Post time 8-1-2020 07:25 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 8-1-2020 05:02 PM
Alahai sis... pasal ingat baek la tu, takde plak cerca mencela. Adehhh. Pun ade gak kene ngena nga ...
Apa yg chuols nak delete? Yang dah lepas tu biarkan ajelah. Iols nak happy2 jer masuk umah hady ni. Skrg iols nak tone down sikit. Malas dah nak gaduh nak ngumpat pasal jiran lagi dah Alah pasal retis jer pun. Tapi minat iols kat hady tetap tak berubah
P.s ni semua gara2 benang illuminati iols jadi insaf sekejap .
Post time 8-1-2020 07:41 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kancilku_biru replied at 8-1-2020 07:25 PM
Apa yg chuols nak delete? Yang dah lepas tu biarkan ajelah. Iols nak happy2 jer masuk umah hady ni ...
Sbenarnya takde ape pun citer lelebih. Kutuk pun idok. Malah da mendoakan kebaikkan pun buat sumer. Meols pun tak suka gegadoh. Nak betekak pun bior kat dlm umah la kan..
Nyways, meols pun malas da nak citer panjang. Kita chill2 je k. Enjoy video2 Hady.
Post time 8-1-2020 08:44 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
I was curious with hashtag #HadySteadyPomPiPi
So what I found:
Steady Pom Pipi - A phrase used to describe a person who is able to maintain one’s cool and collected composure while handling a challenging task.