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[Seni] UFO Dalam Lukisan Kuno

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Post time 14-4-2019 03:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syabas dik nancy atas perkongsian ilmu yg hebat ni..
Terasa berilmiah hari minggu akak membacanya..
Ditambah pula dengan selingan lagu Muse.
Kena betul dengan content nya.
Keep it up dik nancy



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 Author| Post time 14-4-2019 03:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fixit replied at 14-4-2019 03:14 PM
Syabas dik nancy atas perkongsian ilmu yg hebat ni..
Terasa berilmiah hari minggu akak membacanya.. ...

terima kasih kaka picit.

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Post time 14-4-2019 04:35 PM | Show all posts
Illustration depicts a sighting by two Dutch ships in the North Sea of an object moving slowly in the sky. It appeared to be made by two disks of different size. The source for this account is one of the books entitledTheatrum Orbis Terrarum by Admiral Blaeu. These books were compilations of articles by different authors and consisted of detailed accounts of long engagements at sea, cartography information, etc.

In France there was a coin minted in 1680 that shows a hovering disc shaped UFO with what appears to be port holes or lights around the outer rim. Due to the fact that a coin was minted depicting this UFO.

15th Century

This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany
The objects were described as 'two glowing wheels' or UFOs
November 4, 1697

Rome"Prodigiorum Liber"

Renaissance illustration of a UFO sighting in Rome detailed
in a book by Roman historian Julio Obsequens.


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Post time 14-4-2019 05:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bagi beragama Islam, kita kena tau, zaman dulu, bukan macam yg kita belajar, jenis berpindah randah, pakai kulit binatang, tak ada bahasa, atau tak pandai menulis..

Sebelum di turunkan ke dunia, Nabi Adam telah banyak ilmu di dada, bukan turun dengan tangan kosong. Di dalam hadis, ketika Allah menghukum Nabi Adam, Nabi Adam berdoa "aku memohon keampunanMu dengan nama Muhammad". Allah tanya, macam mana kenal Muhammad sedangkan Muhammad  belum diciptakan lagi (Allah bertanya Allah tak bermaksud Allah tak tahu sebab Allah Maha Mengetahui).
Nabi Adam jawab "Aku melihat namanya di setiap sudut syurga, dan di tiang arasy". Ni bermaksud Nabi Adam pandai membaca.

Nabi Nuh dan kaumnya hidup seribu tahun lebih, takkan seribu tahun lebih tak ada kemajuan..
Jangan terkejut, sebab kemungkinan besar, kereta terbang dah wujud, malah lebih berteknologi tinggi dari kita.




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Post time 14-4-2019 07:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kurex replied at 14-4-2019 05:31 PM
Bagi beragama Islam, kita kena tau, zaman dulu, bukan macam yg kita belajar, jenis berpindah randah, ...

Setuju. Orang zaman dulu memang berteknologi lebih canggih dr sekarang. Diorang ada ilmu yang zaman skrg pun mungkin tak tercapai akal lagi. Free energy contohnya. Mungkin zaman skrg ada yg dah ada ilmu tu tp tak mungkin kapitalis benarkan develop secara komersial. Dalam sastera melayu pun ada sebut pasal balairong berpusing. Balairong berpusing tu ufo ke? Wallahualam.



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Post time 14-4-2019 07:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols x baca artikel ni..nanti baru baca
Tapi iols mmg.suka tgk lukisan org dedolu..
Hatta cite novel.bebudak ke iols suka baca.masa.kekecik disebabkan ada lukisan..
Bagi iols lukisan dedolu bermakna pada iols..


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Post time 14-4-2019 08:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bluecathaze replied at 14-4-2019 07:39 PM
Setuju. Orang zaman dulu memang berteknologi lebih canggih dr sekarang. Diorang ada ilmu yang zama ...

Penemuan bateri di iraq, pemain cd yg ditemui dalam laut, ukiran gua di lembah hijr, pembinaan bahtera Nuh, pengalihan istana balqis, pembuatan besi oleh Nabi Daud, gambar sistem elektrik zaman Nabi Musa.. Antara bukti teknologi dulu lagi tinggi. Nabi kita sendiri bagitau "umat aku akan kembali kepada umat yg dulu".
terbukti kita pun dah ada teknologi. sebab teknologi, kita pun bermegah, sama dengan umat umat sebelum ni.
Kita dimomokkan zaman dulu istana  dibina dengan papan walhal istana dibina begitu gah sampai boleh tempatkan gajah dalam tu.



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Post time 14-4-2019 09:30 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 14-4-2019 09:31 PM

one of the most baffling topics, bertahun jd bahan perdebatan. selain tu ai rasa "out of place artifacts" pun menarik jua.

nak tambah satu lg lukisan:
Glorification of the Eucharist aka Esaltation of the Eucaristy - dilukis oleh artis Bonaventura Salimbeni pada tahun 1600 utk Church of San Pietro, Montalcino iaitu salah sebuah pekan kecil di Florence, Itali.

turut dikenali sbg lukisan The Sputnik of Montalcino sbb benda berbentuk sfera di tgh2 menyerupai satelit Sputnik 1

replika sputnik 1

The content of the painting, originally commissioned by the Church of San Pietro in Montalcino, likely has a less esoteric explanation: the object in question is actually a celestial sphere. However, not everyone agrees with this analysis, and some think a mystery lies at the heart of these peculiar objects found in paintings throughout history.

Ancient Alien Theories
A celestial sphere (also known as a creation globe) is an early artistic representation of the cosmos. Earth lies at the center, and spherical layers containing the other planets, the stars, the Moon, and the Sun surround it. Many paintings throughout history have depicted these spheres, which are typically grayish or dark in color, and you can find several examples of them here. The Sun and the Moon are clearly represented within the sphere of the Glorification of the Eucharist.

Those who believe the object is not a celestial sphere, however, point out the lack of stars and its metallic reflection, as well as its apparent metal plating, such as what you’d expect from an early man-made satellite.

They also note the strangeness of the “antennae,” which are more commonly explained to be symbolic wands held by Jesus and the Heavenly Father. Instead, theorists note that they almost seem to have a retractable “telescope” design.

As with many ancient alien theories, it is then claimed that, at some point in the past, Salimbeni and other artists may have encountered unidentified extraterrestrial objects and represented them in their paintings.

Time Travel Possibilities
A more intriguing theory is that the “satellite” in the painting is not extraterrestrial at all, but rather man-made, a product of Earth. And that leaves us with another possible conclusion: time travel.

Like other seemingly anachronistic anomalies in photographs and paintings, some claim the Glorification of the Eucharist contains proof that time travelers are out there, accidentally (or perhaps purposefully) leaving clues that temporal excursions are possible.

How or why would an object so similar to Sputnik 1 find itself in the time of Ventura Salimbeni? Perhaps he took this altogether ordinary object from 1957, somehow displaced through time and space, as a vision from the heavens.


ummah skeptikal punya hujah utk debunk:

The sphere between the figures of the Holy Trinity is not a UFO. The object, painted in many Trinity representations of the period, is a symbol of the “Celestial Sphere” – not the Earth, but the universe as a whole – and in this particular painting, contains the illustration of the Sun and the Moon.

The Trinity is represented by Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit in the shape of a dove. The “wands” being held are not sputnik antennas, as UFO believers insist, these “wands” symbolize the control Jesus and the Father have on the universe, as is represented here on the left, with the Earth at the center of the Universe, being held by God’s hand.

It’s a representation of the Sphaera Mundi – the sphere of the world – in medieval literature. The sphaera mundi is a model of the cosmos that at its most elementary is very simple indeed. At the centre of it is the earth, so small as to be virtually a dot in comparison to the whole or even to the smallest star. Earth is surrounded by the sea, which in turn is surrounded by air, as also air is surrounded by fire. Surrounding the fire is a sphere that ‘bears’ the moon, and around that sphere are others, like layers of an onion, bearing the other planets: Mercury, then Venus, the sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Then come the sphere bearing the fixed stars and, beyond it, one or more others. All these spheres together constitute the sphere of the world.

The symbols used here are no different than many other paintings during this period depicting the same subject matter.

Here is a small sample of paintings using similar symbols, including the “wands”, to depict the Trinity and the Universe:

Conclusion: The sphere between the figures of the Holy Trinity in the “Esaltation of the Eucaristy” by Salimbeni, is not a UFO. The object, painted in many Trinity representations, is a symbol of the “Celestial Sphere”, and in this particular painting contains the illustration of the Sun and the Moon.


Terpulang pd interpretasi masing2

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Post time 14-4-2019 10:02 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 14-4-2019 10:05 PM
seribulan replied at 14-4-2019 02:05 PM
United States - Native Americans
Petroglyphs dating back thousands of years ago by ancient Indians  ...

Salah satu mitos puak native American iaitu orang Hopi percaya mereka adalah keturunan "Star People" - makhluk yg datang dari langit nun jauh di sana, di mana bintang2 berlegar2 katanya.

Menurut mitos Hopi, mereka berasal dari gugusan bintang Pleiades juga dikenali sbg "Seven Sisters" atau dlm bahasa Hopi "Tiyami"

Kisahnya, tujuh org anak dara dikejar oleh beruang. Oleh kerana penat teramat, mereka pun berlutut dan berdoa meminta pertolongan dewa. Tiba2 kawasan tanah sekeliling mereka bergegar2 dan kemudian mula terbelah. Tanah tempat mereka berlutut itu mula terangkat dan terapung, menjauhkan mereka dari ancaman bahaya yg makin dekat. Si beruang pula cuba mencakar2 tanah yg mengapungkan 7 beradik itu. Mereka terselamat dan ditempatkan di langit sbg Pleiades. Tanah yg mengangkat mereka ke langit menjadi Devils Tower di Wyoming.

Devils Tower

Pleiades jika dilihat pd langit

- Puak native American lain spt Cree percaya nenek moyang mereka datang dari bintang2 dlm bentuk roh sebelum berubah jd manusia.
- Puak Zuni pula menyatakan bahawa bahasa mereka datang dari langit.

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Post time 14-4-2019 10:13 PM | Show all posts
Lukisan pra sejarah di gua Chhattisgarh, India, berusia 10ribu thn yg mungkin menggambarkan UFO dan alien

The caves come under village Chandeli and Gotitola. Local residents have an ancient tale of “rohela people” – or the small ones – who used to come from the sky and took away several villagers, never to return.

“The paintings are done in natural colors that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. Specially, the nose and mouth are missing,” the scientist said.

“In a few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits. We can’t refute possibility of imagination by prehistoric men, but humans usually fancy such things,” he added.



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Post time 14-4-2019 10:17 PM | Show all posts
nak jugak sumbangkan satu lagu dlm playlist TT

I always wanted you to go
Into Spaceman (Intergalactic Christ)...



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Post time 15-4-2019 12:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pernah menghadiri seminar ketokohan cendikiawan Kelantan yang menggunakan nama Nakula, ada yang memberitahu bahawa Nakula memberi pendapat dia tentang UFO. Apa pendapat dia aku tak tahu sebab tidak diberitahu dengan lebih lanjut.



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Post time 15-4-2019 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Interesting info

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Post time 15-4-2019 09:51 AM | Show all posts
tq TT. sangat bagus info tentang pelukis2 tu..yang selalu disebut2 hanya van gogh, da vinci, picasso sedangkan ramai lagi pelukis2 lain yang terkenal spt monet, rembrandt, michaelangelo, frida etc lah..

berkenaan UFO pula, aku agak skeptikal dgn kewujudannya.. yelah..selalu yang kita dgr hanya muncul kat us, jarang atau hampir tiada di negara2 lain.



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 Author| Post time 15-4-2019 12:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 14-4-2019 10:17 PM
nak jugak sumbangkan satu lagu dlm playlist TT

thank you daniiiiiii!!!

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Post time 15-4-2019 10:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KILL_NANCY replied at 14-4-2019 12:04 PM
Berbalik pada lukisan The Madonna with Saint Giovannino yang pernah kontroversi suatu ketika dah ...

kenapa yang dongak tu dalam setiap lukisan adalah pengembala kambing..orang lain tak perasan ke

teori yang pasal dorang lukis bulan tu macam betul jugak kan..zaman dulu dorang tatau rupa bentuk bulan yang betul so lukis je la benda bercahaya gitu



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 Author| Post time 16-4-2019 02:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kurex replied at 14-4-2019 05:31 PM
Bagi beragama Islam, kita kena tau, zaman dulu, bukan macam yg kita belajar, jenis berpindah randah, ...

hai kurex.

hadith nabi adam bertawasul kepada muhammad s.a.w adalah hadith lemah dan palsu, menyumbang kepada kekeliruan.

hadith ni hadith al mustadrak,4228.mula2 imam al hakim declared hadith ni sahih sanadnya asbab beliau ni dapat daripada perawi pertama iaitu abdul rahman ibnu zaid ibnu aslam.pun begitu bila imam dzahabi semak balik al mustadrak ni beliau mendapati hadith ni maudhu' dan palsu lalu beliau pun buat bantahan.yang buat line panas apsal imam al hakim tak nukilkan sekali kalam imam al baihaqi selepas bawa hadith tu, sebab dia pun terlibat.

hadith ni diriwayatkan juga oleh al baihaqi dan dalail an nubuwwah.tiada musyawarah di antara abdul rahman bin zahid dengan dua perawi lagi tu.dia sorang2 je riwayatkan hadith tu.dia tak follow SOP..dia dhaif.

enam orang imam muktabar duk kata hadith beliau dhaif.laisa hadisuhu bi syai' dhaif.imam ahmad, abu yatim, yahya bin ma'in, ali al madini, abu zur'ah termasuk ibnu hibban.beliau tunggang terbalikkan riwayat yang beliau sendiri keliru, not based on fact sampai banyak riwayat tu jadi mursal, mauquf dan dimarfu' memang layak ditinggalkan.

imam hafiz bin hajar pula taruk imam al hakim, beliau keluarkan satu statement mengkritik al hakim.

"antara perkara pelik yang dilakukan oleh al hakim adalah apabila beliau meriwayatkan riwayat daripada abdul rahman ibnu zaid ibnu aslam, lepastu beliau duk claimed hadith ni sahih sanadnya dan ia adalah hadith pertama beliau (al hakim) sebutkan daripada abdul rahman ibnu zaid ibnu aslam.sedangkan pada masa yang sama beliau menyatakan dalam kitabnya ad dhu'afa iaitu - abdul rahman ibnu zaid ibnu aslam meriwayatkan daripada ayahnya hadith2 palsu.maka tidaklah tersembunyi daripada sesiapa mengkajinya daripada ahli ilmu bahawa beliau adalah yang bertanggungjawab atas pemalsuan hadith ini."<<<< ni dipetik daripada kitab an nukat, ibnu as salah, halaman 1 daripada 318 halaman.

lepastu ada suara2 sumbang dakwa ibnu taimiyyah guna hadith ni untuk nak jelaskan kepada hadith sahih.ibnu taimiyyah pun sangkal dakwaan ni, beliau guna hadith ni asbab nak tunjukkan hadith ni palsu bukan nak sahihkan hadith ni.A BIG NO NO.

ni statement ibnu taimiyyah :

aku iaitu ibnu taimiyyah berkata, "periwayatan al hakim kepada hadith ni merupakan antara yang diingkari.sesungguhnya beliau sendiri TELAH menyatakan di dalam kitabnya al madkhal ila ma'rifah al sahih min al saqim : abdul rahman ibnu zaid ibnu aslam meriwayatkan daripada ayahnya hadith2 palsu.maka tidaklah tersembunyi daripada sesiapa mengkajinya daripada ahli ilmu bahawa beliau adalah yang bertanggungjawab atas pemalsuan hadith ini."

nampak tak statement ibnu taimiyyah dengan hafiz bin hajar sama sedikit pun tak longkah.haaa.hadith ni adalah hadith palsu sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh ulama hadith akan hal ini.wallahu a'lam.

forum is a place which people exchange ideas, discuss issues and relieve stress.cuma saya tak nak kekeliruan berlaku pada mata2 yang membaca.sesungguhnya saya tak berprasangka sedikit pun pada awak.hanya sekadar teguran tidak lebih daripada tu.ilmu mu'amalah ni nak kena tapis betul kalau tak, tak jumpa mukasyafah tu.

saya suka pendapat awak, saya suka thread saya forumer berdiskusi sesama sendiri daripada berborak kosong.itu memang idaman saya.

saya tahu apa yang kurex nak sampaikan .... dan pada saya lebih baik kurex lampirkan surah al an'am ayat 6 instead hadith nabi adam bertawasul ni.lagi tepatkan dengan usul yang kurex nak ketengahkan.

Apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan beberapa banyak generasi yang telah Kami binasakan sebelum mereka, padahal (generasi itu) telah Kami teguhkan kedudukan mereka di muka bumi, iaitu keteguhan yang belum pernah Kami berikan kepadamu, dan Kami curahkan hujan yang lebat atas
mereka dan Kami jadikan sungai-sungai yang mengalir di bawah mereka, kemudian Kami binasakan mereka kerana dosa mereka sendiri dan Kami ciptakan sesudah mereka generasi yang lain.
al an'am ayat 6.

wallahu a'lam.



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 Author| Post time 16-4-2019 02:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 15-4-2019 12:43 AM
Pernah menghadiri seminar ketokohan cendikiawan Kelantan yang menggunakan nama Nakula, ada yang memb ...

sharlene menarik tu.kat mana saya boleh baca ya?

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2019 02:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kucingitam replied at 15-4-2019 09:51 AM
tq TT. sangat bagus info tentang pelukis2 tu..yang selalu disebut2 hanya van gogh, da vinci, picasso ...

terima kasih kucingitam.

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2019 02:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MeghanK replied at 15-4-2019 10:53 PM
kenapa yang dongak tu dalam setiap lukisan adalah pengembala kambing..orang lain tak perasan ke  ...

meg, dalam psalm 23 pun ada image shepherd ni, contoh :

good shepherd tu refer kat jesus di mana bible (pericope of john) menggambarkan baginda adalah seorang pengembala kambing yang menghabiskan masanya dengan menjaga/menternak kambing biri2.

sebab tu banyak karya2 era renaissance diorang lukis gambar shepherd sebagai stafaj.itu simbolik bagi jesus.banyak karya berbaur religious setting masa dulu2 kan.



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