baru semalam berpeluang tengok... beshnyer rancangan ni.... semalam cakap pasal boom tu baru la aku tau kenapa boomman tinggi |
tu la ayu...aku pun baru tau boom tu crucial actually...tapi aku rasa most local director tak pakai boom..pakai dubbing jer..tu yang audio tak best... |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

Aku tak sempat tengok that part, can anyone explain to me this 'BOOM' in full detail? |
boom merupakan satu teknik audio recording secara live semasa penggambaran filem..instead menggunakan boom, kebanyakan filmmaker kat malaysia prefer guna audio dubbing untuk menjimatkan masa+kos. kalau tak familiar macamana rupa boom, boom is microphone tinggi yang berbulu yang korang tengok tergantung jer kat atas actors time shooting. Boomman plak orang yang pegang microphone boom tuh. boomman bukan sekadar pegang microphone, tapi dia jugak bertanggungjawab mendapatkan live audio i.e. dialog pelakon secara analog dalam keadaan yang clear tanpa noise(i.e.bunyi kereta, bunyi burung)..meaning that dioarg kene sentiasa tuning analog/digital recorder diaorg untuk clear sound semasa shooting.
kelebihan boom is sound dalam filem terasa lebih natural dan lebih feel, dimana kebanyakan production hollywood menggunakan live recording(boom) instead of studio dubbing(malaysian style)..and eventhough diaorg menggunakan audio dubbing pun, audio engineer diaorg boleh meneutralkan audio dalam filem2 diaorg tanpa kedengaran seperti dalam studio...aku bukan nak kutuk filem malaysia, tapi most filem malaysia punya audio dubbing mmg suck, whereas aku beranggapan bukan audio engineer tak bagus, but diaorg nak cut cost so audio dalam filem dengar terlalu echo, kadang2 tak real, foley tak kene ngan actual sound and macam2 lagi...
btw...bukan senang nak pakai live audio recording..cam teddy dalam shortcuts cakap..kedudukan microphone pun memainkan peranan yang penting...lari sikit jer dari sound-field actors dah dapat noise..so boomman mestila seorang yang professional dalam audio recording..mean dia bkn setakat pegang microphone jer. |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted
Originally posted by king_kong at 22/5/2005 10:29 PM:
boom merupakan satu teknik audio recording secara live semasa penggambaran filem..instead menggunakan boom, kebanyakan filmmaker kat malaysia prefer guna audio dubbing untuk menjimatkan masa+kos. k ...

Thank you King_kong,
I too don't like Dubs that much...
I prefer natural sound, so I guess using Boom is my best option...
I may use dubbing only for NARRATION purposes... |
ada sape2 kat sini join competition short film tuh? king_kong, mogi, seribulan? manalah tau kita ada filmmaker berbakat kat cari.com nih :bgrin: |
aku hampir2 nak send..but tak jadi coz script aku dah melebihi requirement, dekat 30 pages...diaorg nak maximum 15 pages jer...lagi satu aku x confident la nak send...hehehe...tunggu la next season nyer competition btw, ade sape2 yang send ker? |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

not me...
The same reason -nyo |
adui, sampai 30 pages! Itu macam dah nak jadi feature film lar plak. Aku nak masuk, tapi tak prasan lah plak dia nyer tarikh tutup dah dekat, mana nak tulis script dalam 2 hari. Terpaksa batal niat. |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

Gua juga fikir walaupun dapat directorial debut tapi accompany with professional,
mungkin terjadi beza pendapat -nyo
Walaupun jadi Director pun, these guys thinks they are more superior and if there's pendapat yang berbeza mungkin akan menjadikan keadaan kucar-kacir.
This often happens in the world of Filmmaking so don't tell me the Director have the rights to control the movie...
I just afraid that my style may not be accepted by these kind of people -nyo |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted
Originally posted by cocklea at 1/6/2005 11:20 PM:
adui, sampai 30 pages! Itu macam dah nak jadi feature film lar plak. Aku nak masuk, tapi tak prasan lah plak dia nyer tarikh tutup dah dekat, mana nak tulis script dalam 2 hari. Terpaksa batal niat.

It's possible to do in two days but it won't be perfect -nyo |
tu ler..syok menaip..sedar2 dah 30 pages...nak simplified kan sayang plak sebab dah penat2 type...anyway, aku pun macam banyak keraguan nak send, coz if i win(kalau la kan..takdela nak cakap skrip aku tu mmg the best..)..i dont have any total control over my film and the distribution of that film, and i also are required to participate in any publicity/promotional showcase that been organize by the organizer...aku dah la benci publicity..
but in any cases..aku lagi prefer guna amatur crew, sbb aku sendiri pun amatur and only deal with the professionals at post production |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

I thought being with the professional is just too sudden if you're just new about it...
So I also thought be with the amateur at first would be a good start...
Well, Peter Jackson done amateurly with his friends... (Bad Taste)
Quentin did his first feature also with his friends... (My Friend's Brithday)
...Who else ah -nyo? |
george lucas and steve spielberg also starts amatuerly...watch steven spielberg's Duel for instant...horrendous...
but there are also top directors who started amatuerly but hit the Cannes and others international film festivals with their first break, like darren aronofsky, christopher nolan,david fincher,robert rodriguez,QT and spike jonze..all now are big names in filmmaking world...ironically most of these filmmakers started as a music video director... |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

They say 15 pages...
How long will the feature roughly be?
15 minutes? 30 or more?
Heck, I've seen a 15 minute cartoon episode and they have more dialogue more than 15 pages... (Galaxy Angel, anime series) |
they set the script must not more than 15 pages meaning that they want the script in draft level...in filmmaking 1 page of draft equivalent to 1 minutes of screen time...of course when they want to adapt the script to the screen, a lot of modification,additional and so on will be done... |
king_kong, ko study kat film school ke? Aku nih bercita2 betul nak masuk film school, tapi tak tau tercapai ke tak cita2 tuh. |
aku self taught la cocklea...mane mampu nak enroll film school...cita2 nak enroll kat columbia film school of new york...belajar ngan great directors but sape nak sponsor?..takpola..belajar sendiri jer laa..kang ade duit aku try la apply hehehe |
MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted

Tarantino claimed that he never learn from film school, he just do only by watching movies -nyo... |
i read that one too. He said "When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, 'no, I went to films.'" - IMDB. Tular, film school nih mengarut2 betul fees dia. Tisch at NYU USD25k, pastu Columbia School Of Arts yg ko mention tuh USD50k if include living expenses. Mampos! Betul lar, kita terpaksa belajar sendiri. Film school kat M'sia ni dahlah korok semacam, nak join pon rasa cam bazir duit. |
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