heaven..
nasi lemak? only someone with low level minded will ask this..
if u can get all the food in the world, nasi lemak is just peanut...
in this world, people want to have sex isn't it?
so, let me ask u truth8, why do u want to know about heaven and hell in islam?

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Post time 14-10-2006 04:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-10-2006 04:09 PM

...the good news, i can still read and write so that cunning spirit cannot fool me by saying "i am angel Gabriel" recite in name of ........

u got my point

unfortunately, THAT illiterate Muhammad achieve more than what u've already got and will get...

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Post time 14-10-2006 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-10-2006 12:13 PM
I want to know  what is heaven and hell according to Muslims believed.
how it look, what in it , when human die do they go to heaven or hell, how humans suffered in hell, does souls finished off in hell or just temporary and those kind info.

First or all, apabila manusia mati, jasadnya akan binasa dan yang tinggal hanyalah ruh. kemudian, di hari kebangkitan iaitu selepas kiamat, semua manusia akan dibangunkan semula di padang masyar untuk diadili (padang masyar bukanlah dunia kerana dunia dan alam semesta termasuk bintang-bintang telah binasa). Allah mampu membangkitkan semua manusia dari zaman Adam hinggalah manusia pada akhir zaman samada jasad itu mati akibat kemalangan, dimakan buaya, kebakaran hingga menjadi abu dan sebagainya kerana tidak ada yang mustahil bagi Allah. Allah able to create something from nothing (big exampel-this universe) and so does he can create something from something (eg bone, human asses and so on).

syurga adalah tempat yang disediakan oleh Allah bagi mereka yang berjaya mengharungi ujian di dunia (menurut perintah Allah dan meninggalkan segala laranganNya) manakala neraka pula adalah tempat yang disediakan oleh Allah kepada mereka yang ingkar perintah Nya (the other way around).

nasib seorang anak Adam samada masuk ke syurga atau negara adalah bergantung kepada amalannya. manusia akan menerima balasan di syurga dan neraka dalam bentuk jasad dan ruh. di neraka manusia bersama-sama syaitan dan iblis akan menerima balasan siksa yang teramat pedih dan ia berlaku secara berulang-ulang setelah jasad itu hancur ia akan kembali ke bentuk asalnya dan kemudian kembali hancur akibat dari kepanasan api neraka. proses ini akan berulang-ulang untuk selama-lamanya bagi orang bukan Islam dan bagi orang Islam yang melakukan kejahatani, siksaan tersebut akan berulang sehinggalah dosa-dosanya habis dibalas dengan balasan. Ini kerana dosa menyekutukan Allah dengan tuhan-tuhan lain yang dilakukan oleh orang bukan Islam tidak akan diampunkan oleh Allah tetapi dosa yang selain dari itu akan diampunkan oleh Allah.

Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-10-2006 12:13 PM
do fish liver offered when muslims enter heaven for first meal, do muslims men performs sex with houris, weddings, pearly handsome boys, river of wine and milk, or any nasi lemak there, teh tarik, roti channai  or any thing that muslims can share with us.

Bukan sekadar hati ikan, nasi lemak, teh tarik sahaja yang dioffer tapi semua jenis makanan dan minuman (termasuk arak). just name it. kenapa arak dibenarkan di syurga tetapi tidak di dunia? kerana arak di dunia memabukkan tetapi arak di syurga tidak memabukkan.

Kesemua penghuni-penghuni syurga memiliki paras kecantikan yang amat sangat. Dikatakan kecantikan orang lelaki adalah seperti kecantikan Nabi Yusuf manakala kecantikan wanita pula adalah seperti kecantikan Zulaika. Malah kecantikan penghuni syurga adalah lebih cantik daripada kecantikan pelayan-pelayan yang ada dan ia kekal selama-lamanya.

kesedapan makanan dan minuman di syurga adalah beribu kali ganda daripada  kesedapan makanan di dunia dan seorang di syurga dapat merasa kesedapan tersebut bukan sekadar di lidah tetapi hinggalah ke liangi bulu-bulu roma kulit. Sound impossibble right? tetapi bagi orang Islam tiada yang mustahil bagi Allah. tidak mustahil bagi Allah menjadikan lidah untuk merasa dan tidak mustahil juga untuk Allah menjadikan setiap anggota dapat merasa kesedapan makanan tersebut.

i hope that will satisfy your questions?

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2006 04:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by juwaini at 14-10-2006 04:12 PM
for the sake of discussion, let me tell you that i don't care how is heaven and how is hell...
i've already learn some of the description of heaven, but i don't think that u can understand it yourself..
people talk about bidadari in heaven, etc...
but that's what human want..
food, we've got it in heaven..
nasi lemak? only someone with low level minded will ask this..
if u can get all the food in the world, nasi lemak is just peanut...
in this world, people want to have sex isn't it?
so, let me ask u truth8, why do u want to know about heaven and hell in islam?

..but i heard in tv islamic program they talk so much abt islam heaven and hell . why u do not care? unless u hear is unclean with sins so u do not have hope to enter in heaven, am i rite??

since , got fish liver and those i am curious whether ur heaven are similar like here with nasi lemak , redang and those kings of things. not wrong to ask rite??

in this world, humans and animals given sex feelings to produced and reproduced  in earthly  life but in heaven , how??

so how u can explained abt heaven and hell in islamic point of view?

it will good education to all of us , especially the kafir like myself  wish to study dept abt heaven and hell in islamic point of view.


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Post time 14-10-2006 04:19 PM | Show all posts
he'll ask u to write in english.. :gila:

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2006 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by juwaini at 14-10-2006 04:13 PM

unfortunately, THAT illiterate Muhammad achieve more than what u've already got and will get...

OIC, untill making so much contradiction of teachings until the learned or peoples of the book rejected that illiterate so called prophet?

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2006 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zonan at 14-10-2006 04:16 PM

First or all, apabila manusia mati, jasadnya akan binasa dan yang tinggal hanyalah ruh. kemudian, di hari kebangkitan iaitu selepas kiamat, semua manusia akan dibangunkan semula di padang masya ...

thanks for the BM , but it would be nice if u write in english because many here are english speaking and international kafir also here .

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Post time 14-10-2006 04:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-10-2006 04:18 PM
..but i heard in tv islamic program they talk so much abt islam heaven and hell . why u do not care? unless u hear is unclean with sins so u do not have hope to enter in heaven, am i rite??

i don't care because i think i pray for Allah just because i'm grateful..
whether i'll go to heaven or hell, that's in Allah's power..
so for me, i'll just do good deed and hope for Allah's mercy and love...

since , got fish liver and those i am curious whether ur heaven are similar like here with nasi lemak , redang and those kings of things. not wrong to ask rite??

why not?
if all the food in the world is there, malay food is just peanut...

in this world, humans and animals given sex feelings to produced and reproduced  in earthly  life but in heaven , how??

how what?
how to reproduce?
what's the purpose to reproduce?

so how u can explained abt heaven and hell in islamic point of view?

there's already answer to this question..
in malay..

it will good education to all of us , especially the kafir like myself  wish to study dept abt heaven and hell in islamic point of view.

u're welcome..

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2006 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zonan at 14-10-2006 04:16 PM

First or all, apabila manusia mati, jasadnya akan binasa dan yang tinggal hanyalah ruh. kemudian, di hari kebangkitan iaitu selepas kiamat, semua manusia akan dibangunkan semula di padang masyar untuk diadili (padang masyar bukanlah dunia kerana dunia dan alam semesta termasuk bintang-bintang telah binasa). Allah mampu membangkitkan semua manusia dari zaman Adam hinggalah manusia pada akhir zaman samada jasad itu mati akibat kemalangan, dimakan buaya, kebakaran hingga menjadi abu dan sebagainya kerana tidak ada yang mustahil bagi Allah. Allah able to create something from nothing (big exampel-this universe) and so does he can create something from something (eg bone, human asses and so on).

syurga adalah tempat yang disediakan oleh Allah bagi mereka yang berjaya mengharungi ujian di dunia (menurut perintah Allah dan meninggalkan segala laranganNya) manakala neraka pula adalah tempat yang disediakan oleh Allah kepada mereka yang ingkar perintah Nya (the other way around).

nasib seorang anak Adam samada masuk ke syurga atau negara adalah bergantung kepada amalannya. manusia akan menerima balasan di syurga dan neraka dalam bentuk jasad dan ruh. di neraka manusia bersama-sama syaitan dan iblis akan menerima balasan siksa yang teramat pedih dan ia berlaku secara berulang-ulang setelah jasad itu hancur ia akan kembali ke bentuk asalnya dan kemudian kembali hancur akibat dari kepanasan api neraka. proses ini akan berulang-ulang untuk selama-lamanya bagi orang bukan Islam dan bagi orang Islam yang melakukan kejahatani, siksaan tersebut akan berulang sehinggalah dosa-dosanya habis dibalas dengan balasan. Ini kerana dosa menyekutukan Allah dengan tuhan-tuhan lain yang dilakukan oleh orang bukan Islam tidak akan diampunkan oleh Allah tetapi dosa yang selain dari itu akan diampunkan oleh Allah.

Bukan sekadar hati ikan, nasi lemak, teh tarik sahaja yang dioffer tapi semua jenis makanan dan minuman (termasuk arak). just name it. kenapa arak dibenarkan di syurga tetapi tidak di dunia? kerana arak di dunia memabukkan tetapi arak di syurga tidak memabukkan.

Kesemua penghuni-penghuni syurga memiliki paras kecantikan yang amat sangat. Dikatakan kecantikan orang lelaki adalah seperti kecantikan Nabi Yusuf manakala kecantikan wanita pula adalah seperti kecantikan Zulaika. Malah kecantikan penghuni syurga adalah lebih cantik daripada kecantikan pelayan-pelayan yang ada dan ia kekal selama-lamanya.

kesedapan makanan dan minuman di syurga adalah beribu kali ganda daripada  kesedapan makanan di dunia dan seorang di syurga dapat merasa kesedapan tersebut bukan sekadar di lidah tetapi hinggalah ke liangi bulu-bulu roma kulit. Sound impossibble right? tetapi bagi orang Islam tiada yang mustahil bagi Allah. tidak mustahil bagi Allah menjadikan lidah untuk merasa dan tidak mustahil juga untuk Allah menjadikan setiap anggota dapat merasa kesedapan makanan tersebut.

i hope that will satisfy your questions?  

so, after eating and gala times it will be party times like sex with houris also??

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Post time 14-10-2006 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-10-2006 04:20 PM

OIC, untill making so much contradiction of teachings until the learned or peoples of the book rejected that illiterate so called prophet?

is this your purpose to open this thred?
i'm gladly hope u edit this before this thread became a new mudslanging field..
be a civilized human...

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Post time 14-10-2006 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-10-2006 04:25 PM

so, after eating and gala times it will be party times like sex with houris also??

why not?

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2006 04:29 PM | Show all posts
i don't care because i think i pray for Allah just because i'm grateful..
whether i'll go to heaven or hell, that's in Allah's power..
so for me, i'll just do good deed and hope for Allah's mercy and love...

so u hve little knowlege on heaven and hell?

if all the food in the world is there, malay food is just peanut...

ic, than the heaven is like earth, rite??


how to reproduce?
what's the purpose to reproduce?

what u mean reproduce? in earthy life...humans and animals sex and got baby....but in ur heaven and hell got they reproduced like in earth?


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 Author| Post time 14-10-2006 04:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by juwaini at 14-10-2006 04:26 PM

why not?

any verses to support that or just an assumption??

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Post time 14-10-2006 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-10-2006 04:25 PM

so, after eating and gala times it will be party times like sex with houris also??

yes u can have sex whenever you want in heaven. that's why heaven is reward for people who trully submit to Allah. do u deny your need for sex. is sex something gross to u? without sex u wouldnt be here.

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