kasi up skit..
[ Last edited by laislabonita at 27-7-2006 12:10 PM ] |
donny yen tu kalau tak silap dah 40++.. dulu dulu.. zaman kecik2 dulu suka benor aku baca komik ni tapi tak penah baca habis. |
aku br balik dr nengok muvie nie kt gsc 1utama...ade free screening td...
aku bleh bagi 3 bintang kat cite nie...:bgrin:
action mmg best,tp jln cite hampeh skit...
aku pengumpul setia komik jejak wira smpi jejak wira skrg...
ape yg aku tgk,cite nie xmcm ape yg aku expect...:geram:
bagi aku bace komik lg best...
yela,mayb melampo sgt kalo nk wat hikmat ikot komik...
dlm nie ade kuar hikmat dragon long (hikmat kebal loceng emas), tiger wong (tendangan penunduk naga), wong siu long (cakar penunduk naga), dewata awan berapi (hikmat pelembutan urat peringkat hitam)...yg lain2 aku xperasan sgt...
haa...dlm cite nie name tiger wong kekal sama, name wong siu long jd dragon, pastu dragon long jd turbo...(tah pape,aku plak konpius)
dlm cite nie gak xde kultus raksasa ngan kultus teratai putih...kultus raksasa ade,tp mcm sial je,sbb watak dewata awan berapi mcm xidup sgt...op lupe,hero cite nie bkn tiger wong,tp wong siu long(dragon)...
lagi satu,bagi korg yg xpaham base cine tu,aku nasihatkan bace subtitle omputeh,bkn yg melayu nyer...sbb yg melayu translate tah pape...hangin aku... nf:
pelukis komik nie (tony wong) wat 2 kali penampilan dlm cite nie (satu mase ngah minum, stu lg die jd mahaguru Qi)...perati la tgk...
so far,ok...bagi yg bace jejak wira,mmg patut tgk walopn jln cite ade lari skit...
cite nie lebih kurang 1jam 30 minit... |
Originally posted by divasweet_77 at 27-7-2006 03:18 PM
donny yen tu kalau tak silap dah 40++.. dulu dulu.. zaman kecik2 dulu suka benor aku baca komik ni tapi tak penah baca habis.
betul tu, tapi still nampak muda kan.. dia dah berlaon zaman jet li lagi dah. |
aiseh..dah tengok semlm.. tak paham arr ceta ni.. Q tengok sbb ikut hubby jer.. :p tp layan jer la kungfu2 derang tu.. dah mmg Q tak tau langsung ini gmbr, so tatau nak komen apa... yg nyata, Q suker jer tengok derang terbang2 tu... |
cuba tanya sapa yang layan Komik HK ''Jejak Wira'' tentu paham sebab aku layan komik nih masa sekolah rendah... |
aku dah tngok dah.. best gak.. cuma x puas hati part last kalah kan org jahat pastu pijak topeng je... watak qi tu tony wong ke ek? |
I'll give it a
4/5 for action
3/5 for plot
Average 3.5/5 star....
I love the action scene in this movie...the martial arts are balanced between the physical and the special effeects for the the scene. I really hated it if a movie uses too many special effects for the fighting scene. Anyways, Donnie Yen is as good as you can expect him to be. As for Nic Tse's martial art movement, it's pretty impressive actually. I really love the opening scene in the restaurant where he fought the bad guys with his speciality. Shawn Yue is also believable with the nunchucks.....
AS for the plot, it's a pretty simple plot. But a bit of a discontinuation occurs in one or two parts the movie, just a bit where I felt like there were some scene being cut out, and so one scene jumps to the other without the viewer ever knowing what really happened.
When I left the movie theatre, I left with the feeling of wanting more out of the movie. Probably the movie should be at least 1 hr & 45 minutes long. Perhaps this movie is just the first part of many. It seems like they might have a sequal to the movie.
This might be the introductory plot to another Dragon & Tiger's journey/adventure. I just hope so. Please let there be a sequal. And if they want to make it a sequal, I hope that they'll learn from whatever weaknesses of the first, so the second can be even more better than the first.
And one more thing, to keep with the comic theme, the characters look like they only have one or two pair of t-shirts. It's almost the same t-shirt all the way to the end of the movie....especially Dragon Wong's sleeveless blue t'shirt. I find this very cute and adorable.
[ Last edited by defeduck at 30-7-2006 01:16 AM ] |
Originally posted by hBk at 28-7-2006 12:04 AM
lagi satu,bagi korg yg xpaham base cine tu,aku nasihatkan bace subtitle omputeh,bkn yg melayu nyer...sbb yg melayu translate tah pape...hangin aku...
part nie mmg setuju sgt.......sesaper yg nak tgk citer nie & tak faham cantonese, baca subtitle English...sbb subtitle BM tak betul translation dier.....kalau baca nnt jadik confuse dgn jalan citer....
:bgrin: |
hehe.....semalam nak gi tgk citer pirate kat mbo ampang....citer nie sold out......tiga cineplex yg diaorg bukak.....
:bgrin: |
HeavenIce This user has been deleted
Reply #53 HangPC2's post
komik ni ada macam jejak wira yg lama tu ka?kalo sama rugi giler la aku x nah trlintas pon nk baca |
baru tgk tadi.....
aku kasi 2 bintang saje.....
komen : tak best..... typikal kungfu hong kong ditambahkan ngan CGI sesikit..... |
Mmm..bagi aku cite ni ok gak la.Kalau nak tgk sekali lagik pun aku leh layan je |
Originally posted by AnBulisia at 2-8-2006 12:29 AM
baru tgk tadi.....
aku kasi 2 bintang saje.....
komen : tak best..... typikal kungfu hong kong ditambahkan ngan CGI sesikit.....
sekarang nih orang dahaga filem aksi sebab banyak sangat citer cintan cintun... |
Originally posted by limau at 22-7-2006 12:56 PM
wah, pelakon kesukaan ku, Nicholas Wu..
Nicholas Wu mana ni Limau? Nicholas Tse adalah :love: |
bagi aku overall ok jer, asal tengok kat wayang semua pun jadi best, hehe 
tarikan utama Nicholas Tse ler ... tapi cam kureng sikit ler penghayatan dlm cerita ni ...
Yg aku suka tengok masa awal2 berlawan kat restoran tuh ... of couse ler time Nicholas Tse tengah lawan geng pakaian hitam .. time tu jer aku rasa adegan lawan yg best sikit ... yg lain2 tu cam adegan larian 100 meter jer ... banyak sangat lari .. aku rasa nak tergelak jer bila bayangkan lepas lari tu, mereka tak termengah ker? |
cerita cina
korang suka tak tengok citer cina
yang fight punya
aku ada tengok baru2 nie
cerita cina
fight betul
asalnya cerita komik
dragon tiger gate
best siot....
aku terpegun tengok fight diaorang
korang kalau minat pilah tengok...
aku suka lah...memang best gilker
aku jamin kalau korang tengok
tak menyesallah
so...apa lagi,...
pilah beli....
best apa....
tak caya
tanya tokei vcd
: |
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