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Author: Cari-Azza

"Patutlah Banyak Syarikat Omputeh Buka Kat Sini, Sebab Bayar Gaji Kecik&quo

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Post time 14-1-2020 03:17 AM | Show all posts
Company skrg ni Alhamdulillah, x memeningkan kepala sgt. Sbb CEO and Country Manager kitorang Australian, and AU ni mmg bab2 hak pekerja dorang agak particular. disebabkan I keje shift, cukup 40 hours, kitorang akan dpt rest for 4 days. Kalau rest day jatuh on public holiday or I MC on public holiday, HR bagi i claim OT jugak. Memula keje sini, agak pelik part claim ni. Ada ke apa2 peruntukan mcmni?
Cuma direct manager la agak menyakitkan hati. Baru je buat KPI appraisal, dia boleh suruh i rendahkan rating yg i letak utk diri sndri and ckp sbb i ada amik 60 days maternity leave last year, mcm x fair to other team members yg keje 12 months, i keje 10 months je so i should reduce my ratings?! ape ke sexist sangat.
I stress dgn mamat jinjang ni, tapi nak cari keje lain takut dpt yg worse pulak.

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Post time 14-1-2020 11:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Selalunya company local je yg byk menindas pekerja...ada bbrp contoh terdekat. Byr gaji murah xde epf, socso, xde medical benefits, insurans apatah lg...ari sabtu ahad keja xdikira OT, public holiday xdibyr double..tapi mcm2 keja kena buat...sbbnya boss2 atas tu berpangkat.. Yg tertindas rakyat marhaen jgk huhu

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Post time 14-1-2020 12:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku pernah kerja kerani bank...union bankers nie mmg kuat n mmg terbaik....

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Post time 14-1-2020 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Akta Labour Law kita mmg outdated sgt, lepas tu byk ACT mmg menangkan company, yg nak menangkan pekerja ni banyak benor songeh yer. tu pasal banyak majikan amek kesempatan.

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Post time 14-1-2020 01:58 PM | Show all posts
aku tak setuju la bab yg ckp cuma certain kaum non-malay je yg tindas pekerja. malays pun byk gak yg tindas pekerja. cth mcm member aku la, keje packing kt online shops. elok2 dah keje ikut normal office hour, tetiba bos die tukar jadi shift 3 kali, with no OT. gaji mcm tu gak. bile kire balik mmg waktu keje dah jadi lagi lama dr normal hour. bos kasi kata 2 je, to follow or berhenti.  and that boss tu sebenarnye mmg keji, sbb die mmg nak kurangkan pekerja, tu pasal die kasi rules merepek merapu nk suruh staf berhenti sendiri. so die pun takdela obligation nk kene bayar pampasan ke.

bos tu boss lady gemuk pendek suka travelling. dpt duit je nk travel konon nk mengembara ke 30 buah negara sebelum umur 30an.  pdhal business die dah nak lingkup, ko nak jadi bos yg baik tu sepatutnye amek kira la dulu kebajikan staf ko. dahla mcm takde kawan bos tu pegi melancong pun bawak family je. plg tak leh blah la, kawan aku tu kakak die sponsor gi melancong ke oversea, bleh plak si boss lady gemuk pendek tu mcm sinis perli kawan aku tu, eh awak pun mampu ke pegi melancong oversea?

aku speku boss lady gemuk ni bakalan jadi yaya no 2, bakal perampas laki org, bisnes die pun dengo citernye makin down sejak ramai yg sedar pasal implikasi produk timbang kilo ni. kekdg bkn taknak tgk org melayu ni berjaya, tp kalau dah berjaya mulalah bongkak tak sedar diri

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Post time 14-1-2020 03:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda replied at 14-1-2020 01:58 PM
aku tak setuju la bab yg ckp cuma certain kaum non-malay je yg tindas pekerja. malays pun byk gak yg ...

Company international pun kalau orang tempatan yang run, lingkup juga HR. Pengalaman iols kat korean co. Yang penting co ikut or tak labor laws

Iols memang dah lama attempt nak amik pekerja tapi acah2 je nak amik..sebab takut. Labor law taktau. Iols paling takut kena buli dengan staf Kita hire dia but kita yang buat kerja

Sekarang dok berguru bab HR. Rasa lebih self confident nak membawa bisnes

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Post time 14-1-2020 04:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cikatilia replied at 13-1-2020 12:00 PM
yes undang2 kat malaysia mcm taik
i agree.

Mmg mcm nilah kampeni ..meols dh 6 bulan x dpt kwsp..mmg dh report tapi kalau kampeni ada alasan kukuh tak boleh buat apa jugak dah..

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Post time 14-1-2020 04:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cakap pasal hak pekerja ni enforcment mmg kelaut..rasanya 2persen je yang ikut yg lain acah2 above the law

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Post time 14-1-2020 04:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by KIM.K at 14-1-2020 05:03 PM
fliphair8 replied at 13-1-2020 12:56 PM
hakak pi mahkamah perusahaan, nak report and mintak advice on my case

panjang2 hakak cite,the o ...

Sis, been following you for a while. Mind if I suggest you buat rawatan sihir. I used to have a crooked friend during study yang main sihir untuk berjaya. She really made it high flying & excellent, but in dirty way. This twat manage to get lots of luck, winnings, awards..macam geng Illuminati. Not that their genes smarter, they are not even working any harder than you. They just annihilated competitors & causing severities. Even fatal to your family. True story

Go see a practitioner who can help. A session usually goes up tu RM2-RM3k

Second is, get legal advise from HR lawyer like Get a lawyer by your side, nasihat peguam lebih tepat untuk situasi kritikal. Consultation fee varies RM400-RM800 & if you have to, hire a lawyer

We sue people because of reputation sis. Not money. Kalau org santau you, your reputation will be jeopardized. They'll do anything

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Post time 14-1-2020 05:04 PM | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 14-1-2020 04:32 PM
Ioks baru je belajor HR ni sebabtu berminat, bab cuti belum mantap lagi

Yang iols tau AL 8 hari ...

cuti kami kebanyakannnya mmg habis
xde nya cuti berlebih2
for me cuti 16 hari dgn appt hospital pastu family matter lagi

lepas tu company i bila u apply cuti mcm kena ada proof
ko kena pi court ke ko kena appt hospital yada2
bila ko apply cuti for personal matter ibarat ko mcm curi tulang gitu
walhal ko pakai hak ko

last year i manage ada balance 1 day + 16 = 17
so tgk la mcm mana tahun ni..

cuti kami prorate.. so january sekian2 feb sekian2.. since january ni i apply 3+1 (personal reason) tentu2 1 -2 day kena unpaid..


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Post time 14-1-2020 05:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cikatilia replied at 14-1-2020 05:04 PM
cuti kami kebanyakannnya mmg habis
xde nya cuti berlebih2
for me cuti 16 hari dgn appt hospital  ...

Sorry sis I yang tak berapa faham tadi. Im just learning

Means you've been on service 5 years over. Even that, monthly approval is based on prorate. I ingat probation staf je kita kira prorate

Anyway, what is the ruling for company that forced you to take AL? They have 11 days as company holidays. Can they use your paid holidays?

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Post time 14-1-2020 05:32 PM | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 14-1-2020 05:13 PM
Sorry sis I yang tak berapa faham tadi. Im just learning

Means you've been on service 5 years  ...

yes i dah nak masuk 8 tahun kerja sini... hahahaha i xpsati tapi this is pertama kali kena prorate. company before ni tidak.. cuti ada pon xle amik sbb allocation utk bulan tu xde dah habis..

masa mula2 i masuk paksa cuti tu cuma utk certain dept yg ramai kaum chinese.
kami dlm fashion /  retail industry so mechandise dept mmg ramai chinese.
tapi since 2016 if not mistaken the whole office kena masuk kerja kecuali warehouse sbb nak kena keluarkan brg ke store.

2016 - kami kena forced leave 5 days
2017 & 2018 (xjumpa record)
2019 - 3 days
2020 - 3 days

reason nya i xtahu sbb ni decision owner company (nyonya ahso tahun ni masuk 69 tahun)
selalu supervisor kami cuma ckp - this is the time where u can travel yada2
kami selalu ckp - buat apa cuti lama2.. family kami bukan cuti lama pon and kami prefer perayaan sendiri... etc.. kami ada byk benda lain utk pakai cuti.. utk personal reason la kan..
diorg cuma ckp - what to do...

i dgr ada pejabat buruh dtg tapi benda tu last2 senyap aje (recept bodo tu xcatit plak details.. )
and hr exec yg baik ada mention policy ada pejabat buruh mintak tp mcm... krikk kriikk krikk

and 1 lagi policy yg diketaui.. if you amik mc.. akan effect kami punya bonus which is bukan every year pon... i pergi operation terus ZERO ye bonus.

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Post time 14-1-2020 06:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cikatilia replied at 14-1-2020 05:32 PM
yes i dah nak masuk 8 tahun kerja sini... hahahaha i xpsati tapi this is pertama kali kena prorate ... keje korean co ke sis. Cam kenal je ahso
Iols ingat international co ni cerdik la sikit sebab tu amik sepet ramai rupanya nan hado these days nak jv ke nak keje ke or invest iols mesti baca reviews dulu
Co I dulu pun cuti CNY kemain lagi tapi baju raya customer chinese belum sampai..dah berminggu2 stuck. Dissappointed gila cust tu

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Post time 14-1-2020 07:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 14-1-2020 03:58 PM
Company international pun kalau orang tempatan yang run, lingkup juga HR. Pengalaman iols kat kore ...

HR je yg lingkup, company aman-aman jah. Tp hakikatnye bos-bos kt malaysia ni mmg jenis perah pekerja bawahan. Pastu bongkak la tu kekonon dia berjaya atas usaha sendiri.

Macam ex-boss kawan i yg gemuk pendek takde kawan tu la, start company pakai duit bapak die. Mmg la sembang lebat nk pegi 30 negara sblm umur 30an. And dia mmg acah-acah inesen, bila kawan i tu berenti die bleh ckp tu atas kemahuan kawan i tu. Eh memangla dh ko sesuka ati nk tekan die tanpa gaji tambahan. Plg tak leh blah tu, kedai online je pun ko nak buat smpi 3shift kejadahnye.

Uols jd bos jadila bos yg baik ye, ingat pekerja makan gaji tu seelok-eloknye dahulukan diorg bukannye nafsu serakah sendiri. Tak semua org mampu nk berniaga, lg2 zaman semua harga barang naik ni. Tak salah pun makan gaji, yg salah tu kalau salah guna kuasa sendiri.

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Post time 14-1-2020 08:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda replied at 14-1-2020 07:22 PM
HR je yg lingkup, company aman-aman jah. Tp hakikatnye bos-bos kt malaysia ni mmg jenis perah peke ...

Buat biz sendiri ni memang takde kawan chuols. Banyak cabarannya, orang lain akan disapprove you really hard because they can't even do it. They will go as far as saying anything dangerous, discriminative or unnecessary. Still, hardwork is not a descriptive asset isn't it

I belajar selok belok EA 1955 taknak sangkut payroll, debt or modal. I boleh dakwa employer if necessary. Boleh pegi pejabat perusahaan sendiri. I dah ada pengalaman, so I'm experienced

My other concerns are financial reports & marketing. Running expending biz is too massive for our brain capacity. Dragging through the pressure


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Post time 14-1-2020 10:21 PM | Show all posts
Paling cilakak kampeni yang menghalang pekerja nak tubuhkan union... siap kena disoal siasat sapa2 yang disyaki membawa agenda penubuhan union.. macam haram jadah... pastu diugut macam2.. diciptanya masalah kepada yang tertuduh.. ada yang dimalukan depan customer, anak2 buat & pekerja..

Union tu legal kot. Majikan lahanat buat seolah2 satu pakatan haram. Senang je kalau tak mau pekerja tubuhkan union. Kampeni, HR khususnya sila bagi kerjasama dan penerangan yang betul dan jelas. Ni tak, sikit2 melebihkan pihak kampeni.

Lagi satu, ramai pekerja tak aware benda2 berkaitan law pekerjaan. Ntah silap kat mana, sepatutnya majikan kena dedahkan masa induksi masuk kerja; apa2 law berkaitan, hak2 pekerja-majikan...
Kalau tak, bila lagi pekerja nak tau hak-hak depa? kat tmpt belajar dulu pun tak diajarnya pasal hak2 pekerja. Dah berapa lama pekerja kita di Malaysia ni ditindas. Sama ada sedar atau tak je..

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Post time 15-1-2020 09:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda replied at 14-1-2020 01:58 PM
aku tak setuju la bab yg ckp cuma certain kaum non-malay je yg tindas pekerja. malays pun byk gak yg ...

Cer spill the tea sapooo fonder timbang kati  nehh.?

Anak didik ailio basi or najib tersodok kah?

Boleh maki berjemaah sistur.. hanat nye perangai.. zalim kat staff esok2 disoal gak kat akhirat..


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Post time 15-1-2020 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lonso replied at 14-1-2020 04:10 PM
Mmg mcm nilah kampeni ..meols dh 6 bulan x dpt kwsp..mmg dh report tapi kalau kampeni ada alasan k ...

Apa alasan co chuols chulas bayo kwsp..?

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Post time 15-1-2020 09:36 AM | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 14-1-2020 08:14 PM
Buat biz sendiri ni memang takde kawan chuols. Banyak cabarannya, orang lain akan disapprove you r ...

noks tak perlu la nk justify kan what makes a good businessman or not. yg pentingnye jgn nk penaya org makan gaji. bab takde kawan tu aku rasa ex boss kawan aku tu mmg la dah pandai sgt manipulate org n sistem, siap pandang rendah kt orang lain, eventhough she's a businesswoman pun die tetap takde kawan jugak. and i thought networking tu penting dlm business kot.

nak let go kawan i tu buatla cara yg berhemah, ni buat cara menekan smpi org tu blah. we all get it kalau company mmg tak leh nk laju or untung mcm sebelum ni, tp takyah la wat cara keji utk paksa orang berhenti. kalau company rugi sgt takpe gak, ni sbb nk puaskan nafsu dan tembolok bos je. sape respect bos mcm ni? last i heard ex boss kawan i tu hanya mampu berjalan takat sekinchan jah, pastu kwn i tu nk gi australia, tetiba ex boss die tu up status psl visa australia susah nk lepas pastu kutuk2 australia pulak. nampak tak employer busuk hati mcm tu

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Post time 15-1-2020 09:42 AM | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 14-1-2020 06:12 PM keje korean co ke sis. Cam kenal je ahso
Iols ingat international co ni cerdik la sikit ...

nope sis.. ni ahso local yg sgt2 bukit

baju kami i rasa mcm consider yesteryears
i dont know sapa willing to spend mahal2 for our brand
and i sendiri tak hingin nak masuk kedai kami yg berada di mall mall di KL mostly

yg penting boss kaya kan
keta asik bertukar umah beso mcm resort kat duta sana and also always bercuti keluar negara sampai berminggu
anak also kawin dekat stadium choiiii

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