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Author: Juju

AMWAY -- Everything abt AMWAY

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Post time 16-12-2004 01:05 PM | Show all posts

Emmm Amway

The oldest MLM company still survive in Malaysia.

A lot of good things about Amway. First in the list is its quality product.

MLM industry di Malaysia dah evolved rapidly. Banyak choice, malah much better choice. Kalau kita lihat era ini adalah era syarikat MLM tempatan. Top 10 company easily have 70% local MLM. Reasons are:

1) Local MLM ae now matured and established. Bukan newbies in the industries lagi
2) New local MLM with new exciting and more lucrative compensation plan.

3) Most local MLM provide complete Education System and they realy spent their budget on that.

Kenapa the Overseas MLM susah nak really explode di Malaysia today?

1) Margin dia tak tinggi, US nak certain % , Malaysia nak certain %, end up tak cukup untuk provide complete training and education. I believe most meetings in Amway, Shaklee, Omega Trend etc organized by their own members, member have to pay on their own, kita datang as a prospect pun kena bayar. This is not attractive to most locals.

2) Bila margin rendah, marketing plan payout pun rendah, for so many years orang yang di sanjung sama saja, tak ada ke orang yang baru menjadi top rank. The highest rank sangat2 sukar dicapai, tapi kemewahan mereka diarak keliling kampung. Dalam dunia ni, yang mencapai top rank boleh dikira dengan jari walaupun dah established selama puluhan tahun, di local MLM jutawan terlampau ramai, ada company yang menghasilkan 60 jutawan dalam masa 8tahun di Malaysia saja!

3) Bila payout rendah, Business people yang berada di I dan B quadrants (Robert Kiyosaki) yang pandai mengira keuntungan tidak akan terlibat dengan syt begini, sebaliknya golongan profesional yang berada di E dan S quadrants (golongan makan gaji) yang sememangnya ego tinggi dan kurang pandai mengira profit margin akan somehow tertarik kerana dikelabui oleh Company Background, the profesional arrangement of the product.

4) Di company sebegini, those yang earn RM belasan ribu sebulan diarak satu negeri, sebab pendapatan begitu sudah dikira tinggi, sedangkan di local MLM perolehan belasan ribu sebulan masih dikira kecil, sebab terlalu ramai yang menikmati pendapatan RM50k ke atas.

5) MLM overseas, members mereka bangga dengan pencapaian syarikat dan keprofesionalan produk. MLM local, members lebih bangga dengan pencapaian sendiri, kerana jika mereka berjaya company juga berjaya, dan mereka lebih bangga dengan keberkesanan produk, lengkap dengan deretan real life testimonies.

Cuba fikirkan sejenak, bagi mereka yang telah berkecimpung dalam industri MLM selama bertahun-tahun (ada yang lebih 10tahun, ada yang masih setia dengan company yang sama) tapi masih memperoleh income RM500-800 sebulan.

To get this kind of income, u kena pergi weekly meeting, tinggal anak2 dirumah, isteri/suami dirumah, kena buat home party, kena pergi 2/3days seminar, kena servis downline, malah ada yang di outstation etc etc.. you spent so much time, time yang u boleh spent secara berkualiti dengan keluarga. But what u get is actually peanut, but u still wanna feel so proud about the company.

Kalau i la, pegi jual belacan di pasar malam seminggu sekali pun i boleh dapat income lebih RM1000 sebulan. Some people says money is not everything, but to most people, money is the real thing why they want to do this business, we got 24hrs je, kalau ekonomi masih belum kukuh tapi kita masih cakap money is not every thing, we are really wasting our time, our life.

Bagi mereka yang terasa pedas... bukan tujuan i untuk menghina atau melemahkan semangat, but it is a real fact. Maybe it is a time to open your mind for a fresh new change.

Sekadar pandangan.

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Post time 16-12-2004 01:44 PM | Show all posts

Kebanyakan Golongan Profesional Malu buat MLM

Mereka tak mahu di kenali sebagai pengedar Direct Sales company, jatuh standard, malu dengan kawan2 profesional yang lain.

So apa mereka buat ialah, menukarkan nama tu agar bunyinya lebih sedap di dengar, Internatonal Network Marketing, Consumer Referals Program, Loyal Consumer Network, dalam meeting mati-mati mereka akan menafikan yang mereka adalah MLM atau Direct Sales. Kekeke..

Me like many Malaysian MLMer are so proud to be involved in Direct Sales / MLM which have special act to protect the industry and is contributing close to RM4billion a year!! Apa nak malu. Tak payah nak tukar2 nama.

When i read properly, ramai MLMer suka refer buku Robert Kiyosaki. Apa yang mereka tidak perasan ialah, Robert menekankan satu perkara yang penting dalam bukunya.. Good MLM bukan sekadar produk atau plan, tapi the most important is do the company provide good Education for its members. Robert menekankan, sekadar sale training masih tidak mencukupi sebab ia akan menghasilkan good salesman that will work like a cow for the company, tapi good training education also touch self-development and nurture good culture. Kalau satu syarikat itu dengan jelas kelihatan berpuak2, dan leaders menekan org baru untuk beli itu ini dan lebih banyak condem newbies daripada encourage... there is seriously something wrong with the company education system and its distributors culture.

Kalau jumpa company macam ni jangan jauhkan diri anda... tapi Lariiiiiiiiii

[ Last edited by anis710 on 16-12-2004 at 10:58 PM ]

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Post time 17-12-2004 08:36 AM | Show all posts
Bravo... aku sependapat dengan anis710... :solute:

Aku perasan yang Amway sebenarnya tidak jujur dalam menyampaikan idea mereka kepada prospek baru. Apabila prospek tanya adakah ianya Direct Selling.. Mereka akan jawap bukan, ini adalah satu project networking business yang akan meletup dan kita amat bernasib baik kerana mengetahuinya terlebih dahulu.... Mereka anggap yang kita ni BODOH, tak pernah dengar pasal Amway..

Satu lagi yang aku perasan member yang aktif dalam Amway ni, mereka aku tengok macam telah ditanam satu perasan bahawa Amwaylah segala-galanya Aku tak tau macamana Amway telah rosakkan minda dan pemikiran mereka, tetapi kalau kita bercakap pasal business dengan ahli-ahli aktif Amway ni.. mereka pasti akan kutuk abis-abisan bisnis tu sambil berkata yang Amway is better 10 times la... competitive price la.. itu la.. ini la.... Seolah-olah kalau nak buat direct selling ataupun MLM n, kita mesti buat Amway, pasal Amway sah disisis undang-undang, dan boleh bagi kita passive income dalam masa tiga tahun... Bisnis yang lain semua tipu, tidak menguntungkan dan menyusahkan....

Aku bercakap sebagai seorang ahli Amway yang paling open minded.....

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Post time 17-12-2004 09:05 AM | Show all posts
hello anis ..
apa direct selling yang telah anis ceburi ...

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Post time 17-12-2004 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Ive joined as a member and worked in Direct Sales company almost 50% of my life, they are international and local companies, collectively i manage to earn good income from this industry, as a human we always need more, new genuine opportunities that are worth looking at, will attract me to study further about what they have.

Logically, new company give a fresh new start for everyone in it, the market is fresh and the company management is also in a stage where they are focusing all their energy and resource to ensure their new project take off succesfully. But we must be careful, there are so many con man out there, riding on MLM opportunity to lure ppl to their trap, promising unbelievable bonus payout.

Changing company too many time is a nightmare as a MLMer, these group of people is also known as 'MLM Junkies', they alway claim themselves as a MLM experts. Knowing the fact that almost all new company are prepared to spent big money to migrate leaders into their organization, they go from one company to another sucking the 'migrating fund', they dont really care about their downlines.

Staying in one company for the rest of our life without a resanable success is also a nightmare. Ppl like this need to open their mind a little bit, and calculate the actual realistic payout compare with others in the market now. What u need to look at is the whole package, company, product, plan, education, culture and growth potential. Some establish company have everything except the growth potential slow down tremendously because their members are everywhere, their market is saturated, you might have a lot of excitement when joining such company, but your growth will be not as fast as others. At the end, how much you earn is what matters to majority of us. (Those Dato n Tan Sri who join for other reason is exceptional)

Stability, is alway the 'selling point' for many established company. Stability alone will not generate sales, you got to go out there and meet people, if 6 out of 10 ppl you meet is already a members/they have someone close to them as a member, it will make the time spent a very unproduktive moment.

In this industry, we got to realize something, no matter how proud we are with the company, at the end of the day, we are not the owner of the company, once you are not producing you are nothing to them, however many ppl are trap with the management sweet talk using such statement "This company is yours" "This big expensive office facilities is all ready just for you, its yours!". All these make the ppl feel they are really part of the company, thats what they feel allright but in paper the company is only own by a bunch of directors.

So just enjoy making money while u can, there will aways be new product, new technology, new opportunity... in motivational course all of us have attended, they will surely talk about the important of change..."To improve is to change" World around us are changing, those days we are the only one selling vitamins, now in a row of shop houses we may have 5-6 pharmacies selling vitamins and 400 MLM companies selling their vitamins, latest update from the inside ppl, average of 5 new MLM licence being approved monthly, and they can choose to have 1 year or 5 years licence. Each of them with their own uniqueness to position themselves in the market.

I like this forum because they give me and all of us a platform to voice out what we have in each and eveone of us.

Some truth are a bitter truth. But different ppl look from different angle, up to individual preference.

At the end of the day, everybody have the right to choose what ever they want to do, who ever they want to join.

Sekadar pendapat.

[ Last edited by anis710 on 17-12-2004 at 11:16 AM ]

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miau This user has been deleted
Post time 17-12-2004 02:46 PM | Show all posts
tak kisah la apa2 pendapat pun..miau join ni pun bcoz product nyer banyak yg sesuai dgn miau...terutama artistry tu.... suka sgt.... just guna product utk diri sendiri ajer... tak yah susah2 nak order kat org....

u all selalunya pesan atau pergi sendiri ke RDC utk ambil brg?... bayaran pakai cash atau mcmana?..sajer nak tau....

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Post time 18-12-2004 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miau at 17-12-2004 02:46 PM:
tak kisah la apa2 pendapat pun..miau join ni pun bcoz product nyer banyak yg sesuai dgn miau...terutama artistry tu.... suka sgt.... just guna product utk diri sendiri ajer... tak yah susah2 nak or ...

betul tu miau. biasanya org melayu yg join MLM ni sbb nak beli brg dan guna sendiri je.
tapi org cina & bangsa lain join MLM sbb nak buat $$$$$. so tak heran la kalau kita peratikan
mana2 MLM pun org cina yg duk di tangga paling atas, buat income puluh2 ribu sebulan,
pakai kete mewah 2-3 biji, semua tu atas usaha bisnes yang diaorg buat. lagipun org cina
tak ramai yang makan gaji macam org melayu.

lagi satu kalau pegi hq amway tu, boleh gak jamu2 mata tengok orang india yg dah berpangkat2,
income ribu2 sebulan, parking perdana, honda accord, bmw...bersemangat betul diaorg ni buat
bisnes. terasa diri ni kerdil sangat bila duduk di kalangan diaorg ni.

miau, selalu beli brg oder online ke atau oder kat rdc tu? kalau banyak masa terluang, tak kisah la
kalau tunggu kat rdc 2-3 jam utk ambik brg. i slalu oder online, bayar online dan brg pulak diaorg
deliver ke rumah. takyah susah2 nak gi sana, sesak sangat. esp hari selasa, rasa mcm duduk
di india pulak. penuh dengan kroni samy vellu. :bgrin:

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rofl This user has been deleted
Post time 18-12-2004 03:00 PM | Show all posts
kenapa pilih amway

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Post time 19-12-2004 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Dalam business MLM ni banyak yang dah aku tengok,

Positive side and negative side, sama banyak. Maklumlah semua jenis orang dari segala lapisan boleh join MLM ni, bagi yg miskin sebelum ni, bila dapat income 5 angka for the first time in their life, terkejut giler, dah mula jalan di atas angin, dah mula order kereta mewah, tak cukup satu tapi dua, dah mula bencikan makan gaji dan kutuk golongan makan gaji, mereka ni berbelanja besar seolah2 perniagaannya tiada pasang surut, dengan alasan semuanya inii untuk 'membakar' downline! Ada juga yang dah bersemangat habis, mula lihat pasangan masing2 yang masih belum nampak busines ni sebagai 'pencuri impian' dan tak sesuai dan tak sehaluan, maka mulalah tertarik dengan golongan sealiran, akibatnya keluarga cerai berai.... emm semua ni memang menakutkan. Kebanyakan masalah ini berlaku bila syarikat hanya mementingkan motivasi, sale, sale sale. Mereka suka membesarkan impian, tanpa membimbing ahlinya untuk melalui setiap liku, mencapai setiap matlamat kecil sebelum mencapai matlamat besar. Mereka tak mampu melakukannya kerana mereka tiada budget

Positifnya MLM ni sangatlah banyak, bagi syarikat yang banyak meluangkan masa membangunkan insan, meletakkan budget yang besar untuk setiap ini, akan menghasilkan perkara yang berlawanan daripada perkara2 diatas. Keluarga yang bahagia, berbelanja mengikut kemampuan, 'membakar rangkaian' dengan servis dan followup bukan dengan kemewahan semata2. Orang tersayang tetap dihargai walaupun mereka tidak bersetuju. Menghormati semua orang disekelilingnya, dan menghormati rakan seperjuangan MLM walaupun berlainan syarikat.

MLM yang baik akan mengutamakan pembangunan insan, MLM yang sebaliknya akan bersikap berpuak2, even dalam DSAM dinner kita boleh lihat certain Table company tertentu yang bertepuk sorak macam nak rak bila orang company dia naik pentas, tapi buat tak tahu je bila orang company lain naik pentas, let me tell u that these ppl alwas feel that they always No.1. Alamak, attitude macam ni membuatkan semua orang ditable lain yang mempunyai sale yang ratusan juta setahun, malah ada yg telah mengatasi the so call No.1 tersenyum sinis dan berpandangan diantara satu sama lain melihatkan 'bongkaknya' mereka ini, tak sangka budaya begini dah bermula dari pihak pengurusan rupanya.

Just a share of experience.

Note: DSAM dinner dianjurkan untuk semua ahli Direct Selling Association of Malaysia setiap tahun, disana semua Big Boys in MLM duduk dibawah satu bumbung.

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Post time 19-12-2004 10:30 AM | Show all posts

Menyentuh soal kereta.. mewah dan sederhana mewah

Sebenarnya kereta begini mampu dimiliki oleh siapa sahaja, ramai yang terperdaya kerana meletakkan 'kereta' sebagai kayu ukuran kejayaan seseorang di dalam MLM.

Nak tahu samada seseorang itu betul2 berjaya dalam MLM yang diceburinya, minta dia tunjukkan monthly bonus statementnya, a true leader always keep their statements nicely in one files, incase some 'hard knock' prospect yang susah nak percaya walau pun dah di tunjukkan pelbagai bukti. We call this the last bullet..:-)

Tapi ada leader sesetengah so call top company sampai mati pun dia tak akan tunjukkan bonus statement mereka, sebab actually they dont earn much. But di atas pentas mereka dipositionkan sebagai someone successful in the business, so they have no choice but to act like one.

Let me share some simple calculation. If theres two company did RM300mil sales a year:

Company A, DP: PV ratio is 2:1, bonus pay out is only 50% of the PV which is 25% of DP, in other words you pay RM100 for a product the company total actul bonus payout only RM25 per product! This company already exist for close to 30yrs, for that long they surely have large number of establish leader, because they alway said so. Huge number of leaders, to share a small piece cake! How much each leader earn????

Company B, DP: PV ratio is also 2:1, bonus pay out is only 100% of the PV which is 50% of DP, in other words you pay RM100 for a product the company total actual bonus payout is RM50 per product! They are around for only 8-10yrs, the number of leaders is not as huge as the company A. They share a much bigger piece of cake?? Interesting ehhh.

Good product is everywhere, as i mention before everyday there will be new tech, new findings, new research that create a much better quality product. What we need to do is be open, and we will realize how interesting this commercial world has become.

Note: Leaders mean active distributos.

Just another sharing.

[ Last edited by anis710 on 19-12-2004 at 10:40 AM ]

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Post time 20-12-2004 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rofl at 18-12-2004 03:00 PM:
kenapa pilih amway

pada mulanya hanya nak mencuba produk. bila sekali try dah serasi dengan tubuh, sebab
tu la i terus setia dengan amway. dan sekarang, satu demi satu produk amway i dah cuba.
dan sememangnya i amat berpuashati dengan kualit produk2 amway. walaupun ramai
yang bersungut produk amway ni mahal, tapi kalau dihitung balik ianya lebih menguntungkan
sebab produk2nya tahan lama. malah harga juga dah setanding dengan produk2 MLM yang
lain yang i pernah join (revell, cosway, luxor, Neways, zhulian, synergyplus, elken dan satu lagi dah lupa).

dari segi menjana income dengan amway, i pun baru berjinak2 dan hasilnya melebihi income
dari MLM yang lain. mungkin rezeki i kat sini.

Use magic Report

Post time 20-12-2004 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by anis710 at 19-12-2004 10:30 AM:
Sebenarnya kereta begini mampu dimiliki oleh siapa sahaja, ramai yang terperdaya kerana meletakkan 'kereta' sebagai kayu ukuran kejayaan seseorang di dalam MLM.

Nak tahu samada seseorang itu bet ...

awak ni banyak knowledge dan experience dalam MLM la bagus ...

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Post time 20-12-2004 10:36 AM | Show all posts

Thanks Azliza..

I take it as a complement, i typed all these bukan untuk memburukkan sesiapa, tapi untuk mengambarkan MLM as a whole. I dont blame those yang 'anti' MLM sebab memang ramai yang so call 'MLM expert' tapi buat sesuatu yang tidak mengambarkan budaya sebenar perniagaan MLM.

Dear Rani,

As i mention, produk Amway memang bagus, happy to know that u enjoy yourselves there... good for u. Wish u success.:hatdown:

[ Last edited by anis710 on 20-12-2004 at 10:40 AM ]

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Post time 20-12-2004 10:57 AM | Show all posts

Nak share pengalaman I dalam MLM Amway ni... I jadi ahli December last year. Dah satu tahun..belum pernah 21% tapi dah 3 kali 18%. Kalau nak check.. this month nama I ada dalam Amagram 18%.

Sebenarnya hanya MLM Amway yang I buat dan I dapat hasilnya. I pernah mencuba banyak MLM lain.. tetapi sekadar kumpul kad.. Sebab utama... I pakai barang.. I love the product... itu sebab I boleh pergi. Kedua I faham systemnya.

Semua orang boleh berjaya dalam MLM Amway ni.. tak kira u jurutera ke.. kerana ke.. semua boleh. Dengan hanya berbelanja sebanyak RM 100 sebulan.. pada barangan perlu.. anda boleh mendapat RM 6xxx sebulan, so simple.

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Post time 20-12-2004 11:17 AM | Show all posts

Sorry.. tak boleh tahan

"Dengan hanya berbelanja sebanyak RM 100 sebulan.. pada barangan perlu.. anda boleh mendapat RM 6xxx sebulan, so simple"  

Mislead, MLM is not that simple. Walaupun sekarang ni ramai yang suka guna trend "tak payah jual", "hanya guna produk", maka ditunjukkanlah pulak sistem gandaan. eg. ganda 2, 2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512.. wow hebat, by the end of the presentation you suppose to have over 1000 user members x RM100 each means u have RM100,000 sales! Wow hebat!

Strategi begini lebih menguntungkan syarikat. Realitinya:

1) Kalau pun u sukses mendapatkan 1000 member selepas beberapa bulan, company akan dapat gurenteed 1000 jualan sales kit. Say RM80 per kit = RM80,000 sales from one network alone, plus all other sponsoring - taking some % out from there will be more then enough to cover their operation cost.

2) Nak maintain 1000 people to continue using RM100 product every month is another story. People will keep on falling off , because competition is tough!

Sorry... sekadar pandangan.

Use magic Report

Post time 20-12-2004 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Thats why...people always think negative. When u think positive.. no matter hows hard it is... ia akan jadi mudah.

Kalau semua orang faham.. tak jadi susah. Macam mana tak susah.. belum mencuba dah mengalah.. belum cuba dah kata susah. Kalau kita tak mula dengan diri kita sendiri.. jangan harap orang lain akan mula.. tu yang jadi payah tu...

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Post time 20-12-2004 12:49 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 20-12-2004 04:26 PM | Show all posts

Dear Maizana

Dalam business deal, before we commit anything we lay down a few option and evaluate the best possible deal, yg mana yg realistik yg mana yg tidak. Being positive is good, but on top of that we must evaluate each and every strategy. That way we wont waste unnecessary time.

I have nothing against Amway, i got a friend attach to Amway, she told me the group is big now, like all MLM who have no control over their members, they do face problem from certain group who are practicing the 'wrong' concept.

Kalau nak cuba just cuba.. jangan tak cuba. Its your life your choice. Aku bagi pendapat je.:hatdown:

[ Last edited by anis710 on 27-12-2004 at 11:47 AM ]

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Post time 23-12-2004 05:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by anis710 at 20-12-2004 11:17 AM:
"Dengan hanya berbelanja sebanyak RM 100 sebulan.. pada barangan perlu.. anda boleh mendapat RM 6xxx sebulan, so simple"  

Mislead, MLM is not that simple. Walaupun sekarang ni ramai y ...

itu caranya company nak cari business...sumer company macam gitu.  dia pun nak niaga jugak. kalau u bukak satu company, sure u nak untung punya kan.  so the principle tu sama je.  tak de org nak bukak company nak lingkup.

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Post time 23-12-2004 06:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by anis710 at 16-12-2004 01:05 PM:
The oldest MLM company still survive in Malaysia.

A lot of good things about Amway. First in the list is its quality product.

MLM industry di Malaysia dah evolved rapidly. Banyak choice, mala ...

org tak makan belacan tiap2 hari...:pmuka:

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