[thread merged] Korean Film : My Little Bride
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My Little Bride

Starring : Kim Rae-Won, Moon Geun-Young, Kim Bo-Gyeong
Director : Kim Ho-Jun
Studio : Bitwin
Rating : 12 Up
Genre : Comedy
Audio Format : DD 5.1 Surround, DTS
Video Format : Widescreen 1.85:1 (Anamorphic)
Languages : Korean
Subtitles : English, Korean
Country Made : Korea
Region Code : 3
Year Made : 2004
Running Time : 115
When a 24-year-old college student marries a 16-year-old high school girl (yes, it's legally possible in Korea), does the match set the stage for an intriguing story full of complicated psychosocial conflict?
In "My Little Bride," the answer is a resounding no.
It was clear from the very beginning that the film was not intended as serious drama. During a premiere for the press, director Kim Ho-jun said it was supposed to convey a "happy and pleasant feeling." So don't expect cinematic artistry.
Sang-min (Kim Rae-won) is a college boy who never stops drooling over cute girls on campus and at the local bar. While staying in Canada to study English, he gets a call from his parents to return to Korea.
He is forced to marry Bo-eun (Moon Keun-young), a cute high school girl. The eight-year age gap does not matter. What matters is that Bo-eun's grandfather keep a promise he made to a friend - Sang-min's deceased grandfather - and that his health is apparently deteriorating fast.
But Sang-min and Bo-eun, who have known each other from childhood almost as brother and sister, don't want to get married.
When they refuse, Bo-eun's grandfather hatches a plot to manipulate the two young people. When he is admitted to a hospital, he pretends to be fatally ill in spite of medical exams indicating he can live another 20 years or more. His illness wins the sympathy of his distraught granddaughter and the marriage takes place to comply with his "dying wish."
It is rather pathetic that the director expects the audience to believe such a weak plot twist, in which Sang-min and Bo-eun are so easily cheated.
Following the wedding, the newlyweds are about to leave for their honeymoon but the bride cancels at the last minute, leaving the groom to wander around Jeju Island alone.
Bo-eun, now a married woman, has a crush on a baseball player from her school and dares to date him secretly, betraying her handsome husband. Now the jilted Sang-min has to win back his bride. Does this sound like a heartwarming story?
Perhaps the director wants to achieve a measure of simple fun with a romantic comedy that appeals to a wide range of moviegoers in Korea. Indeed, Kim Rae-won is a big star, especially among female audiences, after his lead role on a hit TV drama, and it is certainly possible many teenage girls will watch the film just to see him.
Moon Keun-young also shows potential as an emerging teen star, with her way of speaking and fashion sense in sync with trendy high school girls.
Review by Joon Soh (Korea Times)
The new Romantic Comedy "Orin Sinbu (My Little Bride)" stars Kim Rae-won and Moon Keun-young, two of the cutest young actors currently on the big and small screen. And, for better or for worse, the film makes sure the audience knows it. Revolving around an unlikely marriage between a college hunk and a high school student, the film seems perfectly geared towards fulfilling the fantasies of the two celebrities' multitude of teenage fans.
Kim's character Sang-min, a brash college art student with an overactive libido, doesn't stray too far from the roles he played in recent hit television dramas and moderately successful films. Seventeen-year-old Moon, who became an instant household name after the commercial success of her last film, the seriously frightful "Changhwa, Hongryon (A Tale of Two Sisters)," will probably make high school boys swoon again with her portrayal of Bo-un, a high school girl with dewy eyes and a child-like personality.
Due to an old promise made by their respective grandfathers, the two young adults are suddenly forced to become husband and wife. But it's never quite explained why the parents of Sang-min and Bo-un go along with such an absurd notion, except that it's a dying wish of their elders. You'd expect a bit more resistance from Bo-un's parents to the idea of their 16-year-old daughter getting hitched, but outside of a few hissy fits by the mom, they're surprisingly accepting of the whole deal.
The audience, however, barely has time to notice the discrepancy as the film then begins its onslaught of syrupy cuteness. The domestic squabbles of the newlyweds begin from the words "I do," as the frightened Bo-un ditches her new hubby at the airport on their way to the honeymoon. Of the two, it's the reluctant teenage wife who has the hardest time adjusting to her new role, trying to keep the marriage a secret from her fellow students, and, unbeknownst to her husband, dating the high school baseball player of her young dreams.
Given Kim and Moon's drawing power, the film wisely gives itself over to the two actors' charismatic talents. Kim, an expert on being goofy but lovable, floods the film with his full-teethed smiles and manic energy. Moon's livewire porcelain doll act is also fun to watch, though her little kid antics get to feel a bit grating at points.
Add to the mix the obvious jokes about the spinster teacher who is desperate to marry (comedienne Kim Sem in her screen debut), and you have the formula for a winning, if a bit predictable, teen comedy. Older moviegoers may miss having a real plot to follow, but teenage fans of Kim and Moon will probably be happy to just wallow in the sweetness.

source : dvdasian.com |
cari la dvd ke vcd ke
filem besh ...
klaka .. comel ....
mmg besh ler ... |
paling klaka bab karaoke
Sangmin n kekwn kene gi latihan askar
then masa tgh break utk lunck
kaki buli dtg ...
suruh Sangmin wat bumping ...
then Boeun ni pelik lah apsal Sangmin kene bumping
Boeun dtg sebb bawak sushi .. Sangmin suruh
then Boeun .. tak bagi Sangmin trus bumping ...
marah giler Bouen ... protective kat Sangmin
yg Sangmin leh tergelak kat belakang ...
Bouen tanya la ngan nada marah ...
pangkat ape mamat yg buli tuh ... tahun brapa
perghhh tak takut Bouen nih ...
sebb datuk dia pun askar gak .. kira pangkat tinggi
then masa karaoke pun klaka
masa Bouen menyanyi siap menari
macam2 jenis tarian ler ..
lagu takde la rancak sgt ...
tp menari cam rancak ... |
kiter mmg tak boring nengok citer my lil bride nii
best gilerr
kalo ader sambungan best gak
mmmm baru lepas tengok citer windstruck
very touching
tapi yg tak tahan ader gak cha tae hyun dlm citer niii
maser endingnyerrrr |
mmg besh besh besh...
tak bosan sepanjang citer ni, ada je yg mencuit hati.
anak opis mate kita yg umor 6 taun, hari2 tgk citer ni... lepas kita kenalkan. memula pinjam kita punya cd, last2 mak di beli gak, sebab anak dia hari2 nak tgk citer tu, selagi tak beli selagi tu tanya... siap tepon kita tanya kat mana beli sebab makcik dia cari kat jusco tak jumpa... |
... My Little Bride
Sape dah tgk citer korea ni? best siot.. lakonan Kim Rae Won ( Hero My Love Patzzi) ngan Eun Shuh kecik lam Auntumn In My Heart..Ape komen korg? |
Originally posted by adik_belle at 2005-3-9 06:53 PM:
Sape dah tgk citer korea ni? best siot.. lakonan Kim Rae Won ( Hero My Love Patzzi) ngan Eun Shuh kecik lam Auntumn In My Heart..Ape komen korg?
penah dgr tajuk jer .. tak penah tgk citer .. hihihi .. :bgrin: |
dah tgk dah citer ni, best jugak la, kat korea kawin dgn budak bawah umo dalam citer ni macam perkara pelik jer, kat malaysia ni perkara biasa jer....
ader drama korea lakonan lee dong gun yg mpy jln cerita yg hampir sama, tajuk dier aku lupa dah.... |
aerith This user has been deleted
aku dah tgk cite tu...best...swett giler....masa yg kat pub...die panggil laki die balik...klaka...kui..kui..kui :love: |
cerita ni memang best..tengok cerita ni 2-3 kali memang tak jemu... |
aku pon dah brp kali ulang.. mmg best laa... |
rofl This user has been deleted
dlm filem ni munna suka sangat dgn watak moon geun yeon......sweet sangat |
budak tu mmg comey.. masa citer autumn in my heart tu pon sama... cuma la a tale of two sisters tu, kurang skt sbb tak byk scene dia.. hihi..
[ Last edited by adik_belle on 11-3-2005 at 06:30 PM ] |
boleh tahanla...tapi kalu nak lagi klakar..tgk sweet 18..konsep sama gak kahwin budak bwh umur tapi lebih lawak sebab isteri dier tu blur sgt..lagi klakar... |
halfelven This user has been deleted
aku baru tengok tadi.....comeynya budak tuh...umur dia sebenar mmg 15 ke?
tapi nampak pelik plak budak kahwin ngan org dewasa... |
umur masa dier shoot citer tu ke atau sekarang?kalau sekarang umur dier 18 tahun kalu time citer tu umur dier lebey kuwang 16 tahun... |
Originally posted by tupai_tupai at 11-3-2005 10:15 PM:
boleh tahanla...tapi kalu nak lagi klakar..tgk sweet 18..konsep sama gak kahwin budak bwh umur tapi lebih lawak sebab isteri dier tu blur sgt..lagi klakar...
sweet 18?saper blakon?lain ke ngn my wife is 18?? |
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