Chapter 1
(No missions or coin locker keys to get)
1995, the Kamuro District. First, Kiryuu will talk to Shinji and say he'll
help him collect payment for him.
"Go and Collect"
Meet Shinji halfway up Kamuro street and talk to him. He'll run north; follow
him, and he'll stop and talk again, then run east. He'll stop in front of a
business there called "
eace Finance." Go in, and you'll fight your very first
This is actually a tutorial. Land the attack listed in the lower right-hand
corner of the screen the number of times written in green to pass each test.
The opponents have infinite health, though they do die at points.
After beating up Hirata and his crew, you'll get an attache case full of the
payment they owed. Your next task is to go to Serena (highlighted in red) and
meet up with Reina, Nishikiyama, and Yumi. As you get near the alley that runs
behind Serena, you'll bump into a yakuza who will start an argument. Fight him,
beat him, and then Majima will show up in a cut scene. Now, go up the stairs
to Serena.
"Head for the Kazama Group Office"
Now that you've met with your friends, it's time to deliver the money. The
highlighted area on the map is the office. Before you go there, Tamura shows
up at the alleyway. Tamura is apparently a small-time reporter friend of
Kiryuu's, using the info from a friend of his, Aoki. He's there to introduce
you to Aoki right now. Talk to them and go.
You can get in another fight en route--if you want the experience (which you
probably do). Walk north from the Serena and you'll meet up with a tough guy
who'll automatically fight you.
Bring the case into the office (note the save point if you will) and go
through the door directly across from the entrance.
"Head for the Doujima Group Office"
Leaving Kazama's office, Kiryuu will get a cell phone call. Answer it with
circle and then go north to the highlighted area. You can run along the street
on the west, near the theaters, if you wish, but if you just charge north,
near the pachinko slot parlor, you should meet up with Hirata from Peace
Finance. Fight these guys and beat them.
Now, the big set-up for the story happens. Kiryuu will take the fall for
Nishikiyama, who's shot Doujima over Yumi.
After the movies, Kiryuu will be eating in prison. The guard leaves, and a
fight breaks out. Beat Prisoner #1356 (he's the one with the knife and fork)
to end the fight, but I'd recommend defeating all the characters.
Chapter 2
Mission available: False Molestation
"Head for Stardust"
Back on the streets, huh? Kiryuu decides that his best bet is to find Tamura.
Heading north up Kamuro, near the T-junction with Taihei street, you'l run
into a punk, Abe (that's "ah-beh," not "Abe" like "Honest Abe"). He'll offer
you information. No matter what line of questioning you pursue, he'll fight
you, so I usually pick the middle choice, refusing his help right away.
Beat him, and he'll tell you to go and see Aoki. Aoki (whom you met in
Chapter 1 leaving Serena) stands in the square in front of the theaters, near
the center on the north, near Club Sega. Talk to him, and he'll remember you.
He'll tell you all the information you need about Serena and Tamura. It seems
Tamura's been sleeping with the fishes since five years ago for looking into
your case.... Yikes!
Anyway, you only really need to ask him about Stardust, which is the middle
option. Once he's told you where Stardust is, it'll appear on your map.
Head there. I'd recommend running around and encountering as many random
yakuza and street punks as you can, first. Once you reach a certain amount of
experience, they'll stop coming around. One hangs out near where the "False
Molsetation" mission occurs, one at the northeastern edge of the square in
front of the theaters near the pedestrian guardrail, one at the southwestern
corner of the square, one just south of there near the intersection south of
the theater, one in the middle of the road on Tenka'ichi as you near Stardust,
and one off to his west down the alley at the dead-end.
You can buy information from a man at the eastern edge of the square, too.
All he'll tell you is that the head of the Toujou (that's Sera) has apparently
been killed.
Once you go near Stardust, Yuuya will attack you. Beat him, and then you'll
automatically go inside. Go up the stairs and talk to the owner, then yakuza
will bust. Go downstairs and talk to them to start the boss-like fight.
After beating them, Shinji will wait by the door for you to get you into the
funeral so you can meet with Kazama. Tell him you're ready to go (bottom
choice), but first check out the items box if you haven't already.
Chapter 3
(No missions or coin locker keys in this chapter)
"Meet Shinji"
Kiryuu needs to sneak into the funeral; he's been cut off from the yakuza. To
do this, he'll need to find Shinji and sneak in a back way. At the main gate,
you can see the entrance to the mansion and a bunch of guys in black suits
attending the funeral. You'll also notice guys wandering around. These are the
guards you'll have to avoid.
You need to reach the sign-in desk near the entrance (in a white tent, off to
the entrance's right) without being spotted. Get spotted, and they'll toss you
out. My advice is to enter, walk to the right into the parking area, wait for
the guard there to move so you can get past him, get to that middle alley, wait
for the guard there to not be walking straight towards you and turn away, then
run up the stairs to the right and stick to the right. Talk to the last man
there, who's seated with the tent over him. Write a fake name (second choice),
then answer you were an old member of the Doujima Group (top choice).
Now, you have to get a pass to go to the back gate, as the guy there won't
let you in without one. Go inside the mansion and walk along the right-hand
side to the guy at the desk. Talk to him, and he'll mention that he dropped his
pass outside. Walk back out, walk to the right, and you'll see it gleaming not
too far away. Pick it up, then walk across to the guy who wouldn't let you in
before, and he'll let you in now.
Walk over to the red area, and you'll be blocked by some big guy who's been
told to bring you to his boss. He'll fight you. After beating him, go inside
and see Shinji, who'll lead you in the back gate.
Head inside the door, and he'll lead you through the back entrance and up
some stairs to a room where Kazama will meet you. On the way, underneath the
staircase, a man in a black coat calls to you. This guy is the travelling
black market salesman (whose look hints that he might have some kind of a
connection to the hidden boss, if it isn't him, actually).
Look inside the room, and you'll see pictures on a wall. Look at them, get
the low-down on the group leaders inside the Toujoukai. Then, Kazama will join
"Escape from the Funeral"
Once he's been shot and Shimano shows up, fight the guys in that room (which has
a Heal in it), then Kiryuu will jump out the window. Beat the guys near the
pond. If you run around the edge of the pond opposite of the one all the foes
are standing around at, you'll find an Ornamental Spear (which are also inside
the building) and a Heal. Break in, beat them, then go back in the same door
Shinji led you in.
There's another Heal here at the end of the hallway that runs around the
funeral's main room. Beat those guys, then more will show up. Beat them, and
then go out into the hallway towards the staircase. There's a little guy
hanging out there to beat. Then, go upstairs, beat those guys, and there will
be another healing item down the left hallway as you leave the staircase at
your back. Go to the railing of the next staircase, and you can choose to jump
down with circle if you wish. Beat those guys...there's another Heal back
behind Kazuma in the corner.
Beat the guys outside, and then head towards the gate. You'll meet Shimano
there. During the boss fight, there's another Heal off to the right from the
gate in front of the tents there. For strategies, look in the appendix for
Shimano Futoshi.
Chapter yang selebihnya Nanti saya kasi lagi yerk??
Good Luck!!